Road to Desire

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Road to Desire Page 10

by Piper Davenport

  “Or… ” Kim said.

  “Or, he drops us off somewhere else and we either walk or cab it back to Blush.”

  Kim giggled. “You really want to play that game early in your relationship?”

  “Please, if he keeps going like this, there isn’t going to be a relationship.”

  “Well, I’m up for whatever. I really do want to try for Blush, though.”

  “Me too,” I said. “Okay, it’s sorted. I might call you later to fake make plans, you good with that?”

  “I got your back, Dani. Always.”

  “This is why I love you best,” I said.

  She giggled. “Okay, I’m going for a run. Love you.”

  “Love you too.” I hung up, finished my bagel, and was downing my last gulp of coffee when Austin walked back in. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” he said, but I didn’t believe him. He looked pissed. “But I have to go.”

  “Okay. See ya.”

  “Don’t be like that, Dani.” He frowned. “Just trust me on the Blush thing.”

  “You got it, buddy,” I quipped, and stood.

  He narrowed his eyes and gripped my chin, albeit gently. “Don’t go thinkin’ you’re gonna do anything stupid, babe.”

  “Oh, but you said I’m not stupid, so how could I possibly do anything stupid?”

  “Do I need to put a recruit on you?”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “Have someone watch you.”

  I gasped and pulled out of his grip. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would if I felt I needed to.”

  “You know you just erased the experience of a sweet morning breakfast with me regretting I let you in my house because you’re being the biggest dick on the planet.”

  “When you see mine, babe, you’ll see how right you are.”

  I snorted. “You’re disgusting.”

  “Unfortunately for you, I can’t stick around and show you just how fun disgusting can be. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  “Don’t bother,” I snapped.

  He chuckled, sliding his hand to my neck and pulling my head forward. “Eight o’clock, baby.” He kissed me quickly and then he was gone.

  I stood next to my couch and stared at the door, debating on whether or not I was going to throw something at it. In the end, I locked up and put a new plan into motion. Austin Carver was going to find out just how dangerous the wrath of Dani could be. Starting with me not being at his beck and call. Jerk!

  KIM PICKED ME up at seven and we decided to grab dinner before we headed to the club. My best friend could only be described as perfect. There really was no other way around it. She was tall, almost five-foot-ten, with legs that went on for miles and the ability to wear anything as though it had been made for her. She had long dark hair that never dulled… ever. Big brown eyes and full lips that any woman would die for, and a super sweet way about her. She was as close to me as Emily was, and for all intents and purposes, I considered her my other sister.

  Tonight she wore a little black dress that ended just below her butt. How she sat without flashing anyone, I have no idea, but she was a pro at it. Her four-inch Jimmy Choos were silver and strappy and gorgeous, and she wore several varying shades of silver bangles on her left wrist. With her big hair and smoky make-up, she looked more runway model than fitness instructor, and normally, I’d feel ugly beside her. But tonight I didn’t.

  I wore a clingy black dress that was low cut… and I mean, low. The hem fell just below my knees and my three-inch black ankle boots did incredible things for my calves. I was all about accentuating the positive and thank God for spanx, because everything was where it was supposed to be. I had curled my hair in waves and it hung down perfectly with the help of copious amounts of hairspray, and my big hoop, silver earrings were just enough bling to pull the whole thing together.

  As we arrived at the restaurant, I was liking the looks a few men were giving us and I was no longer seething with righteous anger by the time we sat down to eat… just smug with having thwarted my nemesis.

  “So, let me get this straight,” Kim said. “You’ve made some drop dead gorgeous biker fall in love with you, pissed off said biker, and thrown down the wrath of Dani all in less than a couple of weeks.”

  I giggled raising my pomegranate martini in a toast. “Yay me.”

  She tapped her glass to mine and laughed. “I cannot wait to meet this guy.”

