A Project Chick

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A Project Chick Page 17

by Nikki Turner

  Tressa discovered that it was many issues that came along with the M.M. (married man) ordeal. At that point, as much as she wanted to continue the relationship, she knew she couldn't. She felt they'd developed such a connection, that she considered being undercover with him.

  Maybe just a little more discreet. She knew she deserved more than a being a down-low lover. She owed it to herself.

  Although, she was fully aware of the fact that there was a black male shortage of good men in Richmond.

  Tressa contemplated, what kind of future could I possibly have with this man? In the long run, I'd only be left 156

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  with a broken heart. How would I ever be able to trust this double-crossing, two-timing man anyway? If he double-crossed the one he said, "I DO" to, just imagine what he'd do to me.

  She remembered he said that he didn't love his wife.

  She may have believed him, if she was his girlfriend, but she was his wife!! That was a fact. Tressa continued her thoughts, and reflected on something that Foxy Brown once said, something to the effect of:

  Anybody can be in a relationship for eight or nine years. Anybody can go through struggles with you, anybody can have sex with you. It doesn't take a lot to luck up and have a baby or two with you, BUT a man's GOT to love you if he makes you his wife!!!!!!!!!

  After taking all these things into consideration, she simply said to herself. "Tressa, A GIRL'S GOTTA DO WHAT

  A GIRL'S GOTTA DO!!!" And she ended the relationship with Bill just like that.

  Bill continued to pursue Tressa. Tressa made it clear that it was over between them. Tressa discontinued any contact with him.


  Triple Crown Publications Presents A PROJECT CHICK


  Triple Crown Publications Presents A PROJECT CHICK


  Everything that Glitters

  Ain't Gold

  She wanted to get the film developed quickly from the boys birthday party, because she was anxious to see the pictures. When she approached the one-hour photo stand, there was no one there. She went to the very front of the long line, and nicely asked the cashier. "Excuse me miss, is there anyone working the one-hour photo booth?" People looked very agitated, because there was only one cashier working. The fact that Tressa had walked to the front of the line, practically jumping in front of everybody else, pissed the people off. She overheard the gestures people made, but Tressa blocked them out. She simply said to herself, shoot, I need help in one-hour photo, and I'm not going to stand in this line just to get to the front, and ask for help in one-hour photo. That's crazy!

  The frustrated cashier said. "I'll call someone." And she did. Two girls wearing CVS vests walked up at the same time. One was very petite and timid looking. The other was obese and very sloppy. The petite lady gathered Tressa's film, and asked for her last name. Tressa told her.


  "Ms. Shawsdale, your photos will be ready in one hour, would you fill out an envelope for each roll of film, please?"


  Triple Crown Publications Presents A PROJECT CHICK

  "Sure." Tressa answered, and started filling out the envelopes.

  The obese girl walked up to Tressa, and said. "Ain't your name Tressa?" Tressa said. "Yeah," And never looked up. The girl stood there looking at Tressa from head to toe, with her nose turned up, rolling her eyes with a negative emotion written all over her face. Tressa continued to fill out her photo envelopes, never acknowledging the girl at all.

  "Don't you want to know who I am or where exactly you know me from?" The girl said to Tressa in a stank tone.

  Tressa could sense the tension in the air, although she'd never seen this girl before. Tressa responded. "Yeah, since you insist. I'm sure you were going to tell me anyway."

  "YOU ARE FUCKING MY HUSBAND!!!!" The girl screamed and turned and walked off down the aisle.

  The statement shocked Tressa, as well as every one else, in the long line, waiting to be checked out. They all turned and looked at Tressa in shame. There were two little elderly ladies, both wearing wigs and hats that women usually wear to church, standing behind Tressa waiting to be served at the one-hour photo booth. Tressa shouted to the stout girl. "Excuse Me?"

