Unbidden (Brighton Academy Book 1)

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Unbidden (Brighton Academy Book 1) Page 10

by Cala Riley

  “Enough family talk,” Reed grumbles as he places a kiss on top of Tinsley’s head before taking his seat, which is next to me. “Let’s eat.”

  “Hear! Hear!,” Keaton calls out to the table, which they all repeat.

  “Well, don’t be shy. Grab what you want while you still can,” Tinsley says, which prompts the table into motion.

  After all the food has been passed around and drinks served, we all settle into our own conversations.

  “So, S, what are you wearing this weekend?”

  I finish chewing before turning my attention to Tinsley. “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Don’t let her lie, T,” Victoria interjects. “She found this super cute burnt orange dress. She’s going to look adorbs.”

  “Did you just use the word ‘adorbs’?” I turn to Victoria. “I don’t think we can be friends anymore.”

  “You love me and you know it.” She winks at me.

  “You have to wear the dress, S,” Tinsley tells me. “If V says it looks good, then you’ll look gorgeous.”

  “Maybe I will. Who knows? I might change my mind.” I shoot Tinsley a small smile.

  “Gorgeous? Ha! Like that could happen,” I catch from the other end of the table. I look up to see Ingram snickering with her friends.

  I’m about to respond when someone kicks me under the table. I look at Reed to find him glaring at me in a silent warning.

  Instead of responding to Ingram, I heed his warning and turn back to Tinsley.

  “Ignore them. They’re just jealous,” she whispers to me.

  I give her a small nod, then turn back to my plate. Tinsley and Victoria start talking about what they’re wearing, but I’m hyperaware of the conversations going on at the end of the table.


  “Trailer trash.”

  “Whore’s daughter.”

  The last one sets me off. My mom was anything but a whore, and trashing her name is uncalled for.

  “You know, Ingram, there’s a lot of shit-talking coming from a wannabe Yates from that end of the table. I suggest you shut up before I make you.”


  But Reed’s warning doesn’t deter me.

  Ingram sneers. “The only wannabe Yates here is you. You think because you suck a Yates’s dick, that means you earned a spot at the table with them? Please. I bet the only reason Tinsley is taking pity on you is because you’re sleeping with one of her brothers.”

  “That’s enough, Ingram. Sage, keep your mouth shut.” Reed’s commanding voice holds finality to it, but I don’t like being told what to do.

  “Ah, I guess it’s Reed’s dick you’re sucking.” Ingram plasters on a diabolical smile.

  “What? Are you jealous? I’ve only been here a short time, but I know you’ve been panting after Reed the majority of your life.” I catch a flicker in her eyes, but she hides it quickly.

  I lean over into Reed’s space, placing my hand on his inner thigh. The look of disdain in her eyes is enough to make me slide my other hand up his chest.

  Reed’s hand reaches out to stop mine.

  “Now, ladies, put the claws away. Besides, we all know it’s not Reed’s dick she’s sucking. It’s mine,” Keaton winks at me as he finishes his statement.

  “I knew it. Reed would never touch you.” Ingram looks triumphant.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that, Ing. He said she wasn’t sucking his dick. Rumor has it they like to double team. She’s usually sucking Keaton’s dick while Reed’s sticking it up her ass. Isn’t that right, S?” Sterling looks positively impressed with himself.

  I’m fuming. “You’re a disgusting bastard.”

  “Nah, I know who my daddy is. Do you know yours?”

  The slight dig hits me, but before I can say another word, Tinsley is standing up. A pang of regret hits me for ruining lunch, but I meant what I said about bullies.

  “I’m so sorry, Tinsley.” I rise from my chair as well.

  “How dare you talk like that?” I look up, expecting her anger to be pointed at me, but instead her gaze is focused on the guys. “We will be having a talk about this. I’m so disappointed in you.” Her eyes swing to Ingram and her groupies. “And you. If you’re going to continue to act this way, then lose your invite to any party being hosted at my house. Come on, V, S. I’ve lost my appetite.”

