Dirty Little Tricks

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Dirty Little Tricks Page 8

by Clare James

  The last thing I remember is Ben lunging for the toy box, before crashing it down on me. I touch my head to confirm – my hair is matted and wet.

  I look up to find the asshole pacing now, a knife dangling in his hand.

  There’s no time for thinking, just action.

  As soon as the world stops spinning, I try to make a run for it. Gripping my feet into the ground for leverage, I push out in a long stride to get a lead.

  I make it. One step. Two steps.

  Picking up my pace, I think I’m almost home free. I just need to get out of this back alley.

  It doesn’t happen. I’m not fast enough, and Ben easily tackles me to the ground.

  Profanity pours out of his mouth. He’s terrified, shaking and incoherent. Nothing but a scared little boy trying to get some respect. Fury rolls in my belly for the sheer balls on this kid. What he did to April and now dragging me out here like this.

  He yanks me up and puts the knife to my throat to show me who’s boss.

  Dumb, dumb move.

  He’s in for a world of hurt. I flip through all the self-defense scenarios Gabe’s taught me, and settle on a move sure to work.

  Gabe. My heart aches at the thought of him.

  He’s going to be livid. But it’ll be a while yet. I’m sure nobody realizes I’m gone.

  When Ben dragged me out of the club, I’m sure it just looked like we were still in scene.

  Nobody is coming for me. I have to do this on my own.

  Just keep your head, Stevie.

  “How’d you get that thing through the metal detector?” I ask about his knife to distract him, but also because I want to know.

  “I planted it out here,” he says, puffing out his chest. “Once I decided that you’re going to help me get my girlfriend back. But first, you need to pay for what you did.”

  He has me in a choke hold, knife on my neck. I know how to get out of this.

  Ben takes a step back, taking me further into the shadows, and that’s when I strike.

  Leaning back, I push all of my weight into him and yank the knife away from my neck with both hands. He struggles and I nail him with a crushing head butt.

  “Ugh,” Ben cries, falling to the ground as the knife flies out of his grip.

  My head throbs, but I don’t let up. Quickly, I turn and deliver two violent kicks to the head and one solid shot to the groin.

  “You misogynistic asshole,” I spit, swiftly employing another one of Gabe’s moves. Bondage.

  I hogtie the creep with my stockings so tight, it will be sure to cut into the skin.

  Then as I’m leaning over to catch my breath, another commotion hits the alley.

  Doors open. People spill out of the building, filing out onto the street. In the next breath, I’m swept away in questions.

  “Stevie,” Gabe yells, and I lose my balance. It’s an insufferable sound I hope to never hear again in my lifetime.

  “I’m okay, I’m okay,” I tell him, but it’s too late. He’s completely wrecked.

  Though not so wrecked to avoid a brutal scuffle with Ben.

  Gabe hits the ground and delivers two uppercuts to Ben’s ribs. He then finds his neck and squeezes. Even in the dim light, I can see Ben’s face turn dark.

  “Stop, Gabe,” I scream, while Jameson and the security guards rush over and pull him off.

  “No bloodbath tonight,” Jameson says to Gabe, his eyes just as wicked. “But I’d say a few bumps and bruises are in order. Let me take him to the front. The cops should be here soon.”

  “Okay,” Gabe says. “But be sure to take the long way.”

  “You got it,” Jameson says, dragging Ben by his neck.

  Chapter 23


  I can’t fucking think.

  Bile sloshes in my gut and I swallow to choke it down. That image of the empty room, and the lonely shoe left behind gives me whiplash. Back and forth. Back and forth.

  I thought she was gone.

  The police arrive and separate us for questioning. Jameson and I sit through a fairly quick Q and A, while Stevie and April take the brunt of it with a lengthy interview.

  All I can think about is getting my hands on that little asshole again. I’ve never craved violence more in my life.

  Even after the cops leave and haul that pathetic excuse of a man to jail, I’ve yet to have one coherent thought. My palms are soggy and my jaw throbs from holding it so tight, but I have to stay calm for Stevie. I have to be here for her.

  We’re still standing in the alley as everyone finally starts to clear out. I want to get her out of here, but know I need to tread lightly. She has to lead the way. First, I need to get her talking.

  “I can’t believe you laid him out like that,” I say, finally able to breathe again. “He had to be twice your size.”

  “Yeah, well, I had a good self-defense teacher,” Stevie says with a grin, even as she shivers.

  You’re not fooling me, baby.

  She’s being far too cavalier about the whole thing. But her body doesn’t lie; it tells a completely different story. Her face is pale, her hair disheveled, and she’s physically fighting off the cold with a shake. I hold my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “And tying him up with your stockings was brilliant.” I do my best to keep the mood light.

  “Again, look at my teacher.”

  Jameson brought out Stevie’s coat so she’d be covered when the police arrived. Though even with the coat, she still seems naked to me. Exposed. She’s trying to be so strong. Hell, she is strong.

  If anything, this situation proves that Stevie can take care of herself, and I know I should be relieved.

