Capital Sins

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Capital Sins Page 6

by Jane Marciano

  He proceeded to open a bottle of champagne, cold and sweating straight from the fridge. 'Want some now?'

  'Mmm, yes.'

  He poured the foaming, bubbling liquid into a deep goblet.

  'Here's to you, beauty,' he toasted. 'To an enchanting girl whom I hope to see a lot more of.'

  She raised her glass, clinked it against his, and they drank deeply.

  'Who washes up afterwards?' she asked innocently a moment later, and he laughed.

  'Don't worry your head about such mundane matters. Just enjoy yourself, baby.'

  Connie didn't bother correcting him again.

  'Want the television on while you eat, or do you prefer to listen to records?' he asked as she chewed on the snails cautiously and found the flavour tasty.

  She followed his example and mopped up the garlic sauce with a hunk of French bread. 'Is it colour?' He nodded. 'Can we watch TV then?'

  'At your service.' He pressed a control by his side and the screen lit up into life and action.

  As they finished their meal, the Hollywood movie they had been watching ended.

  'Want to see more... Connie?' He was careful to call her by her name now.

  'I don't think so.' She stretched back, uncaring if her dress creased, and wished she could take off her shoes which were hurting, they were so tight. 'J wouldn't mind listening to some music, though,' she said sleepily.

  'Let me just get rid of these dirty dishes.'

  He wheeled the trolley back into the kitchen and brought a fresh bottle of champagne back with him.

  'Have some more bubbly,' he offered and Connie willingly held out her glass, realising that she was getting tipsy, but not caring.

  While she buried her small nose in the gas, Philip went over to the stereo, selected some records and, as the voice of Lena Horne filled the room, he dimmed the lights by turning a switch on the wall. It was very romantic.

  'Come and sit down here with me.' He held out his hand to her as she settled on a pile of cushions on the floor.

  Without hesitation, Connie joined him, bringing their drinks with her. Philip stretched out on his back and Connie lay at right angles to him, her head resting against his chest. He stroked her hair which covered the top half of his body like a blanket.

  'Isn't this good?' he said softly. She agreed that it was. Very.


  'Uhuh.' The throbbing music seemed to be melting her bones: the drink made her feel slow and lethargic.

  He blew a smoke ring into the air and she followed it with her eyes. Connie took another sip of the champagne but, at that angle, it dribbled down her chin. She sat up, laughing. Philip lazily moved an arm and wiped her throat with his finger. Lying back, she dragged on her cigarette, and the only sounds to be heard were the music playing and their relaxed breathing. He shifted his position to get more comfortable and laid his left arm lightly across her breasts. She let it remain there.

  'Why do all modem homes only have central heating?' she remarked casualty after a while. 'Wouldn't a hot, roaring log fire look lovely as well; give one something to look at as well as feel?'

  'You're a romantic,' Philip answered, his fingers beginning to stroke her throat absent-mindedly.

  'I know, and I'm not ashamed of being one.' She paused, then, 'Philip?'


  'Talk to me.'

  'Here we go,' he drawled. 'OK, what about?'


  'My pleasure. What would you like to know?'

  She shrugged her shoulder under his moving band. 'Well, for starters, have you ever been in love?'

  Philip chuckled. 'Often.'

  'No, seriously.'

  'I'm not joking.'

  'A few,' he admitted.

  'Ever liked one enough to... marry?' she asked hesitantly.

  'Mmm.' A non-committal answer.

  She moved suddenly and pinched him. 'You have to reply truthfully!'

  He yelped and caught her hands. 'Christ! Your nails!' Philip looked into her eyes, frowning slightly. 'Why the nosey questions, baby? Can't you simply take things as they come?'

  'I've got a friend who does, but that doesn't satisfy me, Philip.' She decided to be frank. 'Do you believe it's possible to know someone for a very short time, yet know that they're the right person for you?'

  'Is that how you think and feel about me?' he said, his tone teasing.

  'Yes. How do you feel about me?' Connie asked bluntly.

  He grinned suddenly. 'Let me have a feel, and I'll tell you.'

