Hers to Take

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Hers to Take Page 4

by Talia Ellison

  “Marco!” one of the guards yelled, and Marco turned toward him, still holding my arm. “Who’s that?”

  “Boss’ pet,” Marco simply said, and opened the door to a large room. He shoved me inside and closed the door, leaving me alone. A king size bed was in the middle of the room. Aside from a bunch of shelves with neatly placed books and a few closets, there was also a huge mirror, a desk with a chair in the corner, a plasma TV on one of the walls, and a nightstand that had a lock on it. I couldn’t see any windows, only an air vent that was too small for a person to go through. An open door led to a bathroom.

  I looked around for a weapon of some kind, but I didn’t see anything, unless I decided to improvise with a chair leg. The door opened with a whoosh, making me jump. Aaron strode inside and shut the door firmly behind him, his face contorted with anger. In a few quick steps, he was in front of me, his hand shooting out and wrapping around my throat. My back hit the wall, making me gasp.

  “You were staring at the guards!” he yelled, furious, his face only an inch away from mine. “You were supposed to be a well-trained pet! But if you keep acting like a hostage and trying to find your way out, everyone will figure out the truth about you real quickly, and I assure you, you don’t want that to happen.” It was hard to breathe as the pressure on my throat increased, but I ground my teeth together, glaring at him. I grabbed his wrist, but getting him to let go was mission impossible.

  “You’re going to follow my rules if you want to live, do you understand?” His eyes bored into mine.

  My free hand collided with something solid, and before he could realize what I was planning to do, I reached into his pocket and snatched what turned out to be a small knife, which I flipped open. The knife was at his throat a moment later and his grip on me loosened.

  “Let go of me,” I said, and his arm dropped to his side. I pushed myself off the wall and advanced toward him as he took a step back and then another.

  “What are you going to do?” he asked, his anger turning into slight amusement, and raised his hands in the air. He backed away until his legs collided with the bed, and I pushed him down, getting on top of him and pressing the knife to his neck.

  “Go ahead,” he said calmly, those blue eyes taunting me. “Do it.” He lifted his head, the knife denting his skin, but not enough to make it bleed. “Do it. You know you won’t get out of here alive. No one can escape this place.” There was an undertone in his voice that made me pause. I leaned forward, my hair falling down and forming a shield around us. I lowered my head to his ear, the knife still in place.

  “If you really want me to do this, then we’ll agree on the rules. I’m not your slave and I’ll never be one. If you even think about treating me like one, I’ll kill you or die trying. Don’t you ever put your hands on me like that again.” I finally moved the knife and tossed it aside, pushing myself off him.

  When I got to my feet and swung my hair back, I looked down at Aaron, who was staring at me with his lips parted, his eyes filled with something like fascination. His chest was moving up and down rapidly, and he made no move to get up. He hadn’t been afraid to die when I had the knife to his throat; he’d almost wished for it. I turned my back to him and ran a hand through my hair. No, I must have imagined all that. He must have known I wouldn’t be stupid enough to actually go through with it, although even I hadn’t been sure what I’d do.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, and I turned toward him, my eyebrows shooting up. He was sitting on the bed, his messy hair making him look even younger than he was. Innocent somehow. What a lie appearances could be. “But even the tiniest slip can jeopardize the whole plan, and we both depend on it. You have to be careful. When the others are around, you have to be a perfectly obedient slave who will be able to move invisibly around people and get them to drop their guard around you. But if my father sees something’s off, he’ll send you to someone else or worse. You don’t want that, and I don’t want to go through the trouble of finding a replacement for you. I believe you’ve seen how sex slaves act. Your family...”

  “Don’t talk about my family,” I snapped. “They’d never own slaves.”

  He made a face, as if he didn’t quite believe me. My father would never allow anyone to have any slaves, but he couldn’t forbid his business partners from having them. I’d seen the footage of the meetings and parties my family had gone to. It was my family’s way of showing me what their world was like since I couldn’t really reveal my face anywhere, so I’d seen slaves and the way they behaved around their masters.

