A Vampire's Purgatory (Romance In Central City Book 8)

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A Vampire's Purgatory (Romance In Central City Book 8) Page 7

by Jordan K. Rose

  “My father lost his mind in the end. We struggled to keep him safe. The paranoia that Tyrone was after him made him terrified to leave the house. In fact, in the last few weeks he wouldn’t let Joshua or me leave the house. I had to sneak out when he slept to get food.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that a man with your father’s brilliance was reduced to this.” Ricard wasn’t sure if it was entirely Jessica’s heartache he felt or if part of it was his own sadness for his friend’s suffering.

  What he did know was giving Jessica the opportunity to connect the dots about her parents’ deaths with her brother’s was stoking her desire for vengeance into a full hatred for Tyrone, Rollins, and Panthera. There was only one difference between their hatreds—Ricard had learned patience in planning and execution.

  “My parents did not deserve this.” She turned back to the board and uncapped the marker. “Neither did Josh.”

  For the next few minutes she wrote in silence, listing every symptom, the dates of any major changes, and every note she could remember her father sharing about her mother’s illness.

  Over the next couple hours together they worked out the details and timeline of each family member’s illness and subsequent death.

  “Based on this information I’m convinced your mother was one of Tyrone’s earliest victims. It appears he began his experiments while his brother, Lawrence, was still alive—alive and unaware of this madness.” Ricard retrieved a bottle of water for Jessica.

  “Thank you.” She studied the timeline as she drank.

  Ricard had added events she was not aware of until today, including the transformation of Aurelia from human to vampire.

  “So Tyrone accidentally figured out how to do it?” she asked, pointing to that event on the timeline.

  “No. Actually, Aurelia nearly died from a Tyrone experiment. Her mate attempted the change with the hope of saving her. A supreme success is the best way to describe that event.”

  Jessica gave a slight nod. “I wish we’d known you just a bit earlier. Maybe someone could have saved Josh.”

  “It is unlikely.” Feeling the need to touch Jessica, Ricard stepped toward her. “Aurelia had one particular problem. A probe had been imbedded in her body and nearly pierced her heart. Otherwise, she was for the most part healthy.”

  Ricard took Jessica’s hand in his. The feel of her hand, so small and warm in his made him relax. Quickly his mind ran through comments he’d heard others make about wanting to touch their mates, wanting to be near them because simply a passing touch made their worlds right.

  “With all Rollins did to Joshua it is unlikely he could have survived the transformation. It’s brutal to say the least.” He placed a small kiss to her knuckles. “I’m sorry.”

  “What do you think he really had? How could they possibly give him all those illnesses?”

  “I’m certain he did not have any of them. On first review it appeared he did. Certainly the cells were affected, but I believe it was all a hoax, meant to confuse and probably scare you both into bringing him back for more treatments. By forcing him to believe he had three terrible illnesses he would continue to return to Panthera and trust only Rollins’ team.”

  “But…” Jessica turned back to the board. “The things that happened to all those revenants, the strength, the reduction of mental capacity to a basic animal’s way of thinking, those things did not happen to Josh. He was certainly stronger for a very short time, but he was still bright and hopeful.”

  “I do not believe he was treated the same as the others. After reviewing the samples of Joshua’s blood and comparing them to the revenants, I think the experiments he experienced were different.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said. The clear look of confusion made it much harder for Ricard to tell her. Hurting her was agony to him.

  “I believe Joshua was much stronger than we thought with a much higher tolerance for pain. In reviewing the samples we took from your home, I’ve concluded he may have been a human incubator for the tests rather than part of the sample group.”

  “I don’t think I understand. How could he be an incubator? Wouldn’t his body have reacted the same as every other victim?”

  For several months Ricard had been considering a theory that even Serge worried could be true. This new theory painted Tyrone as an even craftier and disturbing scientist than everyone knew.