  She poked her tongue out. 'Honestly, Philip, don't you like me better than all the other girls you've known?' She tried not to feel jealous.

  He rubbed his jaw reflectively. 'You're not slow about coming forwards, are you? Jesus, dames,' he said feelingly.

  'I know what I like and what I want, so why shouldn't I get what I want?'

  'That's precisely how I think, Connie ... '

  She dodged his hands and went on as if he hadn't spoken.

  'I'm a girl who makes up her mind very quickly, and I just know that you and I are right for each other, and you must feel the same! You're exactly the sort of man I've always wanted to marry ... '

  Her meaning suddenly penetrated. 'Marriage?' he echoed. 'Jesus, is this a proposal?' He sat up quickly dislodging her from his chest. Connie rolled over, propped herself up on her elbows, and looked up at him through a sheet of hair that had fallen over her eyes.

  'How long must it take to fall in love?' she countered. 'We already know we have much in common, that we're physically as well as mentally attracted to each other, and are both free. I think I'm in love with you, and if you say you feel the same about me, well. what's to go wrong? Why should we hang around and let time pass?'

  He spread his hands in a gesture of appeal. 'But you couldn't love me, it isn't possible,' he said practically. 'Hell, I know your sort, any suitable guy would do.' He softened his voice when he saw her lips tremble. 'This is only the second time we've met, Connie.' he said reasonably.

  She placed her palms on the carpet and pulled herself up. Her body was a long bow on the ground as she stared at him, willing him to believe her.

  'I don't want just any man, Philip, I want you!'

  He became aware of how close she was, that all that beauty was within his reach if he so desired it, and he did, at any cost. His eyes lowered of their own accord to her thrusting breasts against the thin material and his expression became full of lust, greed.

  'I don't know about marriage,' he said thickly, 'but I do know that there's other things on my mind.'

  Connie would have spoken, but he cut in, his manner instantly coaxing and persuasive.

  'How can I be as sure as you, know what I feel, until you've let me kiss you?' He drew her into his arms as he spoke and her eyes were absorbed on his face. 'Marriage isn't something that people rush into unless they know they're suited, in more ways than one.' His eyelids dropped and his gaze roamed over her slim, supple body.

  'Philip, I... ' She shifted uneasily but his hands pinned her down. Swiftly, he rolled so that he was practically on top of her.

  'Connie, I could very easily fall for you in a big way, but you mustn't expect me, or any man, to give up his freedom without tasting the goods first, to check if they're acceptable, you dig? Yes, of course you do.'

  She stared up at him while the words came to him easier.

  'Why do you suppose so many couples have trial marriages before they actually take that irrevocable step?' he added. 'They do it to make sure that they're sexually compatible, right? You know as well as I how important sex is in a relationship, and doesn't it make sense? Believe me when I say that I'm more than halfway there to loving you, but there's just that little way to go, and you've got to help me make up my mind. Now, what do you say?'

  Connie had to admit that he sounded right. Isn't that what happened in all the novels she had ever read? In all the films she had seen? Wasn't that life, and as such, to be accepted?

>   'Then kiss me, Philip,' she whispered in assent.

  Immediately, his face lowered and his lips, which were hot and wet, and tasted of champagne, sought hers in a kiss that was fierce and demanding. Connie closed her eyes and was equally responsive, but after a moment, she moved under him.

  'Whassa matter?' His speech was becoming slurred and his eyes were glazed as he pulled back to gaze at her.

  'My... my dress,' she managed to say; his weight was crushing the breath out of her and she knew her gown would be getting wrinkled.

  'You want to take it off?'

  'No, it's just that ... '

  'Here, I'll help you.'

  It wasn't what she had intended at all, but nervously, she allowed him to unzip the dress and it slipped down off her shoulders. He pulled it down past her hips, until she was standing in a pool of shimmering blue. Connie stepped out from it and stood before him in her bra and pants. She could feel herself trembling although outwardly she appeared in control of her emotions. She stared back at him remotely.

  'Jesus,' he said hoarsely, and with feeling, as he appraised her curvaceous body. 'You're slender, but very well stacked. It's all there.' Philip gave a long, low whistle.

