Exposed: Book 2 MAC Security Series

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Exposed: Book 2 MAC Security Series Page 4

by Abigail Davies

  My head was spinning and when Kitty went back to the warehouse, I went out to the porch swing. I loved coming out here, the air that swept through the trees calmed me, but at the same time, I felt safe sitting out here while still being in the middle of the compound.

  I sat on the swing for over half an hour before I heard the whirl of the compound gates opening. Seeing Ty’s truck pull up outside the warehouse had butterflies swarming in my stomach. He stepped out of his truck, his eyes finding mine immediately. I smiled, letting him know that I was good.

  His face was taken over by the smile that he returned as he sauntered toward me. His jeans pulling at all the right places on his legs and his arms straining in the sleeves of his t-shirt. I was fascinated with watching him walk, it was such a small thing and something that I never thought I would find mesmerizing. But I did.

  “We need to talk,” he said as he walked up the steps. Nodding, I moved over on the swing, making space for him.

  “Yeah, we do.”

  “Look, I know that it ain’t easy.” He pulled his hat off his head and leaned forward, his arms resting on his legs. “But we need to find those girls.”

  “We do.” I nodded and placed I my hand on his back. “It’s just that we need to explore all possibilities. We don’t know what’s going on, and I know that she’s your wife-”

  “She’s not my wife,” he growled and turned to me.

  “Okay.” I swallowed, my hand rubbing his back unconsciously. “But-”

  “No, Kay.” He sat up and turned, his hand coming up to cup my face. “Whatever happens, know that I’m on your side. I will always be on your side. You’re it for me, sweetheart.”

  I swallowed at the intense look in his eyes. “Always?”

  “Yeah, always,” he whispered, his eyes dipping to my lips.

  “Let’s just find those girls,” I said, my chest rising and falling harder as he stared at me.

  “Yeah.” His eyes flared and I tracked his tongue as it came out to lick his lips. We both moved closer and met half way.

  Moaning when his lips met mine, my hand fluttered up to his arm, clutching at his bicep. He was soft at first, testing, teasing. His hands moved down to my butt, deepening the kiss as he pulled me onto his lap, his erection digging into my hip.

  I did that, I made him feel like this. There was no feeling in the world like that, knowing that you were wanted.

  Sparks flew as his tongue met mine, he gripped my butt harder as he stood, my legs wrapping around his waist automatically. I felt my skirt rising up my thighs but I didn’t care, instead I just held on tighter.

  Pulling back slightly, I murmured. “We have to get Eli in an hour.”

  “Then we better make use of that hour.” He smirked, pushing open the door and flipping the lock behind us.

  He lay me down on the couch, his hands running down the length of my legs.

  “Are we not going upstairs?” I asked, the heat on my face rising at the thought of doing it here. Anyone could walk over at any time, look through the windows and see what we were doing.

  I watched his chest lift with his hard breaths, my eyes taking in the length of him. He was magnificent, chiseled to perfection and when he pulled his hands to the edge of his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head, I couldn’t stop the groan that came out.

  He crouched down and rested on his knees, gripping my legs and spinning me around. Goosebumps trickled over my whole body as he caressed my skin and pushed my skirt up to my waist.

  “Not enough time,” he said, his voice deepening with his lust. He pulled my legs open and looked down, his eyes almost turning black with arousal.

  “Ty,” I croaked as he moved his hand around to my bare butt, bringing me even closer to him.

  “Fuckin’ perfect,” he said on a breath, bringing his nose between my legs and inhaling. “You won’t be needing those.” He smirked and ripped my panties clean off me and threw them over his shoulder.

  His eyes didn’t leave mine as he leaned down, his tongue licking the length of me. I relished in the feel of his fingers that were holding onto me with a bruising grip.

  My hand went straight to his head, gripping his hair. I didn’t know whether I wanted to push him away or pull him closer.

  “Ty…It’s too-”

  “Watch me,” he said when he pulled back.

