Steeling My Haart

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Steeling My Haart Page 21

by Lizzy Roberts

  Conscious of how late she was arriving home Emma hurried out of the truck and grabbed the bags from the back. She carried the groceries in and quickly threw the bags on the kitchen counter. The kids had been bathed and were sitting on the carpet playing. The babysitter was grateful to be finally released from duties and rushed out to her car. Closing the door she turned to the two children and they all decided that it would be a great time to watch a Christmas movie. She hoped that Charlie would come through on his promise about the presents. She had no alternative at this late stage.

  She was surprised that Adie hadn’t asked too much about her parents tonight and as they were all engrossed in watching Elf. She was fairly grateful not to have to be explaining too much to her tonight. Leo had found his second wind and when she heard a car pulling up outside, both of the kids were still wide-awake. She needed them to go to bed fairly quickly now because she had so much to organize if she were to salvage their Christmas meal.

  As the credits started rolling at the end of the film, there was a soft knock at the door. The butterflies in her stomach began to flutter. Adie shouted at the top of her voice, “Emmamomma, it’s Santa Cwaus, it’s Santa Cwause. Let’s go let him in.” As she approached the door, she saw a smiling Charlie standing on the other side of the door. Opening it wide, she wasn’t quick enough to stop a speeding Adie from throwing herself right into Charlie’s legs. “Hey, look, Emmamomma, it’s not Santa Cwause, it’s Chawlie, your fwiend!” she squealed as a crawling Leo stopped at the door, raised himself onto his knees and started clapping at him.

  “Hey, Adie, hey, there little man, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not Santa Clause, see. But I’ve been helping your momma here with a few things tonight. Can I come in?” he asked, waving at them and waiting patiently on the doorstep for the kids to let him in. Emma opened the door wider and gestured for him to come through with a huge smile that she couldn’t stop from appearing on her face.

  Adie grabbed his hand and shouted at the top of her voice, “Course you can, Chawlie, come on let’s watch Elf again! He’s my faaavowite elf ever.” Pulling him into the house she led him to the sofa and sat him down. She crawled straight onto his lap and Emma watched with amazement as they entered into a deep conversation. Charlie was being so wonderful and such a natural with the kids. If she hadn’t already been so in love with him, her heart would have melted at the sight of them sitting there. Even Leo, who was a lot more reserved around people than his outgoing big sister, crawled his way over and pulled himself up on Charlie’s leg. Without missing a beat, he reached down and gently lifted the giggling baby straight onto his other knee and carried on chatting away about princesses and fairy tales to the excited pair.

  “Would you like anything to drink, Charlie?” Emma finally said after watching the scene in quiet awe for a few minutes.

  “No, I’m fine, thank you,” he said and then winking in her direction he continued, “but I think it’s time this beautiful princess and this handsome little man were going to bed, don’t you, Momma? I heard some reindeer bells outside as I was walking up to your porch.”

  Emma played along with the rouse. “Oh, yes, I think that is a really great idea. Come on, Adie, say goodnight to Charlie and let’s go before Santa misses us. But first we need to set out a carrot for Rudolph and some cookies for Santa Claus.” Emma led them both over to the kitchen.

  “Goodnight, Charlie,” Adie cooed as she walked over and leaned in to plant a huge wet kiss on his cheek, much to his amusement. Emma walked over now holding a very sleepy Leo. Charlie stood from his position on the couch, leaned over and placed a kiss on his little soft head and then picked up a squealing Adie and hugged her close. “Good night, princess, good night, little man. Sweet dreams,” he said as they all headed in the direction of the bedrooms.

  As a grateful Emma turned and smiled, he nodded in the direction of the driveway indicating silently to her to say he would go and sort out the gifts he had managed to retrieve. She mouthed, “Thank you” back at him and headed to the bedrooms to settle the kids in for the night.

