The Demon’s Prince [Milson Valley 9] - Siren Publishing Classic ManLove

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The Demon’s Prince [Milson Valley 9] - Siren Publishing Classic ManLove Page 5

by Jo Penn

  The man certainly was impressive, as Linc stated. Tall, solid, muscular, dark and, to Emile, handsome. Hmm, a type Emile had always appreciated but never indulged in. Vinncent’s kind liked to control and dominant, which Emile didn’t give up for just anyone.

  “Thank you for letting me in here. May I?”

  Intrigued at the manners, Emile inclined his head and invited Vinncent to sit with a wave of his hand. And he sniffed deeply, wanting to know if this creature could possibly be his mate.

  “Nothing?” Vinncent asked.

  “No. It may take time considering the damage the chemical did to my body.” Emile swept a hand through his slicked back hair, uncertain. Unusual for him. “I would ask you remain close. Once I regain my ability to sense and scent, this matter will be resolved one way or another.”

  Vinncent’s beautiful light silver eyes narrowed. “That means you don’t believe I’m telling the truth. Tell me, why would I lie about something so important? Why would I place myself, and my family, in such a position?”

  “Honestly, I do not know, Vinncent. I am simply asking you to bear with me. If it is too much of an imposition, you’re free to leave at any time.”

  “I’m prepared to ‘bear with you,’ as you put it, mate, but I won’t be pushed into a corner or manipulated. And I think this has gone on long enough. The chemical is mostly out of your system now, so I’m told, and you’re healing, so let’s settle this the paranormal way.”

  Emile hissed as, uninvited, the demon came toward him across the bed. The creature moved with sensual grace for such a big man, distracting Emile. Muscles shifted beneath delicious caramel skin mesmerizingly, his eyes feasting on a long, solid body encased in a dark t-shirt and black jeans, his thoughts narrowing on only whether the man’s skin was as silky soft as it looked, and if that long body was hard. He managed to put up a hand, but honestly, he was rather unsure whether he intended to stop the demon or touch him. Vinncent did not hesitate, and as his strength was great, Emile found himself flat on his back with a hard, warm body covering his.

  Hard, yes, the demon’s body was definitely hard, everywhere. Emile shuddered with delight, possibly a little confusion and put up a token protest.

  “Vinncent, the chemical–”

  “Let me show you we are mates. Let me claim you.”

  Something stirred inside him, a frisson winding through his stomach, senses slowly awakening. Allowing Vinncent to try and claim him would tell them one way or another if the demon was really Emile’s mate, and put an end to the speculation.

  He nodded and opened his mouth to speak. Whatever Emile planned to say was abruptly cut off by sharp teeth sinking deeply into his neck. His body jolted, sensations filled him, and as Vinncent sucked down his blood, forging a bond between them, Emile felt something inside shift and realign. It was peculiar, an unknown feeling, but there was no time to consider the phenomena with his body coming alive, tingling all over, cock hard and throbbing and needing a release.

  With two more sucks and a hand brushing Emile’s cock, he came, hissing through the pleasure, savoring the way the demon stripped down Emile’s hospital pants and worked his cock through the orgasm. All the while, the demon rubbed his own hard cock against Emile’s thigh, grunting as he removed his mouthful of sharp teeth and licked the wound.

  “My mate,” Vinncent growled.

  “So it would seem,” Emile panted.

  Chapter Four

  Vinncent couldn’t keep his hands off his mate. The lion was unbelievably gorgeous with his dark blond hair a little mussed up, Vinn’s claiming mark on his neck, and the smell of release filling the air. The combination drove Vinn’s need to fuck and bond fully. He wanted Emile out of his mind with need, to feel the desire between mates and his body heating just for Vinn and acting on it. He wanted intimacy between them…that connection that would link and fill them both.

  Lowering his head, he captured his mate’s lush lips with his and devoured. Not sipped at, not a getting to know each other first kiss, but full on taking and demanding more.

  There was resistance at first, but that fell away fast, and Vinn was treated to his mate’s passion without artifice. Emile sunk his fingers into Vinn’s hair and, pulling him close, pressed their bodies together so they aligned groin to groin, mouths fused and burning up with passion.

