The Genesis Group

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The Genesis Group Page 33

by Mike Dagons

  Vectra didn’t know whether he actually saw her or if he was just trying to get her to admit to it and confirm his suspicions. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lied.

  “Did you hear me say I saw y’all? It means I saw her eating your pussy, and I’ll admit it looked like she was better at it than me. She got you to show a little enthusiasm. It’s something I sure ain’t ever been able to do.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Nah, not anymore I’m not. You planning a vacation with that bitch, and you got the audacity to be upset about what you think is going on between me and Kenyah. You a fake ass bitch!”

  “I’m not having an intimate relationship with her! We’d both had too much to drink that night, and decided to rent a room instead of driving home. She talked me into letting her show me how lesbians have sex.”

  “Lucky for you she carries that big dick sex toy in her purse. I don’t think you would have had as much fun without it,” he chuckled derisively.

  He’d blindsided her with knowledge of her affair, and even though she was fully dressed, she felt naked. “You really think that I’m seeing someone else? Is that why you slapped me around last night?”

  “I didn’t slap you around, even though we both know I had a right to.”

  “You don’t have a right to put your hands on me!”

  “How many times have you hit me?”

  “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

  “It sure in hell felt right. I know you don’t believe it, but I’ve always known I have a right to defend myself, and since it looked like you were taking on the man’s role part of the time with that chick, you lucky I didn’t hit you like you’re one.”

  “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, Desmond,” she huffed.

  Desmond walked up on her, forcing her to take a few steps back. “I worked my ass off to please you, and give you whatever the fuck you wanted. I have wasted ten years of my muthafuckin’ life being committed to this bullshit marriage! I treated you like a fucking queen. All of the sacrifices I made to keep you happy didn’t earn me anything from you but contempt. You didn’t even have the decency to tell me you didn’t want me. You let me sit around here and dry up waiting for you to show me a little affection while you were out fucking a bitch.”

  “It only happened one time, and I told you that I was drunk when it did.”

  “I don’t give a fuck how many times it happened. You was not letting me, your faithful husband, touch you. Don’t get me wrong, I thank you for it. But I will not put up with you calling Kenyah a hoe, and I will not let you make me feel guilty for wanting her.”

  “What about our family, Desmond. Our boys, our marriage is important to me.”

  “Too bad you fucked it up! I’m taking the boys on that vacation next month. You can go ahead and take the trip with your girlfriend if you want.”

  “I want to go with y’all like you planned.”

  “It’s up to you,” he walked back over to the door and unlocked it.

  “I thought you locked the door because you wanted to make love while we have a minute alone.”

  “Nah, the truth is. I don’t want to touch your nasty ass.”

  “So, you’re filing for divorce?”

  “No, I’m going to stay here and raise my boys, and I’m going to beat your ass every time you fuck with me,” he promised, and then walked out the door.

  Vectra stood there staring in shock, not able to believe that he was actually turning down an opportunity to have sex with her.

  For the first time, it occurred to her that she may have gone too far, and taken him for granted one time too many. “I have to fix this,” she whispered to herself, and then followed him up the stairs.

  Chapter 6

  It was Friday night, and Kenyah had gone home to a hot meal every night this week. Trent had a few weeks off the job, and he was using it to make up for lost time. He was being very attentive, surprising her with gifts, preparing romantic dinners, and investing serious time and effort into starting a family. One night he even rented a movie, and popped popcorn in a skillet, and they necked on the sofa like teenagers.

  It was no more going home to an empty house for her. She felt like Cinderella must have after she landed the prince. She was walking on clouds, and she wondered what her prince had planned for her tonight. Kenyah couldn’t wait to get home and find out.

  It was looking like her marriage was back on track, and all the bad shit was behind them. Trent hadn’t mentioned Desmond once, and she hadn’t either. He was completely focused on making theirs a happy home, and she was fully committed to doing her part to keep it that way. So when Desmond called, she didn’t answer. When he left her a message, she deleted it.

  She had even been waiting in the ladies room until the floor cleared, and then she was taking the stairs down instead of the elevators to avoid running into him.

  He was not being easily dissuaded, but he wasn’t a stalker. She knew at some point she’d have to face him and make it unequivocally clear that it was over. He would respect that, but she didn’t trust herself to be alone with him just yet. He had sex appeal, raw animal magnetism that made her wet whenever she was near him. He turned her on, and she needed to give the memories of how great it felt to be in his arms time to dull in her mind. So she planned to continue to avoid him until she got a handle on her emotions because she loved her husband. They had been given a second chance, and she was not going to be the one to fuck it up by giving in to temptation.

  The floor was quiet, so Kenyah came out the bathroom. She opened the door to the stairwell, and started down. The hall was dim and empty as always, so she was surprised when she suddenly heard the voice behind her.

  “Want some company while you walk?”

  “Desmond, what are you doing here?”

  “I’m looking for you. Why are you avoiding me?” He took hold of her arm and stopped her from walking.

  Kenyah just stood looking at him. He wasn’t wearing his suit jacket or a tie like he usually did. His shirt collar was opened a few buttons, and he was wearing jeans that hugged him in all the right places. “Casual Friday,” he said, reading her puzzled expression.