  It didn’t take long for her to put them to bed and soon they were both in a deep sleep and as Emma made her way back out into the main room he was unpacking and already building all of the wooden toys she had reserved at the toy store. “Charlie,” she exclaimed, “how did you manage this?”

  He smiled and chuckled slightly. “It’s all about who you know and not what you know, Em” he replied. “Let’s just say, old Harv owed me one.” She didn’t press him further, but she realized that had literally saved Christmas for her.

  “Thank you,” was all she managed to croak out.

  She headed to the kitchen and was attempting to start preparing the meal for tomorrow but she paused and headed to the refrigerator and took out an already opened bottle of wine. She reached for two glasses and offering one to Charlie, she poured herself a long drink. “No thanks, sweetheart,” he said from his perch by her over-trimmed tree. “I need to drive home tonight.”

  They relaxed in each other’s presence. Although Emma had unanswered questions hanging thick in the air, she retreated in a comfortable silence to the kitchen. It wasn’t long before Emma realized that Charlie had built several wooden toys and had expertly wrapped them with lengths of ribbon and paper that Emma had collected from the grocery store that evening.

  She watched him as he finished off with building and wrapping the toys. Soon he joined her in the kitchen where she was wearily attempting to start preparations for the Christmas lunch tomorrow. She was tired, no doubt owing largely to the stress she had endured that afternoon. He silently walked around her and leaning over her shoulder, gently took the knife from her hand and guided her to the couch. He walked back to the counter and handed her the glass of wine after refilling it.

  “Go put your feet up., I’ve got this.”

  She looked up at him with gratitude and lifting her legs on to the couch beside her she curled into a ball and gratefully took the wine from him. “Charlie Haart, tell me you are really here, in my kitchen. I swear I’m dreaming this,” she whispered sleepily.

  “It’s me all right, sweetheart, I’m right here. Now lay your head back, drink up and let me handle things in here. I seem to remember that you aren’t at your best in the kitchen.” He chuckled as Emma was forced to remember the many culinary disasters that she had tried to feed him all those years ago.

  She was mesmerized watching as Charlie worked quickly and efficiently to get everything ready to go. She could feel him still regarding her, with an expression she could have sworn was one of love, as she was drifting into a semi-conscious state of bliss as sleep took hold.

  Unsure if she was dreaming or not, she felt the strong arms that lifted her effortlessly from the couch. Hazily she realized they were the same ones she remembered holding her safely earlier in the evening. The rocking motion was soothing as she felt herself being carried into her bedroom. The bed dipped under her own weight as someone laid her down and took off her socks. The feeling of bliss shrouded her as her comforter was pulled up and over her and tucked in delicately around her almost unconscious form.

  Then she heard the whisper that came from Charlie as he kissed her softly on her brow. “I love you, Emma McKellan and I’m not letting you go again.” Emma couldn’t help stirring in her semi-sleep induced state and she felt a faint smile spread across her face. She was so tired that no matter how much she willed her eyes to open or her mouth to say the words back, it was just impossible. Just before she slipped into a deep sleep she heard him leaving the room and checking in on the two children.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  It was just before six am when an excited Adie came bounding into Emma’s bedroom rousing her from a deep sleep. She was excitedly screaming that Santa had been. As she came round, it took her a minute to realize she was in bed fully clothed, and she couldn’t remember having come to bed the night before. Opening her eyes slowly, she spotted the note on the pillow
next to her, and immediately the prior evenings events replayed. Charlie had been here and she recognized the masculine scrawl on the note as being his. Instantly, the memories of last time she had been handed a letter for him flooded back and she hesitated slightly before picking the note up, reluctant to see what he had written.

