Hers to Command

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Hers to Command Page 15

by Patricia A. Knight

  Ari stood mesmerized, enthralled, transfixed by the power of their foreplay on his senses. He had felt every touch, every kiss, as if lavished on his own skin, his own mouth.

  Ari thought he had felt something last night and damnation, the man was well hung, accented by his piercings. But the sight of Doral’s magnificent body covered with slender, white scars, telltale signs of multiple cuts from a razor or a knife and thicker stripes from a whip used brutally, caught his attention.

  Their number infuriated him. Even heavier scars collared the man’s throat and cuffed his wrists. Doral had been methodically tortured. Allegra Contradina’s work. He would bet money on it. He shoved the thought to the background of his mind. He would deal with her later.

  “Look at the pair of you,” Ari marveled. “I cannot decide who I will have first—or where.” His eyes ranged along Fleur's flawless femininity adorned in nothing but her fine, white-blonde hair. He greedily savored Doral's potent virility and tightly muscled frame dressed in a waving mane of heavy gold-blond. “Two golden lovers and you are mine,” he growled in an exultant articulation of dominant possession. He exhaled and held out his arms. “Come to me.”

  Fleur and Doral moved into his embrace. He leaned down and thoroughly kissed Fleur, leaving her breathing more deeply before straightening and bringing Doral's head to meet his. “I, too, waited, Visconte,” and ravaged Doral's mouth.

  Ari felt Fleur pull back to watch as he and Doral exchanged a kiss as heated and fiery as the one he had exchanged with her had been sensual and caressing. She reached her hands around each of them. Her fingers stroked past a buttock cheek, stopping to caress the top of his cleft. He groaned in pleasure, never breaking the kiss.

  Doral broke away and Fleur nuzzled her face into Doral's chest, licking and tugging at his nipple ring. “Yes!” Doral hissed, before running his right hand into Ari’s nape and pressing him forward again, aggressively rejoining their lips.

  Ari’s hand crept around her back and joined Doral’s, pulling her into their joint embrace. His rigid cock pressed into her abdomen, leaving a slick circle on her soft skin.

  A low, almost inaudible humming vibrated the air. A soft glow suffused the chamber. He and Doral parted to stare at the light display captured in the interior of the crystal block. Ari’s voice broke their silence. “My Prima, my Segundo, move back, please. Don't touch anywhere.”

  Fleur and Doral moved out of his arms to stand separated by a foot of space. The activity inside the crystal quieted. The glow faded. The humming ceased.

  “Interesting. Let's take this a little farther.” Walking across the chamber and climbing onto the center of the large bed, he patted the space on either side of him. “Here,” he commanded.

  With wary gazes at Ari, they joined him. He knelt, sitting back on his heels and facing them. “Fleur, you will ride one of us and take the other’s cock with your mouth.”

  The carnal hunger he felt as he gazed at Doral's substantial cock must have been obvious. His eyes wandered up Doral's body only to meet blue eyes half-lidded with a sensual need that echoed his own. “Doral, we are going to make her come—and only her. We will let our arousal build.”

  Frowning, Doral shook his head slightly. “No, Ari. It may not be possib –”

  Cupping Doral's chin in his hands, Ari caressed his thumb over Doral’s lips, silencing him. “Slow steps, my Segundo, slow steps,” he purred and broke off their heated exchange, returning his attention to Fleur.

  “You choose who, my love, is where. Neither of us are small men.”

  Fleur eyed their groins. “I know they fit and it is still a daunting sight.” Her wry comment had him chuckling. Doral merely smiled.

  “Doral, the position we started in last night would be good.”

  Doral nodded and moved to sit against the headboard.

  “Ari, I will use my mouth on you.” Fleur waggled her eyebrows and wet her lips with the tip of her tongue.

  He stifled a laugh. His cock pulsed in response to the visual of her wet mouth. A small bead of fluid escaped the slit in its head. She leaned over and caught it with a warm swirl of her tongue. She closed her eyes as if savoring his taste. “By the gods, Fleur!” Ari shivered with erotic anticipation. “I am having a moment of déjà vu. Seems you will get more practice torturing me with your mouth.” His lips quirked up in one corner.

  “I am glad I'm not you, Segundo,” Ari wickedly taunted. “It is not going to be easy to hold back.”