  “I love my husband, Desmond. I wasn’t lying when I said I’d never done anything like we did before.”

  She was the first woman he’d met in ten years who had been able to make him forget his wedding vows. Oddly, she hadn’t even been trying.

  “I’m not asking you to leave him. I’m only asking for some of your time. I’d like to get to know you better.”

  “I have to go,” she started down the stairs.

  He reached out and grabbed her, and this time he pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry your husband found out, but it doesn’t change how I feel. I still want to see you,” he kissed her temple.

  Kenyah pushed her hands against his chest, forcing him to release her from his embrace. “I can’t, we can’t… I don’t know what I was thinking when I let you make love to me like that.”

  “You were thinking that you wanted me as badly as I wanted you. I still want you, Kenyah,” he held her chin and turned her face from side to side, taking a closer look at the faint bruise her makeup was failing to conceal completely.

  “I like you, Desmond, but I love my husband,” she pushed his hand away, and started down the stairs again.

  Desmond grabbed her arm and made her slow down and pace her steps with his. “Do you really love him, or are you just comfortable with him?” he stopped her again. “You told me that you were unhappy in the marriage. I’m offering you a chance to step outside of your comfort zone, and try on happiness. Give me a chance and see how well we fit.”

  “That’s all changed. Trent is not going to be working long hours anymore. He’s making a real effort, and I’m going to give him a chance to make things right between us. I owe it to both of us.”

  “I hear you, and I know what you’re saying is right. I know I should walk away from t
his…want to walk away, but for some reason I can’t. I can’t explain…” why my dick gets hard whenever I look at you, he wanted to say, but decided against it. “I can’t explain the desire I have for you or why it drives me the way it does,” he said instead.

  He was so damn likable, she couldn’t help smiling. “Trent carries a gun, you know?” she teased.

  “I’ll take a bullet for you.”

  He was so close she could feel the heat radiating off him. “Please, let me love you?” he lifted her chin and planted his mouth on hers.

  He kissed her tenderly, and when she kissed him back, he let his hands roam. “I want you so damn bad,” he moaned.

  He lifted her short skirt, and moved his hand inside her panties and felt the creamy wetness. “Let me love you,” he pleaded, while busily unfastening his pants with his other hand.

  “It’s not love,” she protested between panting breaths, but she didn’t ask him to stop.

  “Then let me fuck you,” he smoothly replaced his fingers with his manhood.

  Desmond buried his length in her with one intoxicating thrust. If she only wanted to fuck, then fine. He’d take what he could get.

  He forgot about where they were, and he fucked her. He forgot about being gentle or considerate, and just fucked her. He rocked her against the concrete wall, grinding and driving himself harder and deeper. Driven by unbridled desire, and enjoying the feel of her trembling from his touch, he bathed in her amazing warmth.

  She begged him not to stop, pleaded for more, and he gave her more. Giving all he had to give, he fucked her and fucked her until she cried out his name, and made promises she couldn’t possibly keep.

  He worked it until it drained all of his energy, and his mind went as limp as his body. He didn’t dare close his eyes, or he was sure he’d fall asleep standing up.

  “I don’t want to stop,” he moaned. “Please, say you don’t want it to stop,” he kissed her hair.

  “This is so wrong, and I feel so damn guilty for wanting you anyway. I cannot keep doing this.”

  “I’ll admit that I was feeling real guilty about it at first, too, but now that I’ve had time to think, I realize you are just what I need.”

  “I can’t leave Trent.”

  “I don’t want to interfere with your marriage, but I won’t pretend I don’t want you. I want you, Kenyah, and I will have you every chance I get.”

  She didn’t bother to answer him. She pushed him aside and ran down the stairs. Desmond ran after her, and when she burst through the doors to the lot, he was right behind her, but the men in the van were quicker.

  It came to a screeching halt in front of her, as she stepped off the curb. They snatched her up and sped off before he could reach them.

  Chapter 7

  Trent was setting the table for dinner. He had broiled steaks and roasted dill potatoes, and peach pie for dessert tonight. He placed the cut flowers he’d purchased from the local grocery in the center of the table, and was about to light the candles when his cell rang.

  “I presume that you’re calling to tell me you’re on your way home to me,” he answered sexily.

  “They took her!”

  Trent’s blood ran cold when he heard the panicked voice of a man instead of Kenyah’s. “What…who is this and why do you have my wife’s cell?”

  “It’s Desmond, Desmond Fox. The man you saw Kenyah with,” he rushed through the identity. “I just saw two men scoop Kenyah up and throw her in the back of a white van. They took her right in front of me, man!”

  Trent was already moving to his closet safe to get his gun. “Did you call 911?” he asked as he entered the combination to unlock it.

  “No, I called you first. I wasn’t thinking. I’ll call them now.”

  “No, no! Wait…don’t call. I have a call coming in, it may be them. Can you hold on? Please hold.”

  “Yeah, answer it.”

