Bishop - Part One: Hollows Creek Book 1

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Bishop - Part One: Hollows Creek Book 1 Page 1

by Leigh, Elisa

  Bishop - Part One

  Hollows Creek Book 1



  For Fabiola. Thank you for encouraging me to finish Bishop and Cara’s story.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  About the Author




  Hollows Creek Book One

  By Elisa Leigh

  © Elisa Leigh 2019.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Adult Erotic Romance.


  Cover created by Elisa Leigh in PicMonkey. Picture bought from DepositPhotos.

  Created with Vellum


  Hollows Creek Book 1 - Part 1

  Hollows Creek is a small town hidden away in the Tennessee mountains. Cara Giordano quickly learns there is more than just a town hidden away there. From the first day she steps foot in Hollows Creek High School, things begin to change drastically for her.

  Bishop Arnetti is many things. A high school senior, football star, the leader of Hollows Creek. Most importantly he has just found his soul mate, and she has no idea what she is to him or the impact of their connection.

  Will the depth of their connection be too much for Cara to take? Will their love survive the trials they will face as leaders of this not so ordinary town?

  This is an instalove novel with a HFN and ends in a cliffhanger. Bishop Part 2 will be out at the beginning of the summer 2019.


  Cara Giordano

  Laying on my bed, I’m reviewing my notes for the English Lit Test I have tomorrow morning while listening to the band I’m going to see Friday night with Jasper. Thank God for him, he’s the best friend any girl could ask for, but lately, I get the feeling he wants something more. He’s a great guy, and very attractive, but I don’t feel that way about him. I’m just going to let things be, no need to say anything and risk things being weird. My mind made up, I finish reviewing my notes. Finally finished, I close my book and sit up in bed stretching my legs out. I hear a loud thumping over the music. What the heck is that? I wonder to myself. I slide my headphones off and wait to see if I’ll hear it again. Bang, bang, bang. Someone must be at the door.

  I roll out of bed and walk to my front door. “I’m coming, I’m coming. Hold your dang horses.” I call, to whoever is banging on my door at this late hour.

  I look through the peephole and see two uniformed NYPD officers. The police? What are they doing here? They must be looking for my dad. I bet it has something to do with one of his clients. I unlock the door and open it up.

  “Are you Miss Giordano?” One of the officers ask.

  I nod, still surprised the police are at my door. The two men stand there staring at me, waiting. Then it dawns on me, and I clear my throat. “Yes, that’s me.”

  Opening their badges, the older one begins. “We’re officers Morgan and White. Is your father Lucas Giordano, the Lawyer at Giordano and Associates?” I nod again, not sure I like where this is going.

  “Can we please come in?”

  I open the door to let them in, more than ready to find out what’s going on, I lead them into our living room, but no one sits down. I can feel the tension radiating around us, and it’s causing the pit growing in my stomach to double in size. Why aren’t they saying anything? “My dad isn’t here right now, but he should be on his way back from the office. If you’d like to wait, he should be here any minute.”

  They both look at me sadly. I know this look, it’s the same one my dad gave me when he told me when I was ten, and my grandmother passed away.

  “Is your mom home?” The younger one, Officer White, I think, asks.

  I snort and shake my head. “No, she hasn’t lived with us since I was little. I wouldn’t even know how to get in touch with her.”

  Officer Morgan sighs and scrubs the back of his neck. “Dear, I’m afraid your father was attacked. There was a struggle, and he didn’t make it.”

  Unable to stand at his news, I sit down on the couch trying to keep it together. “What happened exactly?”

  Officer White, looks over to his partner, then back at me and replies. “It appears your dad was mugged outside his office building.”

  When I begin to cry, Officer White hands me some tissues from the box we keep on the table and sits down beside me. He’s almost as broken up about this as I am. I’d guess he’s been on the job for a year or two at the max. “Is there anyone you can call? A relative?”

  I sit there and think about who in the hell I still have left and could call? I have no one. I have no clue who my mother is, and Grandma Grace has been gone for years. “I don’t-” Clearing my throat of impending tears, I try again. “There’s no one. Umm, are they going to take me?”

  “Who dear?” Officer Morgan asks softly. The man has probably had to do this hundreds, maybe thousands of times.

  “Child Protective Services, I’m going to have to go into foster care right?”

  “We don’t know right now. Is there any family you can stay with?”

  “I don’t know. I have an uncle, but he lives in Tennessee. It’s been a long time since he’s talked to my dad.”

