Trapped with the Bad Boy (Wild Preachers Club Book 2)

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Trapped with the Bad Boy (Wild Preachers Club Book 2) Page 5

by Winter Travers

  “That thought never crossed my mind, Maud. It was the exact opposite.” How was I supposed to fit into her world? “Your job really is your life, M. It’s not like you can turn off the adoring fans when you step off the stage.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Adoring fans is a huge exaggeration.”

  “I’ve been in that crowd for the past four shows, M. They’re not there by coincidence or because the tickets are free. They’re there because they want to see you, Harrison, Nico, Darius, and Malik.”

  She wagged her finger in my face. “Take me off that list, and then you would be onto something. I’m just the token girl in the band. I could be replaced, and no one would know different.”

  I grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss to the calluses on her fingers. “Now, this is a side I have never seen of you, Maud. You have to know you’re all equally important. The Wild Preacher’s Club wouldn’t be the same if any of you left. You included.”

  “And you’re an expert?”

  I held up four fingers. “I own every one of the band's albums and can tell you the order of the songs on each.” I put down three fingers. “Rabid Love, Cream, Trench Line, Bleeding Mark-.”

  She grabbed my finger and laughed. “You could honestly say any songs in any order, and I wouldn’t know the difference. I don’t even know the order of songs. Half the time, I forget the order of the shows. I have a song list behind the amp on my side.”

  “That’s what you’re doing when you go over there,” I laughed. “I asked Ruby the second show, and she said she didn’t know.”

  Maud tapped a finger to her head. “Between my nerves every night, the bright lights, and the loud crowd, I need a little help sometimes.”

  I tucked her hair behind her ear. “Well, you can’t be perfect, right?”

  “Far from it.” She leaned forward and rested her forehead to mine. “What are we doing, Jonas? What does all of this talk mean? An hour ago, I was ready to get off this bus and never see you again.”

  “Yeah, you hated me,” I chuckled.

  “And now I’m sitting in your lap, my arms wrapped around you, and all thoughts of the past year are gone.” she sighed. “It feels like I never left your arms.”

  “I’m gonna kiss you, Maud. I can’t wait any longer,” I whispered.

  Her eyes connected with mine. “Then stop talking and do it.”

  I didn’t need it spelled out for me anymore. I had been a fool the past year, and I wasn’t about to miss my second chance with Maud.

  I was a lucky bastard that she hadn’t written me off and told me to get lost.

  My lips brushed against hers, and I knew this was it.

  Maud was it.

  Maud was mine again, and this time I wasn’t going to let her go.


  Chapter Ten


  Being in Jonas’s arms was like coming home.

  I should have resisted him a little bit more, but I knew I wanted Jonas when it came down to it.

  I needed him.

  What was the point of playing hard to get?

  My fingers dove into Jonas’s hair, and his lips roamed over my mouth and down my neck. A moan escaped my lips, and a growl vibrated from his throat.

  Jonas ripped his lips from my neck. “Son of a bitch, Maud. It’s been too fucking long since I’ve kissed you.”

  A year and some change. Way too long to go without being kissed or touched. There were always opportunities to scratch that itch, but the guys who lined up to fill the position were anything but Jonas. When you have the best, it’s hard not to expect it from everyone.

  Though I was sure, Jonas managed to scratch that itch in Hong Kong.

  His hands roamed over my back and tugged the hem of my shirt over my head.

  “You think maybe we should take this to my bed?” I whispered between kisses.

  Jonas leaned forward, grabbed a pillow from the couch, and tossed it on the floor. He rolled me onto my back and laid on top of me. “As much as I’d love to get you in bed, M, your bunk is not made for fucking or anything else I want to do to your body.” He slipped the straps of my bra off my shoulders and pressed a kiss to the above the swell of my breast.

  “I mean,” I gasped, “the floor isn’t bad.” It was a hell of a lot more roomier and not a dark hole.