  Trent pushed a button to accept the incoming call, and the first thing he heard was Kenyah’s scream. “Don’t hurt her!” he shouted. “Tell me what you want!”

  “You know what I want, detective.”

  He recognized the voice, and fear ripped his heart apart. Lincoln Scott was a direct descendant of Aboriginal Australians. He spoke English, but it carried the accent of his native land.

  “Lincoln, let her go. I’ll do whatever you want,” he promised.

  “I know that you will, or I’ll peel your precious wife like a delicate grape, nice and slow.”

  “What do you want, goddammit?! Tell me, and I’ll do it!”

  “You’re going to get a text when I end this call. Go to the address and wait to hear from me. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you not to call for backup, and to come alone. You know what will happen to Kenyah if you decide to play hero?”

  “I’ll come alone, I promise.”

  “Good boy,” he ended the call abruptly.

  Trent got the text with the location, and then he switched back over to Desmond. “Listen to me carefully. You cannot call the police.”

  “You know the people that have her, don’t you?” he asked. “It’s related to your job.”

  “Yes, and I’m going to need your help.”

  “My help, what can I do?”

  “I’ve been instructed to meet them alone at this address. Write it down,” he said, and then recited it. “I know these people, and if I don’t follow their instructions and come alone, they are going to kill her.”

  “Man, you need real backup, not a civilian.”

  “I thought you cared about her.”

  “I do, and it’s why I’m more than a little bit concerned about you going in there alone. Suppose they kill you as soon as you’re through the door? Suppose they’re just waiting for you to get there so they can kill her in front of you? I don’t think you should go alone, and you definitely need more than my inexperienced ass to back you up.”

  “I know these people, and they are probably going to kill her anyway, but not until they get what they want from me.”

  “And what is that, exactly?”

  “Evidence that will send Lincoln Scott away for a long, long time.”

  “Lincoln Scott, the big time drug dealer they arrested a few weeks back? Damn man, you were involved in that? They took her to keep you from testifying?”

  “It’s not my testimony that they are trying to stop. I have solid evidence, and I’m the only one who can make it disappear. Trust me; they will keep us both alive until I get it for them.”

  Desmond only had to think about it for a second. He couldn’t just walk away without trying to save her. “Okay, what you need me to do? I’m in the parking lot at the job. You picking me up, or do you want me to meet you someplace?”

  Trent breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that it was foolish, but hearing that Kenyah had been abducted from work was comforting. When Desmond told him she was taken in front of him, he couldn’t help wondering if they were at the Holiday Inn when it happened. Thinking about her that way was not productive, so he put it out of his head and focused his thoughts on getting her back alive.

  He was sure Lincoln had eyes on his building, and he was probably going to be followed as soon as he stepped outside. He should have anticipated the push back, and taken better safety measures to protect her, but he hadn’t. The fact that his mistake could possibly cost them their lives was not a scenario he could accept, so he had to ask for help from the last person in the world he wanted to ask for help, his brother.

  Involving Desmond further was something else he didn’t want to do. The man was not only a civilian; he was his rival for his wife’s heart.

  In the past year, Trent had become an expert at hiding his true feelings. He didn’t believe the relationship Kenyah had with Desmond was innocent. He had seen the way they looked at each other. He had hid his true feelings about it so they could all move on, but now he was inviting him back into their lives by asking for his help.

  He was asking Desmond to
work as his partner, and to trust that if he got into trouble, he would ‘serve and protect,’ him just like he would any other civilian. The problem was he wasn’t sure that he would lift a finger to keep the man from being killed. Hell, he wanted to shoot him himself. It was wrong to ask him to put his safety on the line, but he was asking anyway because he had no other options. He needed to contact his brother, and the only contact information he had for him was an address.

  “I want you to go see a man named, Charles Baltimore. His building is very secure, and you’ll need this passcode to get inside to him,” he rattled off the ten digit code. “Tell him that his little brother needs a lift. Use those exact words, and then give him the address that I’m going to.”

  “Is that all you want me to do? Deliver a message to your brother. Who is he, and how can he help?”

  “Desmond, if the men who took Kenyah saw you, you may be in danger. If they can’t find you, then they’ll use your family to make you come to them. It’s what they do.”

  Aware that the information could make Desmond rabbit, Trent thought long and hard about not telling him. But in the end, his conscience wouldn’t let him sit on it. He might not lift a finger to help Desmond, but he couldn’t let him put his family’s life on the line too.

  “So you think they’re going to come back for me. If I go home, I get my family killed. If I don’t go home, I get my family killed. This guy that you’re sending me to, can he help me with that?”

  “Yes, the problem is, I haven’t talked to him in years, and the last time I did, he was mad with me. He may not be willing to help.”

  “Then why you wasting time sending me to him?”

  “I ain’t got no other options, man,” his tone was pleading.

  “Can’t you go to your fellow detectives for help?”

  “The call I got was from Lincoln Scott. He is in a federal lockup, yet he was able to make a call to my cell after midnight. Just like his money buys him special privileges in jail, it’ll buy him special favors in the CPD. I can’t trust anybody with this because if I make the wrong choice, he’s going to have my wife killed.”


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