Trust No One

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Trust No One Page 21

by Barbara Phinney

  But she'd promised she would nurse him back to health, and she would. A short time with him was better than nothing.

  She inhaled the clean smell of the hospital gown Nick wore. Gone was his trademark scent of citrus and musk. At least until she got him home. The cotton beneath her cheek had warmed up nicely, transferring the heat from Nick's broad chest through to her. Somewhere outside the hospital room, someone dropped a metal tray and behind the clatter, the P.A. paged some doctor.

  But she tuned out all the sensations except Nick. She wouldn't have long with him. Enough to take care of him at home and then he would probably ask her to leave, accepting the logical decision that they were worlds apart.

  As if sensing her despair, Nick pushed her back and peered at her. "You were pretty scrappy out there on the cliff, Helen. You scared the hell out of me."

  "I was pretty scared myself, but I realized something. I don't need someone to protect me. I can do it myself." She smiled, knowing it was sad.

  She'd told him that much out on the cliff. She had to say it again, so he wouldn't need to feel obligated to keep her around after he healed.

  Nick nodded. "I know. But are you willing to let me do some of it, sometime? I'd like a crack at that superhero stuff once in a while." His words were slow and deliberate, as he struggled to pronounce each syllable. He tried to smile, too, but the swollen, sutured lip must have restricted his mouth's movement and made his "v's" and "w's" sound a bit odd.

  His eyes, so urgent and pleading, conveyed without another word an emotion she wasn't sure she was reading correctly. Her heart gave a little leap, forgetting that her mind had already prepared it for a future breaking.

  "What are you saying, Nick?"

  He stroked her hair. "I love you. I wish I could explain so much more, but I can barely put a sentence together. Don't leave me. Ever."

  "What about your career? My reputation can't be good for that."

  "I want you. I'm a cop, Helen. And I want to be a cop, but I want you more."

  "And your undercover work?"

  "Cops get married, too. And some of them do undercover work. I don't have to do it. I can be in uniform for the rest of my career, if I want."

  "But you didn't want a relationship."

  "Not at first I didn't. I was always too wrapped up in my work. Then I'd told myself I couldn't trust anyone enough. When I met you, I wondered if it would be better to be responsible for DiPetri's death. It gave me an excuse not to get involved with you. But it was all a matter of trust."

  "Like you didn't trust Mark?"

  "I was unfair to him. I thought I could do it all myself. I thought I didn't need you because I figured I couldn't trust anyone…" He swallowed. "…with my heart."

  "But you've realized that you can trust Mark with your life like you trust me with your heart?" Mercy, how could she sound so calm? Inside, her whole being shook and tears threatened.

  He nodded, swallowing and waiting with caution in his eyes.

  She bit her lip, blinking to clear her vision. "You can trust me, Nick. I won't ever break your heart. I promise."

  "But you don't need me."

  "Oh, yes, I do. To love me and share my life with me and hey, maybe to fight crime with me."

  He tightened his grip on her. "Whoa, girl! That's my job."

  She laughed, the bubbly silly giggle full of relief. "I'm only teasing. I promise to leave the policing to you. I don't need someone to baby me, but I do need you to love me, like I love you."

  "That'll be the easiest thing in the world for me." He pulled her back against his chest.

  "Mind you, with Hunt gone, who will be chief?"

  "Mark, probably."

  "So, you'll be short one officer."

  "We've got auxiliary officers, so you can forget the idea of enlisting. Besides, you have a career at Globatech."

  "And it would be nice to earn Mr. Parker's trust again." She smiled, her cheek touching his chest. For a while, it looked to her like Mr. Parker had known about Jamie's illegal activities, but he'd been completely unaware of what was happening in his warehouse.

  Her gaze wandered to the window. The last few days of rain and drizzle had moistened the early fall, and now with the sunshine beating down through the window, the day looked fresh and crisp.

  The first day of the rest of her life, made stronger with Nick's love.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8094-0


  Copyright © 2003 by Barbara Phinney

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  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16




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