  Vinn was quick to undo his black jeans and shove them down to his thighs, his cock springing free, leaking heavily. When a firm, warm hand wrapped around both their cocks and stroked, Vinn grunted and jerked, eyes crossing with pleasure, and he thrust into that perfect grip while taking those lips that were the softest, fullest he’d ever had the pleasure of enjoying.

  His hands were everywhere. In Emile’s hair, exploring his smooth, muscular shoulders, over his chest that was very lightly sprinkled with dark blond hair matching what was on his head and around his thick, long, heavy cock. The man was extremely well put together and turned Vinn on more than he’d ever experienced before. One look, a touch, and he just knew he’d always burn and come alive for Emile Sanchez, their connection already deepening and strengthening.

  And for a straight man, Emile sure didn’t have any reservation about touching and knew how to work them both. Spreading his legs, so Vinn lay in the V between them, aligning perfectly, Emile guided and brought them to climax exceedingly fast, his mouth tearing from Vinn’s, head thrown back in pleasure as he cried out and came, Vinn watching, awed until his own orgasm blindsided him.

  “Oh fuck, yeah, mate!” Vinn growled, thrusting in that perfect grip.

  There was only a split second to prepare himself, Vinn seeing it coming and quickly tilted his head, groaning in anticipation and need as thick canines dropped from Emile’s mouth, and his clear blue eyes darkened. Snapping his head forward, Emile sunk those large fangs into the side of Vinn’s throat, claiming him, just as Vinn desperately needed the shifter to.

  The shock and initial sharp pain were gone quickly and replaced by a pleasure so keen and overwhelming, Vinn’s vocal cords froze. His orgasm shot up from his balls and he ejaculated again and again with every tug Emile took of Vinn’s blood, binding them together.

  Then the demon bonding began. Vinn never had the chance to experience this with Marc, he’d only been told about it when very young by his father. A shower of white light burst forth from Vinn and surrounded them both, swirling, growing brighter before speeding up and falling over them both, sinking into them.

  When the last tiny light faded, Vinn was lying beside Emile, panting.

  Their souls had done more than merge as what typically happened when mates bonded and claimed entirely. When a demon mated and bonded, a piece of his and his mate’s souls fused together. A part of each breaking away and exchanging bodies. Always bonded, always joined. The thought, the knowledge, filled Vinn with pleasure and happiness. A feeling he hadn’t fully felt in a very long time. He belonged to Emile, and Emile belonged to him, forever bound, and forever joined. They were a part of each other. This gave Vinn joy.

  Turning on his side, he reached out to Emile, his fingertips brushing his mate’s cheek. Dark blue eyes were watching him.

  The man smelt like something rich and heady, a taste of heaven perhaps, and looked like one of those cover models with his slicked back dark blonde hair, chiseled jaw, dark blue, vibrant eyes fringed by frigging long, thick lashes and lush, pale pink lips. And his body, well, Vinnie just wanted to worship the man from top to toes, and everything in between. He would take his time, discover what pleased his mate and love him for all time.

  “Demons do not require intercourse for full bonding,” Emile commented, not asking, stating a fact as though learning out loud.

  “We need to claim, spill our seed, be claimed and our mate spill seed. Or if female, their juices and pheromones.” Vinn found it difficult to stop touching Emile, and as his mate wasn’t stopping him, so he continued trailing his fingers over the man, drifting down Emile’s throat to his chest. “Do you feel me now? Sce
nt or sense me?”

  He desperately wanted Emile to feel Vinn as his mate. Needed to know his mate wasn’t going to just walk away or deny them. Not that he’d let that happen. Emile may be a prince, have numerous titles on different councils, and be prestigious and in control, but on this, this personal, intimate level, Emile Sanchez was Vinn’s. His to have, to hold, to share his life with and be a part of.

  Vinn would not lose his Emile.

  “I do. I feel you, your anxiety. You will not lose me, Vinncent. As you can see, I am not easy to lose, mate.” Emile gave a brief smile. “A debilitating chemical, a bomb, and numerous other weapons will not easily bring me down, Vinncent. I am not Marc. I am older, immortal, and an extremely skilled fighter.”

