Slime Tamer's Chronicles

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Slime Tamer's Chronicles Page 19

by Nathan Valerio

  Slimes don't care about all of those though because to them, it's just another prey that fell to them. Or should I say, their first of many preys to come.

  All of the mimic slimes takes form as a goblin ,and the gel slimes as pickaxes.

  “Finally, perfect workers!! Much cleaner, less ugly, and obedient~” I said before laughing, but everyone else was quiet.

  Well it was normal. Mimic slimes have become good pets so selling them with a form is obviously going to up the price. I have gone with Dalton on bandit raids and saw it many times so I wasn't freaked out in the least.

  With my troubled workers taken care of, the class was dismissed early probably because of what everyone saw.

  Anyway back to the dungeon field. After walking through the forest for about an hour we arrived.

  There wasn’t anything big that attacked though, Master Belladonna did need to go to the east side when several monster bears attacked. It was two different kinds, one a Hind Bear and the other a War Bear.

  These things easily reach around 3 meters in height and can easily walk on two legs as well as four. The War Bear is a ranked up Hind Bear which makes it a mid rank monster. They are extremely dangerous and powerful but are nothing for that demonic demon.

  When she came back she was happily skipping while humming. She said she got some nice pelts off of them and the meat was gathered nicely. They’re going to be a nice dinner later.

  She even handed me the War Bear’s right arm and told me to feed it to Rama. It would help him grow by eating something strong.

  At the dungeon field, we now could understand why it was named so. All over the place where many small rock mounds that looked totally out of place. In all of them was a small hole just the size of a tennis ball.

  A place made specifically for planting dungeons. Who would have thought such a place existed.

  “Ok, here we are, be careful because there are strong monsters about. Beware of the lake that currently holds monsters, walk in groups and find a good place to place your dungeon. Now for the new kids this year and as a reminder to everyone. Rules of dungeoneering up here. Rule 1, you can’t make more than two floors since the area space doesn’t allow it. Rule 2, only a SINGLE dungeon boss is allowed, that said a tamed pet that has achieved boss rank is also allowed as a dungeon boss. Rule 3, when making drastic changes or big spawns, a dungeon should tell its owner and the student must ask permission to the teachers. Any questions?” The dungeoneering teacher asked.

  Looking from uphill she could see everyone but when no one raised their hands she clapped hers signalling we could start.

  Instantly the older kids began moving.

  "I'm going to the grasslands which is where normal slimes are born. What about you guys?” I asked.

  "I will be in the forest, which is the perfect habitat for my sapling.” Stephanie replied.

  "I'll be there too, lizards prefered their place to be near a lake.” Nova followed up.

  "I could plant it anywhere, so I will also go to the grasslands with you.” Asher said.

  “Same here, we could be born anywhere.” Owen said.

  With this the group of five split into two, the girls except me headed to the forest side of the lake while the rest is heading to the grasslands.

  The place was swarming already with students, but that didn’t mean the amount of places were all taken.

  After some looking we found three that weren’t taken so we split up. They were each 100 meters from each other.

  It took a bit of time, but then I finally found the opening. I remove Shai from the bud holder and insert her into the crevice, the holder was bigger than I first seen it to accommodate the growing in size dungeon core. She slid in nicely and began to pulse. After getting far enough so it could change safely, moments later I felt the mana in the air get pulled in by her and the large rock began to expand until it was the size of a small house. The spot where she is caved in before expanding and made a cave entrance. When it was finished, I looked in only to found a room with a small lift heading down.

  She she turned into one of these huh. There are a few types of entrances and what Shai just made was a lift entrance. It was a small room above ground with a wooden or metal lift that takes one or two people down at a time. Normally the room below is naturally devoid of monsters, but it's a heavy trapped type of dungeon when such type of an entrance is made.

  As for what other kinds of dungeons there are. Well there is the drop which is a hole in the ground, castles which is an above ground dungeon which hides the true dungeon below it, caves, self explanatory, ruins and some other that I don’t know yet.

  Some really rare ones would make a magic portal on a rock’s surface and builds the dungeon in a totally separate space hidden from this world.

  I enter the room, step into the lift and pull the small lever on the lift as it starts to go lower.

  It goes down smoothly for about 10 meters until a 5x5 meter rough stone room opened up before me.

  The walls looked like someone had tried to smooth the wall half-assedly.

  Placed in the wall in front of me was a bright-yellowish green gem as big as a newborn’s head, which is Shai my dungeon core.

  “Mistress, let me present you with your ownership ring.” She said in a much more confident maid like tone.

  The next moment a light shined on my right ring finger and after a while, I felt the weight in my hand. When I looked at it, I found a ring with a smooth pearl like gem on top of it. It was very small but beautiful.

  A window appeared after that.

  You have gained a dungeon ownership ring. This ring shows that you are the master of the Dungeon Shai. With this you can access the dungeon menu by feeding it mana. As long as you have this ring you can also communicate with your dungeon no matter how far you are.

  I turn it and look it over. I felt all the mana that it released, it was an really impressive ring. I took it and tried in all fingers, in the end I put it on my right middle finger.