  “We’ll get in contact with him. Do you have some friends you could stay with until he gets here?”

  “So your not calling CPS?” I stand, grateful for at least something going right.

  “You’re almost eighteen, and you have some family. I’ll call a caseworker over and see if they are able to grant your friend’s parent with temporary custody.”

  I nod and call Jasper, telling him what happened. Jasper comes over immediately with his mom. Officer Morgan definitely knew what he was talking about because Ms. Laurie was granted temporary custody, just like he said. Jas and his mom help me gather some of my things. I’ll have to come back later to pack up, but for now, it’s enough.

  When I get to their house, I make the call I’m nervous about. After Grandma Grace died
, my dad and uncle Greg got in a big fight. Uncle Greg, who is a lot younger than my dad, couldn’t agree on whatever it was they were fighting about, and he left. It’s been years since I’ve seen or heard from him. When he doesn’t answer my call, I’m not surprised. I leave him a message asking him to call back, but not expecting him to.

  Chapter 1


  “God, did you see her hair? Who would do that?” A pretty girl says to the other two standing next to her.

  I usually don’t have self-esteem issues, but I have to admit their words kind of sting. Growing up in a city known for accepting all types of people, I was happy to be me. When the girls start whispering and laughing, I have to wonder if they are talking about me. It’s not like anyone else around here has crazy colors in their hair. In fact, the people around Hollows Creek are all a bit cookie cutter if you ask me.

  “I know right, and her ass is so fat. She's going to fill out the uniform like a fucking stuffed sausage.” One of the other girls says making the other two snicker.

  Hearing that, I pick up my clothes and immediately walk into a bathroom stall to change into the stupid PE uniform. For a girl my shape, this thing is not flattering.

  They laugh harder when I close the door and lock it.

  Scrubbing my hands down my face, I take a breath. I have never been this socially awkward. I know I have big boobs, and I’m a lot curvier than most girls my age, but I don’t think I look bad. Shit, no one made fun of people at my old school, not like this. It all seemed friendlier, but maybe I’m remembering it differently since I wasn’t the target. We were all pretty funky in our own right and accepting of each other's differences.

  Rolling my neck, I take another deep breath and change. I fold my too long shorts down at the waist and do my best to stretch the school t-shirt out. It’s way too tight across my chest, but at least the girls will be held in place better. I pull my dark brown hair with turquoise and purple ombre highlights into a ponytail. Those Stepford Wife minis can suck it because my hair is freaking awesome.

  Pulling my tube socks up, I make sure my pink chucks are tied. No need to trip and give those bitches something else to laugh at me about. Head held high, I walk out to my last class of the day, thank God!

  No one has talked to me so far in my other four classes. I guess they need to stay away from the new girl with crazy hair. Each time I walked into a class, I could feel their judgmental stares. I would watch as the students would gawk at me, then whisper to their friends.

  “Miss Giordano, come here please.” The coach calls from the middle of the basketball court. I walk up to Coach Harvey, an older man in his late fifties. He is pretty built for a guy his age. Like ‘I wake up and piss excellence’ built. His graying black hair is styled in a buzz cut that reminds me of men I have seen in army fatigues. He looks gruff, and I can already tell he doesn’t put up with any bullshit. I can respect a man like him.

  Walking over to the Coach, I greet him the only way I know how. My father taught me to always give a firm handshake, not be a limp noodle. I hold out my hand to shake his. “Coach Harvey, I’m Cara Giordano.”

  He looks at my hand for a long minute as if he doesn’t know what to do with it. Finally, he shakes it with a firm grip, and let's go. “I know your uncle girl. He’s an exceptional teacher here at Hollow’s Creek High. Sorry to hear about your father. If you need something, and you can’t get to your uncle, you let me know.” Looking him in the eyes, I nod, appreciative of the thought.

  “Right then. Let’s get this class started. You knuckleheads, give me four laps around the court. When you’re finished, I want you stretching out. Basketball game starts in ten minutes.”

  When he blows his whistle, everyone starts running laps. God, I hate running. Any girl with a large chest understands my pain. My boobs are way too big for this, thank God the shirt is tight because it's keeping them a little more contained. As I begin my run, I keep my head down, making sure to keep my eyes open, so I don’t run into anyone. I don’t need to draw any more unwanted attention to myself. On my fourth lap, I start breathing heavy, and sweat is dripping down the sides of my face. I’m not used to running, and my boobs keep getting in the way of my arms or hitting my chin. Shit, this is embarrassing, I hope no one is watching me.

