Mission of Honor-ARC

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Mission of Honor-ARC Page 69

by David Weber

  platoon Sergeant, First Platoon, Alpha Company, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  Hawke, Captain Spencer, Harrington Steadholder's Guard

  Honor Alexander-Harrington's senior personal armsman.

  Hemphill, Admiral Sonja, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Baroness of Low Delhi, Fourth Space Lord, Royal Manticoran Navy; CO Bureau of Weapons.

  Henke, Admiral Gloria Michelle Samantha Evelyn, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Countess Gold Peak; CO, Tenth Fleet.

  Hennessy, Lieutenant Commander Coleman, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Admiral Sonja Hemphill's chief of staff.

  Henning, Lieutenant Commander Vivienne, Mesan Alignment Navy

  Admiral Frederick Topolev's staff astrogator.

  Higgins, Admiral Allen, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Home Fleet.

  Hitchcock, Roman

  System President, Visigoth System.

  Hübner, Captain Lieselotte "Liesel", Royal Manticoran Navy

  Sir Thomas Caparelli's chief of staff.

  Hurskainen, Stanley

  President, Republic of Mannerheim, Mannerheim System.

  Imbar, Efron

  a reporter for Star Kingdom News.

  Inbari, Lieutenant Commander Mazal, Royal Manticoran Navy

  astrogator, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Ingebrigtsen, Captain Luciana, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  CO, Alpha Company, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  Iwasaki, Corporal Dunstan, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  section leader, First Platoon, Alpha Company, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  Jackson, Chief Petty Officer Manitoba, Royal Manticoran Navy

  primary helmsman, HMS Quay.

  Jackson, Lieutenant Sylvester ("Sly"), Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  CO, Second Platoon, Alpha Company, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  Jaruwalski, Captain (JG) Andrea, Royal Manticoran Navy

  operations officer, Eighth Fleet.

  Jefferson, Captain (SG) George, Royal Manticoran Navy

  senior officer, Delta Division, Research and Development Command, HMSS Weyland.

  Johansen, Lieutenant Commander Barnabé, Royal Manticoran Navy

  astrogator, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  Justice, Special Officer Sharon

  special officer Victor Cachat's second-in-command, Erewhon Sector, Foreign Intelligence Service, Republic of Haven.

  Kagiyama, Ensign Aikawa, Royal Manticoran Navy

  junior officer serving in HMS Hexapuma.

  Kakadelis, Nikomedes ("Nicky")

  Chief Councilor, Democratic Republic of Thrace, Thrace System.

  Karlberg, Commodore Emil, Nuncio Space Force

  senior officer, Nuncio Space Force.

  Karpova, Senior Chief Petty Officer Oxana, Royal Manticoran Navy

  helmswoman, HMS Stevedore.

  Kew, Sir Barnabas

  permanent undersecretary; Manticoran foreign office, special envoy to the Republic of Haven.

  Kgari, Lieutenant Commander Theophile, Royal Manticoran Navy

  staff astrogator, Eighth Fleet.

  Khumalo, Vice Admiral Augustus, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Talbott Station.

  King Clinton III

  see Clinton Thompson.

  Kittow, Commander Joshua, Royal Manticoran Navy

  XO, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  Kolosov, Lieutenant Peter, Royal Manticoran Navy

  XO, HMS Reprise.

  Kolstad, Commander Felicidad, Mesan Alignment Navy

  Admiral Frederick Topolev's operations officer.

  Krietzmann, Henri

  Minister of War, Alquezar Government, Talbott Quadrant.

  Kubrick, Joan

  Board Chairman, Maxwell Association, Maxwell System.

  Kyprianou, Renzo

  head of bio-weapon research for Mesan Alignment.

  Lababibi, Samiha

  Treasury Minister, Alquezar Government, Talbott Quadrant.

  LaFollet, Colonel Andrew, Harrington Steadholder's Guard

  Raoul Alexander-Harrington's personal armsman.

  Landry, Lieutenant Commander Bridget, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO HMS Dagger, Division 265.2.

  Langtry, Sir Anthony

  Foreign Minister, Star Empire of Manticore.

  Larson, Commander Ron, Royal Manticoran Navy

  XO, HMS Artemis.

  Lazlo, Admiral Dunichi, Solarian League Navy

  CO, Battle Squadron 196; Fleet Admiral Sandra Crandall's second-in-command.

  Lázló, Commodore András, Spindle System Navy

  senior officer, Spindle System Navy.