  “Huh-uh.” I shook my head. “You’re not going to meet him, Kimmie.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “Because I’m not dating some guy who treats me like chattel. I’m a grown woman, not some little girl who has to do what my big, bad man tells me to.” I sipped my drink. “Hell, no. Not gonna happen.”

  “Amen, sista,” Kim retorted.

  Our dinner arrived and we giggled through our meal. For the first time in a while, I wasn’t feeling like the world was on my shoulders. It was awesome. We grabbed a cab from the restaurant to the club and arrived just as people were beginning to line up.

  “Perfect timing,” I said.

  Kim linked her arm with mine. “Totally.”

  We walked up the stairs behind two of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. They were denied entry and my heart dropped. If they couldn’t get in, there was no way in hell we were going to.

  I handed the bouncer my ID and he glanced at me, then back at the ID. The other guy took Kim’s. The men shared a look and then the door was opened for us.

  “Welcome,” the smaller of the two said.

  “Seriously?” I blurted.

  “Thanks,” Kim said quickly, and pushed me inside.

  “I can’t believe we’re in,” I said, and grabbed her hand.

  “I picked up on that when you almost made the bouncers change their mind.”

  I giggled. “I did not.”

  She grinned and we walked further into the club. A half-dressed woman led us to a booth in a corner facing the dance floor. She wore a teeny-tiny black mini skirt with a blood red top that tied at her neck and left her midriff bare. Her bright red stilettos oozed sex appeal, but all I could think was how she managed to stay on her feet all night. I was already dying in my boots.

  I took a minute to take in the space. It was swanky for sure, with red booths, deep mahogany wooden tables and two bars downstairs. Roped off stairs led to the exclusive VIP area that reportedly only the rich of the rich, and/or celebrities were ever granted access.

  The dance floor’s tiles lit up with multi-colored lights, while the DJ sat on a dais above the dance floor and was currently playing some God-awful dub step piece.

  We slid into the booth and the server took our drink order. I leaned over to Kim and raised an eyebrow. “I thought it would be different in a weird way.”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I’m hoping we’re not going to have to listen to this crap all night. I’ll lose my mind.”

  I giggled. “Me too.”

  The server returned with our drinks and smiled. “Compliments of the gentlemen sitting over there,” she said, and pointed to the booth across the dance floor from us.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  The men were cute. Both clean cut, both dark haired. Both dressed in tailored suits, sans ties. One was sporting the perfect amount of stubble on his face to give him a hint of sexy and mysterious, while the other was clean-shaven.

  Neither of them made me think of Austin. Not at all. They didn’t make me think of his face that was soft to the touch, or the fact that just that morning, he’d obviously not had the chance to shave, so he left my mouth deliciously chafed. They didn’t make me think of the jeans that fit him perfectly or the smell of his leather cut when I’d dropped my cheek to his chest. I was well and truly perfectly capable of putting all my thoughts of Austin “Booker” Carver out of my mind.

  We took the drinks and tipped them toward the men in thanks and then sipped.

  “Wow, that’s a cocktail,” Kim said, and set
her drink down.

  “Yes, yes, it is.” I felt my purse buzz and opened it to locate my phone. “Well, looky here. Six missed calls from Austin… oh, and… ,” I giggled, “… a couple of very irritated texts.”

  “Seriously?” Kim sipped her drink again.

  “Yep. ‘Where are you?’, ‘What the hell, Dani,’ etcetera, etcetera.” I giggled again. “I hope this teaches him a lesson. I am not a woman to be messed with.” My tipsy mind was making me quite self-assured, and I threw the phone back in my purse and focused on my drink again.

  The song changed and I gasped. “I love this song! Let’s dance.”

  I dragged Kim on to the dance floor where several other people were congregating. I was apparently not the only one who loved this song. What could I say? Pink was always a good dance choice.

  I don’t know how long we stayed on the floor. At least three songs, before I was feeling stifled by the body heat and in desperate need of water. We made our way back to the table and our server brought us both water and fresh drinks. Again, compliments of the gentlemen across from us.

