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Stay Page 3

by Jennifer Sucevic

  After ten more minutes of trying to cajole Brooklyn from her bed, she finally, rather reluctantly pulls the pillows and blankets off her face before blinking at the harsh sunlight pouring in through the large bank of eastern facing windows. She covers her eyes with a hand as if the bright light might actually scorch her retinas. “You’re a horrible person for forcing me to get up when I feel like such crap.”

  My eyes slide over the little bit of her I can now see. Her long blonde hair is in total disarray. Her skin is waxy looking instead of the enviable creamy glow it usually has. Actually, she’s looking a little green around the gills. “Well, if it’s any consolation, you look just as bad as you feel.”

  “Bitch,” she mutters again.

  Completely unaffected by her new pet name for me, I shrug. “Alright then, I’m off.” Wrapping a turquoise scarf around my neck, I grab my oversized messenger bag and sunglasses before heading out. “See you later, alligator.” Just as I’m about to close the door, I whip it open before poking my head back inside, “Get your lazy ass out of bed right now,” I bellow at the top of my lungs.

  In answer, she hurtles one of her hot pink pillows at the door. It falls pathetically short of its mark. By about five feet. I shake my head at such an embarrassingly sad attempt.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you have really shitty aim?” Because it’s completely true. A future softball competitor, she is not. It’s doubtful she’d even do well in an over forty beer league.

  Her second attempt almost hits her intended target. “Better.” I smile as one of her hands snake out of the thick pile of blankets to flip me off. I can’t help but snicker as I shut the door.

  Hustling my way across campus for my nine o’clock class which, thanks to Brooklyn, I am now running late for, I try multitasking on the fly as I read a text sent by one of my professors. Even though this bad habit is always ill-advised when trying to maneuver through a large herd of students who are also trying to haul ass across campus, I do it anyway. I’m certainly not going to deny my own stupidity as I smack rather embarrassingly into a wall. With a loud ouff, I stagger back a few steps before strong arms reach out to steady me. And to the best of my knowledge, walls don’t have arms.

  Almost instantly my belly hollows out because I think I might know that hard muscled chest…


  Could life seriously be cruel enough to throw this guy right into my oblivious path within twelve short hours of our previous meeting?

  The answer to that question is a resounding yes. My gaze arrows right to his smiling golden brown eyes. A slight wind ruffles his gorgeous hair as we stand in the middle of the cement walking path that snakes its way through campus.

  “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” I mutter suddenly feeling off kilter.

  One of his dark brows wings up at my disgruntled greeting. “Let me guess,” he drawls slowly, “now you think I’m stalking you.”

  This has my eyes widening before narrowing in consideration. Hmmm. I suppose that’s a possibility. “Are you?”

  He snorts before shaking his head in disbelief. Then he shifts his weight, looking as if he might very well be settling in for a long conversation. “I don’t even know your name. Remember? You wouldn’t give it to me last night.” He says this as if I’m completely ridiculous.

  “And it’s a good thing I didn’t because apparently there’s an excellent chance you might be stalking me,” I quip back all the while trying to think of a hasty exit strategy.

  He runs his tongue slowly across his teeth. And yeah, I feel the effects of it straight down to my traitorous nether regions. Damn them to hell and back. And damn him as well for being able to cause it. Somehow this guy has triggered more responses within me in the past twelve hours than any other guy has in the last nine months.

  “I’m not saying this to come off sounding like a conceited jack-”

  “But that’s exactly what it’s going to sound like if you continue with that train of thought,” I finish sweetly, hoping to cut him off so I can bale on this conversation.

  He continues as if I didn’t interrupt him at all. “Most girls would be quite happy to have my attention.”

  My eyes slide unwilling over him again. Alright, I’ll secretly admit that he’s probably right about that statement. With all that messy dark hair and golden brown eyes and that handsomely chiseled face…

  And let’s not forgot about his incredibly muscular body… and yeah, I’d bet my life there’s a six pack hidden under that grey henley. My mouth instantly dries at the thought. Giving myself a quick mental face slap, I bite out instead, “You’re right,” then I throw an eye roll in for good measure before finishing with a bored, “that totally makes you sound like a conceited jackass.”

  His gorgeous tawny colored eyes narrow at my words. I can almost feel the heat of them moving slowly over me, singeing me in the process. Even though the morning air is slightly chilly, I’m starting to feel hot all over. Yep, this guy is definitely bad for business.

  “What did you say your name was again?”

  Of its own accord, a small smile slyly spreads its way across my face. “I didn’t and because I don’t want to encourage someone who I might actually have to take out a restraining order against, I won’t be giving it to you either.” Rather pointedly, I glance down at the phone in my hand. “Not that this conversation isn’t loads of fun, but I’ve got to get going or I’ll be late for my nine o’clock.”

  Without giving me a choice, he says a little too smugly, “Seeing as we’re both heading the same way, I’ll join you.”

  I groan. Loudly. Being coy isn’t exactly one of my fortes. “No, that’s okay. I’m kind of in a hurry.” I glance at him from the corner of my eye to see if he’s taken the hint that I’m not interested in him or his company.