  I squeezed my eyes tight, not wanting to see what he was doing.

  “Sweetheart…” He chuckled. My eyes clashed with his when I opened them. “Watch. Me.”

  I watched as his tongue came out and he licked me from top to bottom, the sensation out of this world. But coupled with watching him do it, made it all the more intense. His mouth closed over my clit, taking my nub and sucking.

  “Oh, oh…”

  He groaned, the sensation vibrating through me. His licks becoming longer and faster, sucking every few licks to soak up my juices. Squirming, I couldn’t get enough, thrusting to meet his licks, while pulling on his hair.

  “I…I’m close,” I gasped.

  He sucked harder, pulling me even closer and moaned, the vibrations throwing me over the edge. I threw my head back as I moaned his name, my back going ramrod straight as the orgasm ripped through me.

  I didn’t get the chance to catch my breath as he pushed inside me, slowly. Making me feel every inch of him. I met his eyes as he pulled all the way out and pushed back in again.

  His head tilting back as he groaned my name.

  I could feel every ridge of him as he pushed back in. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pulled him closer. My nails digging into his tense ass as he hit that sweet spot.

  “I can never get enough of you,” he gasped, pushing back in, faster this time. I clenched as he hit that spot again, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before another orgasm rolled through me.

  “Ah, fuck. I can’t last much longer when you do that,” he said as my pussy clenched around him again.

  I giggled at the look on his face, I could tell that he was holding back. I didn’t want him to hold back. I wanted him to go faster, harder.

  “Fuck me.”

  “What?” He stopped thrusting, looking down at me with wide eyes.

  “I said. Fuck. Me.”


  “No.” Shaking my head, I gripped his butt harder. “I won’t break Ty, Fuck me. Hard.”

  “Are you sure?” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he looked at me, his eyes moving to where we were connected.

  “Yeah,” I clenched around him again. Closing his eyes, his arms tensed beside me.

  When he opened them back up, they were full of desire, even more than before. He moved his hand to my hip, the other leaning on the couch beside me, getting the traction that he needed before he rammed inside of me.

  So hard and fast that I squealed. My pussy clenched around him again, this time for longer as sparks started to fly. I nodded to urge him on when he stopped, asking if I was okay. My eyes fluttered shut from all the sensations.

  Pumping inside of me, each time hitting that spot, meant it didn’t take long before I was screaming his name for a second time.

  “Fuck, Kay.” He groaned, pulsing inside me as he found his release. He leaned forward his face burrowing into the crook of my neck.

  We stayed like that for several seconds until I looked down and couldn’t hold in the giggle that bubbled up my throat.

  “What?” He lifted his head, smiling at me.

  “I’m still dressed.” I smirked.

  Chuckling, he pulled back. “I can change that.” He wiggled his brows up and down.

  “Ty…” I snorted. “It’s nearly time to get Eli.”

  “Tonight,” he said, pulling out slowly.

  A promise, not a question.

  On Tuesday morning, I went with Luke to take Eli to preschool, smiling the whole way there at how Eli was acting. Now that we were out of the apartment and away from Max, I could see the difference in Eli.

  He was thr
iving both at home and at preschool, he was so much more open to talking to people and actually playing, like a child should, instead of always being on guard. It wasn’t until he was out of that environment that I noticed how much it had affected him.

  He loved the simple things; spending time with Ty and Luke, just being a boy and running through the woods. Sometimes I looked at him and regretted not leaving Max sooner then I’d think, if I would’ve left him sooner, I wouldn’t have found Ty.

  Eli wasn’t the only one who had changed for the better.

  It wasn’t the big things, like worrying if I had money for food or waiting for the next time Max would hit me. It was the small things that made me smile; Eli’s excitement to come home and tell everyone what he had done at preschool, what he had made or a new person that he had met.

  Knowing that when he woke up, he wouldn’t have to see me with yet another bruise.

