Challenging A Rake (A Rake's Redemption Book 4)

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Challenging A Rake (A Rake's Redemption Book 4) Page 13

by G. L. Snodgrass

  “It isn’t his competence I am worried about,” Lady Weston said as she shook her head. “It is the example he is setting. A father interacting with young children. What will people think?”

  Olivia laughed. “Bradford rather enjoys it.”

  Lord Warwick grimaced. Children. Who would have ever thought Bradford would be so … domestic. As he pondered his friend he caught Amanda staring at him. A quizzical expression on her face.

  “And you Miss Waters. How have you been?”

  She blushed for a moment, quickly pushed her spectacles back up onto the bridge of her nose and then quickly stared down at her hands. His heart jumped. The woman was so … fetching. So pure, so enticing, it was enough to almost make him forget where he was and who was there. Thankfully, he was not that far gone.

  “Well, My Lord.” She said, her voice as sweet as an angel’s. “As per your suggestion, I have taken on a footman. A former doctor’s assistant, Mr. Anderson.”

  Warwick’s eyebrows rose. That had not been in his reports he must have a talk with Sanderson. He well remembered the man standing in the back of the room while the doctor poked and prodded. The man was a small mountain, Amanda had chosen well.

  “That is probably wise,” he said, “London is not a safe place as you know.” It pleased him to know that she had additional security. But he would have a check run on her man, just to make sure.

  “True,” she replied. “Just the other week a man was shot very near my home. Twice, in fact.”

  “Really,” Olivia said with surprise. “I hadn’t heard. Did you know him?”

  Amanda paused for a moment and shook her head. “It happened at night, I assume the man was a scoundrel. Probably involved in something he shouldn’t be.”

  Warwick bit back a smile. She lied well when she had to. That was something to remember.

  The three other women nodded. It was a well-known fact that people who were shot were doing something they shouldn’t.

  “As to your question mother. What am I doing here?” He said. “I had hoped to ask Lady Bradford to extend an invitation to Lord Hicks to her party next Thursday.”

  Both his mother and Lady Weston frowned, Amanda grew very white, only Olivia looked at him with something close to understanding. He knew that she understood his need and wouldn’t ask questions. Her brother had trained her well.

  “Of course, Lord Warwick. I will see to it today.”

  “Why?” his mother asked before he could even relax at Lady Bradford’s agreement.

  Before he could respond, Olivia jumped in. “Oh, Lady Warwick. I learned from my brother long ago not to get involved in his business dealings. I do believe half the investments made are started at ton balls. Don’t you Lady Weston?”

  Lady Weston examined him for a long moment then nodded. “True, men do spend too much time at these things talking business when they should be paying attention to other, more important things. Such as finding a wife.”

  Lady Weston made a point of looking at him and then glancing over at Amanda.

  His stomach clenched into a tight ball. The room was a field of traps. One wrong move and everything would be ruined.

  Forcing himself to smile nicely, he spent a few minutes socializing. All the while, keeping an eye on Amanda. What was she thinking? Was she unhappy that he had made an appearance today? Surely she would have known that was a possibility. If it bothered her, why had she come?

  After he had spent the required time being nice and social he said his goodbyes.

  “And Miss Waters,” he said as he reached the door and turned back to look at her.

  She froze for a quick second, her eyes as big as melons, obviously terrified he was going to say the wrong thing.

  He was sorely tempted to. The thought of the shock and discomfit he would cause was almost too tempting. But instead, he said, “If you will stop by my study before you depart. I have that book on Rome you were asking about.”

  She visibly relaxed, then slowly nodded. “Of course, My Lord. Thank you.”

  He smiled to her one last time and left. Only truly relaxing when he was safely out of the room.

  Nine days he thought. It had been too long. He must see her again. It seemed Miss Waters had become a priority he could no longer put off.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Amanda silently bit the inside of her lip and waited. Oliva and Lady Weston were enjoying their time talking. Discussing the ins and outs of who did what to embarrass themselves in the ton.

  None of it seemed important to her. All she wanted was to see Lord Warwick again. To talk to him in private. To share a moment alone.

  It had been nine days and no word from him. Had he made progress on his mission? What about her? Was she to be nothing more than a forgotten moment?

  He looked well, barely any limp at all. She had watched him closely. If she had not known of his injuries she would never suspect the man had come so close to death only a month earlier.

  “What do you think Amanda?” Olivia asked her, studying her closely.

  Amanda scrambled to remember what they had been talking about as her stomach turned cartwheels. She must be careful. She already believed Olivia suspected something. She had been studying her ever since she had returned to town and surprisingly had asked several times about Lord Warwick and if she had run into him over the summer.

  She shrugged her shoulders and said, “I really haven’t a thought on the matter,” desperately hoping it was an appropriate response.

  Olivia seemed to accept it and moved on to discuss Lady Hamilton’s due date.

  Amanda sighed internally. Why did he want to see her? Surely he knew that they would have but a moment together.

  As the other ladies talked, she quietly waited. At last, the tea came to an end. Lady Weston indicating she was getting tired and they should probably allow Lady Warwick to return to her day.

