I, Mistress

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I, Mistress Page 10

by Alex Tempera

  The three men instantly stood up and then dropped to their knees. Their eyes diverted to the floor.

  “You have something to say, pet?” I looked at Richard.

  Richard nodded without saying a word.

  “Speak, pet.” At this point, I was getting a little annoyed with the three of them, but then I could see what they were really doing. They were all three being subs.

  “We … the three of us, would like permission to ask a question,” pet said.

  “What is your question, my pet?” my voice softened slightly.

  “We know that you have schedules for us, but we ask that at least once a month, we could all be in a session together. Not necessary your subs playing with each other, but working together to please you.”

  This surprised me. Two days ago, they were all jealous of each other and now they wanted to be together, but not together. “You all want this?”

  They nodded their heads. Lox looked up at me. “Permission to speak, Mistress?”

  “Yes, panther, go ahead,” I said.

  “We all have the hopes that one day you will only want one of us. If that is true and you let the other two go, whoever those two are, we know that you care for all of us and that one sub will be the lucky one. Before that happens, if that ever happens, we don’t want to be jealous of each other. I’m very pleased that you and I are going to be business partners. I’m also glad that you agreed to date me, but that doesn’t mean that I’d be the one sub you would pick.”

  “What if I always want three subs, even if I get serious with one or none of you, maybe someone else?” I wasn’t sure if that was ever possible but I had to ask the question.

  “We will stay your subs as long as you will have us, Mistress,” Richard said.

  “Thank you. I accept. Now, all of you Stand Straight.”

  The three men stood up and placed their hands behind their heads, fingers interlocked. “Friday, we all will be going to the event at the club, is there an issue with that?”

  “No, Mistress,” they all said and shook their heads.

  “Jerry, your work schedule changed, do you need to switch days or times?”

  “Just if we could make it Tuesday at nine instead of seven, Mistress.”

  “That is acceptable. Now that I know this, there’s something I wish to ask you. If you don’t want me to ask you in front of the others, I’ll do it in private.”

  “No secrets, Mistress,” he smiled.

  “My boy, how are you able to pay for nursing school? Did you get a scholarship?”

  “No, I took out loans and will pay it back after I finish with school.”

  “Tomorrow come to my office during work hours when you can, and bring me your financial aid information. I’ll cover the costs for you.”

  “Mistress, you don’t have to do that.”

  “Yes, I do and I wish you had told me,” I stood in front of him and kissed his forehead. “I would’ve done it sooner. I am very proud of you.”

  His eyes met my gaze. “I didn’t know if I’d be accepted or not. Orientation was last week and … thank you, Mistress. I’ll stop by. Mistress, I haven’t relieved myself since my punishment.”

  “Good,” I smiled and stood in front of Richard. “What about your jealousy or the fact that you put your hands on me the other night during your punishment, pet?”

  “I’m sorry and, Mistress, I haven’t relieved myself, as ordered. I swear. And you can keep the punishment going for as long as you feel you need to. I was wrong and I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you.”

  “Yes, pet, you will.” I moved to Lox. “You should be punished.”

  “I’m sorry, Mistress. We weren’t trying to make it like we were going behind your back. You never said we couldn’t socialize. I’m sorry.”

  “panther, you’re forgiven.” I backed away. “Now, if you’re all truly serious about having a monthly session together. You all report back to my playroom in one hour. In the meantime, during that hour before we play, you are all to shower together in the guest bathroom. The shower is big enough for you. I want you all clean, inside and out. I’ll see you in one hour.”

  The men walked toward the playroom but kept going until they met with the guestroom and bathroom. No one has ever been in there before, and the shower itself was the size of a bathroom. Faucets were on the wall, drains on the floor, and spray nozzles for cleaning and reaching those hard places.


  I WALKED INTO the playroom and all three men were nude, in punishment pose. “Did I say you were being punished, subs?”

  “No, Mistress,” Jerry said. “But we deserve punishment. In some way, we were all wrong this week.”

