Blyssful Lies

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Blyssful Lies Page 2

by J. C. Cliff

  I slowly turn her around, encasing her in my arms from behind, giving her delicate shoulder a quick kiss before I rest my cheek against hers and gaze at the large painting hanging on the wall before us. We both stare at this colorful piece in silence for a moment, studying it. For some reason, she has always been captivated by this piece.

  I had contacted the artist personally about a year ago asking her to name her price for recreating a large-scaled replica of what Julianna had hanging in her dorm room. “Exquisite piece, isn’t it, Princess?”

  Her arm stretches out, and I watch as her long, graceful fingertip touches the protective glass, tracing along the water’s edge. “Yes, it is,” she whispers. “I’ve always enjoyed artwork that moves beyond the paint. I love the mixed media art as it creates such a unique diversity.” She pauses in thought for a few seconds, and then continues, “It’s an amazing process; when I start in one direction, I have a vision of what I want to make, and then the media suddenly shifts, transforming itself into something totally unexpected.”

  “Totally unexpected, stunning, and unique, just like you,” I huskily whisper into her ear.

  “Art is my life. I can’t breathe if I can’t express myself. It unlocks the stagnant doors in my mind, it gives me freedom, and it’s self-gratifying, because it’s something I created with my very own hands.” She turns her head briefly, holding eye contact with me, explaining, “I’d sometimes paint for hours on end, losing all track of time. I’ve even been known to skip meals.”

  She speaks as if she’s in a trance, in another world. She’s in her element talking about art, and her shoulders relax as she shares a part of her world with me. This is the most she’s talked to me without spitting out venom and anger. “This is where I’m most happy,” she taps the clear glass covering the painting with her forefinger, “right here in this world, where every outside force surrounding me fades away, allowing me to capture pure peace and tranquility.”

  She slowly twists her upper body in my arms, meeting my stare. “Thank you for having this made for me. I’ve found so much comfort in it over the past couple of weeks.” Her gratitude catches me off-guard as she’s gone from destroying cakes to saying thank you in a matter of days. I will personally have to thank Travis for his procedural modalities. My eyes flick over hers as I search for an inkling of deception, but I can plainly see she’s being genuine. I run my fingers through the ends of a curled section of her hair, mesmerized.

  “You’re welcome, love,” I breathe in a hypnotic daze. I’m afraid she already has me wrapped around her little finger. My lips turn up, giving her a heart-stopping smile. “Have I already told you how simply stunning you look? Ravishing, actually.” I find my eyes drifting toward the swells of her prominently displayed breasts while I play with the cascading ringlet of blonde hair.

  “You look handsome too,” she says with a coy smile outlining her lips. I’m all caught up in rapt fascination of what I’m seeing, hearing, and touching. Her change of heart seems too good to be true, and her smile ignites a warm glow deep in my heart. “Being sent away to boarding school gave me unique opportunities to study all different types of art.” Her eyes shift back to the painting as she muses over it, and then I notice her smile faltering. “I guess a part of me is surprised to see this painting. I didn’t expect to see the work of one of my favorite this wall. It makes me feel sad in a way, you know?” I watch as her gaze slowly drifts from the painting toward the floor, her voice sounding defeated. “Seeing this piece reminds me I won’t be finishing college, or have the opportunity to paint again.”

  Stepping around her, I face her slumped figure and pull her in close. Placing my finger underneath her chin, I lift her head back so she can see the sincerity in my eyes. “Perhaps with time, Princess, once we iron out the rough spots,” I assure her, “I might allow you to study the arts to your heart’s content and finish your degree. Would you like that?” An audible gasp immediately leaves her lips, and I give her a sly grin. “Despite what you may think, I am not an animal.” I let go of her chin and trail my hand down along the softness of her arm, reaching for her hand. Drawing her delicate fingertips to my lips, I kiss the back of her hand while my intense gaze never wavers from hers.

  “This...this between us could be so good, if you let it.” I study her reaction as I slide my hand around to the small of her back, pulling her in against my hard body. I watch as she shifts uncomfortably in the silence. An afterthought comes to mind, and I reassure her, “I do take care of what’s mine, Princess. If you ever want something—within reason—I will see that it happens.” I cock my head to the side, eyeing her with candor. “I wouldn’t hesitate. Please give us a chance; don’t ruin this happily ever after for us.”