  "It really suits you, I designed it to look beautiful but it still doesn’t compare to you mistress.” She complimented.

  “You sure are good at talking now. What happened to the shy and tomboyish little girl?” I said joking.

  "I-I don’t know what you speak of mistress.” she said a bit flustered.

  “Anyway we should start getting things ready. Summon all Goblin Slimes and Pickaxe Slimes.” I said.

  The next moment ten green slimes in the shape of five male goblins and five female appeared. Strangely they all had the goblin loins that the originals wore. Is it a natural thing to have those or did they just copy it?

  Not like I really care about it, what I want is to make a dungeon. Seriously, when will you ever have a chance to make a DUNGEON! There hasn’t been any games that makes me interested in it but then again, I bet no one ever tried to make it or it is a well hidden secret from the players.

  “Ok, you ten, start mining, you are all now Shai's first dungeon residents, you will follow not only my orders but hers as well. Also, start breeding, do not split.” On my orders a message appeared

  You have made your tamed animals part of your dungeon. Because your order involved listening to both you and the dungeon consciousness you can still summon all twenty of your monsters but you will need to sustain them with mana outside of the dungeon.

  With a nod and a smile I agreed. As for the breeding, what happened was they replicate themself.

  When I looked close they broke a small piece of their nucleus which was quickly rebuilt and moved to their hands as they touched their opposite gender slime’s hands which then the small piece of nucleuses merge, that made a small bubble of slime which grows to mimic slime size.

  “Wow, that is a rather strange breeding method. Weren’t slimes supposed to split, I have never heard of slimes having partnership breeding.” Shai said shocked.

  "It’s most likely connected to their intelligence. If they split their nucleus, their intellige
nce will be split. The small piece was instantly rebuilt so it wouldn’t take much.’ I replied.

  I walked over to all five of the new slimes. They were all mimic slimes with 40 intelligence like a newly ranked up one and to make things more interesting they had the goblin mimic form already. In other words the slimes bred not only their slime race but their mimicked race as well.

  Very interesting. Oh and the gel slimes did the same process and more pickaxe slimes were born. When all the new slimes including the goblin one, took up their mimicked form, it was half the size of the regular mimics.

  “Seems they need nourishment before they can get full size.” I said curiously.

  I pull out some random food I had stored and tossed to each of them. They ate it like famished stray dogs. After eating they quickly gained size and were at the proper goblin size.

  All of them grabbed the pickaxes and with an order they all quickly got to work for Shai.

  With her order the slime took up arms and with three at the front they began to smash the wall to the east side of the room.

  I know its east because the entrance faces west.

  The goblin slimes like all mimic slimes have stamina just as any other human or monster. Theirs regenerates quicker since they don’t really use flesh muscles so the wait to rest for only slime muscles, which works different from their flesh counterpart, resorts to simply feeding them and letting it rest a small bit of time would be enough.

  Goblins, in general, are about as big as an 8 years old. That means their height are from 124 cm to 132 cm.

  Now how will these short miners mine out my dungeon. Well I bet normal goblins would have trouble since their intelligence was less than the mimic slimes but with the stats of a goblin and the intelligence of a mimic as well as Shai and my own guidance it was rather easy to get them to mine and make the corridors 3 meters high.

  The trick was simple. The miners get on the shoulder of another. At the beginning it was a single ladder of three goblin slimes with the top one mining until it formed a pocket on the ceiling which it’ll jump in and started mining more.

  Once it had dug in a meter or so three more would climb up. One would help the one expanding the height while the other two would expand the corridor. The corridor was expanded to 2.5 meters wide and when the corridor reached 7 meters in length I ordered them to turn south. The miners at the front did as ordered. I then sent the rest in. With one more sent to the front, they began to pick up more speed. All the rest were mining to expand the dungeon. I had them leave the ceiling in a semi circle shape and finally had them expand the corridor down until it was at room level.

  The southward corridor was mined out for 7 meters as well. I then order the slimes to mine 20 meters to the east and 9 to the west. 3 slimes went to both sides while the rest were expanding the corridors’ height.

  By noon the amazingly fast slimes with their endurance, were finished with the expansion. Around this time I exit the dungeon and found something.

  Sitting in front of the dungeon was two barrels filled with water and a magic bag with raw meat of several kinds.

  Rama who had been sleeping in the sun with the other slimes came over when I asked them and helped me bring these things down.

  I split most of the stuffs for the goblin slimes and called them. They were given the food so they could recuperate. The pickaxe slimes on the other hand ate something unexpected.

  Hopping over to some rocks they engulfed them and absorbed the nutrients.

  “What? Why do they eat that instead of something organic?” I said.

  “That is because the rocks mined hold minerals it could use mistress. Unlike those that copy animals they are copying objects. So they need food that matches their form. I believe you feed the armor mimics normal food until now. It is best to feed it minerals from now on.’ Shai replied.

  It made perfect sense to the point that I could only sigh at not noticing such a basic fact like that.

  Anyway as for food for Rama and the two other slimes.

  Rama got the arm of the War bear while the slimes got some food I prepared for them which consisted of fried chickens.

