Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1)

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Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1) Page 12

by Amanda Mariel

  Amelia’s heart roiled at the reminder of her time with Richard as a tidal wave of regret swept through her. She forced her focus back to Lady Sarah. “I have so much to tell you. Let us sit?” Amelia motioned toward the settee near the hearth.

  Sarah walked toward it. “Of course, and then you must tell me everything.”

  Amelia began her story as soon as they settled on the settee, telling Sarah everything just the way she had told it to Grace, but then continued on to share the rest of her journey. Sarah listened to every word, finding the part about the cottage fire and the peasant woman to be the most riveting. She stifled a gasp with one gloved hand as Amelia spoke of wearing a peasant’s gown. Sarah asked a few questions, but mostly just smiled and nodded as Amelia recited the tale. Naturally, she omitted all of the parts that included inappropriate and scandalous behaviors between Richard and herself.

  “Fancy that, my being forced to travel three days with Lord Shillington and his sister.” Amelia waved her fan.

  “I imagine nary a second proved dull,” Sarah replied, before bursting into a fit of mirth. “It has been my experience that whenever Lord Shillington is involved, there is something to talk about.”

  “Indeed, but I have already told you everything. Truly, knocking over the glass of water at the inn proved to be the worst of it. Now, do let us talk of something else. I have more exciting news to share.”

  Sarah folded her hands on her lap and leaned forward. “I cannot imagine what could possibly top your adventure. Do tell.”

  Amelia inhaled a deep steadying breath as she met Sarah’s gaze. “I have decided to move to America and will depart shortly after sunrise tomorrow.” Sarah frowned, then smirked and frowned again before she stood up, a look of utter confusion upon her face. “I haven’t the right words. I am relieved the folly has met its end, but do not wish to see you go.” She paced the length of the room, her skirts trailing behind her. “Maybe you should be honest with Mr. Lewis. Share the reasons you wish to remain in London with him. Perhaps he would agree to let you stay on with the duchess.”

  “No, you do not understand. It is not a rash decision. I have thought about it and decided America is not the worst place for me to be.”

  Sarah turned to Amelia, bewilderment plainly marked her face. “What could be worse than leaving England?”

  Amelia waved her hand through the air for emphasis as she spoke. “A loveless marriage, being a wife to some lord I hardly like, or worse, one who does not care for me.” She put on a brave face and brought her hands to rest in her lap.

  Lady Sarah arranged herself back against the cushion of her previously abandoned seat. “Marriage for love is so rare. I think it is more often the case for love to follow the vows. It certainly could be the case for you.” Sarah smiled encouragingly.

  Amelia locked gazes with Sarah before she enunciated her words. “I am not willing to take the risk. I know love is possible and have decided I will not settle for less.” She glanced at the window. “Honestly, I am a titled and wealthy woman in my own right. I have no need of a husband.”

  “Very well, but are you certain two years in America is what you want?”

  Amelia directed her attention back to her friend. “No, but it is inarguably my fate.” She grinned, hoping to reassure Sarah that all would be fine.

  “I can see your mind is made up, but do not understand the reason for your change of heart. When you ran off you were willing to do anything to stay in England. There must be something you have not shared with me.” Sarah glanced down at her hands, then looked back at Amelia.

  Amelia offered a smile. “It was merely all the time I spent in thought, nothing more.” She glanced at the window, needing a distraction. “The day is splendid. Would you care to take a stroll in the garden?” Perhaps a change of scenery would also correct the direction of their conversation. Much more of the present chat and she would be telling Lady Sarah all about her time with the duke. Recounting how she had fallen in love and gotten her heart broken. The blasted indecent blackguard of a man--if she could see him now, she would most thoroughly maim him.

  “I am afraid I must decline. Mother is expecting me home, so I really must be going.” Sarah stood. “She’s hosting a luncheon in honor of my brother’s engagement. I cannot believe he proposed without a word to me.” She grimaced.

  “I am sure it came as quite a surprise.” Amelia’s cheeks warmed at the reminder as she stood. “Promise to write me often?”

  “Of course, and you must return to England as soon as you can.” Sarah reached for her hand and squeezed it gently. “Nothing will be the same once you are gone.”

  Amelia smiled at her closest friend as she released her hand. “I shall set sail on the very day I turn one-and-twenty.”

  “Should I not see you again before you depart, know I will be thinking about you and wishing you safe travels.” Sarah turned and took a few hesitant steps toward the exit.

  “Do not worry yourself. I will be fine. Now, go be with your family.” Tears threatened to escape as Amelia watched her best friend trek out of the room. She knew she would miss her a great deal and could not imagine finding a friend like Sarah in her new, temporary home.

  After taking a few calming breaths, she regained her composure and wandered out into the garden. The sun warmed her face as she dropped her parasol and closed her eyes, tipping her chin toward the cerulean sky. A slight breeze caressed her curls and rustled her skirts. How she would miss her beloved England.



  Richard strolled toward his aunt’s private sitting room determined to speak with her. He prayed Amelia had not already done something rash. His heart clenched at the very thought of her being engaged, or worse, wed to some Englishman.

