“Don’t worry,” replied Noah. “It’s going to be okay.”
They heard a roar in the distance.
“Did you summon the Ender Dragon with command blocks?” Violet questioned Noah with some skepticism.
“Yes, I am using one of Daniel’s tricks against him. While Daniel and the rainbow griefers battle the Ender Dragon, we can escape,” Noah said, explaining his plan.
The gang heard the rainbow griefers’ cries as they attempted to battle the fierce beast that flew through the sky.
“Shoot at it!” Daniel screamed at his army.
The dragon’s powerful wings flew by their house and it swooped down, making a hole in the roof.
“We have to leave!” Noah called to his friends.
The gang dashed out of the house and far away from the Ender Dragon.
They didn’t look back.
“I see Supersonic!” Violet called out breathlessly.
“Yes, we’re almost there!” Ben said happily.
A large crowd milled around in front of the entrance. A woman wearing a park uniform stood on a podium with a megaphone. “The Dashing Coaster is closed today. Please enjoy the rest of the rides at the park. We are open for business.”
Some of the crowd stopped by the Dashing Coaster to stare at the rubble. A woman called to the park official, “Is this park safe?”
The park official replied, “We are doing our best to protect all visitors. There is an evil man who wants to destroy this park. But we want to keep it open to prove to him that we aren’t afraid.”
The crowd roared their support for this plan.
Violet, Noah, and the gang walked into the park. The park official looked at them and told the crowd, “These are the heroes who will save the park.”
Violet disliked the attention, though she had to admit it felt nice to have people cheer for her. But she didn’t want to be distracted by the attention. She needed to inspect the Dashing Coaster, and she also had to protect the park.
“Wow,” Noah exclaimed, looking at the rubble. “Daniel must have used tons of TNT to destroy this coaster.”
“I know,” Leo replied. “He’s a very powerful person, isn’t he?”
“Unfortunately, he is,” said Violet.
“Oh no!” Hannah called out. “It looks like we have unwelcome visitors.”
A host of rainbow griefers stormed through the park’s entrance and began striking innocent people with their diamond swords.
“It’s war!” Noah shouted.
Folks began to take out their diamond swords and bows and arrows from their inventories and strike back at the rainbow griefers.
Valentino the Butcher shouted to his friends, “Come quick! Someone is trying to blow up the pirate ship ride!”
Violet and Noah broke away from the crowd and rushed toward Valentino. He led them to three blue griefers placing TNT beside the pirate ship.
Noah swiftly took an arrow out of his inventory and shot it at the blue griefers. Violet charged at them and struck one with her diamond sword. Hannah and Ben joined them and shot arrows at the blue griefers, shouting, “Stop!”
“Never!” One of the blue griefers laughed.
Violet used all of her strength to strike the blue griefer as he laughed. She was relieved when he was destroyed. The remaining two blue griefers were horrified.
“We told you to stop,” Violet said, confronting them.
“Give us those blocks of TNT,” Noah demanded.
The two blue griefers gave up and sprinted away from the gang, leaving the blocks of TNT beside the pirate ride. Bystanders stood and watched as Noah, Violet, Ben, and Hannah picked up the blocks of TNT and placed them in their inventories.
“We need to find out where Daniel has set up his new headquarters,” Violet said as she stashed away the final TNT block.
“Yes, and we need to blow it up,” suggested Noah.
“Sounds like a plan,” agreed Ben.
Cries were heard in the distance. Rainbow griefers were still attacking people in the park.
“We have to help!” Violet headed toward the center of the park, where several griefers were shooting arrows into the crowd.
The people at the park had destroyed most of the griefers and just a few remained. Violet struck a weakened griefer and destroyed him. Noah, Ben, and Hannah hit the last few griefers. The park was now temporarily free of rainbow griefers, but the gang knew that wouldn’t last. They had to secure the park.