  Vinn’s heart ached at the mention of Marc. Yes, Emile was right. As Vinn had lost one mate, he was now worried about losing his new one. He couldn’t help that, and wouldn’t. He would always protect and keep Emile close. Leaning over his prestigious, slightly mussed up mate, Vinn brushed his cheek against Emile’s, breathing in the creature’s intoxicating, individual scent and twining their fingers together.

  “I am a demon, Emile. I cannot be apart from you once we are bonded fully. Our souls have not only merged, but they have also shared portions, exchanging bodies. We must be physically close.”

  He expected annoyance, irritation at the least from his busy, in-control mate. He did not expect Emile to squeeze Vinn’s hand where they were joined together, entwined, and give a small touch of a smile.

  “I am aware. After you had left last night, I researched demons to improve my knowledge of your kind and what our mateship would require. Adjustments will have to be made, of course, but I am sure with correct planning our schedules can be arranged to suit. Now, I require a shower and need to see to a few matters. Feel free to use the bathroom in the connecting suite. I will have staff inform you of where I am.”

  Though Vinn wanted nothing more than to hold his mate close in bed, love on him, fuck him, he let Emile go without comment and watched his sexy mate’s naked ass, rounded and firm, as the man left the room and went into the bathroom, closing the door quietly after him. Emile was still recovering, he walked slowly. Vinn would make sure the lion didn’t overdo it today.

  Scrubbing a hand over his face and feeling a days’ worth of bristles, Vinn sighed. He had so many emotions right now. Elated. Confused. Excited. Sad. Needy. Emile was his, and he couldn’t be happier except if Marc was here with them. At the same time, there was a touch of hollowness he couldn’t explain.

  There was nothing that Emile did that was wrong. Everything he did was perfect. Was right. Vinn couldn’t remember ever feeling so much excitement, lust, need, and pleasure. And adoration. He was already falling hard for the prince and didn’t want to hold too tight, demand too much, or he might cause rifts that resulted in Emile pulling away.

  He couldn’t risk that. No, he would follow Emile’s lead and try to rein in his dominating need and lack of diplomacy. Emile would need him to be polite, respectful, and not glare at creatures as Emile was a diplomat not only for the Sanchez pride but also the Feline Council, Alliance, and High Council. Plus the man had numerous other positions such as Senator, financial advisor, and on too many boards for Vinn to keep up with.

  Would Emile mind if Vinn became his shadow? That was one thing he couldn’t compromise on. He needed to be close to Emile always.

  Getting up, he pulled up his jeans that were lying about his knees, and pulled down his shirt. He could hear the shower going and longed to join Emile, but his mate gave clear instructions which Vinn would abide. Instead of using the shower in the connecting suite though, he returned to his room on the first floor and showered there. Faintly, he could feel Emile through their connection, his mate not giving off any particular emotions, but he could feel the other man’s weariness. He needed to get back to Emile and encourage rest.

  “You’re mated!” Eber entered the room just as Vinn was pulling up his jeans. “You worked fast. Congratulations. I take it Emile was able to scent you after the treatment.”

  “No. I claimed him, so there were no doubts.” Tucking himself into his jeans, he did up the zip and button, then reached for a black shirt, frowned, and hesitated.

  “Doesn’t look like he minded. He claimed you, too.”

  Vinn nodded, running his fingers over Emile’s claiming bite. “I don’t know his schedule today.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that, brother. There is a staunch looking feline standing outside with a computer tablet saying she’s your personal assistant.” E grinned widely. “Looks like your mate is well in charge. Just don’t forget to be yourself. No one wants their other half pretending to be someone their not, and Emile has a real dislike of fake.”

  Vinn met his brother’s eyes. “Aren’t all those snobbish politicians and council creatures nothing but fake?”

  “Sure, but you won’t see your mate hanging out with them. Vinn, don’t be something you’re not. Do you think the fates would match you to someone you would have to change your entire personality for? Come on, man, you’re not like that. Our family has always admired how you stick to exactly who you are. We trust in you, we admire you, your strengths, your compassion, your no shit attitude. I think you’ll find Emile might enjoy that, also.”

