Slime Tamer's Chronicles

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Slime Tamer's Chronicles Page 10

by Nathan Valerio

  "I promised I wouldn’t tell. Sorry.”

  He sulked but nodded understandingly. I smiled warily at the sulking prince.

  I look around and see that the final section was already having their fight. I did peek several times during the other ones. Each and every group had at least three to six people who stayed outside of the mess of kids.

  Guess all the strong know when to hide their strength.

  Funny enough every fight ended the same. The groups on the outside getting bored and showing off making the kids give up. There was this one blond kid that could use lightning system magic and he simply charged his attack and made several kids piss themselves and others stumble back crying.

  In another group was an elf girl who made a big wood golem five meters tall with magic wood. Some kids tried to burn it but it barely took the top layer of moss off.

  There are some really amazing people. I wonder how high I can get against all these noble kids. Well eventually the battle royals ended and the four hundred that were accepted remained.

  “My what a talented bunch this year. So many are nobles kids and many others are middle class with so much talent.” Charles said his eyes moved towards several people which included me and Kumi. “Well then. The next part is the ranking tournament. Each fight will have one person from each group per fight so it will be a four man fight. Depending on the order you fight will determine if you can move up to the next rank. Those who fail will be put in a new group to retry and get a lower rank.”

  From the ceiling, several magic projectors released an image that showed the matchup. Surprisingly I was in the first match. There was twenty five fights not counting the losers fight.

  “Shall we begin. Round one, contestants please proceed down.” the four sections lowered. Me and the other three went onto the field while the seats rose again.

  My opponents were the girls from before and a boy. The girl has short red hair and a bouncy personality since she was excited and punching the air like a muay thai fighter. The green haired elf girl that made the golem and a boy with orange hair who looked scared out of his mind.

  The crowd was cheering extremely loud as if watching a spectacle.

  “Alright kids please get ready.” Charles announced. In moments, me, the fighter girl and the elf ran backwards to gain distance. “BEGIN!”

  The gong rings and in an instant the skittish boy cried out.

  To everyone's dismay. The kid unconsciously used sound magic. This is a subcategory of air magic where you used your voice to project super sonic or hyper sonic waves in the form of attack or defense.

  I quickly cover my ears and summon all my slimes and have them arm the two mimics. Because slimes don't actually have ears they weren't affected.

  Soon the sound attack ended and the kid looked around. Everyone in the stadium that wasn't prepared was stunned from the attack. The elf girl was dizzy as was the fighter girl who was recovering fast.

  She pulled out two fighter gloves and equip them. I frowned seeing that, I open my inventory and select a wand I bought to train magic with then equips it.

  The first thing I do is look at the annoying kid that nearly burst my eardrums. I gather mana on the tip of my wand and shoot it at his feet.

  In an instant a pit opened up under him which made him fall. It wasn't deep just to his elbow but it doesn't end with just that, I closed the hole which in turn trapping him. He was about to cry out when I made an earth dome around him which was about a half meter thick and blocked his magic.

  “Now that the headache is taken care of, shall we play?” As I smirked at them, the two girls looked serious at me. The elf pulled out a staff and grimoire opening to a page.

  She began chanting a spell which caused a circle of magic to appear. Don't mistake it for a magic circle. A circle of magic means a ring of mana that is circling around her.

  As for the other girl. I felt her focusing her mana into her fists which slowly but surely started to form a weak mana coat.

  “She sure is talented. At this age and already able to do that much.” I thought.

  Yes, I know it seems ironic coming from me but I reincarnated with my memories. I always played as a monk so it's second nature already.

  At the same moment the two girls completed their preparation and aimed towards me.

  “Peach, Glop, stall the red head.” I order.

  The both nodded and looked towards the fighter who was a moment away from pouncing. I, on the other hand, looked towards the elf. She is even more talented than the other kids. Elves live centuries and they age slowly. If she was actually 8 years old then she must be the princess of the elf race to be so powerful.

  I hold my wand up pointed at her. It was a much crappier one then the Nature princess wand but I can't go around using that so I use this.

  I release my strength and a red circle of mana starts swirling around me. Thus making the elf's eyes open wide before she makes a grin.

  She lift her staff before bringing it down. At once the arena under her started to break apart where trees and vines rose from the crevices. It all broke the surface of the arena as well as freeing the noisy brat who instantly started crying.

  I didn't mind since my focus was on the massive nature spirit that girl summoned.

  Quite obviously, the elf race has much greater amount of mana then the human. That has been proven in every game both fantasy and sci-fi fantasy. Still, there is an exception to everything.

  I release more mana and begin a long chant. Though my level with fire magic wasn't large. I was still able to make a similar spell to a mid rank spell. Only difference, it's much stronger. Adding physics into magic makes everything have a bigger boom. Oxygen was all it needed after all.

  The mana gathered above me forming a blue ball of flame. Everyone was frozen stiff seeing the growing ball of flame as well as the rising nature spirit.

  The sounds from the clash between the fighter and the slimes didn't reach anyone.