  “But yeah,” I added. “I know about slaves and what is expected of them, but I’m holding you to your word that you won’t let anyone get any ideas about doing with my body whatever they want.”

  “Good, then you better act accordingly once we’re in the presence of others, especially my father.” He clasped his hands. “You’ll be staying in this room with me. And when I’m not here, no one will enter without my permission. The walls are soundproof, so no one will hear you. Just don’t do anything stupid like try to escape or set the room on fire.”

  “Right,” I mumbled. “I want that side of the bed.” I pointed at the left side where he was sitting.

  “What? No. Take the right one. It’s my bed. I get to decide.”

  “Be glad I’m not insisting that you sleep on the floor.” I lifted my chin.

  “Are you seriously arguing with me about this?” He scowled. “I could just put a bullet in your head if you annoy me too much.”

  “Ah, you’d just love to have a setback in your perfect little plan now, wouldn’t you?” I grinned at him. If things didn’t go his way, then it seemed like his world would crumble. I planned to use that to my advantage. “The left side is mine. End of story.”

  He looked at me with a hard expression on his face, but I didn’t even blink.

  “Do you have something to eat and drink in here?” I asked before he could complain.

  “Yeah, in there.” He pointed at the black cabinet under the TV. “I have drinks and some snacks. I’ll bring you some real food later.”

  I went to the cabinet and opened it, looking for something strong. My eyes settled on a bottle of whiskey and I snatched it, taking a big gulp that burned through me like fire. God, what had I gotten myself into? Aaron took the bottle from me, sighing, then took a sip. A small smile played on my lips as I met his eyes. The fact that I’d managed to unsettle him was quite pleasing, actually.

  A dull knock sounded at the door, startling us both. Aaron immediately pulled his phone out of the pocket of his jeans and checked the screen. I leaned toward him and saw an image of his father in front of the door. There was a hidden camera somewhere outside. Great.

  “Shit.” Aaron looked around the room. “He rarely comes here himself.” There was an accusatory look in his eyes. “If someone reported to him what they saw...”

  I placed a finger across his lips, which made his brow furrow, but at least he shut up. “So what if I looked around? Maybe you told me to do so. Doesn’t matter.”

  The knock on the door sounded again and Aaron haphazardly ran his hand through his hair. “You need to...”

  “Just get outside and talk to him in the hallway. Don’t let him into the room.” I assumed he was worried his father would be upset at seeing me dressed again. I took Aaron’s phone out of his hand, slipped it back into his pocket, and placed my hand on his belt.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” His fingers clasped around my wrist.

  “Making it look like you were busy with me, silly.” I unbuckled his belt and tugged at his zipper. “You never had a slave before, did you? And you want to make your father believe this is real, so we have to make it look real.” I looked at him up and down. “There. Perfect. Buckle it back up as you open the door and I’ll be hiding in the bathroom just in case your father decides to come in.” I winked at him, and on my way to the bathroom, I grabbed at the bed covers and pulled them slightly off the bed. Aaron looked mi
ldly disturbed by that, which amused me to no end, but he finally went to open the door. I kept the bathroom door slightly ajar.

  “What took you so long?” Roberto’s voice was filled with impatience and annoyance. “Oh, I see.” His tone softened and was laced with amusement, probably because he saw Aaron. Predictable old piece of shit. “Come with me. I want to show you something. Where’s your pet?”

  “Cleaning up. Let’s go,” Aaron said quickly, and closed the door behind him, locking it. Maybe I was fooling myself, but I just might get out of this whole thing alive if I could play this right. I turned around, leaning against the door, and took a good look at the bathroom. It was huge. There was a see-through glass shower that was as wide as the wall. Everything seemed to be in its place and perfectly clean.