  Vinn knew that look on his brother’s face and couldn’t help smiling as he pulled on a plain black t-shirt.

  “What have you found out?”

  “Well, it took a while, there are a few cousins of his and second cousins around the place, but once I sniffed them all out and our gargoyle cousins aided, by the way, we learned a bit about your mate. Most interesting though came from Trent, who I didn’t think would do more than talk around me and tie me up in strategic knots. He had my head spinning for a while there, and if he weren’t mated, I’d be hunting him.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Also heard creatures did a lot of hunting and never caught him until Tredd came along and even he, the man’s own mate, had to do a lot of sweet-talking and seducing to get close to the creature.”

  “Yeah, he’s fascinating. So is your mate. Apparently, Emile doesn’t always appreciate dramatic behavior, he finds it…tedious and over the top.” Eber grinned at that. “I can just imagine him around some of our brother’s then. Anyway, he can cut quicker than a knife with a few well placed, condescending words that you’re left wondering over, but he takes time for others and cares about their issues, works hard to make things fair and is real smart, like on a different wavelength smart. But the most interesting part was he has a few little quirks. Apparently, he gets bored to tears with pretense and artifice, hates the ass licking and, though he may not show it, enjoys a bit of disruption.

  “I’m not talking about his schedule being messed with. He probably goes a bit OCD like Deakin when that happens, but he is reasonable and can be talked to about it. They tend to call him a bit pedantic and nutty in the Sanchez clan. What I’m saying is he likes to see other creature’s feathers ruffled a bit. He loves straight talkers. And you’re one of the straightest talkers I’ve ever had the pleasure of hanging around. So go shoot anyone down who gets in your way and have your mate’s back.”

  Vinn would always have Emile’s back, and he would listen to what Eber said. Besides, Vinn didn’t really know how to be anyone but himself and hoped that was enough for Emile. Though he would curb his snappy retorts in consideration of his mate.

  He had been too long from Emile, he needed to see his mate, make sure the lion was safe, and be close to him.

  Eber decided to join him, despite Vinn growling and threatening his brother. Eber just curled a lip and snarled a little, not bothered. The assistant forestalled them for twenty minutes, and no amount of snapping and growling from Vinn got the female to scuttle off. After a lengthy lecture on what was expected of him, the assistant handed him a full, thick folder and hurried away. Possibly because Vinn was giving enough angry vibes to raise the feline’s hack
les and have her hissing. After tossing the folder back into his room, they made their way through the compound.

  Along the way, they were gawked at by many felines and other creatures that were either visiting or resided here. Like the Sanchez Compound in Milson Valley, this one had a large mansion, an office building, a training facility, and numerous houses littering the grounds that were spread over two hectares. It was not as large as the Milson Valley pride lands, but it was just as well fitted out.

  Emile’s suite was in the family wing of the mansion, close to Trent’s and the multitude of feline relations, though some he was told by Eber resided in the houses. Along the way, he felt like he was being watched, and not just by the compound occupants. It had his senses on high alert and reaching out to narrow in on who may be spying. Last night, he felt the same and spent most of the dark hours searching the entire compound. Unfortunately, either his senses were malfunctioning, or whoever it may be was good at keeping themselves covered.

  “What?” Eber demanded, gold eyes narrowing on dark corners.

  “You sense something watching us, also?”

  “Hmm. Can’t locate though. Dare’s been hunting, but he’s not entirely sure either.”

  Entering the second-floor foyer where Emile’s suite was located, Vinn quirked a brow when spotting a creature seated on a narrow balustrade at the top of the two-story staircase. Prince Lincoln Sanchez nibbled an orange while staring across at the stained glass windows opposite. Between where the angelic looking little mountain lion sat and the windows, was a vast open area overlooking the ground floor foyer. Eber and Vinncent’s younger brothers were good friends with Lincoln, his best friend and cousin Prince Ace Sanchez, and Keeley. Eber had often supervised the group, Vinn from a distance, not really interacting. He did know all about Linc and his antics though.

  Eber grimaced. “The cub is daydreaming again, probably curious over something.” Linc was curious over everything. “That curiousness will lead to an accident.”


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