Wrestling Desire

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Wrestling Desire Page 7

by Michelle Cary

  “Thanks,” she cocked her head to the side and eyed him with some concern. “How about you? How are you doing?” After their argument over two weeks ago he’d all but shut her out of his life. While it hurt to have him turn his back on her, she wasn’t about to let him know that.

  “I’m doing okay.” He motioned to the monitor where DEVIOUS was working some sort of angle against The Tully Brothers. “They’re gonna be a few minutes right?”

  Emma nodded. “They’ve got twenty minutes slated for this match.”

  “Then you have a couple of minutes to talk?”

  “Sure.” She motioned to Jill that she was stepping away then followed Derek to a secluded spot. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I’ve been thinking about my behavior,” he began. “And I owe you an apology. I’m sorry about how I’ve been acting the last couple of weeks.”

  That certainly wasn’t what she expected to hear. Barely managing to hide her shock she shifted from one foot to the other. “Then why did you act that way?”

  “I hate-”

  Emma held up a hand. “Yes I know. Why Derek?”

  He let out a sigh. “There are lots of reasons, the biggest having nothing really to do with you.” He hooked his thumbs in front pocket of his jeans. “I’ve been here a long time Em and I only have a finite amount of time left.”

  “What are you talking about, Derek? You have at least another ten years here.”

  He shook his head. “No I don’t. The scene I came up in…the one where a definitive line between good and evil existed is gone. Holt represents the new generation and I hate him for that.

  “And?” she prompted knowing there was more.

  “And you don’t need me anymore.”

  Her body jerked as if he’d slapped her. “What? That is so not true.”

  “It is true,” Derek argued. “You have Holt to take care of you now. I don’t have a place in your life anymore.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes as she looked up at him. How could he possibly think that she didn’t need him? “Just because I’m with Holt does not mean that there isn’t room in my heart for you. She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him like she’d done so many times over the years. “You’re my big brother. You’re my rock, my pillar of strength and I’ll always need you Derek.”

  His arms came down around her and he squeezed. “Maybe it was wrong, but I felt as if you were replacing me and it hurt. You’re my baby sister. Hell Emma you and Bryan are my life. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.”

  “Me either,” she murmured against him. “Don’t look at me being with Holt as taking away from our family, Derek, because it doesn’t. It’ adds to it. We’ve grown by one.”

  “Maybe,” he replied, but didn’t let go of her. “Still, I have to admit that finding out about you two through a promo hurt me. Then if you add in our rivalry and the fact that I still see you as a little girl and well…I acted like an ass and I’m sorry.”

  “Apology accepted.” She squeezed then pulled back and smiled up at him. “So are we good now?”

  He returned her smile. “You and I are good. I’m still not entirely convinced about Holt.” Her smile fell and he immediately raised his hand holding up a finger. “But-I am willing to try and give him a chance, okay?”

  She gave a nod and for the first time in weeks her stomach seemed to settle just a little. “That’s all I can ask.”

  He angled a thumb toward the locker room. “I’m gonna go get ready for my match.”

  She nodded. “Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Derek dropped a quick kiss on her forehead then turned and walked away. As she watched him go the crowd roared and she glanced back at the monitor in time to see Holt take the take from Garrett and climb into the ring. He glanced in the direction of the camera and gave a wink and a smile that had her grinning. Life was far from being perfect or normal, but if Derek’s admission as any indication it looks as if thing were about to get a whole lot better.

  Interested in what happens next for Emma and Holt? Then check out a sneak peek of Wrestling Desire 2.

  Wrestling Desire 2


  This can’t be happening.

  Emma Cruise placed a hand over her suddenly queasy stomach, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “How can I possibly do what you’re asking?” She opened her eyes and stared directly into the face of her boss Gene France.

  “You can do it because I’m not asking, I’m ordering,” Gene argued. “And because your storyline with Holt is a ratings hit.” His thin lips tipped up into a mischievous grin. “We’ll bury the competition with our All Hallo’s Eve bash and the championship match is the clincher.”

  “But you want me to pick sides.” Emma pushed up from her chair and began to pace. “How could I possibly choose between my boyfriend and my brother? Even if I could, which I can’t, people will hate me no matter my choice.”

  She glanced from where her boyfriend Holt sat in the chair across from Gene’s desk, to Gene then over to the couch were her brother Derek rested with his arms stretched across the back and his leg across one knee. “I can’t believe you guys are all right with this.”

  Derek let out a sigh, shifted and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Why are you getting so twisted about this, Em? It’s not like he’s wants you to do it for real.”

  “It’s real enough to me,” she shot back. “I’ve never wanted to be in front of the camera and now not only am I, but you’re placing me in a position where I’m going to be hated by fans.”

  Gen leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. “If you didn’t want to be in the spotlight then you shouldn’t have gone to the ring last month to save Holt from William. That action gave fodder to the fans and they’re eating it up, especially when you throw in Holt and Derek’s hatred for each other.”

