Guardian's Grace

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Guardian's Grace Page 25

by Jacqueline Rhoades

  “Fuck, he’s losing it.”

  Tyn whirled on the demon who had spoken. “Would you like to be next?”

  The demon stepped away from Tyn and Tyn nodded. “That’s better.” He pointed his finger in warning. “Unless you can take Abyar in a fight, and take it from me you can’t, keep you’re fucking mouth shut. Keep your heart covered and do what you’re told.”

  “How’re we supposed to kill the bastards if we can’t find them? Tell me that.”

  Tyn shook his head. “Abyar’s right about one thing. There’s not a one of you who has anything better than shit for brains.” Ragor snickered and Tyn glared. “Do we know how many of them are out there?” and when the demons shook their heads, he hissed, “Then lie.” He jerked his head toward the door. “Come on, Ragor. I need a drink.”

  Chapter 39

  Once again Manon had come through both as a seamstress and a friend. Grace felt like a medieval princess about to be wed to her prince.

  The gown was made of white silk chiffon with long fluted sleeves that flowed to her knees. The deep vee of the neckline complimented the shallower one where the bodice ended below her waist. The front of the swirling A-line skirt was split to the point of the vee. Trim, delicately embroidered in gold, encircled her waist and followed both sides of the split to the floor. The same trim edged the sleeves and neckline. A dupioni silk lining and underskirt kept the gown from transparency.

  “How, Manon, how did you create such an exquisite thing in so little time? And how can I ever thank you?” Grace twirled in front of the mirror admiring the eddy of silk at her feet. “It’s gorgeous. I’m gorgeous.” She’d never dreamed that a dress could make her feel so beautiful.

  The older woman’s laugh filled the room. “Your pleasure in it is thanks enough. I began it the day after you left my house to return to Canaan. I knew it would be only a matter of time.” She stopped Grace in mid twirl. “Stay still while I tighten the laces.” While she drew in the satin cord that shaped the gown from the back, she said, “I have no daughter of my own to do this for. It has given me great pleasure to do it for you. Now, while you put on your shoes, I will get the crowning touch. It is your gift from Canaan.”

  She went to the bed and retrieved a black velvet bag similar to the one that held Grace’s ring but much larger and square. She withdrew a circlet of white gold filigree. Two sprays of yellow gold lilies framed a ruby at their center, a match for her ring. Manon handed a tissue to Grace before she set the circlet on her head.

  “Do not ruin your make-up ma petite. We do not have time to apply it again.”

  Grace sniffed and jerked her head in a nod but it wasn’t easy to hold back her tears.

  Canaan was waiting for her at the foot of the stairs. He was dressed much as Nardo had been, all in pristine white but emblazoned on his scapular was the shield and heraldry of his House. Grace’s knees went weak at the sight of him. She could hardly believe this fairy tale was hers.

  Nardo drove them to Saint Stephen’s. Nico had left earlier to prepare the way. As they pulled up in front of the old stone church, Grace gasped. Her eyes widened and her throat closed. She thought she might choke.

  “Grace? What’s wrong sweetling?” Canaan’s voice was full of love and concern.

  “Th-this is the ch-church where my mother abandoned m-me,” she blurted.

  “I’m sorry, love, I didn’t know.” He held her close until her breathing settled and then he lifted her chin so her face was to his. “Grace, listen to me. You know your mother didn’t abandon you. She brought you here to protect you. What better place than this to show her that her dream for you came true. You’re loved and protected, sweetling. Your mother bringing you here brought you the life that brought you to me. I’m grateful to her, Grace. Are you?”

  “If that’s what it took for me to find you, then I’m grateful too,” she murmured and kissed him.

  Nardo, in the front seat, cleared his throat. “You two might want to save that for later. It’s getting late.”

  Nico met them at the door holding it open for then. He bowed deeply. “My lord, my lady.” He brought his fist to his heart. “I stand and serve at your command.”

  Nardo repeated the bow and the words as he reached them on the steps. He and Nico took up their positions on either side of the door as the lovers entered.


