Wrestling Desire

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Wrestling Desire Page 2

by Michelle Cary

  Holt rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand. “I’m really sorry, Emma. I didn’t mean to drag up bad memories.”

  She gave a quick shake of her head and shot him a smile he knew was forced. “It’s okay. Like I said it was a long time ago. Damn near a lifetime it seems. How about you?” she asked. “You’re not part of some wrestling legacy so how did you get involved in the sport?”

  Holt opened his mouth to answer only to be interrupted by the blaring of the overhead speaker.

  Passengers of flight two-twenty-one, this is your captain speaking. As we begin our decent I ask that you bring your seats to an upright position and fold up your laptop trays. Please put on your seatbelts and remain seated for the duration of the flight. We will be landing in approximately ten minutes.

  Damn! “Well.” He shrugged. “I guess that story will have to wait for our next flight.”

  Chapter 2

  After they landed, Emma spent the day at the arena getting things in order. Several times during the course of the day she’d caught herself daydreaming about Holt or lost in memories sparked from their earlier conversation.

  By the time she checked into the hotel that night her head was spinning. While the roadies would work into the wee hours of the morning, her job was done for the night. Hopefully, she could try to get a good night’s rest. Maybe her mind would be clear come morning.

  She’d just placed her suitcase on the rack when someone knocked on her door and she nearly groaned in frustration. The last thing she wanted right now was company, but after the conversation she had on the plane with Holt she was pretty sure who stood on the other side of the door.

  Intent on rejecting him as nicely as possibly she opened the door and immediately let out a squeal of delight before reaching out to hug her best friend. “Marissa what are you doing here?”

  Marissa pulled back and grinned. “I decided to give John the boot. Then while talking with dad the other day he said if I wanted he could write me into a storyline.”

  “Really?” Emma motioned for her to come in. “What kind of storyline?”

  Marissa shrugged. “I think I’m supposed to get involved in a love triangle between some wrestler by the name of Clay and another by the name of Garrett. You know them, right?”

  Stunned by this turn of events Emma climbed onto the bed and sat wither legs crossed. She patted to the empty spot next to her and Marissa joined her as she continued. “Garrett Patrick. He’s one half of the troublesome tag team Devious.” She couldn’t help but wonder exactly what Mr. France planned for the team or how Garrett would react. “Um…Clay actually goes by the stage name Talos.”

  Marissa’s face screwed into a frown. “Talos?”

  Emma waved a hand at her. “It has something to do with Greek mythology. Just go with it.”

  Marissa shifted on her hip so she faced Emma. “So tell me what you know about these two guys.”

  Emma thought for a moment. “Clay is really sweet when he’s not in character. He’s about average size as far as wrestlers go here. I’d say about six foot one or two and lean. Definitely well-built.”

  Marissa arched a brow. “Sounds intriguing. What about the other one”

  Emma couldn’t stop the grin claiming her face. “Garrett is…well…Garrett is a boy trapped in a man’s body.” She pushed up from the bed, crossed over and opened her suitcase. “Like I said he’s half of the tag team Devious along with Holt Hendricks. Their storyline has them constantly getting in trouble with management and other wrestlers because of their stupid pranks and jokes.”

  She picked up her travel bag and walked it the bathroom as she continued to talk. “However, they’re both powerhouses in the ring. At six foot two inches Garrett is the slightly bigger of the two and a definitely more intimidating. As a team they decimate anyone and anything that’s willing to climb into the ring with them and they’re just as good as singles wrestlers.”

  “Is he cute?” Marissa called from the other room.

  Emma stuck her head out the door. “I think so. He’s got long brown hair and a goatee and he’s built like a brick shithouse.” She pointed a finger at her friend. “Just remember, he’s a bit of a rebel.”

  Marissa rubbed her hands together. “I like a good challenge. Sounds like fun. Speaking of fun, I discovered on my way in that this hotel has a nightclub. How about you and me hit the dance floor?”

  Intrigued, Emma considered Marissa’s offer. “I don’t know, Riss. I have to be at the arena early tomorrow.”

  “Oh come on, Emma. It’s been forever since we’ve been out partying together. It could be just like old times.”

  Emma could never quite resist her friend’s requests. She couldn’t count on the fingers of both hands how many times she’d gotten in trouble because of giving in to Marissa. “Okay, but we can’t stay out too late. Unlike you I actually have to work tomorrow.”

  * * *

  A half hour later, dressed in denim skirt and a tank top, Emma stepped into the club behind Marissa. She scanned the crowd, noted how the place was filled with wrestling stars and staff and relaxed a little. While going to a club where she didn’t know anyone provided a certain amount of anonymity, in turn being among co-workers and friends provided a sense of security. Normally she remained sober and responsible. Being surrounded by those she trusted meant she could cut loose and enjoy herself as much as she wanted. Right now she wanted a drink.

  She worked her way through the crowd toward the bar and spotted Holt and Garrett. “Hey Riss,” she called over her shoulder. “You want to meet Garrett?”

  A mischievous smile tipped Marissa’s lisp. “Okay.”

  They weaved their way through the mass of people and sidled up to the bar. “Hey guys.”

