Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1)

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Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1) Page 14

by Amanda Mariel

  Sarah’s cheeks burned as she took him in, her gaze roaming across his broad chest. What would it feel like to be wrapped in his arms? She flipped open her fan, cooling herself. So much for keeping her thoughts clean. “It’s scandalous the way he keeps watching me.”

  “Nonsense daughter, you should be flattered.” Mother rested her gloved hand on her chest. “It is not a daily occurrence for you to catch a marquess’ eye.”

  Sarah inhaled sharply and snapped her fan closed. Had everyone lost their minds? “Mother, he is a known rake.”

  “Calm yourself, dear. I did not tell you to marry him, only to be flattered at his attention. Though it is high time you consider finding a spouse. Perhaps more tasteful gentleman will be inspired by the attention Lord Luvington bestows upon you.”

  Someone cleared their throat. Sarah glanced behind her. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of her father.

  “Whose attentions should my darling tulip be flattered by?” Father glanced between Sarah and his wife.

  Mother grinned at her husband. “It’s nothing, really. Don’t bother yourself with it, love.” She placed her hand under his arm.

  He patted it, then looked at Sarah. “Are you enjoying the evening, dearest?”

  “Indeed, Papa.” If her mother believed it best to keep her admirer’s identity from Papa, then she would.

  “And you will let me know if said gentleman’s attentions cross the line?”

  Sarah’s nodded, sending her earbobs dancing. “Yes, Papa.”

  “Very well. Excuse us then.” He gave his wife a smile. “I have been waiting to show your lovely mother off on the dance floor.”

  Sarah angled her head toward the sleek marble clearing. “You had better hurry, lest you miss your chance.” She lifted her crystal glass flute to her lips.

  Mother beamed as Papa led her through the crush toward the dance floor. Maybe her mother was correct, not about gaining the attention of a suitable match, but about Lord Luvington’s attention being innocuous. It was not she who acted inappropriately. Sarah decided to enjoy the rest of the ball, and if Lord Luvington insisted on studying her, then so be it.

  Hours later, Sarah stood and arched her back as the quartet started a new tune. She had been dancing for hours and her feet ached inside of her thin slippers. On several occasion during the evening she caught Lord Luvington studying her. She simply could not understand his sudden interest. Soon enough she would get the chance to ask him outright about his behavior toward her. Two dances remained. No doubt Lord Shillington would seek her out soon…and then Lord Luvington.

  Good heavens, the mere thought of dancing the final waltz with him set her nerves on edge. Her hands began to shake. No way did she believe his intentions innocent. She took a deep breath and steeled herself as Lord Shillington approached.

  He bowed. “Shall we?”

  Sarah forced a smile and threaded her hand through his offered arm. At least Lord Shillington was not an admirer, he was a family friend. The dance would prove more pleasurable for that. So long as he did not step on her toes.

  Sarah moved in tune to the music while Lord Shillington led her through the dance. She could not help but search out Lord Luvington in the crowd, knowing their dance came next. He stood near the veranda door, and their gazes locked for an instant before Shillington turned her around. She nibbled her bottom lip. Refusing the dance would be considered poor manners, something she had never been accused of. Sarah sighed.

  “What bothers you, Lady Sarah?” Genuine interest reflected in Lord Shillington’s gaze.

  She offered a small smile. Other than her brother, Lord Shillington was the only gentleman with whom she could speak freely. He never judged her, nor did he share her musings with others. However, did she want to discuss this with him?

  “Clearly something has you riled. You can tell me, whatever it is. Perhaps I can be of assistance.”

  “It’s nothing.” Sarah glanced back at the veranda for a moment. “Only, how well do you know Lord Luvington?”

  Lord Shillington’s mouth quirked in a teasing smile. “Has a gentleman finally captured your fancy?”

  “Goodness, no,” she said without thought, then blushed at her rudeness. “But he did sign my dance card.”

  Shillington twirled her, and when she came back into his hold he said, “Lord Luvington is a fine chap. I play cards with him at White’s on occasion.” He blinked. “I should likely refrain from telling you any of this.”

  “Any of what? Gentlemen play cards all the time.”

  “Yes, of course. What I was about to tell you is of a different nature.” His cheeks tinted pink.

  Much like her, Lord Shillington was seen as a pillar of good moral behavior among their peers. Clumsiness plagued him and had gained him quite the reputation, but no one questioned his character.

  “Now you simply must tell me.” Sarah batted her eyelashes and formed her lips into a pout.

  “He is rather…how can I put this delicately?” He glanced away. “Popular among the fairer sex.”

  “A rake, you mean.”

  He swallowed, meeting her gaze again. “No matter. A dance will be fine.”

  “Even if it is the last waltz of the evening?”

  “Even so.” Lord Shillington spun her and brought her back into his arms once more. “There now, don’t you feel more at ease?”

  “Yes, thank you.” She allowed her eyes to close for an instant. How would she survive a dance with such a man?

  The quartet ended their song, and Lord Shillington led Sarah over to Lord Luvington. “I hear you have the pleasure of Lady Sarah’s last dance.”

  “Indeed I do.” Lord Luvington held his arm out to her.

  She glanced up at him before accepting it. Her stomach gave an unwelcome flutter. Warmth spread across her chest and cheeks as she imagined everyone in the ballroom staring at them. He led her to the middle of the dance floor and gathered her into his arms as the quartet resumed playing.

  “Relax, my lady. It is only a dance.”

  Mortified, she tipped her chin. “I am relaxed.” How had he known she fretted? Sarah took a deep breath and let it out slow, with a glance around at her peers.

  “If this is you being relaxed, I pity those exposed to you when you are not.” His smile did uncomely things to her insides. “On my honor, this is only a dance.”

  “I do not believe you have any honor, my lord, nor am I fool enough to believe this an innocent dance.” She glanced up at him. “You want something from me.”

  He grinned. “Perhaps I do.”

  “You are wasting your time, my lord.”

  “Unless, of course, it is simply a dance.”

  “You just stated you want something from me.” Sarah balled her free hand in the fabric of her skirts. If she were less of a lady, she would slap his face for toying with her.

  “No, I said perhaps I wanted something. Which means I could very well want nothing.” He arched one dark brow and a chestnut lock of hair flopped onto his forehead.

  Good heavens, no man should be so attractive. Sarah stared into his green eyes. “Enough of your games. Tell me what you want, Lord Luvington.”


  “Yes, tonight,” Sarah bit out through clenched teeth.

  “Tonight, I want to hold you.” His rakish grin made her heart nearly stop.

  Sarah blushed at the implication and glanced at the couples dancing nearby. Another statement the likes of that one and she would be ruined for sure.

  He pulled her scandalously close and leaned in until his lips brushed her ear. “Tomorrow, I want to get to know you better.”

  The waltz ended, and before she could form a thought, he released her and walked off, leaving her standing there alone.


  Amanda Mariel dreams of days gone by when life moved at a slower pace. She enjoys taking pen to paper and exploring historical time periods through her imagination and the written word. When she is not
writing she can be found reading, crocheting, traveling, practicing her photography skills, or spending time with her family.

  Amanda lives along the Lake Huron shoreline in northern Michigan with her husband and two kids. She holds a Master of Liberal Arts Degree with a concentration in literature and has a long-standing love affair with sugary junk food.

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  Table of Contents

  Scandalous Endeavors

  Titles by Amanda Mariel




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Exerpt of Scandalous Intentions

  About Amanda Mariel




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