  Lecter, Captain (JG) Cynthia, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Admiral Michelle Henke's chief of staff.

  LePic, Denis

  Attorney General, Republic of Haven.

  Lewis, Captain (JG) Ginger, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Delta Division, Research and Development Command, HMSS Weyland.

  Lewis, Commander Stillwell ("Stilt"), Royal Manticoran Navy

  operations officer, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Lewis, Rear Admiral Victor, Republic of Haven Navy

  CO, Office of Operational Research, Republic of Haven Navy.

  Lindsay, Lieutenant Hector, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  CO, First Platoon, Alpha Company, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  Lister, Captain Anthony, Solarian League Navy

  CO, SLNS Anton von Leeuwenhoek; Admiral Keeley O'Cleary's flag captain.

  Lucas, Reynaldo ("Ray")

  Marquis Reynaldo IV, Marquisate of Denver, Denver System.

  Lynch, Commander Horace, Royal Manticoran Navy

  tactical officer, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  MacDerment, Captain Motoyuki, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  CO, Bravo Company, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  MacKechie, Major Esmé, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  CO, Marine detachment, HMS Artemis.

  Macklin, Commander Teresa, Solarian League Navy

  tactical officer, SLNS Anton von Leeuwenhoek.

  Maddux, Captain Baruti

  CO, Aldona Anisimovna's "yacht" Bolide.

  Manning, Rear Admiral Nathalie, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Battlecruiser Division 108.2

  Manston, Lieutenant (JG) Heather, Royal Manticoran Navy

  astrogator, dispatch boat HMS Hare.

  Marcos, Captain Matheson, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, HMS Star Dance.

  Markiewicz Major Evgeny, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  CO, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  Marquette, Admiral Arnaud, Republic of Haven Navy

  chief of the naval staff, Republic of Haven.

  Marquis Reynaldo IV

  see Reynaldo Lucas.

  Maslov, Lieutenant Isaiah, Royal Manticoran Navy

  electronic warfare officer, HMS Artemis.

  Matsuko, Dame Estelle

  Baroness Medusa; Imperial Governor, Talbott Quadrant.

  Maurier, Francine

  Baroness Morncreek; Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Star Empire of Manticore.

  McBryde, Jack

  Chief of Security, Gamma Center, Mesan Alignment.

  McClelland, Commander Martin, Mesan Alignment Navy

  Admiral Frederick Topolev's staff electronics warfare officer.

  McClure, Sergeant Jefferson, Harrington Steadholder's Guard

  Emily Alexander-Harrington's personal armsman.

  McCormick, Lieutenant Clinton, Royal Manticoran Navy

  tracking officer assigned to Perimeter Security Command, Manticore binary system.

  McGill, Lieutenant Heather, Royal Manticoran Navy

  tactical officer, HMS Reprise.

  McGillicuddy, Commander Anastasia, Royal Manticoran Navy

  officer assigned Manufacturing and Prototyping Command, HMSS Weyland.

  McGraw, Sergeant Clifford, Harrington Steadholder's

  one of Honor Alexander-Harrington's personal armsmen.

  McGwire, Senator Samson

  Senator, Republic of Haven; New Conservative Party.

  McMahon, Captain Vince, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, HMS Star Witch; commodore James Tanner's flag Captain.

  Milne, Captain Hayden, Mesan Alignment Navy

  CO, MANS Genesis, Albrecht Detweiler's "yacht."

  Monahan, Ensign Rachel, Royal Manticoran Navy

  junior officer assigned to HMS Reprise.

  Montella, Lieutenant (SG) Atalante, Royal Manticoran Navy

  communications officer, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Monticelli, Rebecca ("Becky")

  President, Comstock Republic, Comstock System.

  Montoya, Commodore Alvin, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Battlecruiser Division 108.1.

  Montreau, Leslie

  Secretary of State, Republic of Haven.

  Moorehead, Sybil

  Prime Minister Alquezar's chief of staff.

  Morozov, Lieutenant (SG) Ramón, Royal Manticoran Navy

  logistics officer, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Mulcahey, Carissa

  Baroness Selleck; special envoy to the Republic of Haven.

  Myau, Surgeon Lieutenant Zhin, Royal Manticoran Navy

  ship's surgeon, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  Myerson, Chief Petty Officer Wesley, Royal Manticoran Navy

  second helmswoman, HMS Quay.

  Nagchaudhuri, Commander Amal, Royal Manticoran Navy

  XO, HMS Hexapuma.