  “We got ‘em, Col! We got the little bastards.” Dov’s heavy boots beat a tattoo on the cement floor of the warehouse. He pumped his arms in the air in time to his victory dance.

  “Will you shut the fuck up,” Col hissed. His head turned from side to side as he scanned the upper reaches for spying eyes. “You’re going to get us killed making all that noise.”

  “Don’t sweat it, bro. They’re gone. Doesn’t matter anyway,” he boxed at shadows, “Tonight we’re ready to whup some ass.”

  “Or get ours whupped if Canaan finds out we didn’t stay on watch. We’re short as it is with three of them at the mating.”

  Dov stopped dancing and put his hands on his hips. “Broadbent and Otto can handle it. Since when did you become the good little member? Takin’ lessons from our man Nardo, huh? Want to be just like him when you grow up.” He boxed a little more and shrugged. “Watching lights go on and off and counting bad guys is no fun. Guardians need to be where the action is. Canaan’s too much of a mommy.”

  “We’re not Guardians yet, bro, and taking lessons from Nardo isn’t such a bad idea.” Col walked around to the back of a stack of crates, found a loose board and pulled it away. “We don’t even have our lilies yet. Canaan’s just trying to keep…Holy Shit!” He pulled out a large bag of white powder. “Come on. We have to get back and report.”

  “And how we gonna do that and not admit we left our post.”

  “That doesn’t matter, Dov. This is important. Come on.”

  They headed back the way they came, jogging faster than a human could run but not wasting energy on white light.

  They were halfway across a rubble filled vacant lot when Dov called, “Hey do you smell pizza? I’m hungry. Let’s order some when we get back.”

  “Do you ever think of anything besides your stomach?”

  Dov laughed. “Yeah, getting laid.”

  Col laughed too. “You are such an ass. There are no pizza places around here. Besides, Manon is planning something fancy for Canaan and Grace. We’re supposed to be cleaned up and… Shit! Look out!”

  The demons rose from the ground and attacked. Two were right behind Dov, but Col’s warning gave Dov enough time to turn, taking one in the throat with his elbow and shoving the other aside. He screamed as the blood rage hit him. His boot came crushing down on a demon skull and a vicious smile crossed his lips. His fully emerged fangs tore into the second’s throat and he wiped the venomous blood on the sleeve of his jacket and spit the remainder onto the ground.

  Col’s hand was pulling a knife from its sheath before the words of his warning had left him. He threw with all his strength at the shadowy figure standing at the corner of the building, the demon he was sure was the leader of this pack. The knife fell short and he heard the demon laugh but his own rage was on him now and the second knife followed the first with deadly accuracy powered by the blood boiling inside of him. He heard the screech of pain but had no time to glory in it. Another demon was on his back taking him to the ground. He turned as he fell and it was the turn that saved him. The blade that had been aimed at his heart entered his shoulder. He felt no pain when it entered but when the demon pulled it out to stab again, Col roared with the molten heat of it. The blood rage boiled through him with such force that the next thing he knew, he was standing in the lot screaming at the sky with the demon’s heart in his hand. He heard his brother’s voice through the red haze that engulfed him.

  “Col, look. That’s him! The one that got me.”


  Andi pouted prettily and swayed her hips seductively as she moved across the room to where Abyar rel
axed in an overstuffed chair. When she reached him she insinuated her legs between his knees and ran the long red nail of her fingertip down the buttons of his shirt.

  “Please, Abykins,” she cooed. “I never get to go shopping anymore. Managing the lunch crowd while you take your rest and hostessing at night takes up most of my time and you, you naughty demon…” Her finger dropped to the zipper of his pants and poked suggestively. “You fill up what little is left. I’ll only be gone for an hour or two at most. Marci can cover for me.”

  “I bring you everything you need,” he said but he raised his hands to her breasts and began to knead through the fabric of her dress and Andi knew he was softening.

