Hawthorn, Amy J. - Azrael's Light [Demon Runners of Unearth] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Hawthorn, Amy J. - Azrael's Light [Demon Runners of Unearth] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Amy J. Hawthorn

  “Azrael, please listen. I know I probably don’t make sense to you, but it’s complicated. I—” When an eerie sense of forbidding hit him like a sledgehammer, he cut her off with the slash of his hand. Something watched them. He ignored the hurt expression on her face and concentrated on their surroundings. The water’s surface shimmered, silver and calm. The trees stood guard, tall and motionless. The air smelled of crisp water and damp earth, laced with a trace of the nearby city’s stench. Everything appeared to be exactly as it should every other dawn.

  Yet both the upper layer of the lake and the trees were empty of life. The birds, fish, and even the insects had left them alone to face whatever lurked in the forest’s shadows. He couldn’t say he blamed them.

  He turned to Diane, hoping against hope she could read his mind, and readied to make the leap to Hell. Her face was calm and alert, waiting for his cue. What the fuck? She looked up as if she trusted him and waited, ready to follow him to the ends of Unearth. Why did his heart clench at the sight?

  His body froze as time slowed. A blinding fireball of red light appeared behind the trees, making them appear as an army of black skeletons. Sickly familiarity trapped him. Their bones shattered and erupted in a maelstrom as the light screamed toward them. He could do nothing but brace himself for the impact. Diane disappeared from his side and appeared just in front of him. A freight train knocked her into his chest and knocked him to his knees.

  * * * *

  The blast struck her solidly in her chest as an enraged roar rent the air behind her with earthshaking violence. Where centuries before a cold pain crippled her, she was now drowning in the flames of a thousand suns. The scorching pain paralyzed her, stealing her breath and preventing its return.

  As every cell in her body burned with agony, a deathly silence followed the roar’s echoes. Hard arms pressed her up against a solid chest, and a fiery darkness descended.

  Chapter 11

  “Lilith! Lilith, you conniving, scheming whore! Where are you?” Even with her senses virtually paralyzed by the blast, there was no mistaking Azrael’s terrible rage as he carried her through her sister’s home. She felt the tremors of fury rippling through his muscles as he held her close to his heart. The softness of his hair caressing her face anchored her to consciousness. His heavy boots pounded the black marble floors as he barged through to the highest level of Lucifer’s keep.

  It was the last place she’d ever wanted to see again. Yet courtesy of her twin, she was right back where she started.

  The motion came to an abrupt stop, but he continued to rage at Lilith. “Explain the meaning of this. Now! Who is this? Tell me why she has no powers, no Kor, yet she isn’t dead after absorbing a full-strength bolt of battleflare? Answer me!”

  She dimly heard her sister’s broken sob, and a cool touch rested on her face. “She’s my sister. What happened to her? What did you do to her, you fool?”

  “I did nothing but catch her before she hit the ground. Aren’t you listening? She jumped in front of a blast meant for me. If she’s human, why didn’t she die?”

  “She’s not human, you idiot. She’s a goddess just as I am. She is the white light of the moon that counterbalances my dark half. Centuries ago she bade me to bind her powers so she could live on Earth as a human. I haven’t seen her since then. The blast must have damaged the binding I placed on her magic. Her powers have been partially released. She must be in agony.”

  “Heal her now. You must know the way.”

  “Yes, I can do it, but she won’t be happy with either of us. I’ll have to unbind her powers. It’s the safest way to heal the damage.”

  “I don’t see any wounds, but she’s clearly in pain. What’s happening to her?”

  “The injuries will all be internal, I’m sure. Her powers are fighting against the binding to get out and counteract the foreign magic from the battleflare. The struggle doubles her pain.” A cool hand touched her forehead but did nothing to ease the fiery torture raging deep inside her. “She has always been the good and honorable one. At times I have envied her that. I hope she’s not mad at me when she’s unbound and well again.”

  “Fuck you, Lilith. Can you be any more selfish? Quit worrying about yourself for one damn day. She was trying to protect your daughter. I would think bringing Alia home will be more important to her than anything else right now.”

