Hers to Command

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Hers to Command Page 18

by Patricia A. Knight

  “I can’t imagine what you could do that would embarrass our visconte, my Queen.”

  “Oh I doubt it was what I did to our gentle Doral, as much as what I said.”

  Ari looked a question at Doral.

  Doral stiffened. “Our queen said.” He stopped, scrubbed his face with his hands and inhaled deeply. “That she found me easy to love.”

  Doral shrugged dismissively. “She said it was clear I loved you and I should tell you. He cleared his throat and looked at Fleur in appeal.

  “Tell him the rest, Segundo,” Fleur prompted with an encouraging lift of her brows.

  Had the situation not been so sensitive, Ari would have laughed. Doral looked as if he was being run through with a hot cautery iron.

  “She said you loved me; that you did not give your love lightly and I could trust in it,” Doral muttered.

  Fleur stroked Doral’s arm and spoke softly. “Ari, I don’t want the Primo Signore, Segundo Signore and Prima Signora to be present in this chamber this afternoon. This is not about our genetic compatibility. Fleur regarded him earnestly. “Both of us loved you before we ever knew of such things. ‘Fleur’ and ‘Doral’ want to make love to ‘Ari’—not couple to re-energize the sigil towers, even if that is a side effect.”

  Ari looked at Doral. “Is that what you want?”

  Doral returned his forthright gaze. “Yes,” he croaked hoarsely.

  “Well.” His eyes lit with erotic promise. Ari held his arms out in surrender. “Take me.”

  Fleur smiled and stepped back while Doral leaned forward and with a low growl, pulled him into an inflexible hug. Damn but the man is strong. With a steely arm pulling Ari’s hips into his own, Doral reached up and wrapped a hand in the thick hair that hung down Ari’s shoulders. Ari could feel the pain in his scalp as Doral forced his head back, stretching and baring his neck. His unruly cock never could resist Doral. Ari felt himself begin to fill, ground against Doral’s groin.

  Fleur pressed herself against Ari’s back, wrapping her arms around his waist, effectively trapping his hands to his sides. Ari’s restraints were the lightest, yet most binding.

  “You have no conception how I hungered for you, the things I wanted to do to you, Ari.” Doral’s breath warmed his neck. The visconte stretched his head back further, exposing the smooth skin of his neck. Ari felt Doral’s lips, tongue and teeth, kiss, nip and lick a path across his jaw then up the muscles cording the side of Ari’s neck to his ears.

  At Ari’s shuddering gasp, Doral growled. “Every time you risked yourself in battle, every time you courted death to advance our cause, all I could think was that one day my blade would not be fast enough, my aim not sure enough and I would lose you. I am done waiting, Ari.”

  “Yes,” Ari hissed, alive to the feeling of Doral’s solid erection pressed into his while Fleur’s soft contours covered his back. He was achingly hard in a matter of seconds.

  Doral’s teeth caught Ari’s lower lip, sucking it then covering his mouth with warm lips and a tongue that ravenously demanded he respond in kind. Groaning, Ari countered with passionate intensity. He was lost to everything but the feel of Doral’s lips and teeth and tongue, the scrape of the stubble on the visconte’s chin as he suddenly shifted to nip and suck along Ari’s neck only to return to Ari’s lips. As Doral’s heavy cock rubbed against his, Ari groaned, “Yes, yes, more!” then he stilled. I will not take over.

  As if reading Ari’s mind, Doral pulled back a fraction and smiled against his mouth. “You can respond, my lover. Ask for what you want. Let me hear how much you like what I do.”

  “By all the gods, Doral, the two of you are killing me.” Ari shuddered heavily. One of Fleur’s hands had found his hard shaft and was working to free it from his breeches, pulling at the leather lacings holding them closed. Her other hand had snuck underneath his tunic and was now flicking one nipple into a tight point. For the first time since his days as a novitiate, he surrendered totally to the sexual ministrations of another.

  Quickly, Doral and Fleur stripped themselves and him. Each took one of his hands and escorted him to the mound of feather pillows and silky serici bedding.

  Fleur hopped up onto the raised dais and knelt, stroking the bedcovers next to her. “Here, my Lord.” He followed her direction, lying back as she pressed on his chest. Doral joined them next, holding a small bottle of warm oil.