  Reed and Keaton call after us, but Tinsley turns around and shoots them a glare before we storm out of the cafeteria. Once in the hall, she stops and turns to me.

  “I’m so sorry for them, S. They can be complete assholes sometimes. The kids here put them on a pedestal, which makes them think they’re more important than they are. Please don’t judge me based on them.”

  “I won’t, Tinsley. I know you’re different.” I smirk. “You’re right though. They are assholes.”

  “One thing. Only my friends can call them that, so that means you’re my friend.”

  “Got it.” I grin.

  “Don’t worry, S. They’ll warm up to you eventually. Once they see you aren’t like the others,” Victoria interjects.

  “I don’t need them to warm up to me. I only want them to leave me alone.”

  “I’ll talk to them,” Tinsley says.

  “That will only make it worse. I can handle it.”

  They both nod but seem unsure.

  “I’ll meet up with you later,” I tell them with a smile. “I think I’m going to go to the library.”

  As they say their goodbyes, I watch them walk away.

  Will I ever belong in this world?

  And why do I care?


  “Hey, Elijah! You want your usual?”

  “Hello, sweetheart. I would, but surprise me with pie today.” He winks at me, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Can do!”

  I grab a slice of pie along with a water and coffee for him.

  “How have you been?” I ask as I set everything on his table, then lean against the other booth during a lull in customers.

  “Oh, aside from having to go out of town for a few days, it’s been okay. I met up with my sons last night for dinner along with their families. That was nice.”

  “You have kids?”

  He smiles. “I do. I have two sons and a daughter.”

  “Is she a daddy’s girl?” I tease.

  His face falls for a moment, and he starts to tap the table with his index finger.

  “She was never given the chance, unfortunately. I never got to be a part of her life,” he tells me with a sad smile and tears in his eyes.

  I reach out and grab his hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right, dear. It is what it is. I can only hope someday she’ll accept me into her life and understand it was all out of her mother’s and my control.” He pats the back of my hand.

  I hear someone yell my name from the back and can’t help but sigh.

  “Ugh, back to work. Let me know if you need anything else,” I tell him, offering him one last hand squeeze.

  “Will do. Don’t work too hard, sweetheart,” he replies earnestly.

  Long after Elijah leaves, his words stick with me. He was never able to raise his daughter for reasons unknown to me, but it makes me wonder, is that why I never knew about my father? Was there some sort of outside force that kept him and my mom apart?

  All the questions surrounding my parents are starting to bubble over. A talk with Aunt Alice is coming soon.

  Chapter Ten

  “How was work today, Sage?” Richard asks over dinner.

  “Good. One of my regulars came in, which is always a good time.”

  “You have regulars?” V teases.

  “Shut up.” I laugh and kick her chair. “It’s not like that. He’s a sweet old man. Gives me total grandpa vibes, and he tips well. I think he’s lonely.”

  “Well, that’s nice that he talks to you, sweetheart. What’s his name?” Alice asks.

  “His name is Elijah. It’s goi
ng to be weird. He usually comes in every shift, but he told me today that he has to go out of town for a week for business,” I tell her with a shrug.

  “Did you say Elijah?” Richard asks me while looking at Alice.

  “Yeah, why?” I ask.

  They seem to be having a silent conversation until V interrupts. “You two okay?”

  “Yes, of course. Sorry. Anyways, anything new with you, Victoria?” Alice asks, abruptly changing the subject.


  I look up and see Tinsley rushing towards the table with crazy eyes.

  “Heads up,” I murmur to V right before Tins sets her bag down on the table.

  “Hello, ladies,” she singsongs.

  “Hey,” V and I respond.

  “What has you in such a good mood?” V teases.

  “I convinced the boys to let me go on a date,” she gushes.

  “With who?” V leans forward, completely interested.

  “Do you remember that guy I met at the back-to-school bash?”

  “The public school kid?” V asks.