  Holt turned to look at them and his face quickly slid into a grin. “Hey, Gorgeous. What are you doing here?”

  Emma motioned to Marissa. “Marissa dragged me out. Marissa this is Holt Hendricks and Garrett Patrick.” Inwardly she grinned as Garrett turned and caught an eyeful of Marissa. “Marissa is Gene France’s daughter and my best friend.”

  Garrett swiveled on the barstool until he faced them. “Very nice to meet you, Marissa.” He took her hand in his. “So what brings you to this traveling circus?”

  Marissa shifted most of her weight to one hip and cocked her head to the side as she went into flirt mode. “Dad is going to write me into a storyline.”

  “Really? Which one?”

  “Yours from what I understand.”

  “Awesome.” He slid from the barstool, picked up his beer and wrapped an arm around Marissa’s shoulders. “Then maybe we should go get better acquainted.”

  Emma giggled under her breath as Marissa and Garrett walked away together. While she wasn’t sure which one to feel sorry for she knew one thing for sure. Life on the road was about to get a lot more interesting.

  “So, Gorgeous,” Holt’s warm tenor slid over her. “Looks like we both lost our partners in crime.”

  She grinned. “It does look that way.”

  “So maybe we should partner up?”

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

  He shot her a wry smile. “As a matter of fact, I would.”

  “I don’t think so,” she shot back.

  “Then how about a dance instead?” Before she could reply he tugged her toward the dance floor where many of the Vixen wrestlers were currently gyrating to the beat of the Black Eyed Peas. Various couples mixed in, both part of the staff and people she didn’t know, their bodies bumping and grinding to the rhythm.

  She slowed as doubt crept into her brain. Yes she could dance and was actually very good at it, but this kind of dancing required Holt getting closer than was comfortable. Plus there was the whole visibility issue. While many of the staff and stars knew they spent time talking on the plane rides, those conversations appeared as innocent as they actually were. Stepping onto a dance floor with him would no doubt lead to gossip that would eventually make its
way back to Derek. “I don’t know about this,” she finally said.

  “Oh come on, Emma. There are tons of people here watching, so it’s not like I can easily take advantage of you or anything.” He stepped toward her and leaned in close. “How long are you going to let others’ opinions dictate how you live your life?” He pulled back and looked down at her, arching a brow. He’d just thrown down a challenge and damn it, she never backed down from a challenge.

  From her peripheral vision she spotted Garrett and Marissa on the dance floor and inwardly grinned. It certainly didn’t take long for Marissa to make her move. Of course Marissa never second-guessed her decisions. Maybe it was time Emma took a page from Marissa’s play book.

  “Okay, let’s dance.” She stepped onto the dance floor and immediately dismissed everything from her thoughts except the music piping in from overhead. It wasn’t often she could simply let go and enjoy herself, but for tonight that’s exactly what she intended on doing. Angling her hips she let the music wash through her and began to move and sway to the beat. Within minutes she was lost in the heady rush of adrenaline coursing through her system. A large hand caught her hip and pulled her close until she was pressed against Holt’s body. This time she didn’t second guess herself as she looped her arms over his shoulders threw her head back and ground her lower half against him.

  Despite the blaring music she could make out his growl as his hands slid down to cup her ass, holding her against his growing bulge. A giddy thrill zinged through her at the realization that she’d caused that reaction. There was no mistaking his desire and a visible shiver tore through her body as white hot need burned deep in her core.

  After a few moments, she turned in his embrace until her backside rested against his bulge as her need grew. Treading into dangerous territory, the sensible Emma should be screaming for her to retreat. But the sensible Emma wasn’t here right now and she’d finally moved past the point of caring what others thought. She eased back against the hard wall of his chest and reached up, her hand brushed along the side of his neck as he leaned forward. His lips brushed ever so gently along the side of her neck, and her eyes drifted closed.

  She reveled in his touch as his hands crept around her front and slid seductively over her belly. Never in her life could she remember wanting someone as much as she wanted Holt right now. She managed to open her eyes and immediately her body jerked in shock. Sitting at a table directly across from where she and Holt were dancing were her brothers Derek and Bryan. The anger in Derek’s eyes sent her reeling back into reality and she froze.

  “Em…what’s wrong?” Holt asked from behind her. He followed her gaze and frowned. “Never mind. I see what’s wrong.”

  “I-I think we need to stop,” she mumbled as she turned and walked off the dance floor.

  “Emma,” Holt chased after her eventually grabbing her by the arm, stopping her forward motion. “I know Derek doesn’t like me, but do you honestly think he’s going to be mad at you for dancing with me?”

  Daring a glance, she looked up. “He doesn’t want me anywhere near you.”

  “But you’re a grown woman, Emma. Are you really going to allow him to dictate how you live your life?”

  His question was valid and one Emma couldn’t answer. After her mother disappeared, Derek became over-protective of her. That had been fifteen years ago and he was still trying to protect her from the world. She loved him more than anyone in her life, but there were times, like now when she felt as if he was smothering her. Still, how could she tell him to back off without hurting his feelings? “He’s my brother, Holt. I can’t just dismiss him.”