  If the grin gracing his lips is any indication, he hasn’t. Or he just doesn’t care. I’m going with the whole doesn’t care theory.

  Have I mentioned just how seriously aggravating I find this guy?

  My feet grind to a sudden halt as I glare at him. He’s totally tanking my morning mojo right now. Maybe if I make him uncomfortable enough, it’ll finally penetrate his thick head that I’m not interested.

  He stops before staring rather quizzically at me. After a few silent moments slowly slide by he finally asks, “Are we going to stand around here all day or are we heading to class? Because I’m up for either.”


  “Fine,” I finally huff out figuring that I’ll only have to walk with him for a block or so before we go our separate ways. And if I’m super lucky, I’ll never lay eyes on him again. Ever. Thank God I still don’t know his name. It’ll hopefully make forgetting him that much easier. I won’t be able to put a name to that gorgeous face of his.

  I almost wince at my own unfiltered thoughts.

  Because yeah, I still think he’s beautiful.

  Ridiculously beautiful.

  Which in the harsh morning sunlight pouring brilliantly down upon us, is really saying something. I mean, anyone can look like a ten in dim party lighting. But somehow this guy manages to pull off an eleven in bright sunlight at nine in the morning. And it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to learn that he just rolled right out of bed looking like that either. The way the sun highlights all the different shades of deep dark mahogany color in his hair has something hot arrowing clean through me.

  For the love of God and all that’s holy, I still want to drag my traitorous fingers through his hair. I want to muss it up even more than it already is. He has one of those artfully messy hair styles that not many guys can pull off so effortlessly. I, on the other hand, feel as if I’ve barely scraped myself together with a high ponytail and a scarf…

  I seriously need to get away from this guy before I do something completely crazy and actually start liking him.

  His deep voice breaks into the chaotic buzz of my thoughts. “So where you headed?”

  I sigh not really wanting
to give him any more information than he’s already been able to gather. I don’t want whatever this is between us to become a habit.


  “Huh.” A sudden grin spreads across his face. “201?” He looks way too happy as he slyly asks this question. Which only continues to shred my already frayed nerves.

  My eyes swing guardedly to his as we continue walking. “Yes.”

  His grin broadens, as if that’s possible, and those damnable dimples flash and wink. “Me, too.”


  But that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to sit next to each other… right?

  I’ll just ditch him once we enter the lecture hall. After all, it seats well over two hundred people, so there’s plenty of room to put some much needed distance between us. But now I’ll have to see him three times a week for the rest of the semester.


  “Hey, Cole,” simpers some skinny blonde haired, blue eyed girl out of nowhere.




  Because I kind of like that name. And somehow, even though I don’t know him, it fits perfectly. Now I have a name to go along with that striking face of his.

  Double crap.

  He offers her a friendly smile along with a head nod. Out of the corner of my eye, I can’t help but watch their interaction. I want him to be flirty or maybe even stop and talk with her but he doesn’t.

  “Hey, Jules, how’s it going?”

  A smile lights up her pretty face just before her eyes rather hungrily eat him alive. Oh yeah, Jules isn’t trying to hide the fact that she’d like nothing more than to take a nice big bite of him. Even though I’m walking right beside him and it’s fairly obvious that we’re together (although not together, if you know what I mean), she doesn’t spare me one single glance.

  Which is seriously fine with me…

  But rude just the same.

  “We gonna see you at the Alpha Sig party tonight?” Her voice lowers until it’s all sexy and smoldery. At this point I just want to roll my eyes. Does this girl know that it’s not even nine o’clock in the morning?


  “Then I’ll definitely look for you there.” She actually bats her thick mascara laden eyelashes at him and it takes everything inside me not to bust out laughing.

  God… I’m almost embarrassed for her.

  Then she lays a rather intense look on him. Kind of like she’s trying to use mind control or subliminal messages or something like that. I think she might be trying to convey that when she finds him tonight, there will be an extra special treat in it for him.

  Of a sexual nature… wink-wink.

  I’m thinking the protein bar I just wolfed down might make an unexpected reappearance if I don’t get the heck out of here. I’m not sure just how much of Jules I can take this early in the morning without becoming sick to my stomach.

  Maybe I’d be feeling a little more tolerant if I’d had my morning cup of coffee... but then again, probably not. Rather than watch the pair of them make googly eyes at one another (okay so maybe all the googly eyes are fairly one sided), I hasten my step thinking that this is the perfect opportunity to execute an escape plan. I don’t like the way Cole makes the nerves in my belly dance a fast paced jig.

  It’s disconcerting to say the least.

  And definitely unwanted.

  “Okay, well, I’ll just catch you later.” I speed up just as we come to Dorin Hall, the social sciences building. Actually, I have absolutely no intention of catching him later.

  Just when I think I’ve shaken him loose, kind of like a particularly sticky burr, he’s once again at my side as I push my way through the wide lecture hall doors. I do a double take before frowning.

  Son of a-

  Chapter Four

  His voice holds a wealth of laughter as if he knows exactly what I had been trying to do. “Did you really think you could ditch me that easily?” His whispered words send a slight shiver shimmying its way unwantedly down my spine. And then something hot uncurls in my belly. Or possibly lower.