  Looking at my side to see who is still running, I hope I'm not the last one. Distracted from looking everywhere else but in front of me, I don’t see the guy who is bent over tying his shoe. Unable to stop in time I run straight into him, knocking him down and falling on top of him.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.” I pant.

  He grabs my hips and squeezes before I'm able to move off of him. “That’s okay, beautiful. You can lay on me anytime you want.”

  I freeze, is he freaking serious right now? There’s a class full of people, not to mention the coach is right there. I do my best to get off of him, not wanting to give him the wrong impression, but he refuses to let me go. “Umm. No thank you. Let me go.”

  The smile he was beaming at me seconds ago, falls. Before I know it though, he’s smiling again, only it doesn't reach his eyes. There’s something off about him, and it’s creeping me out. The only thing I want to do is get away from him as soon as possible. He releases my hips, and I'm able to get to my feet, without taking his outstretched hand.

  “My name is Brenton, but you can call me Bren like the rest of my friends.”

  I stare at him a moment, not sure what to say. I mean, what do you say to the guy who just had his hands in places you didn’t appreciate him touching? “Uh, ok Brenton. See you later.”

  I wave, immediately turning to walk to where the rest of the class is gathered and waiting to start the game. Before I’m able to get more than three feet, Brenton grabs my wrist stopping me from going and turns me around to face him. “I want your name.”

  I glare at him and tug my wrist out of his grasp and rub the pain of his hold away. “I don’t want to give it to you. Maybe next time, try asking instead of demanding. You might get what you want that way. Keep your hands to yourself, asshole.” Walking away, I hear him loud and clear when he calls me a ‘fat bitch’ for the people around us to hear. I roll my eyes and keep walking. Real original buddy.

  Standing next to a girl not much taller than me, with strawberry blonde hair and light brown eyes, I breathe a sigh of relief to be away from him. Thirty more minutes and my first day will be officially over. These minutes couldn’t go any slower.

  “Brenton is a douche. You want to stay away from him and his friends.”

  Looking at the only person my age to speak to me today, I give her a grateful smile. “Thanks. He was acting creepy.”

  She smiles at me. “He gives me the same vibe girl. I’m Mandy by the way. You’re Mr. Giordano’s niece, right?”

  I nod, wondering how she knew who my uncle was.

  She laughs lightly with the perfect little giggle that makes me smile too. “He’s been telling his classes you’re here at the school, and to play nice or else.”

  With wide eyes I gasp, “Are you freaking kidding me?”

  She laughs and shakes her head no.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to kill him.” I groan into the palms of my hands.

  She laughs again, “It wasn’t too bad. He was kind of cute about it, like a big brother looking out for his little sister sort of thing. He’s a well-respected teacher around here. He’s a lot younger than most of the teachers so a lot of us find it easier to relate to him.”

  “It’s been so long since we have seen each other. I almost didn’t move down. I was worried I’d upset the life he built for himself.”

  “I doubt it. When he told us you would be moving here, the loneliness that followed him around seemed to fade some. You’re good for him Cara, I can tell.”

  I hope she’s right. While Mandy and I are busy talking, they make teams. Thankfully we aren't on them. We sit on the bleachers and attempt to watch the game, really though, we just keep tal
king. From the moment she started speaking to me, I have felt at ease with her. I never feel comfortable enough to let my guard down around people, especially girls my own age. Hell, it took Jasper months of pestering me to finally break down my walls. Soon, my mind starts to wander, and I think back over the last few weeks and how things have changed.

  Someone pushes on my shoulder, and I look over seeing Mandy looking worried. “Hey. Girl, you okay?”

  “Oh. Yeah, sorry. Just thinking about my dad.”

  She looks down at me with sad eyes and a small smile. “PE is over. We can change and go. Do you have a class or a free period after?”

  I stand and stretch, walking with Mandy to the locker rooms. “I’m done for the day. How about you?”

  She grins wide. “Hell yeah, I have a free period! Most seniors have a free period right now. Perks of senior year baby.” I laugh at my new friend. When we get to the locker room, most of the girls are finishing up and leaving.

  When we enter, the girls who had been talking about me earlier are whispering next to their lockers. “Did you see Bishop today? God, he was looking delicious, as always.”

  “Careful Farrah, Bishop and I might not be together right now, but that’s going to change very soon.”

  “Sorry, Alexis. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “It’s okay. I know Bishop is fucking hot. Just remember, he’s mine.” The girls laugh evilly.

  “And how exactly are you going to get him back A?”


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