  She felt young and vulnerable, standing half-naked before him, and hoped that she didn't seem to him like a naive little girl when she wanted to impress him so much. Philip gripped her by her upper arms.

  'C'mon, baby, it'll be all right,' he muttered, sensing her shyness.

  'I don't think ... '

  'You wanna play, eh? S'all right with me.'

  He laughed suddenly, and picked her up in his arms as if she weighed no more than a feather. She wriggled in his arms but it only served to excite him further.

  'You like to wrestle, do you? Well, so do I. We both know who the victor will be, but isn't it delicious finding out?'

  He carried her easily into a large bedroom where he dropped her to her feet. His eyes didn't leave her trembling figure as he took off his jacket and flung it on to a chair. He loosened his tie and didn't even stop to unknot it in his haste, but flung it still knotted after the jacket. He wasn't wearing a vest and she stared, transfixed, at his chest. The skin was pale, and although hairless, Philip wasn't unmuscular, and she noticed the muscles on his arms bulge as he bent to remove his trousers and shorts. She watched, fascinated, while her pulse raced and a minute drop of perspiration slipped down her forehead. She hoped he would take off his socks, he looked silly with only them on, but he couldn't wait and Philip suddenly lunged at her.

  His arms went around her back, and she thought he was hugging her, and felt it was a rather sweet, affectionate gesture under such heated conditions, so put her arms around him to cuddle him back. She lifted her face and their mouths met. Then he stepped away, taking her bra with him. Connie gave a tiny shriek and crossed her arms frantically over her breasts, trying to hide them.

  'What about our bargain?' he said gently. 'You said you thought you loved me,' Philip reminded her.

  'Yes, I ... I know.'

  'Isn't it the most natural and normal thing for two people who love each other to see each other properly without feeling ashamed?'

  He remained standing before her and made no attempt to touch her, not wanting to scare her off at this stage of the seduction.

  'I suppose so,' she answered slowly.

  He folded his arms, very much in charge of the situation.

  'I certainly don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do,' he went on, adopting a sensible attitude. 'Don't you want to be loved? Don't you want me to love you, Connie?'

  He couldn't have phrased it better. She was taken aback at the question. He had put the ball fairly and squarely in her court, and now she could see it was up to her to make up her mind. It was her decision, Philip wasn't forcing her, and it wasn't as if she were a virgin. Connie reckoned it was generous of him to be so considerate, and warmed towards him, as he'd calculated.

  'Of course, Philip,' she whispered, dropping her arms and her defence.

  'Then come here,' he commanded.

  She moved forwards and didn't resist when his lips lowered to her rigid nipples. He kissed her gently, and she felt herself relaxing. He slid his hands under her armpits and, raising her off the ground, carried her to the bed, where she dropped and fell backwards, her legs dangling over the side. Bending, Philip's lips travelled over her flat, soft stomach as his hands slowly slid her pants down her legs. She raised her bottom to help and didn't look to see where he tossed them, for his mouth and tongue were working along her body again, making her flesh quiver. Connie gripped his head and pulled up his face to hers. When their lips met in a devouring kiss, she was as excited as he.

  'Beautiful, beautiful,' he murmured, as his hands roamed heavily over the velvet skin. His teeth tugged at her nipples and Connie gasped.

  'Not so rough,' she muttered, 'be gentle with me. Ah... that's good ... do it again ... yes, there ... '

  'Christ! I'm coming ... put your legs around my back. Move, will you!' he moaned, the gentleness gone from his voice. 'Hell, I can't get it in!'

  'What a shame! It must be real tough!'

  The voice, coming so unexpectedly from the doorway, startled them both. Connie screamed as Philip rolled off her quickly, and she tried to cover her nakedness when she saw a woman standing there, glaring at them.

  Connie reached out to Philip but he had bounded off the bed.

  'It's your mother!' she said breathlessly.

  The woman's face turned a deep purple. 'Mother, be damned, you little slut! I'm his wife!'

  Philip was tugging on his shorts. 'I wasn't expecting you back tonight,' he blurted out, his face bleak.