  This time, however, they made their way to our table and slid in beside us.

  “Ladies,” the one with the stubble crooned to me. His friend sat next to Kim, leaving us in the middle and each of them on the ends. Ergo, we had no escape. We were pinned in.

  “Hi,” I said, nervously.

  “I’m Derek,” clean-shaven guy said.

  “And I’m Aaron.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said. “I’m Dani and this is Kim. Thank you for the drinks.”

  Aaron smiled at me. He had a smooth yet sleazy quality about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. “Our pleasure,” he said. “You girls here for anything special?”

  I shook my head. “Girls’ night out.”

  Kim was noticeably silent. Totally unlike her, but when I looked her way, she appeared to be warding off Derek, who might as well have had eight arms with how successful she was being.

  I looked back at Aaron. “I’m sorry, but we really came here for some girl time, so thank you for the drinks, but would you mind leaving us alone?”

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You came here lookin’ to meet, and we’re meetin’, so we’ll buy you a couple more drinks if you need them, but we’re not going anywhere.” He ran his hand up my thigh.

  I shoved him away. “You disgusting pervert. You think because you bought us drinks that, might I remind you, neither of us requested, you are due some form of reward?”

  “Bitch, you need to learn better manners.”

  “I believe the lady asked you to leave.”

  I gasped at the sound of the familiar voice, but when I caught a glimpse of Austin, he wasn’t in his signature jeans and cut, he was in a suit that looked expensive. Like Armani kind of expensive.

  “Who the hell are you?” Derek demanded.

  “We’re the ladies’ dates,” came another voice. Mack revealed himself by walking around Kim’s side of the booth, also dressed in a dark suit, complementing his blond hair and adding a whole new level to his sex-appeal.

  “Yeah?” Aaron sneered. “Well, we got here first.”

  That was the last thing either of them said, as Austin grabbed Aaron, and Mack grabbed Derek. They yanked them from the booth and shoved them to the back. The whole incident took less than a minute and Kim and I were left our mouths agape, and my heart racing with a nervous intensity.

  “Who the hell were they?” she asked.

  “Austin and Mack,” I replied.

  “I thought you said they were bikers.”

  I groaned. “They are!”

  “Holy shit, Dani. You didn’t say they were hot.”

  “Um, I believe I did.”

  “But you didn’t say they were hawt!”

  “Hey, Kim,” I droned. “Austin and his friend are hawt.”

  “No kidding.”

  Before I could comment further, my arm was squeezed and Austin was standing beside me again. “Come with me.”


  “Dani,” he warned.

  “What are you doing here?” I demanded.

  “Come.” He tugged on my arm, pulling me toward him. “With. Me.”

  “No. I’m here with Kim and we’re having a good time.”

  “Being pawed by a couple of grade A douchebags is a good time?” he challenged.

  “We could have handled it,” I said with a little more confidence than I felt at the time.

  He leaned forward so his mouth was against my ear. “Get the fuck out of the booth and come with me Dani, or I swear to God, I will remove you.”

  I gasped and glanced at Kim who was being schmoozed by Mack… the traitor. He did look frickin’ delicious, but still, she should have been as mad as I was.

  Austin held out his hand and I slid from the booth, ignoring him, and stepping toward Kim. “Hi, Mack. You look really nice.”

  “Thanks, babe,” he said, sending smirk over my shoulder, and then focusing back on me again. “So do you.”

  Austin’s hand settled on my lower back and I was being guided (pushed) to where he wanted me to go, which was toward the back of the club. He walked me down a dimly-lit hallway and through the fourth door on the right (I know this for sure, because I counted).

  The room was surprisingly warm with the same mahogany finishings as the club, but instead of the red leather booths, there was an overstuffed sofa, flat screen television and a desk in the corner. I heard the door click behind me and I turned to face Austin. “Where’s Kim?”

  “Mack’s taking her home.”

