The Genesis Group

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The Genesis Group Page 23

by Mike Dagons

  “Were you going for this, Janie?” he pushed it into his own waistband.

  “No, I was going to get the card out my back pocket.” Now she was glad she had put the damn thing in her back pocket.

  “You’re craftier than most females, and I agree that Ryan didn’t show enough appreciation for your talent, but did you really think you could play me like you did Odell?”

  “I wasn’t going to try anything,” she grunted when he started to roughly pat her down to see if she had anymore concealed weapons. When he didn’t find any, he went into her back pocket and got the card. He took it out its sleeve and tested it for the tag that was on the duplicate card. When he saw it was good, he put it back in its sleeve, and then pushed it into the gear pocket on his vest.

  “Thank you for being considerate enough to deliver this to me yourself, Janie. I really do appreciate it,” he got up off her back. “How far are we from your boat?”

  Janie pushed herself up into a sitting position, and started brushing herself off. She glared up at him angrily. He was standing close enough for her to kick him in his balls, but this was Valow. His instinct would be to kill her first, and then grab them.

  “I don’t have a boat, and why did you hit me?” she touched the cut he had opened up above her eye as she got to her feet. She wiped the smear of blood with her hand, and then rubbed it off on her pant leg.

  “You keep lying to me, and I’ll kill you.”

  “Valow, I have a deal with Ryan. I worked with Choc to get y’all the card in exchange for him giving me a pass. I held up my end of the bargain. Now I need to get back to the house before Yeltsin misses me.”

  “Conning a man like Petro Yeltsin is real gutsy, Janie. You know he’s unstable. He’s probably going to kill you when he finds out you stole the card from him. If I was you, I’d rethink going back.”

  She couldn’t believe his psycho ass was talking about somebody being unstable. “I’m not worried about Yeltsin, and I didn’t have a plan to leave tonight.”

  “You don’t have a boat hid around here?” His tone let her know he’d probably already found it, so it was best not to lie.

  “Yes, I do, but I only planned to use it if something went wrong. Everything went according to plan, so I don’t need to make a quick getaway.”

  “Now, I believe a portion of that might be true. What you plan to do when whatever you dosed him with wears off, and he wakes up and discovers you’ve tricked him?”

  “Thanks to the duplicate card, he’s not going to make that discovery until he tries to sell it. By then, I plan to be long gone.”

  “Basin, who has really long arms, is not going to be happy when he finds out he’s been cheated. I don’t suppose you have a plan to escape him, too?”

  “He got paid so he’s out of it, and if by chance he feels that he’s been cheated. He’ll go after Yeltsin, not me. And like I said, I’ll be long gone by then. Whatever happens after this is Yeltsin’s problem, not mine. Genesis gets the card, and I get to live. That is my only concern.”

  “Since you did us a favor and delivered the card, I’m going to give you a heads up. We know you used Bender’s money program to win the bid for Yeltsin. You weren’t the only one who thought of hacking those little computers Basin handed out as gifts. It was smart to wait until the last second to place your bid, but Bender upped it by a cool million just to make sure y’all won. While he was in there, he fixed it so the funds will mysteriously disappear from Basin’s numbered account in about eight hours, give or take a minute or two. The money you used to buy the card will vanish, Janie. Then what will you do?”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Those funds are real, and what I did is untraceable.”

  “Bender piggybacked a worm, or planted a Trojan, or whatever it is you e-geeks call fucking with a thang. He did something to reverse the transaction, and he fixed it so you can’t use the program again. The clock is ticking and it won’t be long until Basin finds out that his multi-billion dollar payoff is nothing but a smokescreen.”

  “Why? That’s not possible!” she mumbled as she realized the ramifications.

  “Did you know that putting that kind of money into circulation can fuck wit’ the global banking system? I admit, I didn’t either, but apparently it can. So, you can see why we can’t let Basin keep it. Well we could, but we ain’t.”

  “I put my life on the line to help you, and you pay me back by setting me up?” she squeaked in horror.