  Jonas rolled us to the side, reached behind me, and unhooked my bra. He pulled it off and tossed it over his shoulder. “Now that’s what I’m talking about. I always loved looking at that tattoo.” His fingertips feathered over the tattoo under my breasts. “This is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

  I collected tattoos like a kid collected trading cards. Some had special meaning to me, and some I got because they were just pretty. The tattoo Jonas liked so much was because it was pretty, and even I had to admit it was sexy.

  Ruby called it my boob chandelier.

  I giggled, and Jonas looked up at me. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s my boob chandelier.” I couldn’t not tell him. I would leave out the fact his sister called it that. I didn’t think he wanted to think about Ruby when my boobs were in his face.

  Jonas snorted and pressed a kiss to the tattoo. “I’ll just call it your sexy as fuck tattoo.”

  That worked, too. “I’m glad you can appreciate it. It hurt like a bitch to get.”

  Jonas trailed his tongue over the delicate lines and palmed my breasts. “I appreciate every inch of you, M.”

  I bucked my hips up and moaned. I didn’t forget this—the way Jonas made me feel. I few touches and flicks of his tongue, and I was primed and ready to go. “Jonas,” I gasped when he pinched my nipple between his fingers and pulled gently.

  My hands grasped his shirt and pulled it over his head. For a brief second, his hands and mouth left me but were back instantly.

  “Shorts. Off,” he grunted. Jonas leaned back, and his hands went to the waistband of my shorts. He worked them down my hips and over my legs. He sailed them over his shoulder just like he did my shirt and bra.

  “I think you might like throwing my clothes around a little too much,” I giggled.

  He sat back on his knees, popped open the button of his jeans, and pulled down the zipper.

  “Have I ever told you I love the fact that you hate wearing underwear?” I reached up and brushed my fingertips over the tip of his dick. “One pop of a button, and you’re right there.”

  With a few tugs, his pants were off, and he lowered his body over me. “One less barrier between us, M. It wasn’t until I had you I realized commando really was the best option.”

  He pressed his lips to mine, and his tongue swept through my mouth. I wound my arms around his neck and held on as his kisses devoured me. His hand snaked down between our bodies, and his fingers honed in on my clit.

  “Oh, god,” I moaned. “You always were straight to the point, Jonas.” His fingers circled the tight bud of nerves, and a tremor rocked my body.

  “So responsive,” he whispered. “One touch and your body reacts to me.”

  “Only you,” I moaned.

  “One year, Maud. One fucking year.” His mouth captured mine again, and his finger flicked my clit.

  God. Damn.

  His lips trailed away from my lips and over to my ear. “Every night I laid in bed, thinking about you. Wondering where you were and if you had forgotten about me,” he whispered.

  “There hasn’t been anyone since you.” The words fell from my lips before I even thought about them. Well, I guess we were putting all of our cards on the table.

  “Same, M.”

  Now that I did not expect.

  “Are there no girls in Hong Kong?” I laughed.

  Jonas moved down my body, trailing kisses on the way. “Tons.” He pressed a kiss to my waist. “None of them were you, though. I found I had a thing for blue hair vixens who moan my name and sing like sirens.”

  “Don’t forget I know how to…” My words faded as his breath washed over my pussy and his t
ongue took the place of his fingers.

  All thoughts of anything but Jonas disappeared. His tongue swirled and flicked, driving me closer and closer to the edge.

  “Oh god,” I moaned. “Jonas.” My head dropped to the floor, and my back arched. Jonas was in control, and I was just enjoying every delicious suck and lick.

  His finger plunged into my pussy while his tongue flicked my clit over and over. Jonas brought me to the brink, and just when I thought I would fall over the edge, he backed off, only to build me up again.

  “Please,” I begged. I couldn’t take it anymore. I was going to melt right into the carpet if Jonas didn’t put me out of my misery and let me come.

  “You’re not coming without me, M. For a year, I haven’t had you. I haven’t had your kisses, your touch, your moans. I want it all with my dick buried inside you.” He moved up my body, cocked my legs up, and sunk into me.