  As they exited the parlor, Amanda excused herself.

  “I need to retrieve that book from His Lordship. I’ll be right back.”

  Both Olivia and Lady Weston nodded absently. Her shoulders relaxed slightly, they were not suspicious. There had been no knowing looks. No secret smiles.

  She quickly ran a hand down the front of her dress and then touched her hair in back to make sure she was as presentable as possible. Don’t be ridiculous, she told herself. He probably just wanted to check on her. Do not make too much of this.

  Hurrying across the entranceway, she knocked on his study door.

  “Come in,” he said from the other side and her stomach clenched up into a tight ball as she opened the door and stepped in.

  He looked up at her from behind his desk. His smile melting her heart in an instant.

  “You wished to see me,” she was able to say, pleased with herself that she could talk at all.

  He continued to smile and said, “I wish for a lot of things. Unfortunately, we have but a moment.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest. The hungry look in his eyes told her exactly what he wanted. A need that she shared.

  “I assume the invitation for Lord Hicks is related to your mission. You hope to learn something.”

  He grimaced slightly as he nodded. “Yes, I have learned almost nothing since Barclay’s. I must shake things up and hope something falls out.”

  She studied him for a long moment. Could she help? She desperately wanted to help. Every part of her being wanted to be involved with this. Her life had become so boring. So meaningless. Only with Lord Warwick did she feel truly alive.

  “I have been studying my copy of the list I retrieved from Lord Hicks. Something about it bothers me. I do not know what. I can’t put my finger on it.

  “Meet me tonight,” he said as he got up from his chair. “I need to talk to you.”

  She froze, as her insides turned soft and needy. Tonight? Where? How? The answer was yes, of course. But the logistics. Under no circumstances could anyone learn of their liaison.

  As if reading
her mind, he stepped around from behind the desk and took both of her hands in his. A sharp charge of energy spread out from his touch.

  “Tonight, at six, go to the corner of your street, the north corner. A cab will be waiting. My man will be driving. He will bring you to me.”

  She looked up at him, unable to believe what she was hearing. He wanted her. A feeling of feminine power flowed through her, making her smile.

  He caught her happiness and relaxed. As if he had been worried she might say no. How was that possible. Surely the man knew she would do whatever he asked. Anything for one more opportunity to be with him.

  “You must hurry, Olivia and Lady Weston will be waiting. Six, remember. And have your new footman escort you to the corner.”

  She frowned, her footman. “Why?”

  “So the man I have watching your house knows who he is. I haven’t received a report about him. Which I find disconcerting. I don’t want there to be any more such mistakes.”

  She continued to frown. “You have a man watching my house?”

  Now he frowned. “Of course,” he said as if it would be preposterous for him not to do so.

  “Because you are worried about Lord Hicks knowing of my involvement,” she asked as her mind whirled.

  “Yes,” he replied. “That and the fact that I needed to know that you were well.”

  She pulled her hands out of his. “Really My Lord, you take liberties. I do not know if I like the idea of my house being watched.”

  He laughed and slowly shook his head. “If you had more staff I would be able to plant a spy inside. But since that is impossible, the best I can do is have you watched over.”

  “Lord Warwick,” she exclaimed. “I will not be treated this way.” A sick feeling of outrage was beginning to build inside of her.

  He studied her for a moment, his head tilting to the side as if he was trying to understand an unusually difficult puzzle.

  “Amanda,” he began. “You must understand. I am not doing this out of some sense of possessive need. Well, not much. No, I am doing this because I am unable to rest unless I know you are well.”

  “Isn’t that the same thing?” she asked.

  He shook her off, “Besides. If Lord Hicks were to make a move against you, my men would be there to stop it. It could very well lead us back to him.”

  Her eyebrows rose sharply. “So I am bait.”

  He sighed heavily. “No, no. I don’t believe he even knows of your involvement. But it is one of many eventualities I must prepare for.”

  She sighed heavily as she looked up at him. The thought that her home was under constant surveillance was displeasing, to say the least, but she could see why he did it. Besides. Deep in her heart, the knowledge that he was concerned for her safety did something to her. Made her feel as if the world was working the way it should.

  “Very well,” she said as she began pulling on her gloves. “I will meet with you tonight and we can discuss why you have men watching my house.”

  He studied her for a long moment as he smirked, “Oh Amanda, we will be very busy tonight, tell your staff you won’t return until late tomorrow.”

  She almost gasped right in front of him, his blatant intentions made her want to squeal with happiness yet she forced herself to remain calm.

  “Amanda,” Olivia called from the entrance way. Obviously, her friend was worried about appearances. A young woman alone with a man behind closed doors was unacceptable.

  Her heart fell, her moment alone with him was already over.

  “Tonight, My Lord,” She said as she pulled on her second glove and forced herself to leave him.

  “Amanda,” he said quickly, stopping her before her hand could reach the doorknob.

  “Yes,” she said as she held her breath and turned back to him.

  “Your book,” he said as he held up a thin volume.

  She sighed and accepted it from him. Appearances. Everything was wrapped around making people think one thing while another was the truth. Why must they always be so secretive? Why couldn’t she tell the world how she felt about this man?