  I was going to make them work as well so I needed them in top shape.

  I had two pickaxe slimes breed and make new ones for the two slimes. I asked them to help and they nodded agreeing. As for Rama, he took the frontlines and began digging. He went to the long 20 meter long corridor.

  I asked if he could dig 15 meters north. Let me say a boss monster’s abilities are never to be underestimated. First off, eating that bear meat upped his physical stats by 20%. With all this he took the spot of strongest pet from Peach. Now for his digging speed. He used his skill Razor Claw to rapidly cut through the dirt like butter.

  The goblin slimes behind him fixed up the clawed walls with their pickaxes. Anyway, the tunnels were dug out in a quick and orderly fashion all in under 15 minutes.

  At the end of the longest tunnel I asked him to dig east 6 meters then 5 meters south.

  Those were done in a similar amount of time.

  “Shai, set a perimeter at the end of this corridor. An area of...7 meters wide and 15 meters long. If we get rabbits or rodents, make them residents of the dungeon and use this area for their nests. Specifically rabbits if possible.” I said.

  "It shall be done mistress.” She replied and I could imagine a maid bowing hearing her. "If you wish, I can spawn 6 rabbits for 100 mp and set them to start digging their home.”

  "If you could that would be great.” I replied and called Rama while letting the slimes finish expanding. We returned to a spot half way that was left untouched.

  “Please dig 6 meters this way, you can dig out a den for fox here.” I said and Rama’s eyes lit up. In moments he was already digging frantically and reaching the mark in under five minutes.

  I bet you're wondering where all the rock is going? From what I can tell, Shai converts about 80% of it into mana as a way to get rid of it all. The rest remains because she can’t completely control her abilities yet and it could work as weapons or tools later on as well as food for the slimes.

  Rama didn’t stop and began to dig out the den. “You can spawn fox as well to start the population.” I said and smiled.

  The next moment the walls around the corridor lit up and 6 fox fell through the walls as if made by it. They sat up and shook themselves for a moment before looking at the tunnel and running in.

  After that the tunnels were expanded. I walked back to the T section and halfway and then looked at the south wall.

  “Mine 10 meters south then 5 east and make a 7x12 meter sized room.” I said and after that I called Rama to help.

  It was done relatively quick taking an hour and a half mostly because of the room. It still needs to be dug deeper so that the room and corridors reach 3 meters in height but that can be done under Shai's guidance.

  “Shai, can you make this a mushroom farm that would attract bugs.” I tell the goblins to leave the floor expanding for later and continue expanding somewhere else.

  Calling them all back, I go back to the end of the short tunnel and order them to dig 13 meters south and half way make a T section and mine 15 meters east, 7 meters north and 2 meters west before making a room that will become the slime goblin’s breeding room/village.

  At the end of the first tunnel I tell them to mine 10 meters east and make a 7x10 room which I tell Shai that it will be a normal slime breeding ground.

  About 2 meters from the entrance to this room I tell them to dig a 9 meter long corridor before making an 15x9 meter room which would be where Shai's core will be placed.

  In all this was done from morning to around 6 pm. Just the right amount of time it took to make the basic layout. I tell Shai to expand the corridors down until they match the first room’s height. I also ask her to make a hidden tunnel between the slime room and the mushroom farm ,and the rabbits cave and the farm.

  Before leaving the dungeon I put 90% of my mana into Shai
who was still in the first room. She thanks me and transports her body to the last room I had the slimes make for her.

  With this I leave the dungeon and meet up with everyone with a smile on my face.

  “Ok, from now on you can only come here during the weekends. The dungeon rings will keep you connected with your dungeon heart so there is little need to come here besides to give mana for your dungeons. If you want to see the layout just think about it and the image will appear in your head and you can speak with your dungeon what you wish to be done.” The dungeoneering teacher said.

  “Ok lets all head home, you must all be hungry so the dining halls in the dormitories have an extra special meal set for us.” the tamer teacher said causing everyone to yell out cheering.

  With that we all head back and reach the dormitories as the sun was setting.

  We talked about what we did and how the layout was. Most of it was all basic stuff since we didn’t have many workers or time but with time it will get better. We need to learn how to do it anyway so everything comes with practice.

  We enjoy the special barbeque meal made with War Bear and Hind Bear ribs left in sauce for a whole day before going to sleep.

  I take one final look at the dungeon layout and see the corridors were steadily expanding becoming 3 meters height ,and the Fox and Rabbit dens were near completion with the animals were already in the process of breeding. The farm was still being expanded so no mushrooms were there yet.

  Seeing everything in order I go to sleep with a smile.

  Chapter 17 A Class on Players

  Shai’s PoV

  Mistress left before sundown with all the others. She left her three main fighters here with me and told them to help if needed.

  I was wondering how they would help but then again who else will fight. She left them armed with the mimic armor and weapons. The fox was also armed so she probably expected me to use them as fighters.

  Still for now I need to dig. I command all the slime goblins to work on the ceiling and smooth them out, by chipping away the rough stone to leave a smoother surface, which I could further smooth it with my mana.


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