  “Have you seen my daughter? Or heard any news?”

  “Nothing. Now, heal your sister. She’s in horrible pain, and time’s wasting. We need to find Alia before this shit pile gets any deeper. Luc won’t give two shits about Earth or Unearth. He’ll fry each and every one of us where we stand if we don’t have this cleared up soon.”

  Why didn’t Azrael tell Lilith where they’d been headed? Well, he didn’t trust her, so it should come as no surprise that he trusted her sister even less. With her last reserves of energy fading, she gave up the fight to stay conscious. She burrowed into the safety of Azrael’s strength and let go. As their voices dimmed, her last thought was that she couldn’t blame him at this point. There was too much at stake.

  * * * *

  The taste of something sickly sweet poured down her throat, forcing her return to consciousness. She remembered the revolting taste of the gods’ nectar all too well. It was a thick, oily elixir few knew where to find. Possessing an unrivaled healing strength, the few immortals who had it guarded it ruthlessly.

  Long, masculine fingers held her chin in a grip that left no room for argument. She kept her eyes shut tight and ignored everything but the feel of a single finger sweeping feather-soft touches down her jawline. The soothing touch kept the gag reflex at bay.

  Beginning at her lips and following the nectar’s path, the invisible flames licking at her skin changed to sharp prickles of ice, freezing her lips, her throat, and her insides. Even her toes and the roots of her hair made the jump from blistering hot to painfully frozen.

  “She’s hurting again, but in a short while after her magic finishes restoring itself and healing her injuries, she’ll be fine. She’ll be the strongest she’s been in centuries.” The grasp on her jaw relaxed, no longer forcing her to drink the vile liquid. Now it merely lingered, supporting her neck. The soft caresses continued.

  “Don’t forget pissed.” The weak words barely made it past her lips, but she knew her sister heard. It was petty, but she refused to open her eyes and face Lilith. She wanted to soak up as much of the surrounding warmth and darkness as possible before she was forced to face the real world. She needed just a few moments to be selfish and hide from the chaos surrounding her. Again.

  “I had no choice. You know that.” Wonder of wonders, her spoiled, selfish sister actually sounded a tad regretful.

  Azrael’s voice, tensed with stress, overrode Lilith’s apologies. “I forced her to do this. You were hurting, and we’re short on time.” The weight of his silence told her he had more to say, but he remained silent.

  A loud thunderclap shook the palace, and the distant sound of the slaves’ hooves could be heard scrambling in the farthest reaches of the palace. Lilith’s face went from pale to bone white. “Luc’s home and doesn’t sound happy. Take Diane into the doorway at the end of the right-hand hallway. It’s the way to her old rooms. She’ll be cold. Keep her warm and hidden while I distract him.”

  She heard the familiar sound of her bedroom door shut quietly, and a moment later the world tilted as she was placed on the soft silks and furs of her old bed. Bereft of Azrael’s warmth, she shivered uncontrollably. The chill snaked its way into her bone marrow, setting in for a permanent stay. Each tremble sent shockwaves of agony crashing through her, which in turn increased the shaking. Each breath was misery as her muscles pulled tighter. It became an increasing cycle of torment feeding on itself and dragging her to the depths of despair.

  A muttered curse filled the silence, and she willed her heavy lids to open. Azrael stormed through the cavernous room, his hair trailing like smoke in his wake. Sto
pping in front of the monstrous fireplace, he started the flame with no more than a menacing look, as if he dared it to defy him and lie dormant.

  He stood in the copper firelight and removed his coat. The muscles of his chest bunched and stretched as he pulled his dark shirt over his head. His hair cascaded down his back and chest in a curtain of silk as he returned and sat beside her.

  Without warning, he pulled her into his arms and pressed her solidly against the warmth of his hard chest. She couldn’t contain her moan of pleasure as his heat seeped into her pores, bringing her a small measure of blessed relief. She forced herself to keep her heavy eyelids open and face him. The concern in his face melted her. His delicious scent cleared the fog from her head, and the frigid tension in her muscles eased as he swept soft touches up and down her back.