  “Good day, My Lord,” she said before she gave him a quick curtsey and hurriedly joined her friends.

  Tonight. She had tonight she told herself as her spirits began to soar. He wanted her. Lord Warwick wanted her. Even if it was only for one last time. It was a moment she knew she would treasure for the rest of her life.

  “You look happy,” Olivia said with a questioning frown.

  Amanda halted for a moment. Was she that obvious.

  “The book,” she said as she held it up. “I can’t wait to get home to read it. It is going to be a very pleasurable evening I assure you.”

  Her friend continued to study her for a long second then was called away by Lady Weston. Amanda sighed, as a small smile tipped the corners of her mouth. Yes, a most enjoyable evening.”


  The night retained some of the day's heat. A wet, cloying heat that made her wish for the summer breezes of the country.

  Anderson towered over her as he walked with her to the corner.

  “Are you sure, Miss?” he asked. “You don’t want me to accompany you. The streets aren’t safe. I tell you.”

  She smiled up at her large footman. Molly had been right, the man had been a godsend. She had never been aware of just how beneficial it was to have a tall strong man around. Furniture could be moved. Baths filled in half the time. Plus, to be honest, the sense of safety was a relief.

  Besides, when she saw the way he looked at Molly, she knew that everything would work out for the best.

  “No, Anderson. That will not be necessary. I will be in the cab and my friends are meeting me on the other end. I assure you, it will be fine. Just a dinner party and I will stay with them tonight and return in the morning.”

  “Of course, Miss,” he said but she still saw the doubt in his eyes.

  He is the least of your problems, she told herself as he handed her up into the cab. As Warwick had promised, the man had been waiting for her.

  Giving a nod to Anderson, she tapped the roof and the cab was off. Her heart pounded. She was to see Warwick. A thousand questions danced through her brain. Did he want to see her to discuss his mission? Did he need her help? Or was he simply hoping for another liaison? Another night of passion.

  She smiled to herself. Either way, the evening would be remarkable.

  Sitting back, she thought again of the list, calling it up in her mind, she ran down the initials and the numbers. Something was there. Some hidden fact that she couldn’t touch. It was driving her mad.

  However, within moments, her mind drifted to Lord Warwick. Those strong wide shoulders. The way his touch made her tingle. What it felt like to be held in his arms and the way it made the world feel good, right, whole.

  Sighing, she leaned back and closed her eyes as she fought to calm her racing heart.

  She was going to meet a man, alone. She was going to spend the night with Lord Warwick. Sighing again, she tried not to smile too much at the thought.

  Chapter Twenty

  Amanda fought to hold down the anticipation and nervousness building inside of her. Luckily, within only thirty minutes, the cabbie called to his horses and the vehicle rocked to a halt in front of a non-descript row of brownstone houses.

  Why here? She wondered. Was this the correct address? What would she do if she got down and the cabbie left her there all alone in a strange part of town? Again a nervousness washed through her.

  She was so not right for the part of a paramour. Everything seemed too mishmash, too uncertain.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned to open the door when Lord Warwick’s happy smile appeared in the cab window. The kind of smile she could fall in love with.

  Opening the door, he bent at the waist and then offered her his hand.

  “Welcome, Miss Waters. Her Ladyship is expecting you.”

  Amanda frowned as she studied the man. He was dressed i
n a black cutaway coat and buff breeches. His hair tied back with a black ribbon. A style that had gone out of fashion years earlier. If she hadn’t known better she would have assumed he was the butler of the house.

  Of course, she realized, one more of his many disguises. All as a way to get her inside the house without anyone assuming the worst.

  She smiled at him as she stepped down and looked up at the building in front of her. Rich enough to have a downstairs staff but not so rich as to call attention to itself. Just another house in a long row of houses.

  Several people on the street turned to see the new arrival. A few of them stopped and raised their brows in curiosity.

  Lord Warwick, performed his butlering duties again, waving an arm in welcome as he then turned and hurried up the stairs to open the front door. Once it was open, he stepped back outside and again waved a hand for her to enter.

  She had to bite back a laugh. The thought of Lord Warwick as a butler was too amusing. The man was as far from a butler as could be. The thought of him taking orders from anyone other than the King himself was just impossible.

  Once she was inside, he quickly closed the door behind him. His shoulders slumped in relief.

  “You do that very well,” she said to him as she removed her hat and gloves.

  He smiled at her, “Everyone in the neighborhood thinks the house is occupied by ancient Lady Brookstone. A dowager. Bedridden. And I, the loyal Higginbottom, her butler these last four years see to her every need.”

  Amanda frowned. “Why? I mean why go to all this subterfuge.”

  Lord Warwick smiled gently as he took her hat and gloves and placed them on a side table.

  “It provides me with a place to meet people. I can come and go and no one questions me. Vendors and tradespeople can enter. Or better yet, my men, dressed as vendors and tradespeople. Can come and go. In addition, the back alley is an excellent way to disappear. Besides, it gives me a place to be alone.”

  Amanda’s stomach clenched as she realized they were alone. Just the two of them.

  A sense of wicked pleasure traveled through her as she looked into his eyes.


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