  He never should have sent her back to London. What a fool he had been to try and deny his feelings for her. Anger at himself for ruining her had clouded his judgment. He knew she did not want him, but he made love to her anyway. Then after he left her, the words she had spoken rang in his head. Had he been wrong? Did she want him? He would never forgive himself if his actions pushed her into another man’s arms.

  Aunt Grace sat reading a book when he entered her sitting room. He cleared his throat to get her attention.

  She smiled up at him. “Richard dear, it gladdens my heart to have you back.”

  He moved farther into the room. “I must know what Lady Amelia has done.”

  “Whatever do you mean?” She placed the book on her side table.

  After pouring himself a brandy, he sat in the chair across from her. “I discovered her plan to wed before I left London. I must know if she was successful in her scheme.”

  Aunt Grace studied him with her warm gaze. “Something happened between the two of you.”

  Sweat coated his palms as he lifted his glass for a drink. Should he tell his aunt how he ruined Amelia? That he was back to claim her? “Aunt Grace, my reasons are of no consequence.”

  A knowing twinkle crept into her gaze. “Lady Amelia has decided to go to America. You will find her in the garden, but do not tarry, she is set to sail at dawn.”

  His heart skipped a beat. America, she was planning to go to America. Had she simply run out of time, or had she fallen in love with him too? He had to go to her. Convince her to stay, to marry him. He walked to the door before turning back to Aunt Grace. “Thank you.”

  She nodded her head, a wide smile tugging her lips. “Go quickly, dear.”

  * * * *

  As though pulled by an invisible thread, Amelia found herself standing in front of the fountain where she had first kissed Richard--the stone lovers a monument to all she once wished for.

  An intense ache took hold of her body. Tears streamed freely from her eyes and glided unrestricted down her cheeks as she crumpled into a shaking heap of black parramatta silk and crape at the base of the fountain. Her shoulders lifted of their own accord as sobs racked her body. “Why?” The ques
tion left her mouth, floating away on the breeze.

  Pushing herself off the ground, she turned and kicked the fountain. The Duke of Goldstone had proved himself unworthy of her tears. He was a rake who’d used her and then thrown her away without a care. The rake could not even be bothered to listen to what she tried to tell him. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she peered into the pool of water. “I will waste no more energy on him.” She straightened her back determined to leave the memories and pain behind when she sailed away on the morrow.

  “Lady Amelia, I have been searching all over for you.” The familiar voice of Lord Shillington reached her ears. “I was told I would find you in the garden.”

  Amelia twirled to face the intruder with a smile pasted in place despite the turbulent emotions churning within her. He ambled toward her, than came to an abrupt stop merely a foot from where she stood.

  “I must speak with you right away,” he said, a wide grin seated firmly on his face. “I simply cannot stand the thought of you leaving England. I have thought of little else since the declaration left your tender mouth.” He took a few steps closer.

  Alarm bells rang in the back of Amelia’s mind. “Lord Shillington, what is this about?”

  His smile deepened, and his gaze settled on hers. “It is no secret that I have been enamored by you for quite some time now--”

  She glanced away, panic welling up in her. “Do not continue on this path, I beg you. My mind is made up. I will go to America.”

  Lord Shillington took hold of her hands. “Amelia, I have to say this. Look at me, please.”

  Against all reason, she returned her focus to him, granting her permission for him to continue on with a faint nod of her head.

  “I intended to wait until your time of mourning ceased, but circumstance will not allow for it.” He released her clammy hands as he slowly lowered himself to balance on one knee. “My dearest Amelia, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Richard’s smooth baritone boomed through the air like a crash of thunder. “You are wasting your energy, Shillington. She’s already spoken for.”

  Her heart veritably left her chest as Lord Shillington tumbled backwards, landing on his haunches. She turned to face the duke, her cheeks burning with fury. “I most certainly am not!”

  Richard closed the distance between them before she had a chance to run away and took hold of her arms. “You are, and you very well know it.”

  Amelia glared at him, all of her anger and disappointment threatening to overwhelm her as she searched for the appropriate words. When they did not come, she stomped on his foot. “Let go of me this instant. You have no right trying to lay claim to me after casting me aside.” When he released her, she moved to the opposite side of the fountain.

  Lord Shillington regained his footing. “It seems the lady does not wish for your attention, Goldstone. Perhaps you should leave us.”

  Her gaze never faltered from Richard’s handsome face as she battled the emotions sweeping through her. A stormy scowl sculpted his features as she watched. He moved with confidence, closing the gap between them while coming within reach of Lord Shillington.

  She moved, positioning herself between the two lords, one hand rested firmly on Richard’s chest while her eyes meet Lord Shillington’s. “It is true that the duke is seriously misled in his assertions, but they are not entirely unfounded. I cannot accept your proposal.” She forced a gentle grin. “I am both flattered and grateful you tried to save me from my fate, but I must go to America.”

  Lord Shillington looked at his feet before he glanced back at her. “I wish you’d reconsider, but as it stands, I have no choice other than to accept your decision.” He glared past her at Richard. “Shall I escort you back to the house, Lady Amelia?”

  “That will not be necessary.”

  “Surely it is not your desire to stay here with Goldstone.” The words seethed liked venom.