  I’m not.

  I’m pissed that I didn’t protect her and that I agreed to this stupid plan in the first place, coming here on Halloween of all nights. It was foolish and irresponsible.

  All I want to do is get her home safe.

  And keep her in bubble wrap for the rest of her life.

  Chapter 24


  Okay, I’m a little rattled. Maybe a lot rattled.

  Gabe, conversely, is in full blown shock and I can’t worry him anymore than he already is. He lost his wife at such a young age and it’s scarred him deeply. I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now.

  I need to show him I’m okay, so he can believe it.

  “Stevie.” April comes flying over to me, finally free from Jameson’s clutches. She’s a blubbering mess. “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I didn’t know he’d follow me, you have to know that. And I didn’t mean to throw your words in his face. I put you at risk.”

  “Hey.” I pull her in for a hug. “It’s okay.”

  Gabe looks on, clearly not agreeing with me.

  “I had a feeling you’d show up tonight,” I say.

  “Wait.” Gabe joins us. “You knew she was coming?”


  “I had an idea,” I say, turning back to April. “Tia told me she caught you listening to our conversation and told me about all your questions about the club.”

  “And what about the cocksucker?” Gabe interrupts. “Did you know he was showing up too?”

  “No, of course not,” I say. “Why are you getting mad at me?”

  “I’m not mad,” he says. “I’m not. Look, can I just get you home?”

  I nod.

  There was no salvaging this night, it was time to call it.

  Sexy Plan of Adventure #2: Time of Death, 11:30 p.m., October 31st.

  Chapter 25


  I look over to Jameson who is once again fussing around April. He signals to let me know that he’ll drive her home. Though I have a feeling he’s talking about his home and not hers.

  The limo is waiting for us, but I’m stalling. After this night, we do not need to get into a fight on top of it all.

  Turns out, it can’t be helped.

  Once we get into the car, it all pours out.
r />   “Why didn’t you tell me about April, Stevie? We could’ve warned Sylvie and prevented this whole thing from happening.”

  “Honestly? I was so focused on us, I forgot about it.”

  “We’ve got to stop this,” I tell her. “The plans and the secrets and the distance. I can’t even think about what could’ve happened to you out in that alley. This foolishness ends tonight.”

  I pull her into my lap. What can I say, that’s about tough as I can go on Stevie. She comes to me willingly.

  Wrapping my arms around her tiny waist, I pepper her with kisses. I can’t get enough.

  “I’m okay, you know,” she says, leaning into my caress. “I really can handle myself.”

  “I know you can, but I want to be the person to handle you. I never want to feel that kind of fear and despair again. What would I do without you?”

  My eyes grow damp, but my hands and lips never stop devouring her. She has the power to destroy me, this woman.

  Soon, that despair we both feel turns into hunger. It’s overwhelming and consuming and… uncontrollable.

  I pull away, just for a moment.

  “Brownstone,” I tell the driver.

  And finally, we make our way home.

  Chapter 26


  I’m not sure if we’re in shock, experiencing PTSD, or are just horny freaks, but what’s going on in the back of the limo is wildly inappropriate. Even for us – which is saying a lot.

  We can’t seem to give a fuck.

  Somehow I manage to keep my clothes on until we get to Gabe’s new real estate property.

  Once we get through the door, all bets are off. I’m stripped down to my shoes in seconds and Gabe is forced to navigate through the place with his pants around his ankles.

  It’s dark, so I can’t see a thing. It doesn’t matter because Gabe carries me to… some kind of ledge or counter.

  “I thought I was going to lose my mind in that car.” Gabe moans. “You have completely and utterly ruined me Stevie Sinclair.”

  After all that’s happened, not just tonight, but the way I’ve been feeling the last month – all the worrying that Gabe had finally grown tired of me, or didn’t want me sexually, or the dozens of other thoughts that had haunted my days and nights – these new words of his, bring me the warmest comfort. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so loved.

  He continues loving me with his mouth and his hands. I take it all, and give even more, sublimely lost in him.

  And the last thing he says, before he sinks into me is, “I am yours, always.”

  Then Gabe is done talking.

  Chapter 27


  This is all backward. I always thought the dirty sex came first, then the dreaded pussy-whipped period, falling in love, and coupledom. Then if, if, that all worked out. Marriage and maybe kids.

  We worked all the way up to coupledom, and I was moving even further down the continuum, and Stevie was messing me the fuck up by bringing back all the dirtiness of a new fling.

  But it was even better this time around because I knew what to expect.

  The way her lips parted when she was hot.

  The feel of her nipples when they grew tight.

  The way her eyes danced the moment before she laughed because she found every situation funny – even sex.

  Her sounds when she came.

  The way she said I love you and carried the ooooo sound.

  The fact that I know all these things doesn’t make it boring or old or ordinary, it only increases my anticipation for it. For her.

  And I’m not waiting another second to get started.

  Chapter 28


  Gabe really did have a bed delivered to the brownstone, just for our little rendezvous on the way to Club Venus. We lie there in the soothing afterglow, and continue our discussion of what brought us to this place in our relationship when everything was going so well.