  Navarro, Lieutenant Aldonza, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  CO, Third Platoon, Alpha Company, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  Nesbitt, Colonel Jean-Claude

  chief security officer, Department of State, Republic of Haven.

  Nesbitt, Tony

  Secretary of Commerce, Republic of Haven.

  Neukirch, Lieutenant Commander Gilderoy, Royal Manticoran Navy

  tactical officer, HMS Star Witch.

  Neville, Lieutenant Gervais Winston Erwin ("Gwen"), Royal Manticoran Navy

  Admiral Michelle Henke's flag lieutenant.

  O'Cleary, Admiralty Keeley, Solarian League Navy

  CO, Battle Squadron 326; Fleet Admiral Sandra Crandall's third-in-command.

  Ødegaard, Lieutenant Commander Mateuz, Royal Manticoran Navy

  intelligence officer, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Omelchenko, Commodore Milena, Mesan Alignment Navy

  CO, Task Group 1.4, Oyster Bay operation.

  Omprakash, Captain Kalidasa, Solarian League Navy

  Admiral Keeley O'Cleary's communications officer.

  Onasis, Commodore Shulamit, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Battlecruiser Division 106.2.

  O'Shaughnessy, Gregor

  Dame Estelle Matsuko's senior civilian intelligence analyst.

  Østby, Commodore Karol, Mesan Alignment Navy

  CO, Task Group 1.3, Oyster Bay operation.

  O'Sullivan, Commander Michael, Royal Manticoran Navy

  XO, HMS Rigel.

  Ottweiler, Valery

  a senior member of the Mesan foreign service.

  Oversteegen, Rear Admiral Michael, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 108.

  Pabst, Lieutenant Valencia, Solarian League Navy

  an officer aboard SLNS Anton von Leeuwenhoek.

  Palmarocchi, Master Sergeant Clifton, Royal Manticoran Marine Corps

  company sergeant major, Alpha Company, Marine detachment, HMS Rigel.

  Papnikitas, Rear Admiral Lydia, Mesan Alignment Navy

  CO, Task Group 1.2, Oyster Bay operation.

  Peplinski, Lieutenant Mickey, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, dispatch boat HMS Hare.

  Pershing, Lieutenant Commander John, Royal Manticoran Navy

  HMS Raven, Division 265.2.

  Petersen, Lieutenant Linda, Royal Manticoran Navy

  astrogator, HMS Javelin.

  Polanski, Anton

  System President, Vine System.

  Pope, Commander Tom, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Sir Aivars Terekhov's chief of staff, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Powell, Captain Markus, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Vice Admiral Claudio Faraday's chief of staff, HMSS Weyland.

  Prince Felix II

  hereditary ruler of the Siegfried System.

  Pritchart, Eloise

  President of the Republic of Haven.

  Redondo, Consuelo

  a reporter for the Sphinx News Association.

  Retallack, Commander Steren, Royal Manticoran Navy

  operations officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 108.

  Reynolds, Commander George, Royal Manticoran Navy

  intelligence officer, Eighth Fleet.

  Richardson, Lieutenant Osama, Royal Manticoran Navy

  engineer, HMS Reprise.

  Rodriguez, Lieutenant Sinead, Royal Manticoran Navy

  communications officer, HMS Rigel.

  Roquefort, Rear Admiral Benesek, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, HMSS Vulcan.

  Rousseau, Angela

  President Eloise Pritchart's personal assistant.

  Sackett, Commodore Lemuel, Montana System Navy

  senior officer, Montana System Navy.

  Sambroth, Commander Nicolette, Solarian League Navy

  tactical officer, SLNS Joseph Buckley.

  Sanderson, Walter

  Secretary of the Interior, Republic of Haven.

  Saunders, Captain Victoria, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, HMS Hercules; Vice Admiral Khumalo's flag captain.

  Schreiber, Lieutenant Commander Utako, Mesan Alignment Navy

  Commodore Roderick Sung's operations officer.

  Seidel, Lieutenant Landbert, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Engineer, HMS Stevedore.

  Shavarshyan, Commander Hago, Solarian League Navy

  Frontier Fleet intelligence officer attached to Fleet Admiral Sandra Crandall's staff.

  Shaw, Captain Terence, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Admiral Sir Lucien Cortez's chief of staff.

  Shoupe, Captain Loretta, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Vice Admiral Khumalo's chief of staff.