  “How about we do this?” Holt offered. “What if Emma and Derek cut some promos videos where he’s leaning on her not to support me during the title defense. Maybe he can threaten turn his back on her or something. You know, stuff like if she goes with me the family will shun her. His demands will force her to choose me, then the fans won’t hate Emma for making the choice, they’ll hate Derek for forcing her to choose.”

  Derek arched a brow. “Oh, so now I’m supposed to play the heel? You know that’s not what I’m all about.”

  “But you play the part so damn well. It just seems to come naturally to you.” Holt shot back.

  “That’s it.” Derek popped up from the couch. “You want to go Hendricks? I kick your ass right here.”

  Exasperated, Emma rolled her eyes and yelled. “Stop!” She looked from Holt to Derek and back. “You both promised to knock off the fighting outside the ring.”

  For a moment there was silence then Derek dropped back down to the couch. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  “Me too,” Holt added, a sheepish expression on his face. “It’s just that Derek is always so serious about everything, he ends up being an easy target.”

  “I’m serious because I care about my job,” Derek shot back. “You could try it sometime.”

  “Oh My God…enough,” Emma nearly growled. “My stomach is in knots right now. You both know what Doctor Andrews said. Are you trying to put me in the hospital?”

  “Of course not,” Holt reached for her.

  “All though,” Gen added. “You being hauled off in an ambulance would make for great TV.”

  “NO!” Emma and Derek said in unison.

  “Come on, it’d be great. We could have Holt by your side, holding your hand,” Gene encouraged.

  “Absolutely not,” Derek shot back. “Emma isn’t an actress and all this camera shit is taking its toll on her.” Derek pointed a finger at him. “Lay off unless you want a real life scandal plaguing the company. I don’t think it would do well to have her sick in the hospital and the reason being because you pushed her too hard.” He dropped his hand to his sid
e. “Tell you what? I’ll go along with whatever you decide to do to me, but you back the hell off when it comes to throwing Emma in the spotlight.”

  “All right, all right.” Gene held up his hands in surrender. “I see your point so I won’t have the writers go that route, but I do kind of like the idea of making you the bad guy in his instance.”

  “What?” Derek’s head jerked up as he looked over at Gene. “You can’t be serious. You know that I always play the good guy.”

  “Yes.” Gene nodded. “But you also just agreed to go along with whatever I decided and I decided I like this idea.”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “No butt’s, Derek. Look at it this way; you’re also fighting against what you see as bad influence and infiltration into your family. Like it or not, the fans love to see rebels go up against authority, especially if they’re being treated unjustly. The fans love Holt and Garrett for that very reason.”

  “Then the fans are misguided,” Derek shot back.

  “Maybe,” Gene shrugged. “But no matter how you slice this pie, there are going to be fans who take sides, so I say we play those sides against each other.” He leaned forward as his smile widened. “You ride Emma to leave Holt and take your side. She’s going to resist and at the match on All Hallows Eve Emma will be in Holt’s corner and Bryan will be in yours.” He slapped his hands together. “It will be a family feud and a ratings grabber.”

  Emma’s heart sank. She loved her job as backstage coordinator, but hated how she’d suddenly been thrust into the spotlight because of her new relationship with Holt. Besides the stress her relationship caused with her family, now she carried the added burden of having to remember script and make time for promos on top of all her other duties. Still, Gene was all about ratings and beating the competition, which meant he wouldn’t change his mind. So she needed to suck it up.

  “Are we finished here?” Emma asked hoping the answer was yes.

  Already on the phone, calling his writers Gene nodded. “I’ll have Mark check in with you guys later about schedule the promos.”

  Clutching her stomach with one hand Emma yanked open the door with the other and stepped into the hallway. “I hate this.”

  “I told you Gene would throw you to the wolves,” Derek warned. “He’s a shrewd businessman and he doesn’t miss an opportunity to turn a buck.”

  “Thank you for standing up for me.”

  “Anytime, sis.” Derek leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

  “The good thing is the match is only two weeks away and then it will be over,” Holt offered as he rubbed circles across her shoulders. “Besides, being in the spotlight isn’t really so bad.”

  “Says you,” Emma sneered. “I hate being the center of attention, always have. She moved her hand from her stomach to her head and rubbed her temple. “At this rate I’m not sure my stomach is going make it.”

  “You know,” Derek observed. “I find it interesting that you’re still not feeling well despite Holt and I backing off on the fighting.”

  “Barely backing off,” Emma corrected. “You two still go at it like cats and dogs.”

  “Yes, but what I’m saying is I think you’re nerves have as much to do with being in front of the camera as it does with our feud.”