  I watch her long, dark eyelashes blink a few times as she processes my declaration. I close my eyes, my body humming against hers as I relish the feel of her being in my arms. Inhaling a breath, I take in her sultry scent, savoring her.

  Gently, I rest my hand over her left breastbone; the palm of my hand feels her heart beating a mile a minute. It’s music to my ears. Keeping my hand over her heart, my free hand searches for hers, and I place it over my heart. We both stand in front of each other, studying each other, and feeling the other’s heartbeat. “You feel that, love? My heart is beating just as wildly as yours.” I lean in for a tender kiss, but she hesitates, pulling back a few inches. My brow arches in confusion for a second, her reticence making me question her behavior. I know she has an innate ability to fight the Blyss, but surely not now.

  Maybe her mind is still ill at ease; I’m not sure. “Julianna, you’re beyond my wildest dreams, you are an exquisite young woman, and you have to know we were made for each other. I promise I can make you happy.” Her pink tongue slips out to lick her glossy lips, and I can’t help it; I have to have a taste, so I press my lips to hers. When she allows my tongue to slip past her lips, granting me access, I groan.

  Her tongue begins dancing with mine unabashedly, and my heart leaps in my chest. She suddenly nips at my bottom lip, and then slides her tongue over the injury, soothing me. I fucking can’t breathe; her show of desire has me on fire. I pull her body in closer by the small of her back, angling my head so our tongues can explore each other with fervor. Her nipples harden against my chest, and a small whimper escapes from her lips. The more I taste her, the more I need her like my next breath.

  I have to pull back from the scorching kiss, or we won’t leave this room. Breathing heavily over her lips, I let her know, “You have such an effect on me. You do things to me I’ve never felt before. All I can think of during every waking moment is how I have to have you.” I rest my forehead against hers, catching my breath. “My God, there is nothing I’d rather do than skip this party and make slow and passionate love to you, but it wouldn’t be right. My princess has been cooped up for days. Look at you, all dolled up. We can destroy this outfit later, yeah?”

  I slowly take a step back, and find myself having to adjust my cock. Her breathing is rough and ragged as well, and I let out a pained growl. “As much as I would like to claim you this very instant, I won’t. First, we have a party to attend to, and I’d like to see us get along for a change, especially when we’re in the public eye.” I run my thumb over her bottom lip. “I do expect you to exhibit yourself with stellar behavior this evening. Then, if you’re a good girl, we can come back here for dessert.” I grin at her. She hasn’t moved a muscle. “What’s the matter, love? Did I kiss you speechless?”

  She breaks into a coy smile, looks up at me from under those long lashes of hers, and bites her bottom lip. “I guess you did.”

  Reaching out, I gently take her by the elbow. “Shall we?”

  Not a damn thing can stop this forward momentum now. We are on the road to true bliss. I finally have her, and nothing will stand in my way. I close my eyes for a heady moment. One taste, one year, nor one lifetime will ever be enough to quell my thirst of her. I will fucking kill anyo
ne who stands in the way of our future.


  I think I was doing a damn fine job of conciliating Nick, if I do say so myself. Before he first stepped into my room, I heard the familiar sound of my door beginning to open, and then I knew immediately it was him. Once the hairdresser left, she told me to be expecting him in the next ten minutes. My heart pounded in my chest as I kept hearing Travis’ voice in my head, reminding me to assume the submissive position by getting down on my knees. I didn’t even hesitate to kneel; all I could see was Travis piercing me with his emerald blocks of ice, demanding I respect them. God knows I’d do anything to avoid the pain and humiliation that comes with that stupid cross.

  When I knelt down on the kitchen floor, my limbs were literally shaking with fear, because I knew Travis was away on business and wouldn’t be here to run interference on Nick. I’m not sure he would come to my rescue anyway at this point, not since I pissed him off, so I guess I’m left to my own devices, all the while treading on thin ice. I know there will be serious consequences should I misbehave.