  She leaned in to increase the pressure. “I wanted to buy something special, something exotic to wear for you.” She ran her finger around the neck of her dress. “She has jeweled collars.” She reached behind her and unzipped her dress letting it fall from her shoulders. She unhooked her bra and brought his hands back to her breasts. “And things to wear on these with little gold chains and pearls hanging from the tips.”

  “Where did you find this purveyor of fine jewelry again? And why is she open for business in the middle of the night?” He wasn’t really paying attention. She’d distracted him with her talk and now he was pinching her nipples to see how much it would take for her to wince. She gave him what he wanted.

  “On the internet, but it turns out she’s only a few blocks away.” She snuggled a little closer. “You don’t even have to order a car. I can walk.”

  “And you’re telling me they do regular business at night.”

  “No, Abyar, it’s her home. She’s invited me to her home for a private appointment.”

  “You’re not going alone.” He thought for a moment. “I need Tyn here. Take Ragor and one other.”

  “Abyar,” she purred, “I’ll be looking at some very intimate apparel. One of his hands moved up her skirt and between her legs and she pressed herself against it, hinting. “We don’t know what I might find.”

  “Oh, my dear,” he purred right back, “You buy anything you think I might find interesting.” He lifted the dress over her head. “But you will take Ragor and another guard with you.”

  Once the dinner rush was over, Andi was on her way with a great deal of money in her purse. She’d satisfied Abyar and left a delighted Marci in charge of the floor and closing. Ragor wasn’t happy about babysitting but the minion he’d brought along seemed happy enough and she didn’t think it would be too hard to make them stay outside while she did her ‘shopping’. She hadn’t lied about the things for sale and she’d certainly purchase an item or two, though her real reason had nothing to do with sexual pleasure and everything to do with witchcraft.

  After chatting on line for several weeks, she was pretty sure that this woman was the real deal. Andi wanted everything this woman could give her and if a coven was involved so much the better. Andi wanted power and certainly there’d be more power in a coven than in one lone witch.

  Abyar wouldn’t be happy about any of this, but what Abyar didn’t know couldn’t hurt her. He didn’t want her practicing. He wanted to keep her power for his use only. Sometimes Andi got the impression that he was afraid of what she might be able to do. She’d have to find a way around him but she wasn’t going to feel guilty about keeping secrets. After all, he had secrets of his own.

  He was furious when Ragor had used her as bait to kill those Guardians and she was pretty sure it wasn’t because of putting her in danger. It was because he didn’t want her to know that some of his people could shape shift into fighting monsters. She’d only caught a glimpse but it was enough.

  Her musings were interrupted by snarls and screams coming from up ahead. Ragor told them to stay put while he went to check it out. He had no right to order her to do anything and the minion was already squirming at the sounds of fighting. She hurried after Ragor.

  Two blonde Adonises were battling a half a dozen minions who had converted to that beast form she was so curious about. White light surrounded them and Andi couldn’t tear her eyes away. They were frighteningly beautiful with their sharp fangs and sculpted stone faces. Their bodies’ moved like dancers on speed, throwing stars and knives with such deadly grace that the scene looked choreographed.

  It wasn’t until she heard Ragor’s bellowed curse that she realized what she was seeing. These two warriors were the exact replicas of the one Ragor had killed a few weeks ago. Did these Guardians clone their fighters?

  Ragor grabbed her arm. “Run!” he screamed as he dragged her away. When they reached the sidewalk, he started toward Cappaletti’s, but Andi knew they’d never make it back in time.

  “No!” she shouted over the sound of pounding feet and ragged breath. “This way.” The witch woman was only a few blocks away. They’d be safer there.

  She saw the woman at the window when they charged up the stairs and heard her scream as they charged through the door. Ragor bolted it behind them. The other demon staggered convulsively as his body flickered from man to monster. They looked everywhere for the woman but she was nowhere to be found.

  Chapter 40

  As Canaan and Grace walked quietly down the center aisle of Saint Stephens, Grace glanced from side to side looking for some small reminder of her past. To the right of the shallow stairs leading to the altar sat a crèche with Joseph staring off into the distance and the Three Kings kneeling in worship. Plaster shepherds stood to the side keeping watch over their two plaster sheep. Mary looked so lonely in the center of it all. The manger was empty and wouldn’t be filled until Christmas day.