  “What? Why? You have no right to blow up girls’ night, Austin.”

  He crossed his arms and frowned. “I told you not to come here tonight, Dani. Told you I’d pick you up and take you anywhere else you wanted to go. What the fuck?”

  “It’s a nice place. I don’t know what your problem is. We got in, which is somewhat of a miracle to begin with, so I was looking forward to having a good time.”

  “You got in because I let you in.”

  “What?” I squeaked.

  “The Dogs own it, babe. I run it.”

  “What?” I repeated.

  He sighed. “I told Tommy and Tiny to watch for you and Kim.”

  “What?” I threw my purse on the sofa. “So are you saying you’ve known who I was all along?”

  “No, babe. I have one rule. No good girls. So you would have been denied access because my team is good. Better than good. And they would have seen you coming from a mile away. No one looked close enough at you for your name to raise any red flags. Harris isn’t an uncommon last name and your father and brother work out of Washington.”

  He had a point.

  “So, they don’t know I’m a cop’s daughter?”

  “They do now.”

  “Is that why you’re here? To make sure I don’t tell my daddy?” I snapped.

  “You’re here, because tonight’s the worst fucking night for you to be here.”



  “Business. I get it.” I scowled. “God, Austin, I’m so frickin’ sick of hearing that.”

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Yo.”

  I hadn’t even heard it buzz. I stomped my foot in frustration. I guess our conversation was over.

  “Yeah. Two minutes.” He hung up. “Wait here. Got me?”

  “What? No. I’m not a child, Austin. You don’t get to leave me here like I’m being relegated to the principal’s office.”

  He swore and stormed out of the office. I moved to follow but the door was locked. I let out a frustrated squeal and kicked the door, only managing to stub my toe.

  “I swear to God, Austin Carver, I’m going to castrate you,” I yelled at the door, and then flopped onto the sofa and pulled my phone from my purse to call Kim.

  “Hey, honey,” Kim said.

  “Hey, where
are you?” I asked.

  “Just crossed the bridge.”

  “I’m so sorry Austin’s such a killjoy.”

  Kim chuckled. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m totally fine, hon. Seriously, it’s all good. I’ll call you tomorrow okay?”

  I frowned. Was she blowing me off too? “Um, okay.”


  She hung up and I sat staring at my phone for several seconds before chucking it back into my purse. My girdled middle was uncomfortable, so I wrestled my Spanx from my body, then I unzipped my boots and slid them off. My toe was throbbing now, but I stood and decided to investigate the space.

  A pocket door led to a spacious bathroom, complete with shower and fluffy towels. I wondered how often Austin stayed here long enough to shower. I walked back into the office and through another door to find a bar set up with several chairs surrounding small tables. What had me spellbound was a large picture window that overlooked the entire club. I didn’t remember seeing it when I was out there, so wondered if it was a one way mirror.

  I’m not sure how long I stood watching the club goers, hearing nothing but my own breathing, but Austin’s arm wrapping around my waist startled me and I jumped.

  He kissed my temple. “Sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I pulled away from him. “I want to go home now. Will you call me a cab?”


  “Why not?”

  “I’ll take you home, but I can’t leave just yet. We’ve got a situation and I don’t know how long it’s gonna take.”

  “Which part of I want to be alone are you not picking up on?”

  He slid his hand to my neck and tipped my chin up with his thumb. “You and I have things to talk about. I get that. But you’re not leaving without me, Dani, so accept that now.”

  “God, you make me so frickin’ crazy!”

  “And you’re a pain in the ass.”

  “So, let me leave!”

  He stared at me and then his mouth covered mine slowly. I was so wound up, I reacted with pure unadulterated lust, opening my mouth and deepening the kiss, while moving my hands to his hair. When his hand pulled my dress up and slid between my legs, I whimpered with need. He slid my panties aside and slipped his fingers inside of me while working my clit with his thumb. “Fuck,” he rasped. “You’re so wet.”


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