Hostile Conquest

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by Jade James

  Her heart seemed to splinter further. “I don’t want to hear any more. How am I supposed to e

  ver trust you again?”

  “Give me a chance, love. We can fix this.”

  “Honestly, Cade. I don’t know if we could repair what you so easily broke.” She turned away from him, her heart beating furiously. She was shattered, and she didn’t know how she’d ever fix the pieces.

  Chapter Sixteen

  She’d headed straight home after her nightmarish confrontation with Cade last night. She didn’t even remember driving there the night before. She’d just stripped her clothes and ended up in bed, crying until her eyes could spill no more tears. She’d reread the letter at least twenty times, but the love her father obviously had for her didn’t lessen the pain. And still the most hurtful part of it was Cade agreeing to her father’s crazy plan and never mentioning any of it to her.

  He’d left her countless voice mails and text messages, and she hadn’t listened to or read any of them. She’d simply shut down her cell phone and spent hours in bed.

  She rose to her feet and shuffled to the kitchen. It was noon, and she had nowhere to be on a Saturday. She opened her refrigerator just as she heard her front door close. She froze, completely forgetting she’d given Cade a set of keys to her place just a month before.


  She stiffened at the sound of Jax’s voice. “In here.” She forced a smile on her face and turned around. “Hey, you. You’re up early. I don’t usually see you till later.”

  “Honey.” He walked over to her and took her into his arms. And she clutched at his shirt, burying her face in the fabric. Emotions mixed with dread seemed to settle in her stomach.

  “How did you know?”

  “I got a call from Cade this morning. He’s an ass for not explaining the truth to you sooner.”

  She pulled away and strode to the fridge, then grabbed a bottle of water. “I just don’t know what to do. It hurts so much. I honestly get what my dad did, and being how overprotective he was, it doesn’t surprise me. I can forgive my father for it. But Cade’s part in it…”

  She sniffled, and once again Jax enveloped her in a hug. “Listen, sweetheart. What Cade did was a shitty thing to do. He should have never hid this from you. I’m on your side. But, honey, he loves you. The man is devoted to you completely and has been ringing my phone off the hook, asking how you are. I hate to see you so miserable, and I think you should hear him out. The only reason I think he hasn’t barged in here is because he realized you need space.”

  She stepped away from him. “He had so many chances to tell me. I have to wonder what else he’s hiding. I feel like a fool. My father’s offer to him must have been like gold. Get the company and the daughter as well.”

  Jax crossed his arms. “It’s obvious to me how much he loves you. And if he truly wanted just the company, I would imagine he’s had many opportunities to end the relationship.”

  She silently consented Jax had a point. He’d had every opportunity to walk from their relationship, but he’d stayed. It said quite a lot of how Cade felt, but it wasn’t enough to ease the ache lingering in hyoup>had everyer heart.

  Jax put an arm around her shoulders. “While you mull it over, why don’t you get dressed and have brunch with me?”

  She shook her head. “I was hoping I’d hide out in here.”

  “No way. It’s a beautiful day, and I’m taking you out.”

  * * * *

  Their brunch had turned out to be an all-day excursion, and she desperately tried to enjoy her food and the spa treatment Jax splurged on her.

  It was evening now, the sun slowly slipping away for the day. And after Jax assured her he wouldn’t spill her location to Cade, they’d ended up in The Rum House, a bar on Broadway. She was on her second Jack and Coke, the liquid sliding down her throat easily this time around. The liquor numbed her emotions, and though she wholeheartedly agreed drinking resolved nothing, she needed to escape her thoughts for just a few hours.

  She caught Jax texting into his phone. “Who are you contacting this late?”

  “I sent another message to Cade, swearing you were still with me and you were safe. You know he’s really worried about you.”

  Jax and Cade had grown to be friends the past few months. Since they were the two most important people in her life, it was what she’d wanted. She took another sip of her drink, and a warm buzz settled within her. “I didn’t exactly cancel our engagement.” She lifted her hand, staring at the ring.

  “You haven’t mentioned it, but I did notice the diamond.”

  She dropped her hand down and shrugged before taking another sip of her drink, then setting the glass down. “He proposed two nights ago, and I accepted. We were supposed to celebrate with dinner the night after. I didn’t have a chance to even call you with the news before his lies exploded in my face.”

  “You can’t avoid him forever.”

  “I just need a few days to process everything.”

  “Well, you have tonight and tomorrow to do it.”

  Her cell phone buzzed, and she slipped it out of her back pocket. “Jax, I have to take this. I’ll be right back.”

  She walked to a secluded corner. “Chris, are you okay? I left a message at your office.”

  “I’m fine, but that son of a bitch Matthew will pay for this. I’m sure you know by now Matthew stole the letter your father wanted me to hand to you on your wedding day. Since he was recorded doing the crime, I gave the police the evidence, and he was arrested and charged. It was the only thing he stole from the office, so I’m pretty sure his intention was to give it to you.”

  “Did you know the contents of the letter?”

  “As your father’s longtime friend, I did. Sweetheart, he wanted to take care of you even after his death, and he did it the best way he knew how. Don’t hold it against him.”