  “See you in class.” It was all I said before I lifted my wand up towards the fire ball and swing the wand to throw it.

  At once the arena around her brightened and her body was teleported away but her spirit wasn't. As soon as the ball hit, the still rising spirit was pushed down before the ball exploded in a huge ball of flame.

  Even I was amazed at that. But then again as soon as the ball of flame left my control when I swung the wand. I lost all forms of control for it so I wasn't able to alter the course or shape. Simply put, I made a spell beyond my fire manipulation skills control by combining fire magic and wind magic. I have a long way to go before I can properly control anything.

  If you're curious I can control a small fireball, make it spin for added effect and power and compress it. But I guess blue flames fall under mid or advanced level. I could only make it because, like the elf, I have too much mana for my age.

  When I looked around I only spotted my slimes fighting the red head but the little cry baby wasn't around. I turned towards the seats and spotted him over there.

  “That’s good. Two for the price of one. Go me.” I thought happily and finally I turn to the red head with a smile.

  She was good I can tell you that. The slimes were barely keeping up which shows the girl is talented or just did some crazy training.

  Still the girl wasn't able to push them back. Though the shield, shoulder guards and chest plate mimics were taking a beating. The girl was fast enough to hit inside so it was definitely taking damage.

  To finish this I summon Rama and his set.

  The girl frowned and jumped back getting away from the slimes. At that moment I saw mana concentrate on her legs.

  “Shit!” Reacting with my trained senses I coated both arms and crossed them over my face were the next second the girl jumped at lightning speed and let loose a crushing punch.

  I was thrown several meters away and everyone cheered again thinking she won. Sadly I just stood up and walked out of the cloud of dust while dust
ing off my uniform that was getting dirty.

  “Good punch. Let me try as well.” Doing the same as her but with more mana to protect my body. I appear just in front of her and punch but she vanishes at the last second making me punch air. After she was gone only me and my pets were on the field.

  I blinked a bit after stopping the momentum and looked around. The girl was in the stands still wondering what happened. The next moment the gong rang and the head-master appeared.

  “And the winner is miss Kuroko Ginshiro. We will ask her for a moment while the field is repaired.” He put down the mic and got closer to me. “You're a talented girl but try to train two things. Restraint and mana control.”

  He stands up and smiles my way. The next moment I found myself in the stands.

  I make my way down and sit down next to Aster and Kumi. They had sparkling eyes as if they had seen an idol.

  “What?” I ask

  “What do you mean by “what”!? You just out did an elf in magic. Not only that, you used the intermediate level spell Fire Palace.” Kumi said.

  “No I didn't.” I said shaking my head, "I just used a bit of physics as well as fire manipulation skill and made a blue fireball. I couldn't even properly control the fire even with my manipulation skill.”

  “Still, that was fire palace. I saw the court mage train it once. Most intermediate rank and above spells use physics.” Asher said.

  My eyes open wide in surprise after realizing what I had done.

  I couldn't help but facepalm myself for doing that. Still, I wonder how I succeeded. I did know the principles behind the workings of fire. As feeding oxygen to fire will make it stronger.

  I just never knew that it would result in an intermediate rank spell.

  Looking around I saw everyone looking at me which made me bury my face in my hands. The two next to me could only console me about the mistake of being showy. I shrank in my seat and tried to hide as best as I could which made the two next to me laugh. Yep, I suck when so much attention is drawn to me.

  Well, at least the attention lasted only a small bit of time because the next fights started. I was happy for that. Anyway the next fights were less...intense. I don’t know if my group was just a mismatch for intensity or something else but it was less explosive.

  Well at least until the sixth match. Remember the kid that used lightning magic. Well he cast some flashy spell I called Lightning tempest which made lightning rain down on the field.

  After that it was Kumi who made a nice show. Flying around the field shooting air blades. When that didn't resolve it she went overboard and used the spell Storm drill. In the simplest of terms it was a tornado.

  There were several others who showed off.

  On the final round Aster was finally up. To everyone's surprise the fight consisted of royal family members.

  The blond idiot had fought last round since she was in my group. She has a preference for a unique type of magic that she was naturally born capable of using.

  I never explained this but each country has a certain race that reins. Elunia and Monville has Human supremacy but other races live there in lesser number.

  “This is a special event. The last match is a match between the children of four of the five royal families. From the Country of Elunia, the first son and second child of the king, Prince Asher Daniel Calder Bryton.” Charles announced.

  All the girls erupted into cheers like some cheerleader squad. When I said that to Kumi she started to laugh. We both could see from far away how much he hated all this attention.

  “From the country of the Elves, Arbor Incola, the third daughter of the queen, princess Stephanie Danbolt Ashwood.”

  She received a cheer just as loud as Aster. The girl I thought was a princess wasn't one. That said she was a noble. The real princess overshadows the other girl. She has waist length blue-green hair that reflects light it in a mysterious hue. If you said she was the goddess of beauty there would be no one who wouldn't disagree. She wore the school uniform like all students.