A park official roamed around Supersonic announcing that the park was still open. Despite their exhaustion from the battle with the rainbow griefers, park attendees lined up to go on the many exciting rides. Young and old ate cotton candy and tried to enjoy the remaining hours of sunlight.
Leo jogged up to the gang and announced, “I know how Daniel is getting the soldiers for his army!”
“How is he getting them?” Violet asked.
“I captured a griefer,” Leo told them. “I have him trapped in my office.”
The gang followed Leo to his office to meet with the imprisoned rainbow griefer.
“I hope he’s still there,” remarked Hannah.
“I’m sure he is,” Leo said confidently.
They reached the small office near the rubble from the Dashing Coaster. Leo opened the door. A green griefer stood in his office, looking troubled.
“I want to change my skin,” confessed the green griefer.
“Okay,” replied Leo, “if you think that will make you feel better.”
“I don’t want to be a griefer for one more minute. I despise it. I never wanted to be an evil rainbow griefer, but Daniel forced me.”
“How?” asked Violet.
“First, we should let him change,” interrupted Leo. “It obviously bothers him to wear the green skin.” Leo looked at the green griefer with some sympathy.
The green griefer chose a skin with black pants, a tan shirt, and a red hat. “Thank you for letting me change. Daniel has taken over my town. I live in a desert village and Daniel has been terrorizing us. He threatened the town with daily attacks from the Wither and the Ender Dragon, and he flooded most of our homes with lava or blew them up with TNT.”
“That sounds just like Daniel,” concurred Noah.
“He told us if we didn’t change our skins to rainbow skins, he would put us all on Hardcore mode. One by one, each resident of the town began to choose different color skins and change into rainbow griefers. He also made us change our names. We were only called by our colors. My griefer name was Greengriefer81.”
“What’s your real name?” asked Hannah.
“Marco,” he replied.
“Well, you’re safe now Marco. But we need you to help us. You must tell us more about Daniel’s invasion tactics,” said Violet.
Marco was happy to tell them all the details of Daniel’s invasion of his desert village. “After he took over, Daniel began to give us various tasks. Most of them were focused on destroying this amusement park.”
“What does he have planned?” questioned Ben.
“I was a part of the attack today. I know he is planning a lot of other stuff, but he doesn’t let us know everything. If you want me to, I can lead you to my town. Daniel is living there in an old desert temple that he looted.”
“Yes, we want to go there,” said Violet.
“Someone has to stay here,” Katie remarked as she looked at Violet. “You can’t leave me alone to defend this park. I worked too hard developing it to have it destroyed.”
“I’ll stay here and help you,” offered Ben.
“Me, too,” added Hannah.
“I think Noah and I can go alone with Marco,” Violet offered. She paused to think and then suggested, “Maybe we should change into rainbow skins when we get closer to your village. That way we can blend in.”
“I never want to wear a rainbow skin again,” protested Marco.
“I know how you feel, but th
at might be our only way to surprise Daniel. I don’t want to wear a rainbow griefer skin either,” Noah said, trying to reason with Marco.
“How far is your town? I’m not familiar with the Desert Biome,” Violet asked as she looked at the evening sky. “It’s getting dark. We have to get going.”
Violet walked out of the office. Folks were hurrying around the park.
Noah followed Violet and observed, “Something isn’t right here. I think Daniel is about to stage another attack.”
Valentino the Butcher ran up to them. “The Wither!” he said breathlessly. “Look!”
The gang looked up at the sky. The Wither was flying around the park’s entrance shooting wither skulls at the people standing by the ticket booth.
“I have snowballs!” Violet called out as she raced toward the Wither and threw a snowball at the three-headed beast.
“Oh no!” Hannah cried out as a roar boomed throughout the amusement park. “Daniel has also summoned the Ender Dragon.”
Daniel wasn’t there to watch his evil plan backfire. Instead of the Ender Dragon and the Wither attacking the people at the park, the two hostile beasts began to battle each other.