  One of the two old ladies said. "You home wrecker!" And the other added. "Acting all stuck-up!" The plump girl said. "Did I stutter? I said you fucking MY husband!" As she rolled her neck around, she said. "Don't try to deny it, because I know all about you." Tressa was embarrassed, to say the least. She took a deep breath and proceeded down the aisle after the obese girl.

  The girl was in the shampoo aisle straightening and pulling forward the hair products. "What are you coming down here for? Cause I damn sure don't have nothing to say to you." The girl said, rolling her eyes while continuing to work.

  "Look, I really don't have the foggiest idea what you are talking about?"

  "Yeah, right." The girl said.


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  Tressa thought to herself, what is she talking about, whose wife is this? I know for a fact we couldn't have a man in common. She's got to have me confused with someone else. Tressa spoke in a sure tone, while shaking her head.

  "Look ma'am, I apologize that your man is a cheating bastard. I truly sympathize with you, because I had one of those myself that I was glad I got rid of. Face it, he's a loser and what do you do with losers? YOU LOSE THEM!!" Tressa said, trying to comfort her. The girl only looked at her. Tressa said. "There's been a big misunderstanding, because I don't know your husband."

  "Yes you do." Responded the girl in a frustrated tone.

  "Ma'am what is your husband's name?" Just out of curiosity, Tressa wanted to know, so she could straighten this out.

  She screamed at the top of her lungs to Tressa.

  "Bill, as if you don't know!"

  You could've bought Tressa for a penny at that very moment. She stood there in astonishment. She was shocked that this was indeed Bill's wife. How could this be?

  The way she looked! She was out of shape and had truly let herself go. She was not well groomed at all. Tressa took into consideration that she was at work. She wasn't expecting her to be Versace down while working in a drug store, but there were certain things that a person maintained anyway. Especially with a man as neat and clean cut as Bill was. Tressa expected that his wife would be model material, very pretty, slim, with a flat stomach and a figure to die for. Even if Bill's wife would've been overweight, Tressa guessed she'd be very pretty and neat as a pin. Tressa was fully aware that it's not the flesh of a person that matters, but what's inside. Maybe she did have a wonderful personality, but it was certain things that made Tressa say, hum.

  Wifey was really tacky! Her cornrows looked as though they should've been removed two months ago. She wore glasses that were broken. And taped together with masking tape. She had a Gap T-shirt on that was two sizes too small. Not only could she see the mustard stain on it, her belly was hanging out, because the shirt didn't cover her stomach completely. Her teeth needed dental work 161

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  extremely bad, she spoke with a lisp, and her breath reeked.

  Tressa felt sorry for her. She developed a little compassion for Bill's wife. She explained to wifey, in a very subtle tone. "You know from day one, I never knew Bill was married. There were no indications that he was married.

  The very instant that I found out, I approached him with the information that I'd received. He denied it. After playing a psychological game with him, he finally admitted it and still wanted to pursue the relationship. At that very moment, I broke off the relationship. I haven't had any contact with Bill since. That was over a year ago!" The wifey felt stupid. She was upset at the fact that Tressa was pretty, that she held her head up when she walked. Tressa was everything she wasn't. The whole idea of the way Tressa act
ually pretended she felt empathy for her, pissed her off even more.

  Wifey never looked Tressa directly in her face. She was speechless for a minute. Her voice was very abrupt.

  "Well, it don't matter, because Bill gives me everything. The only thing he could offer you is a wet ass!" Tressa said to herself, l ook you broke down winch, I was trying to be respectful, because after all, you are his wife and I know you must be hurt, but at the same time, don't try to hit me with the low blow!!

  "What makes you come to that conclusion?" Tressa asked while laughing as if it was a joke.

  Wifey responded. "Oh, I get it all, he pays me off like a slot machine."

  Tressa looked at the wife up and down while saying.

  "Oh really? I can't tell!"

  "Well, you wasn't nothing but his little project chick anyway!"

  Oh, those were fighting words. Tressa was about to kick off her shoes and punch those old braids out of wifey's head.