  She barely held back her tears. She missed her dad so much. “I’m really trying not to.”

  “And don’t be too hard on Cade. He only did what William requested of him. Cade had a problem keeping it a secret from you even from the beginning. But since it was what William wanted more than anything, he agreed.”

  “But how will I ever know if he loved me for me


  “Sweetheart, Cade would have gotten the company regardless. It was a stipulation he fought for. While negotiating the contractual agreements for Cortez Enterprise, Cade emphasized if you and he were to get married, it would be solely based on the fact it was what you both wanted and because you’d fallen in love.allnts for ”

  Chapter Seventeen

  He couldn’t force himself to remain at his home any longer. Cade let himself into Jazz’s place. The lights were off, but the moonlight filtering through the curtains gave him enough illumination to make his way through her apartment. His head was pounding, and it was because of the tension he’d felt since she’d left him. He sat on the sofa, gripped the manila folder in his hand tightly, and rested his head back, before closing his eyes.

  Though his conscience had screamed at him a few times to tell her the truth, he’d never thought she’d find out this way. The confrontation on Friday night was still so vivid in his mind. The pain he’d caused was clear in her gaze, the way her lips trembled, and his heart had broken at the sight of the spilled tears. He’d never once wanted to cause her any agony. But he’d done just that by not listening to his gut, not confessing the truth. He should have told her all, including the fact he would have gained Cortez Enterprise regardless of the outcome of their relationship. Perhaps, if she would have known it from the start, she would have seen he wanted her simply because he’d fallen in love.

  Cade had contacted Chris and found out what he had already known. Matthew had broken into Chris’s office and stolen the letter. It had taken every ounce of willpower Cade possessed not to go over and wring his father’s neck. Chris had stated he’d pressed charges, but knowing how slippery his father was
, Cade doubted he’d ever see real jail time. His father needed to be dealt with sooner rather than later, and in a way where he could never come near his family again.

  He ran a hand through his hair and stifled a groan. Cade had driven by Jazz’s place a few times today and had left her countless messages. And even though he had the keys to her home, and everything within him screamed for him to go after her, he recognized she’d needed space.

  But after countless hours of not hearing anything from her, he couldn’t wait any longer. The tension within him built to levels he feared would give him an anxiety attack. And the question of whether he could fix what he’d so obviously broken burned through his brain. He’d met with his lawyer just two hours ago and had the legal documents drawn up. It was his wild card, the only play he had left in hopes of saving their relationship.

  He reread each text message Jax had sent him, and though he’d do anything to hear directly from her, he savored each communication.

  It would take something extreme to prove he loved her, to show her he didn’t give a fuck about the company, and all he wanted was her. And his only idea had been to give her what was rightfully hers to begin with.

  The sound of the front door opening jolted him out of his thoughts and had him opening his eyes. The hallway lights were turned on, but he’d chosen to sit in the corner of the living room, and from there she couldn’t see him.

  “Jax, I had a good time tonight. Thank you for trying to cheer me up.”

  “Get some sleep. And I want you to consider what I said to you. It’s hard seeing you so miserable. And especially think about what Chris said.”

  Though Cade didn’t know him personally, he got the sense Chris was an honorable person.

  “I’m slowly coming to terms with it. Sooner or later, Cade and I will talk. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  He detected a slight edge of hurt in her tone, and for a second he wondered if being here was the right thing. The last thing he wanted to do was cause her more pain. Her heels clicked loudlallnt of hy against the wood floors as she walked his way. He leaned forward as she turned the lights on, apprehension rushing through his body, and she gasped.

  “What are you doing here?” Her lips were parted, her eyes wide open, and dressed in black jeans, six-inch heels, and a white sleeveless blouse, she’d never looked more beautiful to him. His heart pounded quickly as he soaked in the sight of her. And though it’d been only a day since they’d seen each other, it felt more like months. He was that much in love with her, where he wanted her by his side every moment.

  He rose to his feet, the paperwork still clutched tightly in his hand. “You haven’t responded to any of my calls or texts. Understandably so, but I came to talk to you and to make sure you were okay.”

  She arched a brow and crossed her arms. “I’m as good as can be expected. And I’m sure Jax has been keeping you plenty updated.”

  “It might not seem that way, but I never meant to hurt you. I miss you so much, Jazz. And the thought of not being with you kills me.”

  She reached out and grabbed his hand. “Cade, I never thought I’d ever doubt what you feel for me. Spending time with you these past few months, even living with you, I couldn’t have asked for anything more. I was sure you loved me so much.”

  “I will always love you.”

  “But when Matthew walked in with the letter, it crushed me.”

  “There were so many times I wanted to tell you. But I was scared the truth would become some sort of barrier between us.”

  “Withholding the truth caused more damage. I spoke with Chris, and he told me the stipulation you added when you were negotiating with my father. Why add the condition?”