  Doral‘s voice emerged flatly. “You have no idea.”

  Doral leaned forward and ran his fingers gently, slowly, between Fleur’s labia, gathering the wetness there and spreading it over her clit. He circled his knuckle around her sweet spot until she moaned, writhing her hips.

  “Kitten, are you ready for me?”

  “Oh yes, please.”

  Unable to prevent it, Ari leaned over and took her lips in a scorching kiss. “Mount up, dear heart.”

  Her laugh was low and husky as she straddled Doral. With her back to his chest, she spread her legs outside of his thighs. His arms wrapped around her waist and up to her breasts, cupping them and gently strumming her nipples.

  Intent on seeing every nuance—he hadn’t lied, he really did like to watch—Ari’s eyes followed her small hands as they guided Doral's rigid length to her opening. With swirls of her hips, her glistening flesh worked to insert the thick head of the visconte's cock into her pussy. With a look of concentration, she managed a beginning. Whimpering softly, she sank down, circling her hips, engulfing more of him, slowly. The lower gold ball of his piercing disappeared. It took some time for her to work more than halfway down.

  “Fuck, that is arousing.” Ari broke off his intense observation of Fleur to cast a glance at Doral whose blue eyes were staring blindly at the ceiling. A bead of perspiration trickled down his temple. His face told of vicious restraint.


  Doral’s response was an inarticulate epithet. Doral’s abdomen contracted sharply. Fleur gasped as she jolted up and down his cock. Doral struggled for breath and clamped her hips strongly in his hands, holding her immobile. The head of his cock rested just inside her. His breathing was a ragged gasp. “Don't move, kitten. Fleur, please, I beg you, don't move.”

  “Doral! Goddess! I will try to be still.”

  Doral might need some help. “Doral?” Ari held up a large gold ring.

  Doral cursed tightly. “It might be best, if you don't want me to come, Ari.” His voice was taut with strain. Doral let his head fall back against the headboard. He still held Fleur's hips trapped, motionless. “The sensations are so widespread and intense. When she goes, I will go.

  Ari’s eyes swept the erotic tableau hungrily. “Decide. Yes or no.”

  “You do it, Ari. I don't dare let her hips go.”

  “I am trying so hard to be still, Doral. I can't stop the pulsing inside me.”

  “I know, kitten, just—Ari, please!”

  Ari quickly opened the ring.

  “Touch me as little as possible.” Carnal tension constricted Doral’s voice. “I am on the very edge. Fleur's tight pussy, your hands. It is an erotic dream for me and I can’t come.” He snorted softly and choked out, “Oh yes, our planet hangs in the balance.” With a tortured inhalation, he shuddered, “No pressure.”

  An amused snicker from Fleur accompanied Ari’s grunt in response to Doral's anguished comment. “I'll be as quick as I can.”

  Holding the metal ring between two fingers, Ari snugged it at the base of Doral's thick cock. Ari looked up into Fleur's eyes glazed with the struggle not to move. “Soon, sweetheart, soon.”

  He closed the ring tighter and tighter until Doral ground out, “Enough, that's enough.” And then more violently, “No, no. No! Damn you, Ari! Damn you! Ari, no!”

  Ignoring Doral's vehement protest, Ari had gathered the visconte's balls in one hand and stretched them tautly down, with the other hand clamping a second, wider, gold ring immediately
above them. As he closed that ring, Doral swore colorfully.

  “I am using Gabriella’s rings. They are a little, um, different, magickally enhanced. They will prevent your release, Doral.” Ari couldn’t resist a little more torment. His fingers titillated the sensitive insides of Doral's thighs and tightly stretched balls as he moved back. “Remember, Doral—for Verdantia.”

  Dora choked on an expletive. “You bastard. You absolute, total bastard.” Doral remained motionless for several moments, then released Fleur's hips.

  “You can move now, my Lady.” He let out a long groan of torment as his queen resumed inching down onto him. Fleur closed her eyes and hung her head. Guttural, throaty sounds of intense gratification drifted from her lips as she worked herself on Doral's cock. In counterpoint, Doral remained silent, his eyes glassy, agonized.

  Ari could remember nothing that aroused him more than the sight of his visconte’s carnal suffering and his queen lost to erotic sensation. He stroked his own cock with feather light touches and shivered at the intensity of the sensation lancing through him. He could come merely from watching them.