  I walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. I pulled out my crop and gently slapped my hand. “So, because you think you need punishment, does that mean you three are being brats so you can be punished? You know I dislike brats.”

  “No, Mistress,” Richard said. “We were wrong. We are also wrong by doing this. Tell us what you wish us to do, we need to please you, Mistress.”

  “On the steps,” I pointed. “panther, pull the steps out. All three of you on the second step but face front.” I waited for them to trot over to the steps and obey my command.

  They stood on the second step and faced me. I could see their erections starting. I gently ran my crop across the front of the three of them, right over their cocks and watched the erections increase. I walked over to Richard and stood in front of his cock, which was level with my head. “pet, your punishment from the other night is over. I’ll continue to call you pet. Shall I relieve this for you or have one of the other subs do it?”

  His eyes looked toward them and then back at me. “Whatever you wish, Mistress.”

  “You had a hard limit before that you would not have any physical contact with your cock and another man. Is that still a limit?”

  “No, Mistress,” his eyes quickly diverted to Jerry and then back to me.

  I walked in front of Jerry. “We never went over your new questionnaire. Did your information change?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Jerry said.

  “What changed?”

  “Richard and I had sex Monday night.”

  My eyes widened. I didn’t care that they had that desire but they lied to me or maybe it was to themselves. “Didn’t I tell you subs weren’t supposed to play together?”

  “Yes, Mistress, but it wasn’t playing. It was sex, but we didn’t … neither one of us had an orgasm,” Jerry said. “May I explain, Mistress?”

  “Please, tell me, after you suck pet’s cock,” I stood back. “Now, boy.”

  Jerry stepped off the steps and faced Richard. I could see that Jerry was a little taller than I was so Richard needed to take a step up. “pet, up one more,” I commanded.

  Richard took a step up and put his hands behind his back as Jerry put his mouth on Richard’s cock. “Jerry, don’t let him orgasm. That still belongs to me.” I watched Richard’s expressions of lust on his face as Jerry sucked. I’m not sure if it was just lust, but maybe realization or finally not having to hide, but whatever it was, I needed to help them explore it more. Only can someone truly be happy if they are true to themselves.

  Jerry nodded as he continued to suck, after a few minutes, he released his mouth from Richard’s cock. “Mistress.”

  “Stand straight,” I commanded and then motioned to Richard to step down one step. I sucked on his cock and he quickly released his seed. He must’ve really enjoyed Jerry.

  I looked at the men. “pet, you and boy have a relationship now?”

  “It was an experiment, Mistress,” Richard said. “I called him gay the other day. He denied it. After my shift Monday, um, I really did work late, I called him to apologize. He came over and we talked and then, we had sex, Mistress, but didn’t release ourselves.”

  “I didn’t know you two felt that way,” I said.

  “Neither did we, until we tried it. We just too
k your lead, Mistress,” Jerry said.

  “My lead?”

  “Yeah, don’t say you don’t like something if you’ve never tried it. After that, we went through our questionnaires.”

  “But you two still want to be my subs?”

  “Yes, if we can also date each other, but it would be a gay vanilla relationship, not what we do with you, Mistress. We want to do both, if you will allow this.”

  “I will. I agree. You two may not always play with each other, here, though. Lox, you aren’t involved in this, are you?”

  “No, Mistress, I don’t wish to be involved with other males, subs, or dates. I agreed for us to play with you together. Not play with the other subs.”

  “Good, because that is what we will do. Punishment pose over there,” I commanded.

  The three men walked and resumed the knees and elbow punishment pose.

  I stood behind each of the men, slapping the crop against the palm of my hand. Swat! Right against boy’s right ass cheek. He jumped slightly. Good. Swat! Right against boy’s left ass cheek. He jumped a little higher this time. Good. He had not yet relieved himself since the other night. It was interesting to see his stamina. Swat! Against pet’s left ass cheek. He didn’t jump. Swat! Against his left cheek again. This time, he shuddered lightly. Swat! Against pet’s right ass cheek. He continued to shudder, his erection grew slightly. Swat! Swat! Against Lox’s right ass cheek. Swat! Swat! Against Lox’s left ass cheek. His body shuddered slightly.