  “Had Joshua been treated like all the others, infected the same as those, yes. But I believe the base of the serums used on Joshua originated from Joshua. It’s conjecture at this point, but it’s possible Tyrone used the placenta from Joshua’s birth as a starting point.”

  As he’d feared, Jessica was stunned. She shook her head. “How?”

  “Both you and your brother were born at Panthera. It would have been no trouble at all for Tyrone or Rollins to obtain the placenta. In fact, I am willing to bet your mother donated them for research. Of course, I’m certain she did not have any idea what they would be used for.”

  Jessica’s eyes flashed a look of rage. “If it’s the last thing I do, I am going to kill Rollins. I am going to close down that laboratory and stop this madness.” A fiery wave of hatred poured from her, making her seem nearly inhuman.

  Without a thought of what he was doing, Ricard backed Jessica against the wall and kissed her with such desire and focus she lost her drive for vengeance.

  Her arms came up around his neck and she kissed him back.

  His instinctual need to keep her safe, to stop her from slipping into a state where she could lose herself took over, and his love called her back to him.

  For the first time in hundreds of years Ricard felt what love truly meant.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jessie felt the flush of something new and wonderful fill her soul. Where moments before she was filled with anger and hatred, now a sweet and gentle kindness came over her.

  The sensation of caring touched her body and her spirit, flowing over her to cleanse away all the negativity.

  Ricard’s body pressed to hers, his arms curling around her back to pull them closer. His kiss was firm, yet achingly soft, and it made Jessie want more. A desire to have all of him burned.

  She practically climbed up his body to get closer and kissed him until she couldn’t breathe, finally breaking away for a brief breath before kissing him again.

  She needed to touch him, to feel his skin against hers. Pulling his shirt up the backside, she ran her hands over his skin. A moan escaped her. She squeezed herself against him.

  With his hands gripping her ass he held her to him. It was all she could do to remember they were in a lab with animals running about and the possibility of people dropping by.

  Once again she broke the kiss for a breath. Ricard did not stop kissing. His lips danced over her chin to her neck, where his tongue swirled. He nipped her skin and suckled the tender spot.

  “Oh, Ricard.” Jessie arched her back and held his head to her. “Do it.”

  She wanted him to bite her. As crazy as it sounded, she wanted him to have her. He was hers, and she wanted him to claim her for everyone to see.

  This need to have him, to make him her own, and to give herself to him was all she could think of. This idea of being together, being his, and having him for her own ran through her mind. It consumed her.

  “Don’t make me wait. I know you want to.” Running her hands through his hair, she held him to her.

  Jessie all but screamed when he pulled back. The beast of desire burned with such fury she could barely control herself. She must have him. “Don’t.” She leaned into him.

  He turned his face and attempted to unwrap himself from her arms. “I want nothing more, but I fear you believe you want this because of my influence, not due to your own feelings.”

  “No, that’s not so.” She clung to him.

  “Jessica, I cannot let anything more happen, not yet.” Much to Jessie’s disappointment he managed to untangle himself from her hold. “You
will resent me, if we continue.”

  “What? Why?” She stood before him, hot from the combination of wanting him and wrestling with him. She still tried to reach him.

  His hands rested on her biceps, holding her in place. “Just as I am attuned to your needs like knowing when you are thirsty or confused or worried, you are attuned to mine. Mates are driven to provide for each other, to ensure we each have what we need or want. My greatest desire is you.”

  “Well, if you want me so badly, why aren’t you having me?” It was ludicrous for her to have to ask the question. She was literally throwing herself at him and he rebuked her. “I’m confused. You must know that, if you’re so in tuned to me.”

  He nodded quickly. “Yes. Yes, I know that without question.” Still holding Jessie in place, he stepped back, keeping a full arm’s length between them. “I’m worried you are offering yourself because I want you.”

  Jessie inched forward, which served only to move Ricard back an inch.