  “You heard the lady, Shillington. Now see your way out before I am forced to help you.” Richard’s tone vibrated with danger.

  “Lord Shillington, please excuse us. I must speak to the duke.”

  His searing gaze met hers, and she nodded, praying he would leave before Richard brought harm upon his person.

  “As you wish, Lady Amelia.” Lord Shillington shot another glare at Richard, then trudged down the path that led back to Abernathy House. Silence filled the air as she watched him go.

  “Amelia.” Her name emanated from Richard’s mouth, causing her belly to flutter.

  When she turned her head, she focused on his heated gaze, and her insides quivered. Dropping her hand from his warm, muscled chest she stepped back in an effort to collect her wits. She tore her gaze away and willed her anger back. “How dare you impose on me and throw around your will. You left me! Why are you here?” She curled her fingers into her palms.

  He stepped forward and reached for her, but she sidestepped his advance. “Do not touch me. You have lost that privilege.”

  He flinched, dropping his arms back to his sides. “Amelia, let me explain. I was angry--”

  “The way you allowed me to explain, before you abandoned me and left me with Lord Shillington and his sister?”

  He caught her off guard, wrapping her in his firm embrace and merging his lips with hers. His tender lips pressed to hers stole all of her resolve as she melted into him, hungrily taking what he offered.

  Breaking the kiss, he stared into her eyes. “That is better. Now might I have a word?”

  Amelia lifted her hand and brought it down across his chiseled cheek. “Nothing is better, do you hear me, nothing. Take your hands from me this--”

  He smothered her words below another demanding kiss. This time, she fought the urge to abandon herself and pushed hard against his chest. He removed his mouth from hers, releasing her as he chuckled deeply, sensually.

  She desperately tried to catch her breath while she fought the urge to toss herself back into his embrace.

  “If you are ready to hear me out, I promise not to kiss you again.” He smirked seductively. “That is, until you ask me to.”

  His final words caused her to laugh boisterously. It was not the first time she had heard them. She recovered herself, settling her gaze back on him. “That is something I shall never do.”

  His irritating grin never faltered. “We will see about that.”

  She leaned her hip on the fountain’s edge and took a deep breath bracing herself for his explanation. “I am listening. Speak your piece, and when you have finished, you can leave me to mine.”

  He raked his fingers through his thick onyx hair before they came to rest at his side. “I arranged for Shillington to escort you back before we made love.”

  “Oh, is that what we are calling it? Pray, do go on.” She arched one brow in partial amusement.

  “I left because I was angry at myself for compromising you.” He stepped closer and rested one hand on the fountain next to her hip. “I barely made Leeds before posting a letter home and turning back toward London.” His gaze seemed to be searching her soul. “I have returned to make you my duchess. Marry me, Amelia.”

  Her tone came out frosty. “Why would I do that?”

  “You may well be carrying my child, and as I have already stated, I compromised you.”

  A baby--she had never considered the possibility. She moved one hand to rest upon her midsection. “I will not marry you. If I do indeed carry your offspring, I will raise it on my own, in America.”

  “Do not be daft. If you are carrying our child, we owe the babe a family and the legitimacy to be gained through our union.” His voice raised by several octaves. “Our child would be heir to a dukedom!”

  She stood and paced a few steps away before glaring back to him. “I am not carrying your child.”

  The idea of carrying his baby settled into her heart, and she began to hope against reason that it could indeed be the case. A baby would give her a piece of him to cherish. A piece of h
im that would return her love.

  “You have no way of knowing that, Amelia. Marry me?” He came up behind her and placed his arms around her. His hands rested gently on top of hers so that both of them caressed her midsection.

  “It is of little consequence. It does not change the fact I cannot marry you.”

  He moved his mouth close to her ear. “Why is it that you cannot marry the man who loves you?”

  His warm breath on her neck sent tingles down her spine, and she swallowed hard. Her knees buckled as the words registered in her mind. She slumped against his hard body. Could it be true? Did he love her? He must be lying. She regained her strength and stepped out of his embrace. “How can you claim to love me after casting me away like a common tart?” The words burned her throat. She searched his eyes for the truth.

  “Can you see your scheming was part of what made me so angry? I was hurt because you remained so focused on marrying an English lord that you could not see my love for you. And I was angry at myself for compromising you despite your plans. I knew when I bedded you that you planned to return to London and marry. I could not handle the knowledge that the woman I loved did not return my affection.”

  He loved her. She could see it in his tormented gaze and hear it in the way his voice cracked. She threw herself into his embrace and smiled up at him. “Say it again? Tell me you love me?”

  “I love you more than mere words could ever express. I want to spend the remainder of my days and nights with you, Amelia. Be it here in England or in Scotland makes no difference to me as long as you are by my side.” He brushed a curl away from her cheek. “Lady Amelia Cosgrove, Viscountess of Everthorne, will you do me the immense honor of becoming my wife?”


  He brought his lips to hers, kissing her soundly. Her breasts pressed against his hard chest as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He pulled her closer, his kiss demanding more.

  She softened under him, meeting his hunger with her own as desire spread through her. Would this always be her reaction to him?


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