  Simoes, Dr. Herlander

  Mesan Alignment hyper-physicist assigned to Gamma Center, Green Pines, Mesa.

  Sloan, Chief Petty Officer Tamara, Royal Manticoran Navy

  a noncom aboard HMS Reprise.

  Stabolis, Ericka

  Evelina Detweiler's genetically enhanced bodyguard.

  Stabolis, Heinrich

  Albrecht Detweiler's genetically enhanced bodyguard.

  Staunton, Sandra

  Secretary of Biosciences, Republic of Haven.

  Stimson, Captain Tobias, Harrington Steadholder's Guard

  Hamish Alexander-Harrington's personal armsman.

  Stone, Vincent

  Director, Directorate of New Orkney, New Orkney System.

  Strickland, Lieutenant Commander Sharon, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, HMS Stevedore.

  Sugihara, Captain (SG) Brian, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Rear Admiral Warren Trammell's chief of staff.

  Sugimatsu, Lieutenant Commander Andrew, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, HMS Quay.

  Sullivan, Captain Ambrose, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, HMS Rigel; Admiral Michael Oversteegen's flag captain.

  Sung, Commodore Roderick, Mesan Alignment Navy

  CO, Task Group 2.2, Oyster Bay operation.

  Taliadoros, Kyrillos

  Aldona Anisimovna's genetically enhanced bodyguard.

  Tanner, Commodore James, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Cruiser Squadron 114.1.

  Tarantino, Robert ("Bob")

  Chancellor, Republic of New Bombay, New Bombay System.

  Telmachi, Robert

  Archbishop of Manticore.

  Tennard, Sergea
nt Jeremiah, Harrington Steadholder's Guard

  Faith Harrington's personal armsman.

  Terekhov, Commodore Sir Aivars, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Tersteeg, Lieutenant Commander Maxwell, Royal Manticoran Navy

  electronic warfare officer, Tenth Fleet.

  Theisman, Admiral Thomas, Republic of Haven Navy

  Secretary of War, Republic of Haven, and Chief of Naval Operations, Republic of Haven Navy.

  Thiessen, Sheila

  senior member of President Eloise Pritchart's personal security detachment, Republic of Haven.

  Thomas, Lieutenant Irena, Royal Manticoran Navy

  communications officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 108.

  Thompson, Clinton

  King Clinton III, ruler of the Kingdom of New Madagascar, Oceana System.

  Timmons, Chief Petty Officer Randall, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Rear Admiral Tina Yeager's senior yeoman.

  Tobolowski, Lieutenant Basil, Royal Manticoran Navy

  staff astrogator, Battlecruiser Squadron 108.

  Topolev, Admiral Frederick, Mesan Alignment Navy

  CO, Task Force One, Oyster Bay operation.

  Török, Lieutenant Commander Iona, Royal Manticoran Navy

  communications officer, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  Trajan, Wilhelm

  Director, Foreign Intelligence Service, Republic of Haven.

  Trammell, Rear Admiral Warren, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, Manufacturing and Prototyping Command, HMSS Weyland.

  Treacher, Lieutenant Commander Jackson, Royal Manticoran Navy

  logistics officer, Tenth Fleet.

  Trenis, Vice Admiral Linda, Republic of Haven Navy

  CO, Bureau of Planning, Republic of Haven Navy.

  Truman, Rear Admiral Margaret, Royal Manticoran Navy

  CO, HMSS Hephaestus.

  Tsao, Commodore Travis, Mesan Alignment Navy

  Commodore Roderick Sung's chief of staff.

  Tullingham, Chief Justice Jeffrey

  Chief Justice, Supreme Court, Republic of Haven.

  Tümmel, Lieutenant Waldemar, Royal Manticoran Navy

  Admiral Honor Alexander-Harrington's flag lieutenant.

  Tuominen, The Honorable Voitto

  permanent secretary, Manticoran foreign office; special envoy to the Republic of Haven.

  Usher, Kevin

  Director, Federal Investigation Agency, Republic of Haven.

  Van Dort, Bernardus

  founder and ex-chairman of the Rembrandt Trade Union; special minister without portfolio, Alquezar Government, Talbott Quadrant.

  Van Heutz, Captain Jacomina, Solarian League Navy

  CO, SLNS Joseph Buckley; Fleet Admiral Sandra Crandall's flag captain.

  Van Scheldt, Paul

  Prime Minister Alquezar's appointments secretary.

  Verstappen, Lieutenant Truida, Royal Manticoran Navy


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