  “Yes. I gave him my number, and we’ve talked a little. He asked me out, and I convinced the guys to let me go.”

  “That’s awesome! Good for you,” I tell her honestly.

  “There’s one small problem,” she says hesitantly.

  “What’s that?” V and I ask in unison.

  “I don’t know what to wear. I’ve never gone on a date before.”

  V looks at me with a raised brow, and I can’t help but sigh. “When is your date?”

  “Friday,” she says while chewing on her lip.

  “How about I come over and help you get ready?” I offer.

  “Would you?” Tinsley asks with hope in her eyes.

  “Of course.” I give her a soft smile.

  “I would love that. Come over Friday after school?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “I can’t wait!” Tinsley kisses each of Victoria’s cheeks before turning to me. She pauses but then leans in and kisses both of my cheeks as well. I’m caught off guard by her actions and turn to watch her walk away.

  “She likes you,” Victoria says. “She doesn’t do that with just anyone.”

  Tinsley sits down at a table with four males, two of whom I’m very familiar with.

  “She doesn’t really know me. How could she like me?” I look back to Victoria.

  She shrugs. “She’s particular about the girls she hangs with. Usually she’s only with the guys. Keaton and Reed try to keep the pettiness of the other girls away from her. Finley and Sterling back them up. They have their own little twisted family going on.”

  “She seems to like you, V.”

  She chuckles. “Tinsley is a sweet girl. We grew up in the same circles. She’s younger, which means girls would use her to try and get close to the boys. After a couple of rounds of that, the boys put an end to it. They don’t mind our relationship because I know the score.”

  “So, you’re pretty much her only friend?”

  “I guess so. I don’t think of it that way though. I would rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies, you know.”

  I’m surprised by her answer, not having expected Victoria to have any depth; I figured she would be a rich bitch who only cared about her image. I’m starting to realize I might’ve been wrong about her.

  Chapter Eleven

  I don’t know how I allowed myself to be talked into it, but here I am on a Friday afternoon helping Tinsley pick out an outfit for her first date.

  “What about this one?” She pulls out a pink lacey dress that looks as if it belongs in a Disney movie.

  “What look are you going for?”

  She shrugs and looks bashful. “This is my first date. I’m surprised they even agreed to it. Now I’m nervous. I want to look sexy and desirable but not slutty or trashy.” She gives me a hopeless look. “Maybe I should cancel.”

  “Absolutely not. You’re going on this date. Where are you going?” I ask, going into mom mode.

  I remember my first date. Mom fussed over my outfit and makeup and made sure my hair was curled just right.

  That’s what Tinsley needs since her mother is absent. She’s craving that motherly figure in her life.

  Hell, looks like I’m going to assist this time.

  “He said we would go to dinner, then a movie.”

  “Perfect. Do you know where dinner is?”

  Her face softens, the despair from before quickly vanishing.

  “He didn’t say, but I could text him and ask.”

  “That’s okay. We’ll dress middle of the road, then. Let’s see what you have.”

  I look through all her dresses, but they’re all fancy and not what she needs for tonight. I keep looking until I find what I need: a sage-colored dress that looks like a nun would have worn it. The neckline goes all the way up, imitating a choker. The sleeves go down to the wrists while the hemline is well to the floor.

  I pull it out and turn to her. “How attached to this dress are you?”

  Her eyes widen. “I’m not, but that’s a little conservative.”

  “It won’t be when I’m done with it. You think one of your fancy servants has a sewing kit?”

  “I can ask.” She still looks skeptical, but she goes and asks them anyway. One shows up minutes later with everything I need, including an actual sewing machine.

  “Go take a shower. When you get out, I’ll do your hair and makeup.” I lay the dress on her bed, immediately taking the scissors to cut the frilly skirt.

  Her gasp draws my attention back to her. “Go get in the shower. You’ll look beautiful. Trust me.”

  I never thought I would be using my sewing skills for a girl who could buy the world, but honestly, it couldn’t feel better.