  "Well, honestly speaking, you should have been his project. And Lord knows he had his work cut out for him.

  He should have had the mission to fix your broke down ass up. Boo, it looks like to me that you are the project chick aiming to be somebody's project. You know when you get 162

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  ready for your makeover, the girls over at the Professional Hair Studio does wonders."

  "Well, you know what, since you feel you are the better woman, you can have him." Said the wife.

  "No thanks." Said Tressa. "I'll leave him to you." Tressa was about to turn to walk away, when the wife said. "You can have him because he's a dog anyway."

  "Nah, sweetie. I don't have any room in my life for K-9's." Tressa said.

  "Well, just so you know, I don't want Bill!" The wife said in a hostile voice.

  Tressa laughed right in her face as she asked.

  "Then why did you cause a scene in front of all these people? I know love hurts and you're in denial. I can only pray that you get the strength from your inner self to move on past this whole ordeal."

  The wife said in a harsh tone. "Whatever bitch." Tressa simply looked in wifey's face and took in a mouthful of air. The wife was sure Tressa was about to smack her.

  "Maybe you should consider watching Lifetime, I am sure one of those movies may be therapy." She turned and sashayed away. She thought to herself, I handled that so well.

  Tressa thought about all the times she secretly envied Bill's wife and it was one thought that came to her head. "Everything that glitters ain't gold."


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  Triple Crown Publications Presents A PROJECT CHICK


  The Head Banger

  Taking in all the drama that Tressa had gone through with Lucky and Mr. Bill, Jacko decided to step up to the plate. He started wining and dining Tressa whenever she had free time, and Wiggles or Betty had the boys. They went on friendly outings, but Tressa knew Jacko really liked her.

  He called Tressa and said. "Look, I know your baby father been giving you a whole bunch of drama, and I know you are under a lot of unnecessary stress. So, look, I want to take you away this weekend to Atlantic City." Tressa agreed. She needed a break. Lucky's estranged mother, Betty started coming around to spend time with the boys. At first, Tressa was unsure if she should let the children go with Betty, because she knew the games Lucky played. Also, she had second thoughts about Betty being able to keep her children, because she was fully aware of the way Betty locked Lucky in the closet when he was little. Betty understood and assured her that the children were safe with her. She expressed to Tressa that she had made big mistakes when it came to Lucky and she wanted to make up for them through her grandsons.

  Tressa felt her boys were old enough to tell her if anybody did anything to them. God forbid if they ever came back and told Tressa that Betty did something to them, she'd beat the brakes off Betty. After the boys spent, an hour here and a 165

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  day there, gradually Tressa started letting Betty get the boys on every other weekend. After all, they were her grandchildren and the boys deserved to have a relationship with their grandmother. Betty mentioned to Tressa that Lucky had fathered other children too, but she didn't acknowledge any of the children but the twins. Isn't that something, how a guy's mother is always trying to say whose child is their sons. Like they were actually there when the humping, bumping and grinding was going on, Tressa thought to herself, while Ms. Betty went on and on. Finally, she reminded Tressa that this was the weekend that she got the boys. So, Tressa was clear to go to Atlantic City.

  Tressa was actually looking forward to going to Atlantic City for the weekend with Jacko. She hadn't had any sex, penetration anyway, in almost a year, so she couldn't wait. She thought about how much of a good friend Jacko had been to her and how fine he was!

  Jacko surprised her and purchased a nice Coach duffle bag to put her clothes in, and tried his very best to accommodate her in every way on the ride up to Atlantic City. When Lucky and Tressa had gone on road trips, as soon as Tressa seen they were on the highway, she was out like a light. However this road trip was different, she stayed up and kept Jacko company while he drove. When they stopped at the Maryland House to get gas, she ran in to use the restroom. When she returned, he gave her a Mountain Dew soda, and pulled off from the gas pump to near where the air pumps were located.