  I am all too aware of Nick’s quick temper, and I don’t want to do anything to set him off tonight. When he kept telling me to relax and be myself, I thought he was playing some sort of cruel joke on me. Ever since day one, when he told me he liked naughty girls, I’ve been waiting for him to make his move. I wouldn’t put it past him to set a trap for me to fall into.

  I’m extremely wary of him; I don’t know what’s running through his criminal mind. I don’t want to give him any reason to punish me, and he’s throwing me off track by being extra sweet, which means there has to be an ulterior motive. The confusing thing is he doesn’t need to play games to get what he wants; he proved that the first day I was here.

  When he started talking to me about possibly finishing my art degree, I tried to see him in a different light. Can someone like him truly care about another human being? He’s a conundrum. There’s no way he could care about me to any extent, because true love is selfless. It doesn’t take; it gives. Nick has ruthlessly stripped me of all my freedoms without apology, has drugged me, and currently holds the threat of pain and punishment over my head at the drop of a hat if I don’t capitulate.

  So, of course I was taken aback and confused when he proceeded to tell me if I ever wanted something within reason, he’d give it to me. Doesn’t he realize the only thing I want right now is my freedom, and the very second the opportunity presents itself, I will not hesitate to make a break for it?

  The question rolls around in my head as to why he would offer me the chance to finish my college education. If he thinks he truly loves me and intends for me to fall in love with him, he’s much more delusional than I originally thought. If he actually thinks I could fall for him, especially after all his machinations and devious scheming, then his perception of reality is skewed beyond any help a psychotherapist could provide.

  Nick’s light touch on my elbow pulls me from my inner thoughts, and I have to blink my eyes a few times and force my brain to get back in the game. I’m so nervous; my legs feel wobbly, and these high heels are not helping matters. As we step out into the dimly lit hallway, I slip my arm through his without prompt, because I feel like a newborn filly, seriously unsteady on my feet. Somehow, I can’t help but think this is the calm before the storm, because nothing can go smoothly in this type of situation, and since we’re talking about Nick, it could be the storm of the century. My heart beats double-time with every step I take away from the safety of my little room.

  I haven’t been told where we’re going or what we will be doing this evening. I’m still in conflict with myself, wanting to be my curious self and ask questions, but I refrain from asking anything. The less I say, the less chance there will be for me to have ‘open mouth and insert foot’ syndrome. I figured in a matter of minutes, most of my questions will be answered anyway.

  I peer up at Nick out of the corner of my eye and wonder what’s going through his mind right now, because he looks deep in thought. I notice he’s freshly shaved, and his pores are sickeningly immaculate. His striking facial features and stark jawline are an enigma, and he walks with purpose and self-assurance, while exuding a natural dominance. Any woman would most likely fall flat at his feet, only too happy to be in my shoes if given the opportunity.

  As we round the corner of the long hallway, two sets of elevators line one wall. The adrenaline spikes in my blood stream as I think of ascending into the outside world above. Nick stops us in front of the first elevator and waves his hand once over the sensor; immediately, the doors open without hesitation.

  Nick must recognize my bewilderment, so as he guides me into the empty elevator by the small of my back, he explains, “This particular elevator is reserved specifically for our use. It’s not shared with the other floors above.”

  I observe as his hand reaches out and pushes the number three button, and I watch the number illuminate from behind the small plastic circle with anticipation. As the elevator doors close and it jolts as it starts moving us skyward, I can feel my heart palpitating against my chest with renewed hope and excitement. I’m going to be surfacing from the depths of hell. It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen sunlight, and lost track of time.

  Nick startles me by grasping both my hands. I was so taken by my own thoughts I almost forgot he was with me in this small, confined space. He gives my hands a little squeeze of reassurance and a small smile plays on his lips. He steps into my personal space so I’m forced to face him, and suddenly, the air between us grows thicker; his close proximity has the walls closing in on me as I become hyperaware of everything that is Nick.