  The hurt look on Holt’s face made Emma want to cry. She hated being placed in this position. Maybe it was time for her to talk with Derek again. Before she could voice her thoughts the pained look on his face disappeared, smoothing into a neutral expression. “I understand about family loyalty Em. You do what you need to do.”

  Dread streaked through her. Had she finally pushed him away? “I’m going to talk to Derek. Just give me a little time, okay?”

  For a moment she feared he would reject her request, then he nodded. “Okay. Talk to your brother. I’ll still be here when you’re done.”

  Chapter 3

  As she rushed through the arena’s corridor Emma clutched her notebook with one hand while she rooted through her bag for her favorite pen with the other. Not only had she overslept, but she’d missed breakfast with her brothers and was now late for her meeting.

  Ever since Marissa arrived two weeks ago Emma’s life seemed to slowly be spiraling out of control. Somehow Marissa had an ability to bring out all of Emma’s bad habits. Not only had she drank more in the last two weeks than in the last year, but she’d begun staying up late and today she’d paid for that decision.

  Worst of all she still hadn’t talked with Derek and Bryan and began avoiding Holt. Normally she wasn’t one to avoid her problems, but this situation was special. No matter what she did somebody would be unhappy with her decision.

  Trying to put her personal problems out of her head, Emma hurried down the hallway to the temporary conference room. Not only was it time to begin assembling the lineup for the next live show but the group of writers and coordinators would continue with the various scripts and storylines, adding and changing to fit their ideas.

  After three years working as the assistant back stage coordinator and two as the person in charge she not only enjoyed her work but had finally settled into her role. When she’d first started as the assistant backstage coordinator, answering to Mr. France had scared the hell out of her, but not anymore.

  While he might appear as the shrewd, cold-hearted CEO of one wrestling’s biggest companies, behind the scenes he was a fair and trustworthy boss…most of the time. Though, Gene had no patience for nonsense from his employees running the show. Despite the wrestling stars being able to act however they wanted, behind-the-scenes people were held to another level. As long as you worked hard and did your job, he always had your back. Her friendship with Marissa and the fact that she’d spent her teenage years living with the France family gave her another level of protection.

  Emma pushed open the door to conference room and noted that all the necessary staff was already in place. Damn Traffic! She hated being the last one to arrive. Marissa was already seated near the head of the table next to her father. She waved Emma over and motioned to the empty chair. “Good morning, Emma,” Gene said as Emma rounded the table to take the seat next to Marissa.

  “Good morning, Mr. France. I’m sorry for being late. My cab got caught in traffic on the way here from the hotel.”

  Gene shook his head. “No problem. A couple of our stars are having the same problem. Something about road construction on one of the main roads. So we’ll have to run the show out of order for now and then put it together later for the actual run through.”

  Emma gave a nod of understanding as she eased down into the chair. “What have I missed?”

  “Nothing much,” Marissa offered. “They just finished going over ticket sales, concessions and vendors, and we were ready to start with scripts and lineup.”

  Gene flipped open his book. “Since we still have five of our singles wrestlers out with injuries, that division remains a little thin on talent. The crowd seems to have accepted the new storylines so we’re going to continue down that path for now. Since Mike Martin is also not here yet, we’ll go ahead and skip to Holt Hendricks.”

  At the sound of his name Emma jerked her attention to the door. As if on cue Holt entered the room and paused. He appeared to assess everyone and a slow grin crawled across his handsome face as his attention settled over her. Warmth pooled in her belly and Emma’s skin came alive with the realization that the only empty chair at the table was right next her.

  He strode around the room, his arrogant nature evident as he pulled the chair out and settled down next to her. “Good morning, Gorgeous.”

  She tried to her best to hi
de the smile that seemed to automatically appear whenever he was around. The man practically oozed charisma and he had woman of all shapes and sizes constantly falling at his feet. While she was sure he indulged those invitations far more than he let on, it appeared that even after a two week cool down he still hadn’t given up on chasing her.

  For the past two years he’d been working to break down her resolve and for those two years she’d always managed to say no to his offer of dinner or coffee or anything else he had in mind. Somehow he’d still managed to weasel his way into her heart.

  He’d only started the habit of switching seats on the airplane a couple of months ago. Though she’d never admit it, those plane rides ended up being some of her favorites as she got to see the real Holt, not ‘The Heartthrob’.

  Then there was his growing need to watch over her. Honestly, he’d damn near become worse than Derek when it came to trying to take care of her. Somehow he always managed to know when she needed help. If she hadn’t eaten in a while he would insist on bringing her food. If someone gave her a hard time he positioned himself between her and that person. He doted over her and almost seemed to worry about her at times.

  Those small acts chipped away at her invisible wall of defense leaving her feeling vulnerable and confused, but how could she possibly go against Derek’s wishes? He and Bryan were the only real family she had left. They’d most certainly view her dating Holt as turning her back on her family and she didn’t want to lose them.

  Still, she couldn’t ignore how she felt or how after all this time Holt continued to pursue her. Was it truly because he liked her or simply another way to get back at Derek she didn’t know. That uncertainty was another reason she struggled to keep her distance.


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