  The best part was knowing what waited for me at home and not having that sinking feeling as I heard the door open. That was one of the things that I loved most; knowing what was coming, what to expect.

  Walking out of the preschool, I jumped back into the car and looked over at Luke. His eyes flicked over to me as he was talking on the radio.

  “Got it, Boss.” He nodded and let the button go, reversing out of the lot.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, leaning back in my seat.

  “Serena’s on the move. Boss wants me to drop you back at the compound and then check it out.”

  Wait, what? Why did I have to go back to the compound? I couldn’t help but think that he was hiding something if he didn’t want me to know what Serena was up to.

  “Nope,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m coming with you.”

  “Thought you would.” He smirked. “You’ll have to tell boss though.”

  Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my work phone and sent him a text.


  TO: TY

  I’m going with Luke. See you later.

  I smiled, pushing my phone back in my pocket and ignoring the buzz of an incoming message. I turned the car radio up, singing along to the song that played on the radio.

  He wouldn’t cut me out of this, I was as much a part of this company as anyone else was. Which meant that I’d be doing the same work that they did. I loved that Ty wanted to protect me but he couldn’t protect me from everything.

  We pulled up at Daley’s mansion and I furrowed my brows turning to Luke. “I thought we were checking Serena out, not Daley?”

  “We are,” he replied. “She went inside an hour ago and hasn’t come out since.”

  “So we’re going to follow her when she comes out?”


  After twenty minutes, I pulled my pad out and started to draw some doodles. This was the worst thing about watching and waiting, it was boring. After a few car games, ten pages of doodles and sixty minutes, the gates finally opened.

  She drove through the gates in her bright red sports car with the top down. I nearly snorted with how obnoxious she looked, people like her didn’t deserve to drive cars like that. They should be driven in the way they were meant to be, not used to show everyone that you thought you were better than them.

  “Let’s see where she’s stayin’.” Luke rubbed his hands together, started the car and went in the direction that she had gone.

  We followed her all through town, watching as she would check herself out in the mirror at every opportunity she could get and completely unaware of her surroundings.

  “Thought so,” he said as we came to a stop opposite the most expensive hotel in a fifty-mile radius.

  “What?” I frowned, writing the name of the hotel down. I really needed to start carrying my camera around with me. If these things were going to come up without any prior planning, I had to be prepared. I didn’t even have my belt or vest on.

  “She wouldn’t stay in anything other than luxury, she always was a money grabbing bitch.”

  My brows flew to my hairline at the venom in his voice. “Whoa!” I held my hands up. “What’s with all the hating?”

  Not that I wasn’t thinking the same thing but I didn’t expect that to come out of Luke’s mouth.

  “After what she did to Ty? You telling me you don’t feel the same?” He raised a brow at me and pulled back out onto the road.

  “What did she do to Ty?” I knew that she’d done something but what it was, I had no idea.

  “I’m not surprised that he hasn’t told you everything,” he said, stopping at a red light. “What she did nearly broke him.”

  I gulped, not wanting to comment. I wanted nothing more than to beg Luke to tell me what else had happened but I wanted to hear it from Ty, not anyone else.

  “Do we not need to follow her? What if she goes back out?” I asked, deciding to change the subject so that I wasn’t tempted to ask him what had happened.



  “Now we know where she’s staying, Evan can infiltrate the hotel system and we can put a tracker on her car.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  I stayed silent the rest of the drive back to the compound. Thoughts going around and around in my head. The one positive thing was, I wasn’t thinking of Max. At least not until I thought that.

  I jumped out of Luke’s SUV when we arrived back at the compound and walked swiftly into the warehouse. They were all waiting for us, sat at the meeting table. So I walked around to my chair next to Ty and sat down.

  “Anything?” Ty asked, not looking at me.

  “Yeah, she’s staying at LACEY’S.”

  Kitty snorted. “Typical.”