“Wow, this is intense!” Noah said as he watched the battle in the sky. The Wither shot skulls at the Ender Dragon as the winged creature flew at the Wither, striking it with its powerful body. The Ender Dragon and the Wither began losing energy. The crowd watched while trying to shelter themselves from the wither skulls flying through the air.
“Run to safety,” a park official encouraged the crowd.
People began to exit the park as the Ender Dragon swooped by the log flume, almost crushing the ride with a strike from its wing. The Wither began to fade and, within seconds, it exploded. Violet ran toward the weakened dragon and threw snowballs at the monster. Noah shot arrows. Violet was happy when she destroyed the Ender Dragon with the last snowball from her inventory.
“It’s almost nighttime,” Noah reminded them as he looked at the sky.
“We should leave for the desert in the morning,” Violet told Marco. “You can stay with us at our tree house tonight. The whole gang will be staying with us, too.”
Marco was excited. “Wow! I’ve never slept in a tree house before. What fun!”
The gang left the park as the sky grew darker.
Two Endermen walked by. The gang tried to avoid looking them in the eyes, yet one of the Endermen shrieked and teleported next to Marco. Violet struck the Enderman with her diamond sword, but the Enderman was very powerful.
“I have a plan!” Noah shouted to them. “Follow me!”
The gang followed Noah to the shore as he jumped into the deep blue water. The two Endermen also dove into the water, and they were destroyed.
Noah swam back to the shore and pointed fondly at the tree house. “Look, we are home.”
They climbed the ladder to the tree house and when they entered the living room, they were shocked to see a stranger standing by their fireplace.
“Who are you?” asked Violet.
Noah took out his diamond sword and warned the stranger, “Get out of here.” He held the sword to the stranger’s chest.
“Please, don’t hurt me,” the stranger pleaded.
“Tell us who you are!” Violet said angrily.
“I’m a friend of Trent’s. He’s in trouble and he asked me to find you.” The stranger stuttered, “My n-name is W-Will. I’m a treasure hunter. Your friend Trent is being trapped by an evil griefer named Mac.”
“Where is he?” asked Violet.
“He’s in the jungle. We were unearthing treasure from a jungle temple when Mac captured Trent. My friends Max, Lucy, and Henry tried to save him, but Mac trapped them, too. I barely escaped. I was lucky to have a potion of invisibility and I splashed it on myself to get away. I only had enough for me. I felt bad about using it, but Trent told me that I should escape and come here and find you. He said you’d help him. He said you know all about Mac.” Will was so anxious that he almost said this in one breath.
“We have to help Trent.” Violet looked over at Noah.
Marco was surprised at this change in plans. “Trent? We need to go to my desert village and stop Daniel. He is turning my entire village into evil rainbow griefers.”
Ben and Hannah spoke quietly to each other, then Ben said, “We must go save Trent.”
Katie asked, “I thought you were helping us? I thought you guys were staying here. We can’t let Supersonic get destroyed.”
Violet paced around the living room; she wasn’t sure what she should do. She wanted to help everyone, but that wasn’t possible. “We can’t let our friend Trent get destroyed by Mac. This is a hard choice. I’m not sure what to do.”
“Maybe we can go find Trent and then head to the desert village. Once we save him, he can help us. And I’m sure Mac is working with Daniel,” stated Hannah.
“But who is going to stay here and help us save the park?” asked Katie.
“What was that?” Noah was terrified.
Everyone rushed to the large window. Smoke rose from Supersonic.
“I hope Daniel didn’t destroy the park!” Leo was horrified.
“We have to see what damage he caused,” Katie said and she started down the ladder.
“Stop!” shouted Violet. “That’s what Daniel wants us to do. It’s probably a trap.”
“I can’t just sit here while Supersonic burns to the ground!” Katie was furious and frustrated.
“Violet’s right,” Ben said calmly, “heading to Supersonic in the middle of the night isn’t going to help us.”
