Hers to Take

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Hers to Take Page 8

by Talia Ellison

  “Aaron...” I said breathlessly. “Stop teasing me and...”

  I didn’t even finish the word as his tongue parted my folds and swirled across my clit. My grip on his hair faltered, and I wrapped my legs around him, locking him in the grasp of my thighs. He didn’t seem to mind any of that as his tongue slipped in and out faster and faster, building the pressure inside me. I cried out as one of his fingers joined in, and then another. Arching my back, I had to stifle the loud moans that were threatening to form in my throat. Another lick in just the right spot set off an explosion of pleasure through my whole body, and I shouted his name, not caring if someone would be able to hear us. The walls might be soundproof, but everything had its limits.

  As I panted for breath, Aaron pushed himself up and sat up, licking my juices from his lips.

  “That was...” I breathed, lifting myself up on my elbows. A satisfied smile spread across his lips, his hard cock straining against his pants. I reached for his shirt, wishing to tug it off him and have my way with him. I wanted his thick length inside me and a couple of more orgasms, but he pulled away and got to his feet. Without a single word, he headed toward the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

  “Aaron?” I yelled after him. “We’re not done yet. Come back here!” My legs were unsteady as I stumbled toward the bathroom, my body still tingling, but as I tried the knob, I realized the door was locked. Unfuckingbelievable. What game was he playing? And how could he have just walked away from me when his body told a whole different story? I sat back on the bed, waiting for him to emerge. When he finally did, his hair was wet from the shower and he was freshly dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans.

  “Why did you run off like that?” I asked.

  “You had a mind-shattering orgasm. My work was done.”

  “But you...”

  “Maybe I’m playing hard to get.” He flashed me a smile, then lowered his voice. “Or maybe I just want you to think all the time about what could’ve been between us and how my cock would feel inside you... Don’t forget we’re enemies.”

  I rolled my eyes, picked up a pillow, and threw it at him, which only made him laugh. A slow smile stretched my lips, which only seemed to amuse Aaron more. You’ll be mine, Aaron Viteri. Even if it’s just for one night, but you will be mine. I had a feeling he was counting on it.

  Chapter 13

  “My father wants to talk to me in his office, so you’re coming with me,” Aaron announced one day.

  “Are you sure he’ll let me come with you?” I eyed him suspiciously. Just because Roberto hadn’t had any qualms about attacking Aaron in front of me didn’t mean he’d want anyone else to listen in on what he had to say, especially if it was so important it warranted a trip to the office.

  “He will. You’re just my pet. He doesn’t see you as a threat.” He waved his hand in dismissal. “But this time I just want you to try moving around without catching his attention, and see if you can get under the desk to his computer. Just make sure the cameras are off, and they usually are when my father’s talking about something he doesn’t want anyone else to hear. You’ll know they’re off because the buttons along the left side of the desk will glow red.”

  “Oh, okay.” I wasn’t really fond of crawling on the dirty floor of Roberto’s office where he’d done God knows what, but I was very interested in hearing what he had to say, provided Aaron was right about Roberto allowing me to be in the office.

  I stayed behind Aaron as we stopped in front of the bulky door to Roberto’s office. Two guards didn’t even pay any attention to us, and then the button at the door flashed green and the door slid open. In the corner of the wall, I noticed a small round circle, probably a camera through which Roberto could see who was in front of his office.

  “Why did you bring her here?” Roberto creased his brow as the door closed behind Aaron and me. The office was a huge room filled with shelves that were overflowing with things, from guns to swords and books that looked very old.

  “Don’t mind her. I gave her a little something. Don’t want her to injure herself while I’m not looking.” Aaron took a seat and indicated for me to kneel next to him.

  “You care too much about that pet.” He shook his head, but then settled in his black leather chair. I craned my head to see the edge of the desk. The lights were all glowing red. Good. Now I just had to be super quiet as I moved around, which shouldn’t be a problem, because the floor was entirely covered with a plush dark gray carpet.

  “I thought you had some information you wanted to share with me,” Aaron said.

  “Yes, I wanted to tell you that my plans are going just as expected, so you should be careful where you go or who you meet because absolutely no one can know about the new drug.”

  That new drug was what had my whole family worried, so I waited for Roberto to continue, but he didn’t.

  “Are you really sure you want to proceed with that plan?” Aaron asked cautiously. “The drug isn’t safe to use and if people start dying, we’ll be in trouble.”

  “No, we won’t,” Roberto said. “Everyone will want to try the new product and only we are able to provide it, which means we can price it more than any other drug. The market will go crazy with demand because the drug is highly addictive. So what if a hundred or so people die as a result? It won’t matter because we’ll have their money and we’ll use it to take out the Ferraras once and for all. After they’re gone, we can go back to selling the usual garbage, but we’ll control the whole city. Do you understand what I’m saying or are you too stupid to get it? This new drug is going to destroy our biggest enemy.”

  I thought I was going to be sick, but I settled under the desk, right next to the computer. If I had the drive now, I could’ve done whatever the hell I wanted. I wasn’t sure why Aaron thought we’d get a better chance later. What if Roberto banned me from entering later on? But Aaron knew his father better than I did.