  To the left stood banks of small, red votives, their lights flickering softly in the dark. Canaan looked askance but said nothing when Grace pulled him to the closest display. He dropped to his knees beside her and held her hand as she transferred a tiny flame from one candle to the unlit one next to it.

  “For my mother,” she whispered, “I don’t know much about church or the way things are done, but I want her to know I understand and she did the best she could. I want her to know that I’m happy.”

  “She knows, my love, I’m sure of it.”

  He led her up the stairs to the altar. Six white tapers shed their light across the apse. Six tall crystal vases holding dozens of white lilies formed a semicircle before the altar and Canaan led her to their center and helped her to kneel.

  “Open your heart, Grace, and bare your soul. Meditate on your life, your past, your future. Seek the strength to forgive those who have sought to harm you and forgiveness from those whom you have harmed. Seek blessing for those who have done you kindness and vow to do them tribute in the way you live your life. Find that which is most important to you and ask that it be given you so that you may honor and cherish it. When the moment comes, speak the words that come from your heart.”

  They knelt in silence holding hands before the altar. Grace tried to do as Canaan asked. She thought of every foster home that she could remember. She thought of those who had been kind to her and forgave those who had hurt her through their fear. Her tears began to flow when she thought of Alice and she let them flow unchecked. Because of Alice’s tragedy, Grace had found Canaan’s love. Through Alice’s pain, Grace had found hope. She’d tried to see her friend several times since discovering her ability to influence, hoping she could help, but each time Alice’s parents had turned her away. Alice was now beyond her reach and she would regret it until the day she died. She felt the gentle pressure as Canaan squeezed her hand, sharing her pain.

  She brought her thoughts to the present and almost laughed aloud for the joy she found there. Manon and Otto serving as the parents she never had, the twins with their crude and boisterous ways, Nardo’s stubborn loyalty all brought her such happiness. Broadbent’s quiet dignity and Nico’s gentlemanly courtesy only added to her pleasure. She was so grateful for them all.

  Lastly, she thought of Canaan and her heart filled to the point of pain. “I love you,” she said aloud
though she hadn’t intended to. “I love you, but that simple word isn’t enough. You are my life, my breath, the beat of my heart. You bring me joy and laughter. You share my pain. I want to be your mate, Canaan ad Simeon. I want to bear your children if I can. I want to share it all with you; my love, my heart, my soul, my blood.”

  “I love you, Grace Masters. In my world of darkness, you are my sunlight. The music of your laughter makes my heart sing. To find you beside me each waking brings me a joy I never thought possible.” Canaan laughed and the sound echoed through the church. “I want to see you round and happy with the child of our love growing inside you. I want to watch you dance to that radio in our kitchen for the rest of my life. You have my heart, my love, and everything I am. You are everything I desire, a blessing to my unredeemed soul. I want to be mated to you, Grace, but more than this, I ask to be bound to you for all eternity.”

  The bright light of love burst from Grace’s heart soaring up through her flesh and she cried out at the wonder and beauty of it. She felt Canaan brace beside her and she saw him smile. Her hand went to a place above her left breast where she could feel the heat beneath her palm. Gently pulling the fabric of her gown aside, she found a small, half open, white rose blooming over her heart. Canaan bent his head to her ear.

  “We are well and truly mated, Grace. Give thanks.”

  Still holding Canaan’s hand, she bowed her head and gave her thanks for this moment with Canaan and all the blessings of love she had found in his House of Guardians. She opened her heart and mind and felt at peace.

  Her head snapped back and her body became rigid with the shock of the vision. She kept her eyes closed and forced her breathing to remain normal. She heard Canaan say her name; once, twice, three times, but she ignored him and let the movie run, paying attention to what details she could glean from the rapid succession of scenes. One of the twins was about to die. Which one? A pair of dirty black shitkickers gave answer to the question. The vision burst and fragmented.


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