“Let’s just all get some sleep here, so we can respawn in the tree house if we get destroyed.” Violet tried to sound practical.
There was a rustling on the ladder.
“What’s that?” asked Hannah.
Noah ran to the ladder and shouted, “It’s spiders.”
“That’s not such a big deal,” Violet shrugged. “Just shoot arrows at them.”
“There are hundreds of them!” exclaimed Noah, as he looked at the endless pairs of piercing red eyes staring at him.
The gang crowded the small entrance by the ladder and shot arrows at the spiders. Violet used her diamond sword to strike any spiders that made their way into the tree house.
“This has to be Daniel’s work!” Ben said as he shot an arrow at the never-ending parade of arachnoids that crept up the ladder.
Hannah grabbed a splash potion and threw it at the spiders on the ladder, destroying all of them.
Noah placed his bow and arrow in his inventory. He then put on diamond armor, grabbed his enchanted diamond sword, and climbed down the ladder.
“What are you doing?” asked Violet.
“I need to find the spawner. It can’t be very far from here,” Noah called to them as he climbed onto the ground and struck a spider with his sword. He found the spawner underneath the house. Noah looked up and saw Violet standing by him holding a torch.
“I couldn’t let you do this alone,” Violet said, and she placed the torch by the spawner.
Noah and Violet deactivated the spawner and climbed up the ladder to the tree house.
“We have to get some sleep.” Violet smiled at her friends, climbed into bed, and crawled underneath the wool covers.
Kaboom! Another explosion was heard in the distance.
“I can’t sleep knowing Daniel is blowing up the amusement park,” Katie cried.
“I know how you feel. I worked on the park, too,” Violet comforted her. “But sleeping is our only option. We need our energy and we also need to have the same respawning point. Both will work to our advantage.”
As the gang drifted off to sleep, Violet wondered if there would be anything left of Supersonic in the morning. She also knew that she had to help Trent. There was so much to do. As she tried to close her eyes, she spotted a pair of red eyes looking up at her. She qu
ickly grabbed her diamond sword from her inventory and pounded the spider crawling across the tree house floor. Violet inspected the rest of the floor. When she saw it was empty, she climbed back into bed and fell asleep.
Kaboom! Another explosion broke the silence, but nobody woke up. They were all asleep, dreaming of defeating Daniel.
Violet woke up and went to the large window. “I don’t see any more smoke coming from Supersonic.”
Katie rushed to Violet’s side. “I can still see the Ferris wheel! Maybe the entire park isn’t destroyed!”
“We have to go investigate,” Leo said as he walked toward the ladder.
“Yes, but we all have to eat first.” Violet handed everyone milk and cake. They devoured the morning treats and their energy bars were restored.
“Before we head our separate ways, I think we should all stop by the park,” Noah told the gang.
Everyone agreed. The group made their way to Supersonic. Despite the explosions the night before, folks were lined up to get inside the amusement park.
“We have a delayed opening today,” the park official announced.
Katie and Leo rushed to find out what had happened. Katie asked, “What was blown up last night? We could heard the explosion, but we weren’t able to see what was destroyed.”
The park official listed several rides that had been blown up. “Even the Tilt-a-Whirl is gone,” she said sadly.
“That’s okay. We will rebuild all the rides and have a grand reopening. But now we have to focus on stopping the attacks,” Katie told the official, explaining that she and Leo would stay behind to guard the park.
“Hannah and I can stay behind with you,” added Ben.
“No, you should go with Marco. They’ll need all the help they can get,” Leo told him.
They said their goodbyes as Violet, Noah, Hannah, Ben, Marco, and Will left the village and headed into the expansive Overworld.
Will said, “I can lead you to Trent and Mac. I have a map.”
Marco added, “And I can lead you to the desert village.”
“I think we should release Trent first. He will help us defeat Daniel.” Violet worried whether she had made the right choice, but she was certain that Trent would be able to help them defeat Daniel.
The Return of the Rainbow Griefers Page 2