  Ari watched as Doral knelt between his legs and unstopped the bottle, drizzling a small stream onto his legs and groin before handing the bottle to Fleur. Carefully pouring a small amount into her palms, she pulled one of his broad hands into her lap, working the oil carefully from fingertip to the heel of his palm. By all the gods, who knew hands were an erogenous zone?

  “Fleur, you might as well be stroking my cock,” Ari groaned.

  “That’s Doral’s job,” she teased.

  Exhaling heavily through his nose, Doral breathed in raw admiration, “By all the gods, you are visual feast. You devastated my senses from the first moment I saw you.”

  Holding Ari’s gaze, Doral smoothed the warm oil firmly into Ari’s legs, feet and lower groin, avoiding the area he most ached to have touched. He couldn’t keep his eyelids from drooping as pleasure swamped him. A low groan of appreciation rumbled in his chest matching the bass vibrations beginning to hum through the chamber.

  Fleur’s gentle, “Doral?” could be heard above the rumble.

  “Our queen has commanded I give you words, Ari and I will not be craven.” Doral looked at his hands for a long moment before resuming.

  “I thought Lady Allegra had destroyed my ability to desire, my ability to be fascinated.” Doral’s fingers worked the arches of Ari’s feet sending the most incredible sensations straight to his groin and pulling a choking moan of approval from Ari’s throat. Ari felt his heavy staff jerking on his abdomen in time to Doral’s firm strokes. Doral noticed and caught Ari’s eye with a slight smile. “The Oshtesh say this portion of your foot is directly linked to your genitals.”

  It took him several attempts but Ari finally managed to croak, “They’re right.”

  “I have often wondered if I could get someone off just doing this.”

  “I think you could, Doral, goddess, man—that’s good.”

  “Doral,” Fleur prompted with a lift of her eyebrows.

  Doral’s shoulders fell as he sighed. “Yes.” He visibly composed himself. “My first glimpse of you shattered the misconception I could not feel. I was enthralled—and I was terrified.” Doral moved from Ari’s feet to his calves with strong, rolling fingers.

  “Day by day, your relentless civility eroded my determination to hold myself aloof, to protect myself. The best I could manage was some degree of physical self-discipline.” Doral’s luxuriant blond mane fell down in a thick curtain, hiding him from Ari’s languid gaze. A choking laugh came from behind the blond veil. “I am surprised the camp didn’t burn down from the heat of my erotic fantasies.”

  Doral took a deep breath. Lifting his head, his eyes sought Fleur’s. She paused in her massage of Ari’s hands. “Continue, Segundo.” Tender encouragement shone from her eyes.

  Haltingly, Doral continued. “Lady Allegra delighted in cruel, sexual tortures, but she could never hurt me as you can, Ari.”

  Doral inhaled shakily, but when he resumed speaking, his voice was measured and certain. “You have had all but my body for a long time.”

  His hair fell back as Doral raised his head and held Ari with an openly vulnerable gaze, truly. a window into his soul. What Ari saw in Doral’s eyes humbled him.

  The sigil chamber vibrated with a deep booming bass. Wherever there was an opening in the luxurious bedding, brilliant light strafed the room.

  Fleur laid Ari’s hand down and straightened to her knees. Leaning over to Doral, running her hands along the nape of his neck, she pulled him forward into a tender kiss. Sitting back, eyes gleaming from unshed tears her hand caressed his face. “For someone not good with words, tha
t was very well done,” she whispered, “and very brave.”

  Doral smiled weakly and murmured, “If what I feel for you, my Lady, isn’t love, well, give me some time.” His blue eyes crinkled with tender amusement. “You could worm your way into the hardest of hearts.” His expression changed abruptly and he shot her a narrow look. “And don’t you ever ask me to do this again.”

  She bit her lower lip and beamed at Doral as she shook her head. “No. I won’t.”

  Watching the tender interchange between the two, Ari felt a sense of deep satisfaction, but Doral’s controlled words had smashed into the hard walls surrounding his heart obliterating them. He would add Doral’s name to that short list. The loss of either would destroy him.

  “Ari?” Fleur shot him a look of expectation.

  Shit. He had to clear his throat several times. “I love you, Doral. I have known for some time.”

  She smiled tenderly as she poured warm oil onto his upper body. Sitting on her knees beside Ari, she stroked the oil into the muscles of his abdomen and chest.