  Twenty minutes later, she walks out of the bathroom freshly showered in a silk robe.

  “How’s it going?” she asks hesitantly.

  “Good. Putting in the last couple of stitches now.”

  “How do you know how to do this?” She points to the sewing machine.

  “My mom. She said she wanted me to know how to fend for myself. We didn’t have a lot of money, so a lot of times, I would repurpose outfits to make them new.”

  “Your mom sounds pretty great. I wish my mom took the time to teach me anything. Honestly, she just leaves me with Keaton and Reed all the time. The only reason I know how to do makeup is from one of the maids and tutorials online.”

  “That’s hard. I don’t understand what that feels like, but I do know what life is like without my mom, and it sucks. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”

  “It’s okay. Like I said, Reed and Keaton do their best. When I was younger, I always wished they would find a girlfriend so I would have another girl to hang out with. They made it clear that neither one would ever settle down though.”

  As I finish my last stitch, I walk over and give her a hug. “No offense, but your brothers don’t have the best taste in women. You probably wouldn’t have liked whoever they picked anyways.”

  She chuckles. “You’re right about that. Keaton has no standards, whereas Reed’s are impossible to meet. I doubt they’ll ever settle at this point.”

  “You would be surprised. They always settle eventually.” I wink at her.

  She shrugs. “I don’t need them to anymore.”

  I give her a small smile, then change the subject. “Are you ready to try your new dress on?”

  “Yes, I think.”

  I hold the dress up for her. She gasps as she takes it in, stepping closer and running her hand along the fabric.

  “It’s gorgeous.” Her smile is blinding. “I can’t believe you did this with that ugly dress. You know, my mom sent that dress to me from some European fashion show she attended. I never wore it.”

  “Well, you’re going to wear it tonight. Try it on.”

  She goes into her closet before returning moments later with the dress on. I’m sure
it fit her perfectly as it was, but now it’s more modern. I took the choker neckline and opened it up to a swoop neckline, though I kept it modest, the fabric covering straight across her chest so no cleavage is showing. I cut the majority of the sleeves off, leaving only about three inches of fabric to curl around her upper arms. I took off some of the lacey decorations on the front, making the dress look sleeker and simpler. Finally, I hemmed it to fall right above her knees.

  “You look beyond gorgeous, Tinsley. That color brings out your eyes and makes them look hypnotizing. This boy may not make it through the night because he’ll drop dead at the sight of you.”

  Her blush is adorable. “You think so?”

  “I know so. You’re a catch, T.”

  “Thank you.” She holds back tears.

  “No need to thank me for speaking the truth. Now sit down. I still have makeup and hair to do and only an hour and a half to do it.”

  I start with her hair, curling it in loose beach waves that fall around her shoulders. As soon as I’m done, I douse her in hairspray, then move on to her makeup.

  “You want a more natural or smoky look?” I ask her.

  “What do you think?” she asks, her big green doe eyes wide.

  I take a moment to simply look at her.

  “I think natural. You don’t need all this makeup. But I know some girls wear it like armor. If you need armor tonight, I’ll do it, but honestly, I don’t think you need it.”

  “Okay, then natural.” She tells me with a serious tone and a nod.

  I look through her eyeshadow palettes and eyeliners and find what I’m looking for.

  “Close your eyes,” I tell her softly.

  She takes a big deep breath.

  “You want to talk about it?” I ask her as I start to work on her eyelids, laying down a taupe color all over.

  “Just nervous. I’ll be fine.”

  I find a light brown and start doing the outside of her lid and crease, giving her a little dimension, then adding a slightly darker brown on top of it, blending it to perfection.

  “You got this. It’s dinner and a movie. He should open your door, hold your hand, pay for dinner. Don’t let him get away with not doing all of it. He needs to put in the effort. Make him wait,” I tell her while grabbing the light gold glitter eyeshadow that will look perfect on the inside of her eyelid.


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