  As Leo started to coo from his crib in the nursery, Adie shot out of the bedroom squealing, “Leo, Santa bwought us lots and lots of pwesents. There are lots under the twee, Leo.” She could hear her explaining with a smile in her voice. It warmed her heart to think she had made them happy, but seizing on the opportunity of having the room to herself, she opened the folded paper and almost didn’t have the courage to read what it said,


  I hope you don’t mind me still calling you that. Well, anyway, I’m sorry for a lot of things. Sorry doesn’t actually seem to be strong enough for the regret I feel for my actions all those years ago. It’s a lot to ask, but I hope one day you will understand I honestly believed that I was doing the right thing for us by letting you go. I’ve lived with that decision every single day since I left. Having that brief view into your life again last night made me realize just what I had lost when I walked away. A day hasn’t gone by these last few long years that I haven’t thought about you or wondered whether you were happy. I have lived a miserable, lonely life without you and seeing as I have nothing left to lose and everything to gain I want you to know that I hope that one day we might have a possibility of a future together.

  Seeing you and holding you again has brought the memories I have been trying to bury right back to the surface. I can tell you that they are the best memories I have.

  I understand your life is pretty complicated right now and me telling you all of this is probably too much for you to handle, never mind the fact I have no idea what you want. I just wanted to let you to know I’m here, and I always will be. I realize I have a lot of making up to do to you, but last night was just the start. But believe me when I say I’ve never stopped loving you.

  I want you to come to me this time, when you are ready and only if you think you could possibly choose me again. I have left my cell number at the bottom of this note. You can find me most days hanging out at M’s Place in Glen Springs. It has kind of become my life at the moment, and if and when you are ready, I have so much to tell you. I would also love to hear all about you, and even if you need a friend or a shoulder to cry on, I would be honored to be the one to be that for you too.

  I am so proud of you, sweetheart, and I didn’t want you to think I don’t see what an amazing and more beautiful woman you have turned into. Your new family are a credit to you and watching you with those two adorable children made me so proud, not that have any right to feel anything like that, but I just wanted you to know.

  Before I go, I managed to finish everything in the kitchen and all you need to do is follow the written instructions I’ve left on your counter top. Hope you get your perfect Christmas and make some happy memories with Adie and Leo. Goodness knows, you all deserve it.

  Oh, and I have the key to your back door. I took it from your keychain to make sure I could lock up. I can arrange for it to be sent back to you.

  Good luck, sweetheart with whatever you do and know I’ll always be

  Your Charlie x

  Emma had just finished reading the letter, the happy tears streaming down her face, when Adie came bounding back in to drag her to the tree to open her gifts. “Emmamomma, why are you so sad?” she asked as she saw that Emma was crying quite a lot. “Santa had brought you things, too,” she reassured, as she jumped on her knee and threw her tiny arms round her neck.

  She smiled into the frizz of baby blonde hair as Adie hugged her hard and sniffing she said, “You know what, little lady? These are happy tears. Santa Claus has brought me something way better than a present his year,” she admitted as she reflected on the words in the letter in her hand. “Now, let’s go get Leo and start opening all the gifts that are under the tree.” She lifted the small girl with her out of the bed and walked toward the nursery.

  By eight am, everything was opened and two happy children were playing excitedly with an abundance of new toys in the main room. True to his word, Charlie had left Emma complete step-by-step directions as to how to prepare the feast she had planned for lunchtime. She had wondered whether to ring her parents and find out where they were going to be. She had thought that they would be with her Grams for at least another few days at this stage, although the threatened ice storm hadn’t been anywhere near as violent or prolonged as forecast.

  After feeding everyone and getting Adie dressed in her new fairy dress and Leo in his cute little elf outfit, she took a few pictures of the happy scene in front of her. This was everything she had hoped for, except for the fact that her mom and dad were missing. As she was thinking about calling, the doorbell sounded.

  Adie immediately jumped up and ran to the door as Emma answered it, to her utter surprise, there stood not only her mom and dad, but two excited-looking figures behind them. “Bwuce! Look, Emmamomma, it’s Bwuce and Lou!” Adie squealed as the foursome piled in from the cold, arms full of gifts for Emma and the kids.

  After an age of hugging and greetings, Emma broke through the excited chatter by asking, “How? Why? When did you all get in?”