  “Home,” he whispered. “You’re home. Wherever you are, I’m home.” Jonas plunged in and out, his lips lavishing my breasts with kisses and my hands buried in his hair.

  “Yes,” I gasped. I knew exactly what he meant. It didn’t matter where I was, as long as Jonas was there, I knew I would be okay. Home wasn’t a place, but a feeling I had with him.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he thrust deeper.

  “Yes, M,” he grunted. “I need you.”

  I needed him too. Like my next breath. Jonas was what I needed to feel alive. “Faster,” I whispered. “Please, god, please.”

  Jonas pounded into me, my pussy clenched around him, and his name fell from my lips. “Jonas!” I finally fell over the edge and swam in the pleasure of my release.

  He buried his face in my neck, and a guttural moan ripped from his mouth. His hips thrust one last time before he shouted my name, and he buried his dick deep inside me. “Fuck,” he groaned. His come filled my pussy, and his weight settled on top of me.

  We both panted and slowly came down from the high of finally having each other.

  “No way in hell I am going to wait a year before we do that again,” he chuckled. He gathered me in his arms and rolled us till his back was on the floor, and I was lying on top of him.

  “You really didn’t…” I didn’t even want to think about Jonas being with other women, let alone say it aloud.

  “Only you, M. I walked away from you, but that didn’t stop me from knowing you were the one meant for me.”

  “So, you were just going to be celibate for the rest of your life and wait for any news about me from Ruby to hold you over?” Silly. I don’t know why Jonas saw the only two options were me quitting the band or quitting him. I didn’t think it would be easy, but it would hurt a hell lot less knowing Jonas was mine even if we always weren’t in the same place.

  He sighed and shrugged. “I hadn’t planned that far, but I knew I didn’t want anyone but you.”

  I ran my fingers over his cheek and smiled. “I’m a little mad that we both wasted a year wanting each other but neither of us doing anything about it.”

  “I’m gonna take full blame for that one, M. I thought I was doing the right thing by telling you we wouldn’t work.”

  “Silly man. You do know I can tour with the band and you can be a bad boy lawyer, right? One of us doesn’t have to choose.”

  He brushed my hair from my face. “I just want you to make sure if there is ever something that comes up you want to do, don’t hesitate to do it. I never want you to think you can’t do something because it isn’t something I wouldn’t do.”

  “You mean you since you wouldn’t be a rockstar, I shouldn’t be?” I giggled.

  “You’re a smartass, M.”

  My smile slid from my lips. “I know what you’re talking about, Jonas. I have dreams for my future. Dreams for the band and myself, but I also know those dreams can easily fit you into them. No reason why the rockstar can’t have a sexy bad boy lawyer waiting in the wings for her.”

  He cradled my face with his hand. “I’m really sorry I fucked up before, M. I just…I just wanted the best for you.”

  I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re the best for me, Jonas. And I’ll forgive you once you do that thing with your tongue you used to do.”

  “You mean the…” Jonas wiggled his eyebrows.

  A smile spread across my lips. “Yup.”

  Jonas flipped us over. “Break over, M. I’m gonna apologize with my tongue over and over.”

  He slid down my body, pressing kisses to my stomach along the way.

  Being trapped with the bad boy wasn’t too bad, after all.


  Chapter Eleven


  “Bro, you must have balls of steel,” Niko laughed. “No way in hell I would have ever thought of trapping Maud on a bus.”

  I shrugged and leaned against the front porch railing. “I was sick of not having what I wanted. I had to give her the chance to see I made a mistake, and I couldn’t do that with you assholes constantly around us.”

  “And Maud is what you want.” Malik shook his head. “I think we might need to get your head checked before you head back to Hong Kong.”

  “Knock it off,” Harrison called. “Jonas must like to share wearing the pants in the relationship.”

  “You guys are dicks,” I laughed. “Maybe I see a side of Maud you guys don’t see.”