  Silent, he stripped her bare. With sure hands, he spread her flat on her belly and straightened her cramping limbs with care. A heavy fur slid along her skin, covering her from her ankles to the back of her neck. Sandwiched between the sweet softness of the bed and the warmth of fur, her trembling eased. Beginning with her toes, he massaged heat into her feet, soothing away her pain. His attention to her feet, then her legs, transformed her pain into erotic torture.

  He smoothed the frost from her calves and pressed kisses to the back of her knees. Each gentle motion of his hands on her legs rocked her body against the silk. The movements echoed across her mound, her belly, and her breasts. Languorous heat replaced icy tension as he pushed the fur higher until it lay on the small of her back, leaving her bare from the waist down.

  She tried to turn and face him, but heavy hands pressed her hips flat into the bed.

  “But I want to see—”

  “No.” He held her as if waiting until he was satisfied she’d obey. Then the bed dipped as he shifted to sit between her splayed legs. His hands returned to knead the tops of her thighs, turning her legs into melted butter. When his thumbs slid down to skim the creases where her inner thighs met her sex, her will crumpled.

  He seemed to need to do this for her. She had no idea why, but she needed the comfort as well. Why not accept it and enjoy one of the few pleasures she might receive for the next century or two? Physical relationships fell in the unnecessary attachments category and would be cut from her life, just as her friends would be.

  Hot palms pressed on her inner thighs and spread her legs farther apart, exposing every inch of her pussy. Gentle thumbs traced the outer folds of her sex in a repetitive, hypnotizing motion. She melted beneath his attention, becoming a liquid and pliant slave. As he worked the heat back into her body, each movement rubbed the tips of her breasts against the sheets, sending more electric sensations to her pussy.

  She ached to wrap her arms around him and pull him into her. Unable to fight the urge, she turned to reach for him. In response, he growled a terse “No” and then bit her on the cheek of her ass in a punishing sting, making her wild with need.

  Helpless, without pride, she begged, “Please, I need you.”

  “You have me.”

  “No, I need you inside me. Now.”

  “Here? You want me here?”

  She nodded. It was all she could do not break down and sob her plea. The trembling of his hands across her ass gave her the smallest flicker of hope he would give her what she needed.

  “What part of me do you want in here?”

  A single digit slid inside her pussy, slow and sinuous. Curving forward, it brushed the most sensitive spot of her body in a whisper soft caress, electrifying her. He held her trapped on the brink of something both wondrous and terrifying. And he knew she was helpless to do anything about it.

  “Tell me. Is this what you crave? Or is there something else I have that you need?” Low, husky, and sinful, his words held as much devastating power as his touch. Another touch so terribly light she feared it was only her imagination feathered against her G-spot. She clenched, trying to hold it closer but he pulled it out with tortuous care. Mindless, all she could do was whimper as the wicked digit denied her.

  “Not good enough for you, princess? Well, we can’t have that, now, can we?” The bed dipped, and one muscled arm slid up her side. A hand tucked under to find her breast, and devious, damp fingers found an aching nipple. With a light tug and a firm grasp, he sent ripples of ecstasy barreling into her pussy. The fur on her back slid away and was replaced with the hot press of his body against hers.

  “Is this what you want? It’s all I have, but surely it will feed your hunger.” The blunt head of his cock nudged between the slick folds of her pussy. “Answer me, Diane. Will this suffice?”

  “Yes, Azrael, gods, please.” The head of his cock pressed in and he paused. He nuzzled just beneath her ear and between his shaky breaths kissed her there tenderly. His free hand palmed the area between her hips and tilted her pelvis just so.

  “I’ve got you. Let go.” And he plunged his cock forward, filling her and stealing her breath. Biting her shoulder in a careful grip, he rode her in a ruthless, merciless pace. He filled her with his heat and surrounded her with his warmth. Each thrust of his cock forced the remnants of the chill farther away.

  It was exactly what she needed, a wild tempest blowing all the worries, stress, and fear from her mind. Each pounding thrust cranked her pleasure tighter, until he arched, sank in tight against her ass, and released his bite in a harsh groan.