  Doral took in the fascinated and, Ari was sure, avid expression swathing his face; his eyes half-lidded in gratification, his ragged breathing deep and accelerated. Doral watched his fingers as they fluttered butterfly-soft up and down his rigidly hard erection. He had to pull them away from contact frequently. It was obvious Ari skated the very edge of orgasm. A snarl parted Doral's lips. “You are enjoying this.”

  “Oh fuck, yes. You two are breathtaking.”

  Fleur's bottom finally met Doral's groin. She released a long, low moan and began panting shallowly. “It is happening again, Doral, those sparkling bursts.”

  Her face lifted to Ari in sensual distress. “Please, Ari, your cock. I am not going to last long.”

  Moving stiffly, Ari knelt between Doral's outstretched legs and held his erection steady for Fleur's mouth. Leaning forward, bearing her weight on her knees and arms, she sucked as much of him into her mouth as she could take. She swirled her tongue up and down his shaft, flicking and sucking hard as she moved him in and out of her mouth.

  At the same time, she ground herself down onto Doral, her eyes closed. Her whimpers of pleasure became guttural groans of rapture as she rapidly climbed toward total release.

  As soon as Fleur took him into her mouth and started to work his cock with her tongue, Ari stiffened in astonishment.

  “Ah, damnation. Fuck. Fuck!” He panted heavily and caught Doral's eyes. “Goddess! I never—damn!” Ari stopped abruptly and reached down to clutch at his balls. Teeth clenched against a bellow of pain, he pulled them away from his cock with brutal force. “Damn, the pleasure, the sensations—overwhelming.” His heavy pants interrupted his attempt to speak.

  A low, rumbling bass vibration rolled around the chamber. The walls flared with intermittent brilliance, lit by lightning flashes emanating from the diaman block.

  Doral nodded. “Yes,” he ground out in obvious agony. Contracting rhythmically, his swollen balls labored to expel his seed. The golden ring clamped immediately above them prevented it. He ground out a feral scream of denial.

  “Nothing. Prepares. You.” Doral spat out a string of vulgarities and worked to control his labored breathing. “Ari, look.” He nodded. “Diaman.”

  “Fuck! Doral, her clit. Bring her. Fuck! Her clit,” Ari gasped as her tongue tortured the most sensitive part of his staff. “I can't. I can't.” An animal sound passed his clenched teeth. He reached forward with his free hand and rolled Fleur's nipple between his fingers.

  At the same moment, Ari’s request must have penetrated Doral’s brain. Doral reached forward and circled two of his fingers around Fleur's clit and she exploded into climax.

  Two things happened simultaneously. Freed from her mouth, Ari lurched away violently, flopping awkwardly onto his back. Supported only by the soles of his feet and his shoulders, he arched, trembling and gulping in air, one hand clawing the bedding, the other pulling brutally on his scrotum. His cock stood rigid, pulsing. A slender string of viscous pre-come stretched between his cockhead and his stomach. His hips circled involuntarily, pumping shallowly. His tightly clenched buttocks and thighs trembled from holding the helpless arching of his hips. His incoherent sounds of distress were lost in the deep bass rumbling filling the room.

  At the same moment, with a guttural snarl that drew his gaze, Doral abruptly jerked Fleur off his cock, throwing her across the bed. Both of his hands flew to his hair, wrapping it around them as shackles. Between tortured animal grunts, Doral whispered, “Oh Goddess, oh Goddess!” repeatedly. His engorged, be-ringed cock, glistening with Fleur's slickness, violently jerked against his flat stomach then strained away. Doral hung in the middle of an intense, dry orgasm, driven to the point of madness. The gold cockrings glowed with dull light, cruelly sunk deep into the base of his cock and balls.

  It took both men several long minutes to stop writhing and moaning from the agony of a denied release.

  When Ari could finally stop his involuntary twisting and force himself to relax, he opened his eyes and immediately squinted. The ritual chamber blazed white light, brilliantly lit by the slab of diaman crystal. The air vibrated with evolving power. A firestorm of radiant flashes pulsed from the interior of the crystal. Luminous beams sparked from slab’s surface. Ari couldn't look at the dais straight on. Squinting in the fierce light, he located Fleur on the far end of the bed and hovered over her.