  Aaron hadn’t mentioned a maid would be coming in, so I hoped the cleaning crew that was needed to keep this place so shiny wouldn’t catch me snooping around. He couldn’t have planned for me to come to his apartment and hide everything in his room, so maybe I could find an old phone or a weapon somewhere. I couldn’t exactly carry weapons around here, but at least I could hide it somewhere only I would find it in case I needed it. Maybe I could find out more about Aaron too; something that I could use against him. There just had to be something, and I was going to find it.

  Chapter 6

  I yawned as the door opened and Aaron stumbled inside, closing the door firmly behind him and making sure it was locked. A cloud of smoke and alcohol was clinging to his clothes, and I wondered where he’d been the whole night. Not that I’d missed him. It was nice to have the whole bed to myself. But when Aaron turned around, his mouth fell open, and he pulled his gun out and pointed it at me.

  “What the fuck did you do?” he growled, his gun still aimed at my head as he stalked toward the bed like a predator.

  I rolled over in the bed and sat up, glancing at the mess I’d made while going through his stuff. “I was bored. And too tired to clean up. Who cares? You’ll get a maid and she’ll deal with it. It’s not like you have anything important in here.” If there was something even remotely interesting in here, it was probably in that safe I couldn’t open. The shelves, closets, and drawers, however, were filled with useless crap.

  “You’re not allowed to go through my things!” he yelled, the grip on the gun tightening.

  “Fine. Won’t do it again.” I crossed my arms. “Are you really going to shoot me because I threw some of your shirts on the floor?”

  He took a deep breath, exhaled, and finally lowered the gun. His blue eyes glowed with fury as they narrowed at me. “Don’t ever do that again, understood?” He tucked the gun back into the back of his pants and turned toward the door. There was a bag next to it that I hadn’t seen him bring in. He picked it up and threw it on the bed next to me.

  “My father’s having a party tonight. He wants you to be there, too. If anyone asks, your name’s Ella, and you’ll have to act just like any perfectly trained slave. You’ll do exactly as I say without hesitation, and you’ll keep your head down unless instructed otherwise. I got you some clothes. Put on the black lace dress. No underwear.”

  I peeked into the bag that was full of... strange pieces of clothing. My eyebrows shot up as I lifted an entirely see-through thing that was supposed to be a dress. “This?” I might as well go naked because this thing wasn’t a dress. It was a tight net of lacy flowers that were in all the wrong places. “You have terrible taste.”

  “Even in that you’ll be overdressed, but hey, if you don’t want to do any of this, you can always...” He tapped his gun, his face deadly serious. Was it worth going through all this and letting some assholes watch and touch my body just because there was a teeny tiny chance I would survive? Probably not. But if my cousin was here or if someone mentioned her... That was a good enough reason for me to go through with this stupid plan.

  “Right. I’ll put it on.” I rolled my eyes, tugging at the dress almost in hopes it would rip, but the rest of the things I could see in the bag weren’t any better either. As I got to my feet, I met Aaron’s eyes. “Won’t you go take a shower or something? You smell like a pigsty.”

  He sniffed at the sleeve of his shirt and screwed his nose up. “Right after you get dressed. Here. Now.”

  I didn’t like the commanding tone of his voice at all. “You want me to change in front of you?”

  “You’re my slave. I need to know your body better than anyone else. And you need to get used to people looking at you and touching you. You’re beautiful. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  I snorted. What an asshole. “Don’t try to make this sound like some super awesome, self-discovering, confidence-boosting thing for me.” My fingers curled into fists and it was a surprise I didn’t make a hole in the dress, but that thing was strangely resilient. “That’s not what this is. Do you really think that just because you promise no one will stick their filthy dick inside me that everything else is perfectly fine? That I should be okay with someone’s hands all over me? Or be happy that everyone can see all of me, because hey, my body is great, so why not? Should I be happy nothing worse is going to happen to me or that I’m not lying dead in a ditch somewhere with a bullet in my head?” I curled my lip at him. “You disgust me.”