  “If you say so. The Ferraras aren’t stupid. They’ll try to get the info about the drug and stop you,” Aaron said.

  “Yes, they’re already doing that.” Roberto’s voice turned sour. “But I know how to take care of that.”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  “What are you planning to do?” Aaron’s leg shifted nervously under the desk, nearly colliding with me.

  “I hired someone reliable to get rid of one of Vincenzo’s sons. The one who’s digging the most,” Roberto said, and my stomach flipped.

  “What? But that could start a war before we’re ready! You know how protective Vincenzo is of his family.”

  “We are ready, my son!” Roberto hissed. “But they’ll never connect it to us because I’ll make sure that it all looks like one of the old associates turned against them. While they’re busy mourning their beloved son and brother, and investigating who killed him, they won’t have time to focus on us or figure out what we’ll be doing with the new drug.”

  I clawed at the carpet, fighting the urge to just get out and strangle Roberto right here and now. He wanted to kill one of my brothers. I couldn’t let that happen, but what could I do? Roberto had already made a deal with an assassin. Shit!

  “Good then,” Aaron said in his coldest voice; the one which didn’t betray what he was really feeling. “But I’m still on the fence about that drug. Can we afford to have so many people die? What if we wait a little longer and produce a drug that is equally addicting but doesn’t end up with hundreds of deaths? It just seems like a bad business move. How is anyone going to trust our product after that? A new supplier could come in town after the Ferraras are gone. Aisbella looks strong in the south. If she decides she could take over our...”

  “Sometimes I think you take too much after that whore that gave birth to you.” Roberto sighed, and I slowly slipped from under the desk and looked up into Aaron’s impassive face. The only sign that he was disturbed by his father’s words was the way he swallowed.

  “I wouldn’t know. I never met her.” There w
as a bit of bitterness in his voice that he couldn’t hide.

  “Don’t take that tone with me, boy. It’s a good thing you haven’t. If I had let her into your life, you’d be even more of a disappointment than you already proved to be.”

  I placed my hand on Aaron’s knee and squeezed gently, which made him look down at me in surprise, but I was getting annoyed by his father and his venomous words. I really hoped my mother was still on her vacation and that my father hadn’t told her I was missing, because if he had... my mom would tear through everyone and everything in her way to get to me.


  I’d been hoping Aaron would ask his father who he’d contracted to kill my brother, but Aaron didn’t do so. Once we were back in his room, Aaron locked himself in the bathroom and this time I didn’t want to disturb him. His father was a cruel, cruel man. If Roberto were my father, I’d have wanted to destroy him too; to take every single thing he loved and crush it.

  But I didn’t have time to worry about the Viteris when my family was in danger. My brothers were always careful and had been trained for situations like that, but if a professional assassin was after them and it was someone they possibly knew... I ran my hand over my face. If I could find a way to send a message to my family...

  “You okay?” Aaron’s soft voice startled me so much that I jumped. I hadn’t even seen him coming out of the bathroom.

  “Yeah,” I said quickly, and he sat on the bed next to me.

  “You’re worried about your brother,” he said, his hand so close to mine, but he didn’t touch me.

  I didn’t say anything, just gave him a long look. With a father like his, I didn’t know if he could tell just how it felt when the life of a family member was in danger and there wasn’t much you could do to warn them.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to your brother. I’ll send Marco to figure out who my father hired and we’ll stop him, okay?” he said.

  “Why would you do that?” Why would he care about what happened to my brother? Or would he just fake doing something about it so I wouldn’t try to escape and ruin his plan? Aaron might not be as much of a monster as his father, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of terrible things. A fact that I seemed to keep forgetting. His desire to make his father pay for everything he’d done and to make him suffer might take precedence over everything else, so I couldn’t exactly trust Aaron to do the right thing. I was sure he could bury any guilt he felt under that icy prince mask of his.

  “Because none of your brothers are supposed to die so soon,” he said. “And if they suspect my father’s behind the whole thing, then they’ll come for you with everything they’ve got because they’ll believe you’re most likely dead or worse, and they won’t let anything stop them. But if my father figures out who you really are...” He cringed. “Neither you nor I will get out of here alive.”

  Well, that made sense. “But if Marco can’t do anything...”

  “Then we’ll have no choice but to send a secret message to your family,” he said determinedly.

  “And what about that drug your father mentioned? If you get your hands on it, what will you do with it?” He might have said to his father that he was against it, but maybe that was simply because he didn’t want his father to get more powerful. Who could guarantee that Aaron wouldn’t find a way to use it for something? That he wouldn’t end up using it to fund a war against my family? Power tasted quite nice once you had it and it was harder to resist the temptation. The only question was what Aaron really wanted.

  “Why does it matter? Once that happens, you’ll be back with your family.”

  “It matters because people will die because of it.”

  “Oh, come on, addicts die all the time.” He stood up, putting some distance between us.

  “Yeah, but people who once in a while decide to have fun and add a little spice don’t deserve to die! Isn’t that what you meant would happen when you said it wasn’t safe to use? What if someone consumes it by accident or someone slips it in their drink? I thought you weren’t completely on board with that.” I searched his expressionless face, but once again he gave me nothing, which made me think he had more feelings about that issue than he wanted everyone to believe.

