Ménage of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Ménage of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Bella Settarra

  Sirens and Sailors 4

  Ménage of the Siren

  Ademia loves Farris and Dr. Jay as much as they love her, though none will admit it. When Farris breaks his promise and both men seemingly abandon her on the mainland with no way to get home, she feels she was wrong about them. Ill and alone, she reluctantly finds herself in the arms of Palben, a man she considered a friend. When it transpires that Palben believes she is a prostitute and aims to make money from her, she realizes her life is in serious danger.

  Jay is arrested and locked up after his alleged sexual assault on a nurse who is intent on discrediting him and ruining his career and his life.

  Farris resolves to find Ademia and free the doctor in order to cement his "family" together. But can Farris keep them all together when Ademia is later taken critically ill on Refrainia while he and Dr. Jay are miles away on Eastland, fighting for Jay’s future?

  Genre: Fairy Tales/Myths, Fantasy, Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 44,744 words


  Sirens and Sailors 4

  Bella Settarra


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour

  Ménage of the siren

  Copyright © 2014 by Bella Settarra

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-538-5

  First E-book Publication: April 2014

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  To Jessica

  Listen to your heart, follow your dreams, believe in yourself.

  I love you, babe.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author


  Sirens and Sailors 4


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter 1

  “You have got to be kidding!” Ademia’s pretty face turned quite red with indignant rage.

  “No, little lady, we’ve moved all your clothes over and you’re staying right here,” Farris had a righteous smirk on his face, as he proudly announced their new living arrangements.

  “So I don’t get any say in this at all?” She was seething now.

  “’Fraid not, baby, it’s doctor’s orders,” Dr. Jay said with a grin.

  “But it’s not what I want,” she said, shaking her head.

  “But I thought you liked us.” Farris was a little vexed.

  “I do, but I live with Melantho and Sapphire.” She was becoming exasperated now.

  “But we’ve had a good time these past few weeks, haven’t we?” Dr. Jay sat on one of the large sofas in the sitting room of the big house. This wasn’t going quite as he had hoped.

  “Yes, and I’m very grateful to you both for looking after me,” she said with a sigh, concerned that she was hurting their feelings.

  “Then what’s the problem? We’ve already been living together for a while and we all seem to get along just fine. Why change things now?” Dr. Jay tried to reason with her.

  “Because I’m better now and it’s time to go home.” Ademia slumped down on the sofa opposite him.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” the doctor said with a superior look.

  “You said yourself that my arm’s been fine without the cast, and I’m already able to do everything again. Melantho doesn’t need me around anyway. She’s doing a great job of looking after the place for you. She told me you’ve asked her to stay on as your housekeeper, so you’ve got no need for me. She’s a good cook, too, so you won’t go hungry.”

  Dr. Jay and Farris were both very large men, tall and muscular. Both had hearty appetites.

  “It wasn’t the kitchen we wanted you for,” Farris said with a wicked grin. He was still standing in the middle of the room, barring her way in case she decided to make a run for it.

  “What?” Ademia felt her pussy clench as she stared into his gorgeous, tanned face. His brown eyes looked almost black as he gazed at her with a loving smile, and the dimples on his cheeks became more pronounced as he smiled at her.

  She licked her lips as her mind turned to mush. Her imagination began to run wild at the thought of those big eyes staring down over her naked body as they played in bed together. Jay would be there too, of course. In her dream, the doctor would pull her onto his massive erection, in reverse cowgirl style. She felt her pussy clench again at the mere thought. His rock hard cock would slide easily into her drenched pussy and he would hold her hips as he pounded her up and down, hitting all her sensitive areas along the way. At the same time Farris would nuzzle her neck and her breasts. His
large fingers would squeeze her hard nipples, making her moan and his tongue would possess her hot mouth. One of his hands would find her aching clit and pinch it, relentlessly, making her gasp and gush her juices everywhere. She would grip Farris’s cock and relish the pre-cum which would drip down her hand as she pumped the swollen shaft. She would stare into his gorgeous brown eyes as she clung to his shoulder, shrieking as she came. Stars would fill the air and she would hear Jay roar beneath her as he shot his spunk into her welcoming hole. Farris would peak at the same time, groaning and spurting his seed upwards where it would splash onto her pulsating breasts. The room would be filled with the smells of sex and sweat. Her body would be covered with their kisses. All three would collapse onto the bed, sated and delirious.