  His cold eyes softened, and he looked away from me, loosening the tie around his throat. “No,” he finally said, swallowing hard, but then his eyes went cold again as he lifted his head. Every part of him seemed as if he were made of ice. “But we do what we have to. Put on the dress, Ella.”

  What we have to? Was he serious? I looked into his steely eyes and realized that in this state he was more likely to kill me if I didn’t do it than just let me go change in the bathroom instead. I glanced down at the dress and sighed. It was see-through anyway. It wasn’t like Aaron wouldn’t be seeing plenty once I put it on. At the back of my mind, I pictured strangling him with this dress, but Katya needed me. She might be around here somewhere. I could do this.

  As I pulled my shirt over my head and lowered my jeans, I stared at Aaron in indignation, but he was just watching me without even blinking, his whole body like stone, his chest barely moving. My hair hid most of my breasts when I took off my bra, but when I slid my panties down my legs, Aaron’s lips parted slightly, his eyes traveling up and down my body. His hands were strategically resting in front of his crotch, and I wondered just how much he liked what he saw.

  I slipped on the dress, tugging it down, but it barely came down to the top of my thighs. Stopping in front of the mirror, I pulled my hair up and then let it spill over my shoulders. The dress was hugging my body perfectly, and my nipples were barely hidden by two lacy roses.

  “Happy?” I twirled around.

  “Not yet,” he said. “Turn toward the mirror and don’t move.”

  I did as he told me, gritting my teeth. He came to stand behind my back, his hand cupping my breast gently, then gliding down my stomach and curving around my back, raising goose bumps on my arms that were thankfully mostly hidden under the lacey sleeves. His hand continued lower and lower until it rested on my ass. He squeezed and it took all of my willpower not to turn around and punch him in the face.

  “Good,” he said, his hand dropping to his side. Without another word, he whirled on his heels and strode toward the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I stared at the closed door and let out a shuddery breath. I found myself walking toward the bathroom and I leaned my head against the door, hearing only the muffled sound of the running water. My lips slowly spread into a smile.

  There was a way for me to get back at Aaron for what he’d just done and to show him what it had felt like. I carefully tried the knob, pushing the door a tiny bit and peeked inside. He wasn’t anywhere near the door, so I slipped inside. The water was running loud enough that Aaron hadn’t heard me enter. I could see his toned body through the glass as he ran both hands through his wet hair, the water trickling down his back.

  Leaning on the wall,
I watched him as his muscles flexed and his soapy hand slid to his cock. As if sensing my gaze, he lifted his head toward me and jumped back so fast that he nearly slipped, and he had to place a hand on the wall to steady himself.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he yelled. His hands lowered toward his cock, but he stopped himself from covering himself at the last moment, his fingers curling at his sides.

  I bit down on my lip as I took a long look. “Oh, you said we should know each other’s bodies. I mean, I’m supposed to be your slave and know every inch of you, so... we do what we have to.” I grinned at him, my gaze lingering on his cock. He was even bigger than I thought he’d be. Why was such perfection wasted on him?

  “You’ve seen enough,” he said through his teeth.

  I shrugged. “Whatever you say, Master,” I mocked, then pushed myself off the wall and headed toward the door, glancing at him over my shoulder with a broad smile on my face. His chest was moving up and down rapidly and he just stood there as I closed the door behind me.

  I threw myself on the bed, covering my head with a pillow. Now the image of him naked wouldn’t leave my mind. If only he were a normal guy... God, what I’d do to him. Every single inch of him would be mine. A groan escaped my throat.

  No. Aaron was my enemy and he wasn’t a good person. He was a cold-blooded killer, and the only reason I wasn’t dead right now was because he needed me since no one else would dare go against his father and help him with such a dangerous plan. Still, the memory of his shocked face made me laugh out loud. What had he thought? That he could do whatever he wanted to me and not expect me to get some form of retribution for it? I was sure he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.


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