  “You may as well admit that you never intended to play it straight, Janie. You proved that by creeping around here in the dark instead of giving the card to Severe like you were told to do. All we did was beat you to the punch this time.”

  “I told you why I didn’t do that.”

  “Yeah, and you also told Choc that Yeltsin had the best eGeek money could buy. Did you really think Bender was going to let you get away with a statement like that? You stole his program. Let him tell it, that was a carnal sin. Then you went a step further, and boasted about being better than him. You may as well had taken a knife and castrated the man. It was hard as hell to convince him to give you some time to get off the plantation before he snatched the money back.

  “Do you people have any idea what you’ve done?!” she shouted in disbelief. “Do you have any idea what this means?!”

  “It means you may not have as much time as you thought to put some distance between you, and the shit that’s about to hit the fan.”

  “Ryan gave me his word, Valow,” she whined. “I got him the card.”

  “Yes, and that’s why I’m standing here talking to you instead of burying you. Ryan promised you amnesty if you played it straight. You didn’t, so you’re going to have to face the piper. Taking that boat you have hidden in the bushes is no longer an option,” his tone was deadly serious now. “Your new choices are, go back to the house and your boyfriend, or pay the reaper right now. If you choose me, I promise to kill you quickly. Whereas, Basin will probably torture you before he kills you. I know what you’re thinking, Janie. You’ll tell Basin about your connection to Genesis, and say you stole the card for us. It won’t work because Bender has erased your connection to us. No matter how hard he searches, all he’ll find out is you’re Yeltsin’s smart little bitch, and you have been for years,” he drawled. “He even erased your connection to the Bureau, and your brothers.”

  Her mind didn’t want to accept the idea that she had failed to outwit them. “You’re going against orders. Ryan would never consent to a double cross like this.”

  He laughed loudly. “Shit, girl, Ryan told me to handle this however I see fit because he believes in second chances. I say fool me once. I kill you. Now choose, or I’ll choose for you.”

  Janie knew there was nothing she could do to make Valow let her go. She had been so sure her plan was going to work, that she’d encouraged Yeltsin to insist on his fee for brokering the deal upfront. It had been easy to convince him to give her that measly five million because she was using program money to bid for the card. It meant he got to keep the ten billion his backer gave him to bid for it.

  She hadn’t bickered with him about the small percentage of the money he was offering her for her services, because she had a buyer of her own. Genesis had fucked up that plan, but she still had the five million she got from Yeltsin in advance, safely tucked away in an account she’d used false identification to open. She could still have a happy ending, if she was able to get out of there and back to the house before Yeltsin noticed she was gone.

  “You still with me baby? You looking a little pale,” he joked. “I’m through waiting.”

  “I’d like to go back to the house, please.”

  “If that’s your choice, then go ahead,” he sighed like he was disappointed. “Go ahead, get outtá here,” he stepped back.

  She started to walk pass him, and he hit her in her stomach, making her drop to her knees, doubled over in pain. Then he grabbed a handful of her hair, and yanke
d her head back. “I really wanted to kill you. You’re turning out to be one big ass disappointment after another.”

  “Please, you promised,” she groaned. “I swear, I never meant to hurt any of you.”

  “Bullshit! I’m letting you live because I promised Ryan I would let you choose your fate. Not because I believe a damn word that comes out of your lying mouth.” He flung her to the ground.

  She hated Valow so damn much, but she knew she could not win against him like this, but someday... “Can I have my gun back?” she asked.

  “Bitch, are you crazy?”

  “Please,” she screamed. “It belongs to Yeltsin. He’s going to make a fuss if he can’t find it. If he reports it to Basin, he may tighten security. That won’t be good for any of us.”

  He thought about it for a second, and then he pulled it from his waistband. He expelled the clip, and put it in his pocket, and then he cleared the chamber before he tossed it on the ground next to her.

  “Goodbye,” he started to walk away, and then he stopped. “On the off chance that you survive this, you might want to think about relocating to another country and hiding in some cave. If you cross paths with me again, I am going to kill you.”