  She shook her head to clear her mind as she suddenly became aware that the men were both in the room, talking to her.

  “Ademia, we haven’t put this very well.” Dr. Jay leaned forward. “What we’re trying to say is that we think we’re all getting along really well and we’d like our living arrangement to continue. The house is plenty big enough for the three of us, and we’d really love it if you’d agree to stay here.” His voice was very deep and did things to her girly parts that she wouldn’t care to admit to. Her pussy clenched again.

  Dr. Jay was an Adonis. His hair was a lighter shade of blond than hers and he kept it cut much shorter than most of the sailors on the island. His eyes were pale blue, and his body was large and imposing. Like Farris, he had a six-pack to die for. Both men had a knack of making the women feel safe and cared for just by their presence.

  Ademia sighed. She loved being in the company of these two men. They always had fun together, and she had thoroughly enjoyed being looked after by them while she recovered from her broken arm. Unfortunately, she had become quite feverish at times as she had been very cold and wet during the ordeal, and both men had stayed up at night watching over her.

  “I’m truly grateful to you both for all you’ve done for me, but I think it’s time I went back home now,” she said quietly. “I only live down the hill so we’ll still see each other all the time. I just think that Melantho and Sapphire will be missing me and I need to get back into my routine.”

  “But we’ll miss you.” Farris growled.

  As her pussy clenched again, Ademia gazed up into his gorgeous face. She didn’t really want to leave the two hunks, but had never thought of this arrangement as permanent. She knew they were just looking after her while she was ill, and always planned to go home when she recovered.

  “I’ll miss having you around all the time, too,” she admitted, “but you’ve got your work to do. Dr. Jay’s surgery is almost finished, and you really should be helping the men with the fields and fishing. The new ship is due soon, too, so you’ll have plenty to do with the flower deliveries.”

  “Once we’ve got the new ship, the flower deliveries will be much simpler. It’ll only take one journey to deliver a whole shipment instead of two or three fishing boats so I think you’ve just lost that argument, little lady,” Farris said with a warning look. He wasn’t willing to back down.

  “We can still work with you living here,” Dr. Jay said with a chuckle. “Melantho won’t be able to look after the whole house on her own and look after the patients while they’re waiting. We could really use your help, and that will be a lot easier if you’re already living here.”

  Ademia sighed irritably. These men had obviously discussed this and organized it all without even consulting her. They had brought what few clothes she had over from the hut and moved her into their home without asking what she thought of the idea. Although she really enjoyed their company and loved living in the same house as them, she was sure they had more in mind than the current arrangements. There was a massive master bedroom upstairs, which they could all fit into and, having already moved her clothes into it, she just knew they were planning on moving her in there, too, along with the two of them! It was the sort of stuff that filled her fantasies, but she knew it could never really happen. A girl like her could never keep these two hunks satisfied. Despite the effect the thought had on her girly parts, she felt annoyed that they had been so presumptuous about her.

  “I appreciate the offer, guys, but I really have to get going,” she said firmly as she rose from her seat.

  “You’re not going anywhere without us,” Dr. Jay said with a frown as he stood up. “I’ve arranged for you to have another check-up of that arm on the mainland before I discharge you. It was broken in two places and you haven’t been well. I need to make sure you’re fully recovered.” His voice was firm and businesslike. The doctor was definitely back in work mode.

  “But I’m fine,” Ademia protested.

  He raised a single eyebrow.

  She backed down.

  “OK,” she said with a sigh. “I’ll get my shawl.”

  As the young girl made her way up the narrow steps which led to the bedrooms, she could hear the two men muttering downstairs. They were clearly unhappy with the way the conversation had gone. She wondered whether this trip to Eastland’s hospital was really necessary, but thought it best not to argue with the doctor on medical matters.