  'It's nice to know you still have some consideration left for me,' his wife barked angrily.

  Connie stared in horror. Surely this raddled, over made-up old woman couldn't be Philip's wife! No, it was impossible, ludicrous! And yet, a glance at his downcast face confirmed her fears. But she must be almost sixty! Mrs Dual sneered at Connie who stared back speechlessly, unable to move a muscle.

  'Get your cunt off my bed!' the woman hissed venemously. 'Get out!'

  'I swear I didn't know,' Connie managed to retort, but nevertheless swung her legs around and jumped nimbly off the bed and began hunting feverishly for her underwear.

  'Which makes you fornicating with my husband all right, l suppose,' the woman lashed back, her puckered lips a bright scarlet slash as she snarled.

  'He didn't tell me he was married, I thought he was single... '

  The enormity of what had nearly happened struck her and, overcome with embarrassment, Connie covered her face with her hands. 'I'm sorry ... '

  'Just get your stuff and go! I don't want to look at you, let alone talk to you, you cheap little whore!'

  Connie, stung at such unfairness, wanted to explain, but she controlled herself and didn't retaliate further. Wordlessly, her face flaming, she clipped on her bra as fast as she could, and hunted for her pants, conscious all the while of the woman watching her in disgust.

  'These what you're looking for?' And the woman hooked them up off the floor with the toe of her shoe and flung them abruptly into the girl's face. 'It's a wonder your type bothers to wear them at all!'

  Clenching her jaw, holding back the tears, Connie put them on and then, with her head held high, walked in what she prayed was a dignified manner into the lounge where her dress lay on the floor. As she slithered into it, she could hear them talking inside the bedroom. The woman's voice screeched gratingly as her young husband apparently tried to pacify her.

  '... And where did you pick up that one, Phil?' She heard the woman say in a biting tone. 'As soon as my back is turned ... '

  'She's no one special, baby, believe me. She means nothing to me.' His voice was smarmy, fawning, but desperate sounding, and Connie gritted her teeth. 'She's just some broad who took advantage of me when I was drunk.'

  'Ha! And you brought her back here with you to sleep it off
, 1 suppose!'

  There was shrill laughter from her, a raucous sound.

  'Aw, hell, baby, you don't have to be jealous. You know it's you I want, and only you.'

  Knows which side his bread's buttered, Connie thought, hating him with every fibre of her being.

  'I've told you about this before, Phil.' His wife's voice was warning now. 'I won't stand for any cheating ... '

  Stinking gigolo! The word seared through Connie's mind

  'Don't scold, sweet. Look, I'll make it up to you.'

  'Oh, yeah? And just how are you going to do that?' Her voice had taken on a whining, petulant note. She had been grossly offended, and he had to pay. 'When was the last time you and me made it together, Phi!?'

  'C'mere and I'll remind you, make you remember ... '

  She turned coy. 'I don't know. You've been a bad boy and I'm very annoyed with you ... what are you doing!' The voice had scaled a pitch.

  Connie closed her eyes, sickened.

  'Isn't this the way you like it?' There was the sound of ripping cloth, and Connie looked around wildly for her handbag, not wanting to hear any more.

  'Spread your legs, baby. Now, how does this feel ... and this?'

  The girl picked up her coat as she raced across the room to the door. She flung it open and ran from the place as fast as her legs would go. Not having waited for the lift, the clattering of her heels could be heard as she fled.

  'God, it was awful, Sheila, I've never felt so humiliated in all my life. I wanted to die!'

  Connie had just finished relating last night's episode to a sympathetic Sheila Delaney. Sitting at her desk amid the normal routine of a fresh day, it now seemed as if it had been a long and horrible nightmare, not quite real.

  'You poor kid. You're sure learning about life the hard way. Connie's fingers pounded on the typewriter keys as if she were venting her fury on the machine.

  'Men! They're just beasts, rotten to the core!'

  'Not all of them,' Sheila said fairly.

  'All the ones I've met have been,' the younger girl snorted. 'I just don't understand how they can act the way they do,' she complained, her face still bitter as she recalled the way that Philip Dual had grovelled before his wife.


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