  “Evan, get into their system. I want to know everything. When she comes and goes, everyone she talks to and even when she fuckin’ eats.”

  “On it,” he replied, already typing away on his laptop.

  I pulled my notepad and pen closer, about to write the date when Ty said, “Kay.” I looked up to him, finding his eyes. “Office.”

  He pushed up out of his chair and stormed off, leaving me wondering what was up with him. I looked at the rest of the guys, each of them wearing a smirk. They obviously knowing something that I didn’t.

  “This is gonna be good.” Evan rubbed his hands together, leaning back in his seat.

  “What?” I mumbled. “What did I do?” Pointing to my chest, I looked at all of them in confusion.

  “You’ll find out.” Kitty winked.

  Pushing out of my chair, I pulled my t-shirt down and adjusted my hair. Why was I in trouble? I hadn’t done anything wrong. Had I?

  My legs felt like jelly as I walked to the office. Gripping my hands in front of me, I cleared my throat when I got to the door. “Ty-”

  “Close the door,” he said. Sat behind his desk, he looked furious. He didn’t look up at me, keeping his eyes fixated on a spot on his desk.

  I closed the door and walked over to the desk, sitting opposite him in the same chair that I sat in all those months ago for my interview.

  “You ignored me,” he gritted out.


  “No.” He sliced his hand through the air, his eyes coming up to meet mine. “You don’t do that. Ever.”

  I scanned his face, feeling my own blood boiling. Was this why he wasn’t happy, because I had gone with Luke?

  “You cut me off!” I swear, stood and threw my hands up in the air. “You told Luke to bring me back to the compound.”

  “Because I don’t want you having to follow her.” He blew out a breath, shaking his head at me.

  I shoved my hands onto my hips and squinted my eyes at him. “Am I still a part of this company? Not just in the office but out on surveillance jobs as well?” I said, stepping forward and leaning my hands on the desk.

  “Yeah,” Ty murmured.

  “Then it’s my job,” I said softly, pointing at my chest, not giving him the chance to speak. “You can’t pick and choose what cases or people suit you.” I raise
d a brow and waited for him to say something, when he didn’t, I pushed up off the desk and walked away. “I’ll follow who I damn well like,” I said when I pulled the door open.

  “Kay?” Ty said when I stepped out of the door.

  “What?” I said, spinning back around to him.

  “I love it when you get like that.” He smirked.

  “Like what?” I huffed.

  “Like that.” He pointed to the chair and winked.

  “You’re insufferable.” I rolled my eyes and slammed the door behind me, his laughter following me out.

  I smiled at the sound.

  He loved it when I stood up for myself? That was something I never thought I’d do, let alone hear someone appraise me for it.

  I woke up early the next day and went for a run around the compound. I was determined to get as fit as I could, I wanted to show them all that I could do what they did. That way, there would never be a time that they could say I couldn’t go on a job. But with Serena back in the picture, it made it even more important. I didn’t trust her, there was something about her that didn’t seem right. She set off my alarm bells and I couldn’t stop seeing the look that she’d had in her eyes.

  I’d tried to bring it up with Ty a couple of times, but each time he’d shoot me down. Luke though, seemed to be on the same wavelength as me, maybe talking to him about it would assure me I wasn’t just being jealous.

  I didn’t know what to do because every time I would bring her name up, no one would listen. At least, that’s what it felt like.

  When I finished my run, I stood in the middle of the compound and stretched out, watching the sky as it lit up from the rising sun. No matter where you stood on the compound, the view was always breath-taking. As a little girl, I had always imagined living in the middle of the woods, this wasn’t quite what I imagined but it was close.

  Walking back to the house, I headed straight for my room and stripped off my clothes, turned the shower on and stepped inside, letting the cold water spray over me. I’d slept in Ty’s room last night but I always came back to my room to shower because my clothes were still in here. Ty had mentioned moving them into his room but I didn’t know how I felt about that. I wasn’t quite ready.


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