  He got out the car and stood near the back of the car. After two minutes, she was curious, hoping that it wasn't any car trouble. As she was about to get out to check on him, he opened the door and got back in.

  "Everything OK?" She asked.

  "Yes, it is."

  "Oh, what was wrong?"

  "I had to smoke. I know how much you hate the smell of Black and Milds and any other smoke so, I just smoked outside."

  How sweet and considerate. Most dudes would be like, it's my car and I'll do whatever I want to do, she's just got to accept it. Jacko had been my friend throughout everything and never ran away from me because of the 166

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  drama in my life. He has his own legit business, although sometimes, I wonder if he did a little hustling. He drives a nice car, spends a lot of money, and flosses like a hustler.

  But, all in all, he's a perfect gentleman.

  Once they arrived to Atlantic City, they checked into Caesar's Palace where Jacko had reservations. Tressa took a shower and changed clothes. They had dinner at a classy five star restaurant located in the hotel.

  Their first stop was the casino. Jacko gave Tressa five hundred dollars to gamble with. She wasn't really a gambler, but she played the games for fun. A waitress walked up and asked her what was she drinking?

  "Strawberry daiquiri." She responded.

  Jacko jumped in. "Look, we came to have fun, so loosen up a bit." Jacko said to the waitress. "Give us a Grey Goose and cranberry juice."

  Tressa didn't realize Grey Goose was vodka, but she tried it anyway. The drink wasn't strong. It wasn't until later, she realized that the cranberry juice is what camouflages the Vodka. After two and a half of those, intoxication snuck up on her. Jacko could see Tressa was getting very tipsy, and being the gentleman he was, he knew the night had to be cut short. He had to get her back to the hotel room, she was in no shape to be out.

  On the way back to the hotel, as the man pushed them in the cart with wheels on the boardwalk, Jacko asked him to pull over. He ran over to a flower stand and bought Tressa a bouquet of white lily's. The gesture was nice, but Tressa was so tipsy, she couldn't give Jacko the reaction that she wanted to. All Tressa remembered, was getting on the elevator to go to the room, and when she awoke the next morning, she was comfortably nestled and tucked in under the covers, wearing her bra, panties and Jacko's T-shirt.

  She slowly sat up in the bed, and to her surprise
, she didn't have a massive headache that drinking any liquor usually would give her. But she did have the smell of liquor all over her body, and that had to come off. Once Jacko felt the bed moving, he asked. "How did you sleep?"

  "Good. Thanks for tucking me in."

  "No problem." Jacko planted a kiss on her cheek.

  "Give me twenty minutes, I'm going to take a shower." She hopped out of the bed, headed over to the 167

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  bathroom as she pulled a wedgie out of her big voluminous butt.

  Once she hit the bathroom, she saw the oversized sunken tub, and decided to take a bath instead. She poured bubbles in the tub, lit votive candles that the hotel provided, and climbed in. Jacko came in to join her. He started fondling her breast and round, juicy butt, and boy was it feeling good! Between the jets, the water and the bubbles, they all combined to make sexing in the Jacuzzi very awkward. So, she told him that she was going to stand up and wash all the soap and bubbles off of her. He grabbed an oversized towel, left the bathroom and laid on the bed to get his manhood right and erect to give her the treat she had been waiting for. He did this by repeatedly stroking himself and thinking of Tressa bent over with her ass in the air.

  Once she was done thoroughly washing her body, she wrapped herself in an oversized towel and headed to the bedroom. Slowly and seductively, she walked over to the bed. She reached to grab the Victoria Secret Pear lotion, and the towel dropped to her feet. Jacko's tongue fell out of his mouth, lusting and wanting all of her. His heart was racing, mouth watering, and body yearning for her, and his penis stood up rock hard. All he could say was. "Come here let me put that lotion on you."

  She handed him the lotion, but she had plans to give Jacko a sexually pleasing treat that she had mastered with the lotion. She knew for a fact it would have Jacko climbing the walls, begging her to stop!


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