  “Maybe.” Emma considered his words. “And if that’s the case I’m in serious trouble.” She stepped out of Holt’s embrace. “I’m going to find a quite spot to meditate and if that doesn’t work to settle my stomach I’ll go find Doctor Andrews. Maybe he can prescribe something to get me through the next two weeks.”

  * * *

  The roar of the crowd shook the building. Trying to calm her nerves, Emma took a deep breath. The last two weeks had been hell and she’d dreaded tonight. Though in a way she was glad the moment finally arrived. In twenty-five minutes this would all be over and she could go back to her nice little world of coordinating from behind the cameras.

  “You okay?” Holt eyed her with some concern.

  She nodded. “I will be soon. Let’s just get this over with.”

  His music began to play and she stepped through the curtain beside him. The crowds roar nearly drowned out his entrance music pulling a grin from her. The fans really did love Holt and apparently, despite her concern otherwise, they liked her too.

  As they reached the ring, Emma walked around to the far side as Holt climbed between the ropes. He raised his arms above his head and much to Emma’s amazement the crowd grew louder. As the music ended the announcer introduced Holt then immediate Derek’s music began to play. Derek entered to a round of boos and jeers that left sadness in Emma’s heart. For years Derek had been a hero to these fans as he and Bryan teamed up as ‘The Crusaders’ to take on evil within the EUW.

  Now, because of Gene’s desire for ratings Derek’s persona had been decimated and those same loyal fans turned on their champion. Bryan walked beside Derek as they entered the ring and the announcer introduced him.

  With a ring of the bell the match began. At first Emma tried to scan the crowd, keeping her gaze averted. She studied the construction of the ring and even focused on the television commentator’s voices, any distraction that would keep her focus off the battle taking place in the ring. However, she quickly realized that escaping the inevitable wouldn’t work. She wasn’t back stage where she could turn away from the screen.

  Holt loved to fly high in the ring and after dropping an elbow on Derek he climbed to the top rope. Emma caught movement in the corner of her eye and immediately raced toward the corner where Bryan was preparing to push Holt off. She stepped between them just as Bryan raised a hand. “Don’t you dare,” she warned.

  “Get out of the way,” he threatened.

  She folded her arm across her chest. “No. This is a match between Derek and Holt and you are not going to interfere.”

  Behind her she heard Holt launch off the ring post and connect with his target much to the crowd’s delight.

  “So you really are taking Holt’s side,” Bryan yelled.

  “No. I’m making sure things stay fair,” Emma argued. “Just go back to your corner.” She gave him a shove and a roar went through the crowd reminding her she held an audience.

  Bryan eyed her with disbelief as he slowly backed away. Their face off wasn’t part of the script and she regretted him forcing her to this stand. Still, they all knew the only real way for the rivalry to end was for Holt and Derek to have a fair fight.

  She returned to her own side where she worried and fretted as the match wore on, mulling over what transpired between them even as Holt took the upper hand in the match. With Derek leaning on the ropes for support, Holt performed a running clothes line that launched Derek up over the top rope and out of the ring.

  He hit the ground and let out a shout of pain that had Emma scrambling around the ring with a new fear coursing through her. She paused at the corner as did Bryan on the other side and they watched while Holt use the ropes to perform a springboard moonsault off the ring and land on Derek. He let out a second shout of pain and immediately reached for his knee. Emma and Bryan raced forward and she immediately pulled Holt off Derek.

  “Em, what the hell?”

  “Derek is hurt,” she replied. “Get back in the ring.” With this match being no disqualification there was only one way for it to end…by pin fall. Which meant, even injured Derek needed to finish the match. For a moment, Holt didn’t move. “Please,” she begged.

  Holt frowned, but stepped away from Derek and slid under the bottom rope back into the ring to wait. She turned her attention to Derek, where Bryan was already talking to him. “What happened?”

  “My knee,” Derek grimaced as he held his leg. “Something gave.”

  “Do you think you can walk?”

  Derek shook his head. “I think it’s really damaged. Just laying here the pain is incredible.”

  “What are you going to do?” Bryan asked.

  There was only one logical
answer, but one thing Emma knew about wrestling…decisions weren’t made with logic.

  To find out more information about me, or more of my titles check out my website at www.michellecary.com.

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  Books by Michelle Cary

  Fighting the Flames

  A Lover’s Ransom

  Best of Intentions

  Beyond the Tears

  Circle of Masters – A Siren’s Call

  For Better For Worse

  Her Indiscretion

  It Came Upon a Midnight Clear

  Shelter Me

  Sophie’s Secret

  Some Kind of Hero

  The Price of Submission

  Quick and Dirty with Ginny Titles

  Her Promotion

  Her Promotion 2

  Her Promotion 3

  Water Cooler Quickies

  Submissive Unaware

  Her Birthday Wish

  Yes Master

  Decking His Halls

  Dressing Room of Desire

  Dirty Girl Diaries – My Best Friend and His Lover

  The Ultimate Collection





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