  “What I’m trying to say is I am concerned that this response, which is completely different from last night when you said you couldn’t go any further with any type of relationship because you were grieving the loss of Joshua and wanted to find an answer…” His eyes widened as though he was trying make Jessie’s addled brain follow the logic.

  “…you weren’t as keen on our mating just last night so I’m worried my need is driving your desire, which doesn’t seem fair for you, if you ask me or if we look at this from a very logical perspective.”

  Ricard walked Jessie backward, around the lab table and deftly grabbed the stool, sliding it up behind her and planting her on it before darting with vampire speed across the room.

  “I want you, but I do not ever want you to hate me. I couldn’t live with myself if you ever looked back on this moment, realized you’d all but slit open your throat in an effort to convince me to have you, and then felt humiliated because you’d behaved in such a way. I can’t be the cause of your embarrassment. I’d never forgive myself.”

  Jessie felt reason, cold and painfully logical reason. What followed was a hot as hell flush of humiliation.

  Had she just attacked a vampire in an attempt to get him to bite her? Had she lost her damn mind?

  Her brother just died, was murdered, and she couldn’t even keep her mind focused on him for more than twenty-four hours?

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” She straightened her shirt. “I…I…well, you…” She choked on an inhale.

  After a long moment of silence and staring at her feet, Jessie regained her voice. “Let’s focus on my brother.”

  She slid off the stool and returned to the board where she struggled to see what was directly before her. It wasn’t an issue with her vision. Rather it had everything to do with her mind’s inability to accept what she’d just done.

  Jessie was not a tramp. She did not throw herself at men. There’d been dates and encounters over the years. Not many, but some. None ever worked out because when she mentioned her dependent brother, they ran, not at all interested in taking on a sick kid.

  Never, not once with any of those men, not even the ones she had slept with had she ever taken such an aggressive approach. Never had she literally thrown herself at a man.

  Not with any of those men had she ever been duped into believing he wanted her only to have him change his mind when she said yes.

  Stooping to this level of humiliation was a brand new experience, one she hated.

  “Jessica, I’m sorry. I—”

  “Let’s not discuss it further. I understand.”

  “I don’t think you do.” Ricard stepped toward her.

  Continuing to face the whiteboard, Jessie held up an open hand. “Please, let’s just let it go.”

  “We should—”

  The door to the lab opened and a tall bald man entered. “Good evening.” He came forward holding a small box. “Ms. Stevens, I’m Serge. I am the leader of The Vampire Guard and an old friend of your parents. Please accept my most sincere apologies on the deaths of your brother and parents.”

  The tall and imposing man held out his hand. Automatically Jessie shook it. “Thank you.”

  “It is a great honor for us to find you and have you join our ranks. We are privileged by this.” He bowed his head for a moment.

  “I don’t understand?” Jessie was intrigued by his formal tone, not to mention his impressive size. He was larger than Ricard, whose height she estimated at just over six feet, and he was broader than any man she’d met.

  Serge looked from Jessie to Ricard.

  With the turn of his head Jessie noticed the tiny growth of stubble on his scalp. He appeared to have a full head of hair growing on a scalp that was shaved rather than naturally bald.

  “We are not mated as of yet,” Ricard said.

  “Ah. I see. In time,” Serge said.

  “That remains to be seen,” Jessie mumbled, and she didn’t miss the looks the two men exchanged.

  “Ms. Stevens, I’ve come for two reasons.” Serge placed the small box on the counter. “I come baring a gift and to ask that you join us in defeating what’s left of Tyrone’s empire and closing down Panthera Laboratories.”

  “Well, I’m all in.” She’d have gladly joined the military or offered up a kidney if she thought either would help.

  “Excellent. I think you hold information that will be very useful to us.” The words had no sooner been said, than Ricard was at Jessie’s side.

  He remained silent but the air around him sizzled.

  Jessie shivered against the bristling chill, and he moved closer, bringing their bodies to touch. At once she warmed.

  “Have there been any more attacks by the revenants?” Ricard asked.