  “Is she all right?” Doral's voice reflected the anxiety he felt as he knelt over their queen. He picked her up, cradling her, pushing her hair away from her face and running a concerned eye over her still form.

  “I think so. Her color is good and she is breathing easily. Her pulse is steady, nothing like she was after the Great Rite. So, yes, I think so.” Ari carefully examined the small, beloved woman he held in his arms. “I think she just needs some recovery time.”

  Frowning, Ari looked up. “By Her name, Doral, that was beyond intense.” Squinting in the intense light, he added, “The diaman crystal is ablaze.”

  Picking Fleur up and moving over to lie facing Doral, Ari nested her between them. Reaching up, Ari pulled the bed drapery closed blocking some of the dazzling light.

  “How are you?” Ari reached across Fleur and gripped Doral's shoulder.

  Doral grunted. He lay relaxed on his right side, facing Ari, his head propped on his right hand. Doral had removed the gold cockrings but he was still massively erect. “If it moves, I will fuck it.”

  Laughing, Ari rolled onto his back and lay looking up at the ceiling. He, too, was ignoring a steel-hard cock. “I owe you an apology.”

  “Yes. You do.” Doral emphatically agreed with him.

  “I had no idea what I was asking. It was cruel.” Ari leaned back up onto his elbow. “Was it like that last night?”

  “Yes, minus the controlling bastard torturing me with magickal cockrings.” His Segundo regarded him narrowly. “For Verdantia, nothing less.”

  “By the gods, Doral. You were utterly magnificent.” Ari’s eyes lit with appreciation. “You may torture me next time.”

  Holding Doral’s gaze, Ari waggled his eyebrows wickedly.

  Doral shook his head amused. “Don't think I won't.”

  “When did you decide on the piercings?”

  After a quiet pause, Doral responded. “I didn’t.” Doral avoided his eyes. “The Lady Allegra Contradina did them.” Doral shrugged. “After three years, the holes would not close and I was used to them. So, the rings and bar stayed in.”

  A few moments passed and Doral looked back up, then frowned. “It is all right, Ari. It is long over. The rope burns I acquired in my struggle to free myself hurt far worse than the nipple piercings. And believe me, I remained motionless when she pierced my cock. Truly, it is over. Behind me. I don’t think about it.”

  The matter-of-fact, almost dispassionate tone of Doral’s voice only fueled Ari’s rapidly building

  “Those marks collaring your wrists and neck are rope burns. She tied you down against your will and pierced you. The scars you bear from what, a knife and whip? Is she responsible for those too? Were you willing?”

  Ari saw the answer in Doral’s eyes. “For three years she brutalized, tortured and violated you. She will suffer the same.” The implacable threat in his voice was unmistakable.

  The visconte smiled crookedly. “At the time, I agreed with you.” Doral laughed humorlessly. “I made elaborate plans on how to go about it without repercussions.”

  Doral reached out, carefully touching Ari’s face. “I refuse to waste another moment of my time with thoughts of her. There are more pleasant ways to occupy my hours. I would like you to let it be.”

  Doral’s warm touch did little to moderate his fury. His face remained frozen as he struggled to contain his anger. “I will not forget.”

  Fleur stirred between them. Her sleepy blue eyes blinked and fought to focus.

  Looking down, Doral stroked her cheek. “Hey, hello, kitten. How do you feel?” A rare, beautiful smile stretched his mouth.

  Fleur peered dreamily up at Doral. Her words came out slurred. “Mmm, good, Doral. Where's Ari?”

  “I’m right here, sweetheart.” He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. “You are all right?”

  “Mmm, good. I love you, Ari. I love you, Doral.” Fleur snuggled her face into Doral's chest and wriggled her bottom into his groin.

  She is such a good antidote. The incendiary fury consuming Ari at Doral’s mistreatment finally dissipated. Ari shook his head, bemused, and looked a question at Doral.

  “If I can judge by last night, she will be pretty loopy for about thirty minutes.” With a slow smile of anticipation Doral added, “When she comes out of it, she is almost insatiable.”

  “Really?” Ari smiled, considering.

  “Really.” As their eyes locked, Doral held up his hand, twirling the two gold cockrings around his forefinger. “Good thing one size fits all.”


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