  I stood in front of them. To be honest I wasn’t sure what to do next. I never had three subs at the same time. Then the thought popped into my head. They were each very good as something. Lox, I was still exploring. Hell he was great at sex but that would not be brought into the playroom. That was a private thing between me and Lox.

  I walked over to the four-poster bed in the corner of the room. It wasn’t as comfortable as my regular bed. I liked it because the posts were thick and squared with medieval and Greek designs on it. Yes, I always was fascinated with Greek mythology, and according to everyone, Lox was my Greek God. I sat at the foot of the bed. “Stand straight, over here.”

  The men slowly rose to their feet, in their own graceful or clumsy manner and then walked over to the foot of the bed. “You will all do to me what I’m most fond of by your hands and your hands alone. As you pleasure me, you will also eye the hands of the other subs. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” they nodded, their hands still interlaced behind their own heads.

  “Good. pet, on your knees.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he kneeled in front of me. “Mistress?”

  “Undress my feet,” I said.

  He removed my shoes and placed them neatly under the bed. He looked up at me. “Mistress?”

  I stood up and nodded. “Undress my body.”

  He rose to his feet and removed my tank top and black sweat pants. Not a normal Mistress attire but I wore what I wanted, when I wanted. Who needed to be all dressed up only to be naked again? pet’s hands were remarkable on how he not only caressed my skin but the fabric of my clothes. He folded up my clothes and put them neatly on the chair by the doorway. He walked back over and kneeled at my feet.

  “Very good, pet. You will all work together to please me tonight. Your task will be to finger your mistress.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he nodded.

  “Wait until I’m ready.” I looked at Jerry. “boy, over here.”

  Jerry rose to his feet and then kneeled in front of me. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Your job will be to give me that pleasant massage you always do, start with my feet and work your way to my breasts. Just don’t run into pet’s job.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he nodded.

  I looked up at Lox. His eyes showed uncertainty. We didn’t play long enough for him to have something special and he knew we would not be having sex in the play room, in front of the other subs. “panther,” I looked at him. “You will be kissing me, from the neck up. Kissing my neck, face, mouth, and I want to suck your tongue, long and hard.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he nodded.

  I pushed my body on the bed and lay on my back. I pressed the remote that raised the head slightly. This bed could do anything, head raise, foot raise, invert it so the back would bend. It was an amazingly agile mattress.

  The three subs took their position.

  Jerry began rubbing and massaging my feet, while sucking lightly on each of my painted toes.

  Richard gently swirled his finger around my sex and my started to rub my clit, swirling it around. He inserted one finger and continued to push it in and out.

  Lox pressed his mouth over mine, and at first, he tried to gain control, but soon relaxed and let me take over. I knew he was just nervous. He had never been with me and others. I sucked lightly on his tongue as pet’s fingers inside me caused my moans to linger. I could feel hands and tongues on my body, and even though I didn’t look, I could tell whose was whose. They all did their tasks, but also did other things that would please me. Jerry used his hands and mouth as he massaged my legs and then worked his way passed Richard to my stomach, carefully circling my naval with his tongue.

  I felt Richard’s fingers moving faster, his mouth kissing my inner thigh. He knew I wasn’t into me getting oral sex but his mouth on my thighs and his fingers inside me were causing me to burst.

  My body shuddered as Lox continued to kiss me, sucking on my tongue, my bottom lip, running his tongue down my neck, my throat, over my jawline … I was in sub heaven. If there was one, we caused it. I was always afraid that three subs at once was strange. I’m still nervous about having three subs and a relationship with Lox, but it seems to be working. Hell, I couldn’t think straight.