  Janie pushed herself up off the ground, and started running back through the woods the way she came. While she ran, she tried to come up with a plan to avoid being with Yeltsin when Basin learned he’d been tricked out of ten billion dollars, and his buyer discovered the card he’d paid for was worthless.

  Her plan was ruin, and now she had to find a way to live through this fuck up, if for no other reason than to make Melvin Ryan and Valow pay for getting in her way.

  Chapter 31

  Choc opened his eyes and looked over at Rayce sleeping next to him. If she had a crush on him like Severe said, she was doing a good job of hiding it. He had spent a lot of time with her the last few weeks, and she hadn’t shown any romantic interest in him whatsoever.

  They danced together at the party, and exchanged a light kiss, but that was for appearances, like sharing a bed now. He propped himself up on an elbow and looked down at her. Her makeover made a dramatic change in the way she looked.

  She was wearing a red silk camisole with delicate thin straps. The soft silk material flowed over her breasts revealing the shape of her nipples. They looked like blackberries, and he imagined they would taste just as sweet. He stared at her chest rising and falling with each breath, and he pictured his lips closing around one of her luscious nipples.

  “Good morning,” she said, and burst his fantasy bubble.

  He turned his eyes up from her tempting breasts to her face. “You’re staring,” she said with an amused smile.

  “Sorry, how long you been awake?” he asked.

  “Long enough to start feeling uncomfortable about being in this bed with you,” she chuckled.

  Embarrassed, he closed his eyes and smiled. He had big dimples and thick lips that pulled back over his teeth just enough to make his smile perfectly sexy. He was an even tone smooth dark chocolate from his forehead to the waistband of them bottoms he was wearing, and she couldn’t help wondering if he was the same tone under them.

  “It’s your girl’s fault,” he said, surprising her.

  “Who?” she knew he was talking about Severe because she didn’t have any other female friends.

  “Severe, she told me that you feel some kind of way about me. It’s been on my mind.”

  “Really?” she blushed red.

  Choc leaned over her, and searched her face. When she held his gaze, he slipped his hand under her neck, and raised her head as he lowered his mouth to hers.

  Rayce parted her lips and received his tongue. She had dreamed about his kiss, and it was everything she’d hoped for and more.

  His hand glided down over her breast caressingly, his palm rubbing lightly against her hardening nipple. Rayce pushed her hands up into his hair, and then held his head while he took his time and explored her mouth with his.

  Choc moved his leg in between hers and spread her thighs. The swell of his manhood hard against her thigh made her moan softly.

  Choc moved over on top of her. He pushed his hand up under her camisole, and she gripped his butt, and pulled him closer.

  D’Agon cleared his throat, and startled them both. “Sorry to interrupt. Y’all didn’t hear the knock,” he explained as he turned his back to them, and then walked into the sitting area.

  “You’re not interrupting,” Rayce snapped to attention, and they both rolled out of bed.

  “I need to show the two of you something.” He purposely kept his back to the bed to give Rayce time to get into her robe.

  “Yeah, what is it?” Choc cleared his throat.

  They walked over to where he had his computer open on the marble top desk. They moved in close on each side of him, and looked at the screen over his shoulders.

  “Yeah, what is it?” Rayce asked.

  D’Agon pointed to the red dots glowing on the monitor. “This is the outer perimeter of the plantation, and these are heat signatures.”

  “It looks like a convoy is coming this way,” Choc said.

  “Yeah, by my calculations they should be here in about an hour, maybe less.”

  “You think they’re coming to meet Yeltsin or to attack Basin?” asked Rayce.

  “I don’t know.”

  “So you don’t have any idea who they are?” Choc asked.

  “No, Bender is looking into it. Wait, I’m getting a message from him now.”

  They read it together. The fox is coming to the chicken coop to steal or collect the eggs. I don’t know if you realize it, but there is no phone service in your area at the moment. It’s being jammed from outside. In any case, it looks like a shit storm is brewing, so stay alert. Try to fly the coop, before the farmer sets the barn on fire, lol.