  “Sometimes I wonder if I got the wrong girl,” he mused. “You don’t sound at all like the daughter of a drug lord. I bet your father’s dealers sell rape drugs, too. That’s quite awful. Do you pester him about how wrong that is or do you just ignore it because he’s your father?”

  “I never said I liked or completely approved of my family’s business. If you hadn’t noticed, I’m not involved in that at all. It’s my family’s choice what they do. But my father can’t control what the drug is used for, but he doesn’t sell, and never will, something that could kill so easily. Sometimes people need something to make themselves feel better. Doesn’t mean they’ll become addicts or end up dead from overdose. But that drug your father wants to sell can kill anyone, right? That’s not okay with me. If you don’t feel the same, then we’ll just have to agree to disagree.” I shrugged.

  “I’ll go talk to Marco. Don’t try anything while I’m gone.” He shot me a warning look, then stormed outside. I looked around the room once again. If everything else failed, I’d have to come up with a way to contact my family. Everything else be damned.

  Chapter 14

  “What is this place?” I asked as Aaron led me into a room full of dark red light. When he’d told me we’d be going to a club and that it would help me ensure nothing happened to my brother, I hadn’t even hesitated, just put on the red dress he’d bought for me.

  “A club.” Aaron’s voice was filled with amusement.

  “Yeah, I can see that, but why...?” I started to ask, but Aaron placed his finger over my lips to shush me.

  “Not now. Come with me.” He held my hand as he led me to the bar, and we took a seat as he ordered a drink. A few moments later, Marco joined us, and gave Aaron a conspiratorial look and a nod. Just what the hell were they up to now? Was the assassin Roberto had hired here somewhere? But what exactly was Aaron planning to do in that case?

  I turned around in my chair and watched people having fun and drinking while half-naked girls danced on the tables. On the other end of the room, there was a big stairway, guarded by two mean-looking bulky men. When I turned back toward Aaron, he slipped a few hundred dollar bills to the bartender, who gave him a keycard.

  Aaron leaned toward me, caressing my hair as he whispered into my ear. “My father’s spies are watching me. We have to get rid of them.”

  “How are we going to do that?” I glanced around, but no one was looking our way. Had to be some good spies, then. Unless it was the bartender. He was glancing my way too often.

  “Follow me.” Aaron got to his feet, offering me his hand, and I took it. We headed straight for the stairway, and Marco was only a few feet behind us like a dutiful bodyguard. Aaron flashed the keycard to the guards, who stepped away and let us through. We climbed the stairs and entered a dimmed hallway. There were at least ten closed black doors in here, and as one of them opened, a man with ruffled hair and a wrinkled suit came out, reeking of alcohol. Through the door, I could see a woman fixing up her bra. Aaron tugged me toward one of the doors and used the keycard to open it.

  “Make sure no one bothers us,” Aaron said to Marco, who stayed at the door. I entered into a spacious dark blue room that only had a king size bed, a closet with a mirror on it, and a mini bar.

  “What is this?” I twirled around, inspecting the room as Aaron closed the door and rushed toward the closet.

  “Sex room,” he said, opening the closet and crouching to get something out of it.

  “Sex room?” I repeated, my eyebrows shooting up. “And how are we going to...?”

  “We need to get out of here without being seen.” Aaron rose to his feet, two bags in his hands. “My father’s spies will think we’re having sex here and won’t bother us, and Marco will keep watch in fro
nt of the room so they don’t doubt we’re here.” He handed one of the bags to me. “Change into this in the bathroom.”

  “In the bath...?” I hadn’t even seen any other doors except for the one that led to the balcony or a terrace.

  “There.” Aaron pointed at a darker circle on the wall. “Just push on it.”

  “Seriously?” I placed my hand against the wall, and something clicked, revealing a small, clean bathroom. “Why is the bathroom hidden?”

  “Open a few cabinets and you’ll see why.” He smirked.

  “Fine.” After I got inside, I tapped the door and it closed again. Putting the bag down, I opened one of the drawers. It was filled with multiple little bags of pills and white powder. Right. Who’d have sex without getting a little something to relax? I inspected every corner of the bathroom to make sure there weren’t any cameras, and when I opened the bag, I picked out a pair of tight leather black pants with a matching black top that was full of shiny sequins, and a black jacket. Sex party clothes, I presumed. There was also a dark red wig, a small box with brown colored contacts, and a makeup box.

  When I was done applying the bright red lipstick to my lips, I smacked them together and couldn’t even recognize the girl staring back at me from the mirror. Nice. Instead of wearing the usual high heels, I actually got a pair of comfy black sneakers. They were a little wrong for the outfit, but I’d rather run around in these than in heels. It made me wonder what exactly Aaron was planning.

  I walked out of the bathroom, and Aaron’s gaze immediately met mine. His eyes were dark now, and instead of wearing a suit, he was wearing dark gray jeans, a black leather jacket, and he had a swirly tattoo on his neck. It was kind of hot.


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