  Her breath stuttered, stopped, and left her body in a rush. Every muscle she possessed tightened and released in a blinding explosion of joy.

  He shattered her body and heart.

  Muscles shaking, chest heaving, he wrapped both arms around her and rolled them to their sides where they waited for their hearts to slow. As the room spun, she held his arms tight against her abdomen, her anchor.

  She could happily lounge in his arms for days and absorb his every touch, but she had more important things to worry about.

  They needed to be on their way and looking for her niece.

  * * * *

  Relieved to see his hands were no longer shaking, he took her chin in one and turned her to face him. Her eyes shone back at him in the dim firelight. The cloudy haze of pain was gone, and now their true brilliance stunned him. It appeared that her powers had returned and repaired the damage. Her Light called to him and struck him stupid with its vibrancy.

  “I wish I’d known your powers were bound. You left me in the dark, pissing me off. The knowledge might have saved us some time.”

  “The point of living on Earth as a mortal was to escape the elder gods’ notice. When I left Unearth, the only thing I wanted was to be left alone. I couldn’t advertise that I hid there as a mortal.” Shadows flickered behind her eyes. Did she really bear such a great heartache?

  “Will you be at full strength soon? I hate to rush you, but as soon as you can, we need to find Alia. I think you were right. We’ll do better if we work together.” He couldn’t help but hold her tightly for just a few more moments. He’d needed the contact as much as she had needed the warmth.

  She’d scared the shit out of him back at the lake. He was the Runner. He should have been the protector. Yet he’d stood there, worthless, while she’d protected him. For a brief fraction of time, the trees’ dark silhouettes reminded him of the bars of Abaddon’s inner gate. He’d watched Andras reach his hand past that unforgivable barrier from which there was no returning. In a bright flash, his friend was gone. Forever. His own stupidity and the resulting loss had nearly crippled him.

  And a near-mortal woman had been the one to step up. Had he lost his touch? He shook his head.

  What the hell had gotten into him? Here he was cuddling Lilith’s twin sister. Not only was he trying to warm her, he was enjoying it. Her shivering had stopped, and there was no reason to continue holding her, but he couldn’t make himself remove his hands from her hair and let her go.

  Now he understood why she’d looked familiar to him back at the club. Her facial features were similar to Lilit
h’s. But where Lilith’s pale features were cold and often filled with selfishness, Diane’s were filled with warmth and compassion.

  How could twin sisters be so different?

  For now, he’d just attribute it to stress and his being long overdue for a break. One of her hands had released their tight grasp of his shoulder and had begun to sweep the lightest of touches across his bicep. With each butterfly-soft caress, he thought less about the job he had to do and more about getting back into her body.

  They needed a distraction now.

  “Tell me about Alia. I’ve never heard the story of how she came to be. All of Lilith’s offspring are those cursed Lilitu demons. She pops those little things out like popcorn. How did Lucifer’s one true daughter come to be? She looks like she’s from a god’s bloodline and nothing like one of Lilith’s generic spawn.”

  “As far as we can tell, she was a gift to Lilith and Lucifer for the one unselfish act that they committed together. Lucifer willingly gave me his permission to pass through the gate between his realm and Earth whenever I please. I should have told you that before we went to the lake. I forget that most everyone in Unearth has forgotten me. Time passes so quickly on Earth.”

  “But you know as well as I that he guards his realm fiercely. It has been thousands of years since he has given anyone permission to come and go as they please.”

  “Yes, that’s what made his gift so generous. I suspect he did that for Lilith as much as he did for me. Her gift to me was the binding she placed on my powers. She set me free to live on Earth. Our guess is that unless the Fates have a larger plan that we are unaware of, Alia’s birth was an attempt to encourage the couple to try more selfless acts.”

  “I can only guess how well that worked on Lilith.” Azrael could only wonder if Diane and Lilith realized The Fates always had a larger plan in the works. Always.

  “The only thing I can say is that from day one they have tried, to the best of their ability, to be good parents. Alia has never lacked a parents’ love. It’s just not in their nature to extend that love to others.”


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