  “Is he serious?” Choc chuckled.

  “Yeah, he’s trying to be funny, but he’s serious. Something is going on,” D’Agon replied. “We need to be ready to leave as soon as the gates open.”

  “There’s a breakfast buffet set up on the lawn, so that might be sooner than we heard,” Rayce said, after she peeped out the window. “I’ll take a quick shower, and meet y’all downstairs.” She glanced at Choc like she wanted to invite him to join her before she closed the bathroom door.

  When they heard the water running, D’Agon turned to him. “I know y’all acting for the cameras, but what I saw when I walked in looked kindá real to me.”

  “It was, and I’m worried I may have fucked up.”

  “You didn’t tell her that you’re engaged?”

  “Nope, and that kiss has me wondering if I should be.”

  “Watch your step, Choc. You have to work with Rayce, and I heard black women can be fiercely mean when you try to play ‘em.”

  “What you know about black women?” Choc laughed. “No, wait, what you know about any women?”

  “As a matter of fact, I know plenty.”

  “You been talking to Blue, ain’t you?”

  “Yes, and he knows a lot about women.”

  “He should, he’s been married four times. I am seriously attracted to Rayce, but I am going to slow it down until I explain my situation.”

  “What is your situation, exactly?”

  “I’m not sure I want to go through with the marriage.”

  “I hear last minute jitters are normal.”

  “Maybe that’s all it is, but I think I need to make sure before I take Rayce to bed, or take a trip to the altar.”

  “I think you’re right. How long you been feeling this way?”

  “I’ve been having second thoughts about the marriage for a minute. Sharon doesn’t like my on call job situation. It’s a real source of tension between us. It’s why I haven’t told her what I really get paid to do.”

  “So your cold feet have nothing to do with that kiss I walked in on?”

  “Nah, but that kiss was a mind changer. There i
s definitely some fire there, and I ain’t going to lie. I’m damn interested in testing it.”

  “If you feel that way, then maybe you ain’t ready for marriage. I agree that you should tell Rayce that you’re engaged, and you should do it before she hears it from someone else.”

  “Are y’all still standing here? I thought we were in a hurry to go?” Rayce grabbed some things out her drawer, and then went back into the bathroom.

  “Don’t cross any lines until you tell her.” D’Agon warned him again. “Come on and shower in my room to save time,” he said, and Choc followed him out the door.

  Chapter 32

  Yeltsin was still asleep when Janie slipped out of bed and went into the bathroom. She had reloaded his gun and put it back last night.

  Her night had been restless. She spent most of it awake plotting a way out of the disaster her foolproof plan had turned out to be. Never underestimate your opponent. She had heard those words a thousand times, but yet it was exactly what she had done.

  She’d left too many things to chance. Now there was no hope of salvaging her plan to steal the card and sell it herself. She admonished herself for stupidly grieving about the money she’d let slip through her fingers, when she should have been focusing on coming up with a plan to get out of Big Foot alive.

  When she got back to the plantation last night, she hurried back upstairs to Yeltsin’s room. A guard questioned her about the cut above her eye, and she’d told him that she had taken a fall in the dark. She assured him that she was fine, and he’d dropped it.

  She had been relieved to find Yeltsin still asleep. She checked her bank account and was relieved again to learn her money was still there. Bender hadn’t found the five million she had stashed away, and that meant she could survive the setback.

  After pondering the problem most of the night, she decided the solution was simple. Blame Basin for the card switch, since Yeltsin didn’t like or trust him.

  All she had to do was convince him that Basin had drugged them both. Yeltsin would retest the card, and find out it was a fake. He would report the double cross to his buyer, and he would go to war against Basin. Maybe the buyer would kill Yeltsin, but that didn’t matter to her. All she had to do was make sure she was safely out the reach of all parties when they discovered the truth. She was confident that she could make that happen.


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