  “It was more of a hope on my part,” I reply lightly, searching frantically for an empty seat in the already crowded room.

  One empty seat is all I need.


  As I’m scanning the lecture hall, I find a girl with long blonde hair waving her hand rather erratically at Cole. Just in case he doesn’t notice her wild gesturing, I helpfully point out the frantic female. These girls are seriously ridiculous. And desperate. But hey, I can totally help a sister out. Especially when it benefits me in return. “You seem to have a fan over there who would very much enjoy the pleasure of your company.”

  He flicks a casual wave in her direction as I quickly start down the thinly carpeted steps. I like sitting front and center in all my classes where the professor can easily see me. It always feels as if the students buried way in the back of the lecture hall are too busy talking or sleeping or texting to pay attention.

  Just as I step away, Cole slings an arm across my shoulders, steering me towards his friend. He points in her direction. “Look, there are two open seats right over there.”

  My body instantly tenses with the contact as I try shrugging off his arm. “Um, no thanks. I like sitting near the front.”

  Apparently he isn’t as picky about seating as I am because he says, “Okay, lead the way. We’ll sit where you want today.”


  Oh no, no, no, no, no.

  This has me skidding to a halt before my brows lower over my eyes. Probably not the most attractive look but I don’t exactly give a shit at the moment. “Cole,” I say with more patience than I’m actually feeling, “there’s obviously a girl over there who would dearly love to sit with you. And just in case you’re confused,” I shake my head before pointing to myself, “I’m not that girl.”

  That being said, I once again start stalking down the stairs toward the front of the lecture hall. Professor Mullens is already standing at the podium ready to begin. I just want to get to my seat and forgot all about Cole whatever-his-name-is.

  Although I have a sneaking suspicion that I’m going to have a tough time doing that.

  This guy, with his pushiness, brings out the absolute worst in me. And I don’t like it. I don’t like the way I react to him. I don’t like losing control over my emotions. It’s just one more reason to steer clear of him in the future. And I already have more than enough reasons to shoot him to the top of my avoid like the plague list. Actually, he’s the only one currently occupying that list.

  As far as I’m concerned, the guy already has three strikes against him. Which is three too many.

  He’s way too good looking (strike one).

  Much too easy going (strike two).

  And he didn’t flirt, not even a little tiny bit with that girl (strike three, damn him).

  Warning bells are already trilling shrilly in my head and I didn’t even know the guy existed before last night. That seems like a really bad sign. We’ll just make that strike four.

  I slip into a seat parked squarely between a guy and a girl. Neither of whom I know. I can’t help but huff out a relieved breath that whatever was going on between Cole and I is now over. I’ll just have to be careful to avoid him in the future. Which honestly, with a campus of nearly six thousand students, can’t be all that difficult.


  Just as I’m taking out my computer, I watch as Cole taps the guy next to me. My fingers still as I wait breathlessly for his next move. Because he can’t possibly have one. I’ve won this round… I-

  “Hey Todd, would you mind sliding over so I can sit next to my girlfriend?”

  Gasping in shock, my mouth falls open. And then it just hangs there for a while before I have the good sense to snap it shut.

  He did not just say that!

  But yeah, apparently he did. Cole just told a complete stranger that he’s my boyfriend.<
br />
  “No problem.” Todd smiles as his eyes quickly travel over me from top to bottom before gathering up his stuff and moving one desk over.

  With an amused smirk marring his handsome face, Cole slides right in next to me before closing the distance between us. “Checkmate,” he whispers.

  “You’ve got some serious mental health issues, you know that, right?” I hiss out the words feeling completely at a loss. Feeling completely out of control. And I don’t do out of control.

  Emptying his backpack, he leans over again. “Shhh, the lecture’s just about to begin. And I want to hear this.”

  Gnashing my teeth together, I jerk forward as Professor Mullens launches into a lecture on current research methods within the field of psychology.

  “We’re going to start out today’s lecture by discussing the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods. Everyone should have read chapters four and five from the book already, so let’s start by exploring some of the finer points regarding each method.”

  Opening my computer, I start typing notes but can’t seem to focus like I normally do. Not with Cole’s big body sitting right beside me. Every once in a while one of his long muscular legs brushes up against mine, jerking me right out of whatever research method she happens to be discussing now. And then, before I can stop myself, my gaze inadvertently flies to his. Surprisingly he doesn’t say one word to me for the entire duration of the class. He merely takes notes on his computer and yet I’m completely distracted by his overwhelming presence. I feel like I’m barely able to follow along as the professor outlines when and why we use each method.

  I seriously can’t stand another moment of this torture.

  Christ… why am I so affected by him?

  He’s nothing special… not really… okay, that’s a big fat lie. He’s gorgeous and easy going. Arghhh… I need to get out of here.

  As soon as the lecture ends, I bolt out of my seat like my ass is literally on fire. I have to get away from him. I have to put some much needed distance between us. “Excuse me.” Bouncing on the tips of my toes, I snap out the words, “I need to get going or I’ll be late.”


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