  Jerry sucked on my right nipple, hard and fast while he thumbed my left nipple and squeezed my breasts.

  I knew I had to do something for them, too. They were giving me so much pleasure. I looked up at Lox. “Over my face, panther,” I whispered.

  He positioned himself over my head and inserted his cock in my mouth. He stayed still while I sucked on him long and hard. I continued to suck, and he knew I didn’t do mouth fucking, only sucking. I tapped Jerry on the shoulder while I sucked Lox.

  Jerry aimed his ass toward Richard, who was still fingering me. Richard instantly stuck his tongue in Jerry’s ass, while I used my other hand and jerked Jerry off. Jerry needed his release and now, he truly deserved it. His orgasm was mine and he had great control but probably felt anxious at the impending orgasm.

  Lox released his seed down my throat and then gazed into my eyes. He pressed his mouth against mine as I continued to jerk off Jerry. He kissed me passionately and whispered, “You’re beautiful, Mistress.”

  I don’t know if our bodies were in sync but as Jerry released his seed on my chest and collapsed at my side, Richard ran his tongue over my body to lick Jerry’s release. He pulled his fingers out of me as I burst again.

  The men collapsed beside me and I wrapped my body around the three men and held them. I had three gorgeous subs that needed the aftercare, and, hell, so did I.

  After we all came out of our amazing high, I led the three of them back to the guestroom shower. I stood them in the middle of the large shower and aimed the jets toward their bodies. I gently soaped them all up and washed them each from head to toe. I rinsed their bodies and kissed each one softly on the mouth. “I love you all, I hope you know that.” I knew I never said it, but I loved my subs. Not in a romantic-I-can’t-live-without-you kind of way, but a you-are-my-subs-and-you-please-me kind of way. The romantic love stuff, I don’t know if it would ever come. “You can all get dried off and get dressed. You’re welcome to sleep here if you want. I have two guestrooms, each with two beds.”

  “No, Mistress, thank you,” Jerry said. “I have to work tomorrow.”

  “So do I,” Richard looked at Jerry. “We did mean what we said. We want to be your subs. Tonight was amazing. I guess this makes us bisexual

  I kissed Richard’s forehead. “It makes you happy,” I smiled.

  “Thank you, Mistress.”

  I left the bathroom and allowed them to get dressed in private. I walked down to the playroom and collected my clothes, and then headed to my room.

  When I returned, Lox was sitting on the sofa. “Angelica, they left.”

  I sat next to him and kissed his cheek. “You stayed?”

  “I’d like to stay the night. No sex, because I’m tired,” he grinned. “But I’d like to stay the night, but sleep in your bed with you.”


  “It’s eleven o’clock,” he said.

  “I don’t sleep much. I don’t go to bed until usually around one and then get up at five.”

  “I’d love some. Here, let me make it,” he walked into the kitchen area.


  I LOOKED UP from my desk as Elaine walked in the office. “Um, Jerry is here. He said you needed to talk to him?”

  “Oh, right,” I nodded. “Send him in.”

  “Um, and Richard is on line one.”

  “Tell Richard to give me 10 minutes. He can hold or call back. This meeting with Jerry is very important. Also, did Dane fax those documents yet?”

  “Yes, and Mr. Panagakos called. He said he would meet you this afternoon to sign the contracts.”

  “Oh, good. He didn’t want to talk to me?”

  “He said he was in a hurry. He had to check out the building across the street and had three back-to-backs. You were on with Natalia and didn’t want to be disturbed.”

  “Right. Thanks. Send in Jerry.”

  Elaine left the room and Jerry entered.

  “Please, close the door behind you.”

  He closed the door and walked over to the desk. “I have the paperwork you wanted about my financial aid.” He handed it to me.

  “Jerry, sit.” I looked over the paperwork as he sat down. He seemed very nervous. I pulled out my checkbook and wrote him out two checks. “Now, this one is for your loans. They are paid off. This second check is for you as a gift for pursuing your dreams.” I handed him the checks.


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