  “Yes, they have come in faster, larger waves. Every couple hours there are more on the doorstep. We’ve set up sentries to announce their arrival in advance. It gives the brothers time to set up training opportunities for everyone.” Serge shrugged. “You are aware they do not waste any chance to keep everyone on their toes.”

  “Yes,” Ricard hissed. His body tensed for a moment, then he stepped in closer to Jessie and relaxed.

  Serge watched in silence, his eyes tracking every move Ricard made. The intensity of his attention made Jessie nervous. She pressed against Ricard and was thankful when his arm curled around her waist.

  “Jessica, we intend you no harm. I want to be very clear about that,” Serge said. His attention vacillated between Jessie and Ricard. “Rico is predictably concerned.”

  “Well, now I’m concerned, too. What’s going on?” The urge to lean into Ricard and then climb onto his body and beg him to bite her surged, and Jessie jolted as if poked by a hot brand.

  Ricard jumped and reached to keep Jessie from tumbling off the stool. The touch of his hands and arms around her body, his chest crashing into her back, and the feel of his breath against her hair were all enough to make her lose her damn mind.

  Before acting on the crazy desire, thus further making an ass of herself, Jessie locked it down like it was a prisoner thrown into a dark dungeon. She managed to get herself reseated on the stool, give Ricard a warning glance and a nod to remove his hand, which she would not tell him, but was making her wildly excited.

  Ricard drew his hand away and cleared his throat.

  Serge appeared to be fighting a laugh.

  Ricard glared.

  “I’m sorry.” Serge chuckled.

  “Are you laughing at him or at me,” Jessie asked, suddenly feeling like punching both men.

  “I am laughing at the experience every vampire has when muddling through the process of bonding with his mate.” He walked across the room, vanishing into a closet, then returning with a lab coat. “It is particularly amusing to watch someone who attempted to use logic and twelve different mathematical theories to explain to me how I could get through this same situation, if I only used logic.”

  Serge laughed openly. “There is no logic in mating
. Is there, my old friend?”

  Ricard drew in a breath. “No.”

  “Do you have a mate?” Jessie asked.

  “I do. Harriet is her name. And just as I am certain Ricard believes you to be the most glorious creature to walk the earth, for me, there is no one but Harriet.” He continued smiling, and the happiness touched even his eyes.

  “Yeah, well, okay on that,” Jessie said. She considered asking Serge if she could talk with Harriet in private but decided against it.

  Clearly, he knew something was going wrong between her and Ricard, and he seemed to be enjoying it. If he had a mate, she was probably as odd as he.

  Ricard exhaled loudly, drawing both their attentions. “Let’s talk about how you intend to get information from my mate.”

  Jessie huffed at hearing him say the words.

  Serge smiled. “Well, first I’ll ask her, then our options are wide open. We can do it the easy way and either I, or Rafe question her. Or, we can do it the way you’re going to insist we do it and let you try.”

  “First you can ask out loud while she’s perfectly lucid. Then I will be the one to influence her. If that doesn’t work, we’ll consider you as the next step. Rafe is not an option. End of story.” Ricard marched off to the same closet where Serge had vanished. When he returned he wore a lab coat and held one in his hands.

  “Put this on, please, Jessica. The least we can do is cover every inch of you in work clothes so everyone knows you’re part of the research team and not a lab rat to be plucked apart, and dissected, and pillaged or ravaged.”

  “Wait. What?” Jessie asked.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ricard shoved one of Jessica’s arms into the lab coat, spun the chair and before she could repeat her question, he had her buttoned up to her neck with the collar pulled up as high as he could, thus covering every inch of skin to her chin.

  “What? What is happening?” She batted at his hands when he grabbed a sleeve and cuffed it just enough to show the tips of her fingers. “Stop that!”

  Serge walked to the whiteboard and studied the information they’d written. “Hmm. This timeline would lead one to believe Tyrone was experimenting on your family well before the fire.”


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