  Darius gagged. “Dude, she’s our cousin. We don’t ever want to see that side of Maud.”

  “Dinner!” Maud called.

  Yesterday, Maud and I had spent all day on the bus making up for lost time. Harrison had called around eight to make sure I was still in one piece, and Maud hadn’t killed me.

  Instead of packing up and heading to Maud’s parents, where we knew we wouldn’t be able to sleep in the same room, Maud and I had stayed the night on the bus for at least one night together.

  Of course, we were woken up by the band and Ruby standing over us. Thankfully we had managed to put some clothes in before we had passed out.

  Now it was time to meet Maud’s parents.

  We filed into the house and gathered around the large living room table that was set up in the great room.

  Harrison and the guys had been trying to give me pointers on what to say and do when I met Maud’s parents, but I forgot all of them when Ruby’s dad shook my hand and looked me dead in the eye.

  “You the guy who thinks he’s good enough for my girl?”

  Yeah. Not what I thought his first words would be to me. I had been hoping he would have started with something along the lines of hello. “Uh, well, yes, sir,” I stuttered.

  “Oh my god, daddy!” Maud called from the kitchen. “Can you please not scare, Jonas. He’s the first guy I’ve ever brought home.”

  “So what makes you good enough to come into my house?” her dad called.

  Okay. Yeah. I did not expect any of this.

  Harrison had told me her dad was the strong silent type. He didn’t mention he was the deadpan, straight to the point guy.

  A woman with salt and pepper hair walked over to the table and set a huge carved turkey in the middle. “Walt. Shake the boy’s hand and stop trying to scare him. I can’t see a single tattoo on the boy, so he’s already starting off good in my book.” She wiped her hands on the towel she had draped over her shoulder and then held her hand out to me. “I’m Susan, and that’s Walter. You’ll have to excuse him. He thinks he has to defend the honor of his only daughter.”

  “But little does he know that I don’t have any honor left to defend, right, mama?” Maud walked over to the table with a huge platter of buns and set it next to the turkey. “Lost that years ago.”

  I shook Susan’s hand and gave her polite smile. “Thank you for the invitation to join you for dinner today, ma’am.”

  She blushed and leaned in for a hug. “A friend of Maud’s is always welcome.”

  “You think one time you could not make a crack about being unholy?” Walter scolded Maud
. “Maybe you should have tried a little bit harder to make it to service today.”

  Maud walked over and bumped her dad with her hip. “Maybe next time.”

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a chair. “Sit here. Prepare to be stared at by all of my aunt’s and uncle’s, yeah?”

  I half thought Maud would turn down the sass a little bit when we got to her parent’s house, but Maud was the same whether she was on tour or at her parent’s. Something about that made me love her even more.

  She leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “You look terrified. Should we hop into the bathroom to relieve some tension?”

  I sputtered and pulled her to my chest. “Fuck’s sake, M,” I whispered.

  She leaned back and looked up at me. “What? Too much?”

  “Pfft,” Niko scoffed. “I’m on the other side of the table, and it was too much for me.”

  Maud ignored Niko. “So is that a no?”

  I shook my head. “Raincheck, M.”

  She patted me on the chest. “Okay. You just let me know when you want to cash it in.” She winked and plopped down in the chair next to the one she pointed to for me.

  Ruby and I didn’t have any family besides each other. It had been a long time since I sat at a big table sharing a holiday with more than Ruby.

  Maud at my side was going to make this a one of a kind experience.

  As would anything be with Maud next to me.

  This was what I wanted, and now I had it.

  I wasn’t letting go of this for anything in the world.


  Chapter Twelve



  Jonas shook his head. “If I eat another bite of food, I am going to explode.”

  I reached over the side of the bed and grabbed the plate wrapped in plastic wrap. “You didn’t try this one, though.”

  After I had managed to control myself somewhat at the dinner table and not get booted from my parent’s place, Jonas and I had made our escape to the local motel.


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