  “When Patricio summoned me for the Great Rite I was certain it was the end for Verdantia and me. Only Sari had any confidence I could complete the Rite.”

  Fleur began at Ari’s neck with soft pressure from her fingertips. “Somehow you took a green, inadequately prepared, young woman and made one of the most treacherous rituals we perform work. In the process, you saved our planet and me.”

  “You had something to do with that.”

  “Hmm. If you say so. What I remember is being hurled about in a mindless haze of sexual agony. My salvation was this ever-present, deep voice, persuading, cajoling and guiding me back to cool sanctuary. Always, the voice was there to encourage me to come back, come back to him, patiently offering refuge and comfort if I could somehow find my way.”

  Fleur continued her gentle caresses but held Ari with tender eyes. “Your voice was all that grounded me, Ari. How I labored to return to you. You said we succeeded because I was obedient—perhaps. I will always think it had more to do with your staunch refusal to let me go. I owe you my life. I have given you my heart. I love you, Ari.”

  “And I you,” Ari managed on an exhaled whisper. Doral’s massage had reached his groin. He closed his eyes concentrating on the feel of Doral smoothing oil through the curling brown hairs of his pubis and then finally, to his rigidly engorged, shaft—burning with heat but for the coolness where escaping pre-come had left a track. With warms hands coated in slippery oil, Doral fisted his shaft.

  “Damnation, man!” Ari bit out, surging into Doral’s hands.

  Doral’s low chuckle was wicked as he worked his way up stopping at the frenulum to circle his thumbs in a titillating explosion of sensation.

  “Ah… gods!” Ari panted. Pressure continued to build in his balls. The tingle forming at the base of his spine grew to a pulsing sparkle of excitement. He exhaled in a gust unable to prevent the involuntary lift of his hips seeking greater friction from Doral’s teasing hands, only to reside again at Fleur’s light pressure on his hip.

  “Roll over, my Lord,” Fleur said.

  Ari lay regrouping for a moment before he could comply. Doral was there, placing a wedged pillow under his hips, raising his buttocks at an angle off the dais. More warm oil and two sets of hands continued their sensual assault. After Doral’s teasing treatment, Ari’s cock bobbed stiffly in the small space created by the pillow. It was raised just enough. He could not press his shaft into the bedding to add to what Doral’s hands had started. His arousal spiked significantly when Doral knelt between his legs, muscling his legs wide apart, leaving his tightly drawn balls and jerking cock to hang freely between them.

  “This is insanity,” Ari panted heavily. “I demand equal time.”

  Doral’s warm breath by his ear murmured, “Whenever you think you can take me, Primo.” Doral jerked Ari’s arms back behind him, trapping them there, his wrists wrapped in a steely grip.

  “I’m letting you win,” Ari groaned.

  A burst of laughter ended in a snort as Doral responded, “Really?” The steel grip on Ari’s wrists tightened further.

  “Perhaps, not,” Ari conceded, his forehead pressed into the bedding.

  Ari’s position spread his buttock cheeks wide, and a cool draft played over his fully revealed anus.

  Warm oil tickled as Doral drizzled it between Ari’s cheeks. A warm palm smoothed it over his buttocks. A broad, slippery fingertip rimmed his anus.

  “That is insanely good, Doral.” Again, his heavy rod wagged beneath Ari and his balls contracted up only to slide down again.

  “My Lady, have you ever seen the way of a man with a man?” Doral asked.

  “Um, no.”

  “Have you ever experienced anal penetration?” Doral’s fingers found Ari’s balls and shaft. “Either with a man’s cock or a toy?”

  Slick with oil, Doral’s hand encircled Ari’s cock and pulled in long strokes. Ari choked off a moan of desperation.

  “Ahhh, no,” Fleur responded.

  The visconte’s hand returned to a buttock cheek, kneading it. Doral’s thumb stroked over Ari’s anus repeatedly. Damn the man, he knows just how to play me.

  A low growl rose up from Ari’s chest. He tried to muscle his wrists free. Impossibly, the iron grip tightened further. Ari relaxed back into the bedding.

  “How long has it been since you taken a man here, Primo?” Doral slowly insinuated the tip of his thumb into Ari’s opening. A long groan issued from his mouth before Ari could pull himself together to answer.

  “It’s been awhile.” Ari lifted his head, meeting Doral’s eyes over his shoulder.