  “Well that could have gone better,” Dr. Jay muttered, once she was out of sight.

  “Now don’t you go getting all despondent on me, Jay, this is just a little hiccup, that’s all.” Farris was always the optimistic one.

  “I can cure hiccups,” the doctor grumbled.

  “And we can cure this. Come on, where’s your fighting spirit? We know she wants this as much as we do, she’s just not ready to admit it yet.”

  “Maybe we should have asked her instead of telling her.”

  “Nope. You ask somebody and they get a chance to say no. You tell ’em and they don’t get a choice.” Farris was firm about his beliefs.

  “But now she thinks we’ve taken over and she doesn’t like it.”

  “She will. You’ve seen her face, bro, that girl wants us. She’s just annoyed with us, that’s all. She’ll come ’round to our way of thinking, trust me.”

  Dr. Jay did trust Farris. He had trusted him with his life before now and it had paid off. He was glad that he had been able to repay the favour when Farris had gone down with a fever on a voyage between the mainlands. They felt even now. They had a close bond most people don’t get to experience. Both were inseparable. As sailors, they had always spent their spare time together. Farris was an experienced seaman and had seen the crew through many crises. As the ship’s doctor, Jay was also a darn good sailor.

  He sighed as they listened for the sound of their girl coming downstairs.

  Ademia went into the small bedroom where she had been sleeping for the last few weeks. She liked it here. It was homey. Farris and Dr. Jay had turned it into a lovely guest room for her, instead of the cold storage room it had previously been used as.

  The whole house was warm and welcoming now, instead of the stark, unloved building it used to be when Hermandine lived there. As the Chief Elder of the island of Refrainia, she had chosen to live in the largest house despite being a very little old lady with no friends to keep her company. The house was looked after by Melantho, who had been somehow designated as the housekeeper. Her efforts to keep the place clean, launder, and cook Hermandine’s meals for her had always gone unappreciated. The girls assumed that she was somehow related to the evil woman, and this was why she was obliged to carry out her duties, although it now seemed more plausible that she was just a very kind young girl who offered to help and was then taken advantage of.

  The men’s muffled voices could still be heard as Ademia pulled on her shawl and left the little bedroom. Curiosity got the better of her and she strayed across the landing to where the master bedroom stood. Neither of the guys used this room, as they each had their own smaller room, on either side of hers.

  This had always been the only house to have a real bed in it, and Ademia’s eyes widened when she saw it. Not only did th
e house have one big bed in it, but it now appeared to have two, pushed together, making a massive bed, big enough for several people if necessary. She felt her panties suddenly drench as she thought of the prospect of all three of them in that bed.

  She would lie in the middle with one hunk on either side of her. Her pulse quickened as she imagined their massive, hot bodies snuggling against her. Dr. Jay would begin by kissing her all over her face, her neck, and shoulders.

  Farris would begin further down, with her tummy, her hips and then her pussy. She would feel his hot lips on her wet pussy and he would moan appreciatively as he tasted her.

  Dr. Jay would stray down to her breasts, taking one in his mouth and another in his hand, teasing her hard nipples and causing them to form large points. She tingled as she imagined the feeling she would experience, and inadvertently stroked her breasts. Her nipples were really hard and pointed, just as she had imagined.

  Farris would nibble at her labia before inserting his large fingers inside her. He would start by caressing, and then slowly start to thrust more fingers inside her waiting hole, turning her crazy with passion. Eventually Farris’s large frame would tower over her, his weight held on his forearms as he thrust his massive cock into her drenched pussy. Her breathing hitched as she closed her eyes and touched her mound, imagining Farris inside her, writhing and teasing as he thrust in and out. Dr. Jay would take one of her heaving breasts in his mouth and suckle the nipple hard. She would cry out as the sensations overtook her and her orgasm would take over, washing over her like a tidal wave. She felt another gush from her pussy as she stood there, and realized that she had made herself come for real! Just the thought of the two men had such a profound effect on her. She opened her eyes and quickly replaced her clothing, which had been slid away from her ample breasts and aching pussy during her daydream.


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