  The only thing we can come up with is fear. Or that nagging feeling that we discovered we have – that feeling like we each love the other person more.

  Mostly during our pillow talk, we find ways to avoid getting stuck in that place again.

  “Okay,” I say. “So the next time we go to a sex club, I should tell you if any of my friends will be in attendance.”

  “Next time, right,” Gabe says with a scoff. “Did you know, to top it all off, I was paired up with April?”

  “Ugh, what did you do?” I ask with a cringe.

  Yeah, I’d have to work on this confidence and trust thing.

  “I got Jameson’s ass over there stat. But please. Let’s not tell her, because that would be incredibly awkward.”

  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” I tell him. “And you know, I wouldn’t have been mad if you went through with it. That’s what this night was about.”

  “Well, I’m sorry, babe, but I never wanted this fucking night.”

  “Good, because I would’ve been devastated if you went through with it,” I admit.

  “That was never going to happen,” Gabe says. “You’re all I need; all I want. What we did at here at the brownstone before and after? That’s exciting. The call girl/client game? That is brilliant. Going to a club with all of the wall-to-wall kinky people? That sucks balls. I’m sorry I just can’t do it anymore.”

  “I hate it too. I mean it was great at first, but I can’t do it again. Does that make us lame?”

  “No, I hope that means we’re ready for the next step.”

  I am. I so am.

  “What’s the next step?” I ask.

  “Fuck, this is not the way I wanted to tell you, but you make everything so damn hard sometimes. I bought this place for you. For us. I thought it could be our new home, a place with room to grow.”

  Room to grow.

  I like that. I like it so much.

  But… but…

  “And that means you have to become Mrs. Shannon,” Gabe says, linking his fingers in mine.

  There it is. Oh. My. Stars.

  “Will you?” he asks, his eyes blazing in that way I love so much. “Stevie Sinclair, will you marry me?”

  I answer him with a kiss that turns my body inside out and has him saying my name over and over again.

  Stevie Shannon. Stevie Shannon. Stevie Shannon.

  I swear I’m floating.

  We stay there, wrapped up in each other and the moment for a long time – not wanting to break the magic of it all.

  Tonight has been a whirlwind of reliving the past, running from the present, and now… embracing our future.

  Buying a house, making a home. I’m no longer just fitting into Gabe’s life anymore. I am his life. And he is mine.

  And we are getting flipping married!

  Looks like the next step is growing up, or maybe just growing old. And kids?

  Mama, this plan is crazier than anything we ever did on any of my lists.

  The End



  Release Date: December 2014

  Change becomes the mantra for Stevie Sinclair and Gabe Shannon in the third book in the Quick and Dirty Series.

  And it’s a wildly entertaining and hysterical trip as they prepare to walk down the aisle.


  Release Date: Winter 2015

  Jameson and April made a sizzling connection on Halloween, but will it turn into more?

  Find out in the sassy, sexy, and fun spin-off in the Quick and Dirty Series.


  I have to thank all the readers who not only fell in love with Gabe and Stevie immediately, but demanded that write more of them!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for making dreams come true.

  Huge gratitude to Sommer Stein for the sexy cover and the oh-so talented Sara Biren for the editorial work.

  Thanks to Between the Sheets Promotion for the excellent work on the cover reveal, book blitz, and pr
omotion the first and second and third time around. Also to the reviewers, bloggers, and the romance and NA community for all of your love and support. And to my fellow authors, you are the best!

  Finally, I send the most heartfelt love to my family. I couldn’t do any of this without you. Nor would I want to!

  And don’t worry … Stevie and Gabe aren’t done yet. DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS will be released in December 2014!

  If you like this book, you might want to check out my others on the next page.

  Also by Clare James

  Before You Go

  "Before You Go is a touching tale of love and human redemption. Readers of Tammara Webber and Colleen Hoover will enjoy this book." - A Love Affair with Books

  An Amazon Best-Selling New Adult Romance about a scandal—and an experiment—that turns into a whole lot more ...

  Tabitha Kelly works her way through a bar full of locals before setting her eyes on the gorgeous Noah Adler sitting on the corner stool. He's the one, she thinks to herself as she makes her way over to him. All part of her plan.

  If she can choose where, when, and most importantly, who, maybe she can take back what's hers. And she's convinced the guy at the end of the bar is the perfect candidate. But Tabitha

  soon realizes this mysterious stranger has a plan of his own.


  A combustible New Adult Romance recommended for mature readers.

  There's no denying the heat between Jules Taylor and Foster Sutton. They are two wild

  souls with a fire burning inside. Together, they create a hot and dangerous mix of emotion and lust. But after a terrible accident leaves one friend dead, Foster is bound by a secret that keeps him from getting closer to Jules. That is, until a strange turn of events pushes them closer than ever before.

  MORE is the highly anticipated companion story to BEFORE YOU GO. It can also be read as a stand-alone book.


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