  I take a moment for the first time this evening to truly take in the sight of him up close and personal. As he stands before me, his cologne assaults my senses and the sultry look in his eyes gives me pause. Despite who he is, there is just something potent and raw about being on the arm of a rich and powerful man. Everything from his perfectly pressed suit, authoritative gait, intoxicating cologne, and muscular build makes me quiver, and it makes me question my sanity. I watch as Nick returns the favor, his eyes slipping over every curve of my body.

  He closes the distance between us, places his forehead against mine, and takes a deep breath. “You smell amazing.” His thumbs dance across the back of my hands as he softly asks, “Do you like the earrings I bought you?”

  “Yes, thank you,” I murmur. It’s all I can muster as my mind races with thoughts of escape with each floor we pass over. I wonder if there will be an opportunity to yell, scream, or whisper to a stranger for help. How far could I get if I—

  “I’m allowing this little bit of freedom, my sweet, so don’t go ruining it by trying something foolish,” he states as if he can read my mind.

  I shake my head. “I will be good. I promise.” Schooling my disappointment, I refuse to give up hope. I will always be on the lookout, waiting for an opportunity to arise.

  “That’s good to hear, because there is no escape. I’ve got men spread out three blocks wide.” I cringe internally from his declaration. When will I be able to feel the sunshine on my skin again, or breathe in the air of the fresh outdoors? There are so many things I want to say and ask, but I don’t, because I have a feeling the answers will do nothing but stir my temper.

  The elevator comes to an abrupt halt, and my stomach dips from the sudden movement. Once the doors slide open, Nick threads his fingers through mine and guides me out. Even though I know security is tight, I still can’t help the surge of excitement I feel when stepping out of the elevator. I feel like a kid in a fantasy wonderland, seeing things from a different perspective for the first time and not realizing what I had until I lost it.

  As Nick escorts me through a few hallways, I’m surprised to notice the color scheme and wall decorations are the same here as they are downstairs, in what I refer to as the dungeons. We approach a set of oversized, wooden, and ornate doors at the end of the hallway, and of course, there’s a security scan
ner on this door as well. I try not to roll my eyes. Nick waves his hand over the access pad and the doors slowly open, and when they do, my mouth forms a gaping ‘O’ at the sight before me. Ostentatious doesn’t even begin to describe the impressive, luxurious ballroom before me. Because of who my family is, I’ve been around some incredible ballrooms in my day, but none can compare to this display of opulence.

  Nick releases my hand from his and threads it through his inner arm, linking us together. He gives me a reassuring grin, but since this is new territory for me, I can only reply with a halfhearted, shaky smile. We step over the threshold together as a couple and make our way into the ballroom. I look side to side, scanning over the enormity of the room. I’m in pure awe, not to mention this is the largest room I’ve seen in two weeks. “This is magnificent,” I whisper to myself.

  “Yes, my love, I’m glad you think so. It’s a pleasure to have you on my arm this evening. I’m sure to be the envy of every man in this room tonight.” Nick uses his free hand to caresses my arm that’s intertwined with his. “Please, Julianna, let’s make this a lovely evening.” His eyes warn and plead at the same time.

  He’s insinuating I am going to try my hand at escaping. It would be a stupid move on my part, since I’m unfamiliar with my surroundings, and with Travis gone, I certainly don’t want Nick’s wrath should I fail. No, I will bide myself a little more time, create a false sense of loyalty, familiarity, and then perhaps earn the right to have a little freedom as Nick said I could. Then, I’ll begin creating calculated, well-thought-out plans. I realize this’ll be the smartest way to strategize for a successful escape. Now, if I can just keep my temper and mouth under control to gain his trust, I might be home free.

  “No, Nick, I won’t disappoint you this evening. I’m thankful to be out from down under.”

  He smiles warmly at my statement and looks pacified. As we stroll through the ballroom, every eye in the room is seemingly glued to our presence. Everyone is dressed in glamorous gowns, and the men are dressed in high-dollar suits and ties. I almost feel as if I’m a star walking the red carpet while attending an awards event. All the stares, however, are putting me on edge; they’re making me feel uncomfortable. Nick picks up on my apprehension and squeezes my hand. He leans over to whisper in my ear, “It’s okay. All of these people are simply staring at your beauty,” he pauses, “and out of curiosity, wondering who has finally captured my heart once and for all.”


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