  “William wanted to hand me half of the company if I made you my wife. But I needed much more than that. Yes, we’d be working side by side on a daily basis, but who’s to say we’d be personally compatible? So I insisted the clause be added to the contract, specifying half the company was mine no matter what. And then I met you, and it was if we were made for each other. I wanted to find out your likes and dislikes, every little detail about you. The very first night we made love, I wanted to carry you back to my place and never allow you to leave. I fell so deeply in love with you, and I wanted to make sure if you ever found out the truth, you’d realize since half the company was mine to begin with, then my love for you had no material attachment. It could never be considered a lie.”

  “My father agreed to this?”

  “William was a hard man to convince. But eventually he saw my intentions were honorable. He knew I would never harm

  you.” He softly pulled his hands from hers, even though all he desired was to take her into his arms. “I want to give you this.” He held the envelope out.

  She grabbed it. “What is it?”

  He walked to the door, then opened it before facing her once more. “A gift I hope will convince you of my love for you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  One week later

  The decision to not sign the documents, which would have given her complete control of Cortez Enterprise, hadn’t been an easy one. By not signing the forms, she was handing her complete trust over to Cade. But there was an important fact she could never ignore. Cade had always owned half of Cortez Enterprise, and the knowledge allowed her to see the truth: he really did love her. He truly had nothing to gain by being with her, and while in negotiations with her fallnt Corather, Cade even then managed to protect her heart.

  She’d put herself in Cade’s shoes and tried to picture how he must have felt when her father had approached him. It had never been a question of her father’s love for her. He was overbearing and obviously continued to be even after his death, but she’d understood he just wanted the best for her.

  But after days of missing Cade terribly and replaying it all in her head, she’d gone ahead and ripped up the legal paperwork. She chose to trust him completely.

  She’d left the torn sheets on Cade’s desk in his office while he was at a late meeting. Beside the paper was a note, asking him to meet her at his place.

  And as she waited for him in the bedroom, she desperately tried to get her nervousness under control. The only man she’d ever completely trusted in her life was her father, so this was something entirely new for her. And the most frightening part of it all was giving her heart into Cade’s hands. He had the power to hurt her. But she couldn’t live another day apart from him. She loved him, and when she imagined her future, it was Cade she saw.

  She saw him daily at work, but on Monday she’d asked him to give her some space. And as much as it obviously pained him to do so, he’d done exactly that. She was lost in her thoughts, in her anxiousness, and because of it she didn’t hear him enter the apartment, didn’t see him until he was in the bedroom.


  She looked up as he whispered her name.

  “Cade.” The love he had for her was clear to her in his gaze, and it momentarily stunned her. How could she have ever doubted it? The tears she’d held back slipped down her cheeks. And when he opened his arms, Jazz ran into them. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe in you.” He hugged her to him tightly. This was where she belonged, and it felt perfect.

  “Sweetheart, you’re not to blame for any of this. I was the cause of your uncertainty, and I swear I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

  She shook her head. “It’s time we put it behind us. I’ve missed you terribly.” She pulled back from him and placed her hands on the buttons of his shirt.

  He pulled her tightly against his body and bent his head, then whispered into her ear, “I don’t think I can wait that long.” He slid her skirt up to her waist quickly, ripped her thong off, and maneuvered her onto the bed. “Lie down.”

  She scrambled to obey his request. She kicked off her shoes and when she positioned herself, Cade fell to his knees. She was hot, feverish in her need for him, and when he spread her legs open, she moaned.

�You’re so beautiful, love.” The words were whispered, and she was already on the verge of pleading with him to fuck her when he bent his head and slowly licked her opening. She gripped the strands of his hair as she strained to get closer to him by arching her hips.

  “Please, Cade!” she shouted as he flicked his tongue against her clitoris. Desire heated her blood and rushed through her body. Oh God, she wanted this so much…needed him so much.

  “Cade, I need you inside me.”

  He groaned, then sucked her clit into his mouth. He pushed her to the very edge of ecstasy but didn’t allow her to tumble over. Cade jumped to his feet and stripped his clothing off.

  He placed the head of his cock at the opening of her pussy as he strummed her clit with his thumb. “You don’t know, love, how much I’ve missed this, and even more how much I’ve missed you.”

  His words inflamed her, sending a bolt of craving rushing throu rured ingh her veins. He pushed in slowly, and Jazz swore she could feel every vibration, every line of his dick as he entered her. She wasn’t going to last. And by the way he gripped her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh, and how he gritted his teeth, he was just as close to the edge as she.

  She dug her heels into his back, and he fucked her deeply. She lifted herself to his thrusts, and the feel of his long dick so deep had her biting back shouts of pleasure.

  She pressed her lips to his, and as he opened his mouth, she slid her tongue in. Cade groaned, placing his hand to the back of her neck, pulling her even closer to him so he could delve deeper into her mouth.

  Cade broke the kiss, lifted himself slightly off her as he still managed to fuck her. He slipped his hand between them and stroked her clit. The way he plunged his dick into her, the way he watched her so intently as he rubbed her was too much.

  She gasped his name as she came, her nipples beading tightly as her pussy clamped down around his cock. She closed her eyes, lost in the sensation of him.


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