  Bruce answered first, “We flew in yesterday, but it was late when we arrived, and we didn’t want to wake you.” He picked up Adie and twirled her around, causing her to giggle out loud. “Nicky gave us a spare key to their place when we were out here last and we just let ourselves in. It’s so good to see you all and you didn’t think we’d miss this first Christmas, did you?”

  Emma was so happy to see everyone and answered, “I can’t believe it, and this is so awesome. It’s a good job I bought enough food to feed an army, then?”

  “Emma love,” her dad walked over and took her into a huge hug again. “Your grams is improving daily and your mom wanted to be here for you so we actually arrived home not long behind these guys.” He crouched to pick up a crawling Leo and embracing him close.

  Emma turned to see where her mom was and she found her standing in the kitchen looking very impressed at the organization. “Well, Emma McKellan, I never thought I’d see the day you’d manage to cook a decent meal, never mind coordinate a lovely-looking Christmas lunch,” she exclaimed with disbelief on her face.

  “Gee, thanks, Mom! Way to inspire confidence in a person,” she retorted as she blushed. “I won’t lie. I may have had a little help.” She stopped short of confessing who had helped her, needing to test the water with her family before mentioning her visitor yesterday.

  “Gwampy Nicky, Emmamommas friend Charlie helped her yesterday. He came to the house and played for a bit.” Adie announced as the entire room fell silent, and four pairs of eyes suddenly focused on her now blazing face.

  “Charlie,” her mom said. “As in Charlie Haart?” She fought back the smile that was trying to break across her face.

  “Oh, my.” her dad chuckled. “The boy finally came to his senses, then, did he? About time, too,” he declared, broadly smiling along with his wife as he threw his spare arm around her shoulder and hugged her close.

  “What are you talking about, Dad?” she asked, now feeling like she was missing something.

  “Well, that’d be for Charlie to tell, not me. But I’m glad he’s finally got that stubborn young head of out his ass.” He laughed as Nicky slapped him playfully around his head.

  “Please, Mike, watch your language in front of the children. And, yes, what are you on about? Do you know something?”

  “It’s not really my place to say, but I’d encourage you to talk to him, love, and let him explain a few things.” He offered as the rest of them looked on as puzzled as Emma was.

  Bruce finally made it over to her and took her in a big hug, whispering to her as he did, “So that’s who was parked on your driveway last night when we drove past?” He winked cons
piratorially. “Way to go, Emma, and don’t forget, you’re going to marry that man one day.”

  Blushing, she pulled away and they were then overtaken with the excitement of the day. Nicky and Lou worked hard in the kitchen whilst Mike and Bruce spent the morning talking sports. Emma managed to have some amazing quality time bonding with Adie and Leo over the huge haul of gifts Charlie delivered for them. It was turning out to be one of the best Christmases she had ever had.

  Shortly after Nicky announced that lunch was ready, Emma heard a soft knocking at the door. Over the noise of the house, she wasn’t even sure she had heard it, but went over to double check. As she peeked out she saw the retreating form of Charlie walking down the driveway and back to his truck he had parked on the roadside. Her heart melted when she opened the door and noticed a small pile of gifts in the front porch and before she lost the nerve, she shouted, “Charlie, wait!”

  He turned around reluctantly, giving her a awkward look, almost as if he was embarrassed at being caught. “Merry Christmas, I… er… just wanted to pop by and leave a couple of things for the kids. Don’t let me interrupt. I’m glad to see they all made it back for you,” he said as he gestured towards the full house. Raising his lips into a small sad smile. “Well, merry Christmas, sweetheart. I’ll let you get back to everyone.” He one hand up and down the back of his head whilst reaching for his truck door with the other.

  “I’m glad to have seen you, but I thought you might have needed some help today. I am used to spending this day on my own and with work it’s a welcome day off. It is my third Christmas alone and I’m wondering why I’ve had headed out here in the first place,” he rambled on as he jumped up into his truck.


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