  “Next, from the kingdom of the beast men, Werebestia. Coming from the Dragonoid race that rules over the other beastmen. Part of the kings third brood and the first that hatched, princess Nova Redscale.'

  I found the last name strange but Kumi said the real last name is just scale but the color is added before due to traditions.

  The girl received cheers but not nearly as much as the first two. Still the beast men were far from quiet.

  The dragon princess looked completely human. She had vibrant red hair left loose under her beret. The only thing that distinguishes her dragon heritage were the two small horns on her head.

  Then suddenly there was a strange silence. The tension seem to only grow.

  “Finally, Hailing from the country of monsters and demons, Aurelia. The eighth son of the king, Prince Owen Zebub.”

  At once I understood why the strange silence. And the one reason it pissed me off. Everyone simply clapped except for those who come from the same country.

  The prince looked totally human. His features was that of a well built young boy. He had pure black hair and eyes with pale skin. The black uniform only seem to suit him more. He had a nearly expressionless face but from far I could see he was holding back a frown like all the other royal children.

  “Must be hard being from the royal families.” I said it without thinking but to my unexpected surprise the four all looked straight at me with a look of surprise. Only Aster cracked a smile and chuckled. Soon the other three made weak smiles and looked at each other.

  “By any chance did they hear me?” I asked.

  “Probably, those from the royal family have enhanced physical or magical abilities beyond regular citizens. To have greater hearing abilities isn't impossible.” Kumi said.

  I just look intensely at the four. I was curious so I looked back and saw the annoying princess bitching about being left out not being down there.

  “Well, there are exceptions to everything.” Kumi said.

  “Yep.” I turn back and watch the four royalty wait for the signal.

  “Get ready kids.” Charles said.

  At once the aura around the four changed. A dense mass of pressure unbecoming of a child came from all four. Aster summoned his slime and then a sword mimic that jumped to the slimes hand turning into a katana. He then pulled out a normal one for himself.

  The elf pulled out an elf wood wand with an emerald colored gem at the tip shaped like a small green rose. A green circle of mana appeared around her.

  The dragonoid girl got serious and changed. The horns grew out, her hair seem to radiate red light. On her back small red dragon wings appear and below a small lizard tail covered in red scales also appear. Her arms and legs were covered in scales and her nails turned into claws.

  Finally the demon changed as well. He release a black fog and his body grew a bit as well. On his back, black wings appeared and like the dragonoid a small thin tail appear before two small black horns grew out of his forehead. He pulled out a black sword which then absorbed all the black fog.

  Everyone swallowed hard. This didn't feel like a simple children fight. It felt like a war of heroes was about to begin.

  I felt like I over did it but I overestimated myself. It was rather clear. The true monsters were standing there. These four were like four apocalyptic figures waiting for the signal to wage war. And it came not a moment later.



  Chapter 9 The Royal Families

  Ever felt like you were in a place with so much tension that it became physical you could cut it?

  Well after the headmaster yelled to start, the tension of the fight only grew.

  It seems the four were only having a staredown before the gong but as soon as it began it got real. The amount of mana they all started releasing for their attacks was astronomical even when compared to me.

  No, even I didn't compare to them. I had thought that I was a cheat and I ma
y be one but it's nothing compared to these five. Yep, five. The red slime as well had an unbelievable amount of power but then again, when I looked close his nucleus looked different. It was both a slime nucleus and a ruby gemstone. All as big as a regular human’s brain.

  I had no doubt that this is what is making the slime equal to the royals.

  Asher and the slime each stood in a pose that was meant for a quick draw. They were back to back and holding the opposite direction each.

  Their mana was rapidly condensing around the sword inside the sheaths they were holding. The demon held his sword pointed down and had his eyes closed while he released his mana in the form of the black fog that circled around his blade. The dragonoid on the other hand was gathering her mana in her stomach. I could already guess what would be coming up. Finally the elf’s mana was gathering at the tip of her out stretched wand. Her eyes were closed as she concentrated.

  It was plain to see that these four were the top four students of the year. I bet in terms of current power only the teachers could match them if they were this strong as well.

  After a long minute the five of them completely charged their attack. Everyone opened their closed eyes and the mana that was flowing in the air was instantly sucked into their weapon.

  Asher and the slime slowly unsheathed the sword, the demon held his sword over head with his right hand. The dragonoid breathed deeply causing her belly to bloat and the elf rapidly swung her wand quickly, drawing a magic circle in the air.

  At once the five released their attacks while shouting.

  “X Cross Fang!” Asher shouted.

  “Nature's Smite!” Stephanie said.

  “Dragon Nova!” Nova roared.

  “Reaper's Awakening!” Owen said.

  At once they all released their attacks. Asher swung his sword diagonally with his slime doing the same but towards the opposite direction. From the edge of the blade the mana condensed and launched out as a long X shaped mana slash that flew forward.

  Standing opposite these two was the demon kid who swung down his blade sword releasing the same thing but as a black mana slash. To both sides of the boys were the two girls. The dragonoid leaned forward opening her jaw and releasing a great inferno and opposite her and to Asher's right was the elf.


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