  “To my shame, as badly as I want you, Ari, this may be of brief duration.”

  Ari pressed his head back down into the pillows with an amused snort. “You will have a lifetime of opportunity, lover.”

  “Fleur, can you reach that oil? Thank you. We need more lubrication.”

  Thinking of Doral’s horse cock, Ari couldn’t refrain from the muffled comment, “And it will still hurt like the seven hells.”

  “Doral?” Fleur’s voice held concern. “Is Ari right? I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “We have been taught to find pleasure in pain.”

  “Ari, is that right? Does pain arouse you?” Fleur asked hesitantly.


  Fleur murmured, “I want to touch you, Doral. Please.”

  “Oh yes… your hands will feel vastly better than mine. Use the oil liberally.”

  Ari heard the slippery sounds of Fleur’s hands slicking up and down Doral’s cock then Doral’s gasp. “Stop! Or I won’t survive the next few minutes.”

  Fleur released a low hum of enjoyment. The pillows sagged by Ari’s head as she sat back.

  Ari next felt the tip of the bladder gently inserted into his opening and the feeling of warmth as the lubrication flooded his passage. Doral released his wrists and Ari allowed them to fall to his sides.

  Ari felt his cheeks spread wide then warm centering circles as Doral sought entrance with what was surely a godsbedamned tree trunk. With careful, small pulses, Doral began to work himself in.

  “Fuck!” Ari grunted as the burning intensified. His anus stretched, then stretched more.

  At Fleur’s distressed whimper, Ari soothed her in gasps. “It’s all right. It’s all right. I want Doral, Fleur. I want him.”

  Ari groaned. “Fleur, get your hands on my cock and, gods, don’t stop.”

  Doral’s breath labored along with Ari’s. Doral paused, little more than an inch inside before biting off an explosive, “Damn!” and jerking out. Ari grunted an expletive at the swift lancing pain and hot sensation.

  Panting heavily Doral waited a moment before entering him and regaining lost ground.

  This time, Doral pressed forward steadily until several inches of his thick cock lodged in Ari’s passage. “Tight. Tight. You are so tight. Ah…gods! Good!”

  Fleur stopped stroking Ari’s c
ock, fascinated with the erotic tableau before her – the primal sounds and display of masculine sexuality. Both men were fighting not to come. Warm, viscous fluid flowing from the head of Ari’s rigid cock had covered the back of her hand. Doral’s thick, muscular thighs surged against Ari’s tight, rounded buttocks. His iron grip made dimples in the lean mass of Ari’s hips as he held Ari in place. The guttural sounds of intense pleasure escaping both men set Fleur on fire. Unconsciously her hand migrated down to stroke her clit, another inched up to her nipple and passed back and forth over it.

  “Damnation, man, move faster!” Ari shoved his haunches back into Doral.

  Fleur watched as Doral’s thick member speared further inside Ari. Swearing, Doral clamped down on Ari’s hips, his forearms and hands shaking from strain.

  “You move when I tell you,” Doral ground out. “Or this will be over quickly.”

  Pulling Ari’s hips to him, Doral leaned forward, hugging Ari, then straightening until both men were kneeling. Doral’s heavy cock had disappeared, firmly embedded between Ari’s cheeks. Ari’s shaft rose urgently, rigid against his stomach, clear fluid pearling then dripping from its tip.

  “Look at our queen, Primo,” Doral growled.

  Her half-lidded, blue eyes wondered over them guilelessly, her nipples hard little nubs. The feminine playground where her hand frolicked was spread apart, swollen a flushed rose pink. Her fingers created liquid sounds as they stroked inside, then out to circle her clit. “Do you want to take me like this, Ari? I think I’d like it,” she teased, her voice low, sultry.

  “Be warned, I can’t take much more of this,” Ari choked, breathing forcefully through his nose. “She is so endearingly eager.”

  “Kitten, lie on your back in front of him. Hold your knees up. Spread your legs. Open your pretty pussy for us.” A smile stretched her lips as she realized Doral’s intentions.

  “I am going to lean over again,” Doral ordered. “Put your cock in her.”

  “I will last two seconds, if that,” Ari warned in a choked gasp.

  Doral chuckled painfully. “Sounds good. Fleur might be the only one left wanting. But we will take care of you, kitten.”


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