Beautiful Liar (The Masquerade Series)

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Beautiful Liar (The Masquerade Series) Page 7

by Maynard, Glenna

  Now that the details are final, I go home to e-mail Brody. I can’t believe I am finally going to tell him about Aiden. Caroline has agreed to keep him for me during the funeral and while I talk to Brody afterwards, if everything goes well then I will have her bring Aiden over to meet him.

  I send the following e-mail.

  Me: Brody,

  I don’t even know where to begin. It’s not you, it’s me. Sounds so lame, but it is the truth. I will explain everything after the funeral. Thank you so much for agreeing to come. I know I don’t have the right to ask much of you. I know you have questions and I hope to answer them all for you soon. The funeral is tomorrow. I am so sorry for the short notice. I can pick you up from the airport if you need me to just let me know. Thank you so much for coming. I can’t wait to see you.


  Brody: I don’t understand, what did I ever do wrong Darby?

  Brody: All I have ever done is love you and only you, please I need to know. Why did you walk away?

  Brody: I needed you, more than I have ever needed anyone, and you walked away.

  Me: Brody,

  I am so sorry for hurting you. I hope one day you will be able to forgive me. I wouldn’t say I am the only person you have ever loved, you did get married.

  Brody: Are we really going to go there already, and besides you see how well that worked out for me. I lost everything in the divorce serves me right for not having her sign a prenuptial agreement. Anyways I have already booked a flight and scheduled a rental car. You can text the directions to the funeral home after I land. I can’t wait to see you either. We have a lot of catching up to do. You owe me a lot answers…..

  I am so nervous. There are so many emotions flowing through my veins right now I’m not sure what I am feeling. I am so consumed with guilt and grief. The only thing keeping me going is my handsome little man, my Aiden. I know Marla would be so happy to know that he is finally going to meet his father. I just hope Brody doesn’t freak out on me.

  I have to take Marla’s pant suit to the funeral home. I feel like there is something I am forgetting to do, but I can’t place my finger on what exactly. I thought that Turner might call or stop by when he heard about my mother, but I guess he is done with me. I know we weren’t exactly official, but what he did stings me to my core. But right now I need to focus on doing right by Aiden.

  The day is here that I have to say goodbye to my mom. I don’t know how I am supposed to say goodbye when I feel like I just got her back. We didn’t always have the greatest relationship. But once I moved here and Aiden was born, she became the mother I always wanted but never knew I needed. I take Aiden over to Caroline’s. She hugs me and tells me she is so sorry about Marla. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and wishes me luck with Brody. Leave it to me to make this day as fucked up as possible. But Brody is only able to be here for tonight. He has to fly straight back to Cincinnati on the red eye at midnight. I didn’t think it would be a good idea just to spring Aiden’s existence on him at the funeral.

  I dress in a simple black dress and heels. I sweep my long blonde locks into a tight bun. I look very ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ in my pearls. I pull my cell phone from my clutch and text Brody directions to the funeral home. There aren’t many people here. Marla didn’t have any family here besides me and little man, and both of her parents have long passed.

  Some of her former co-workers have come to pay their respects. There isn’t any sign of Brody. I have taken my seat in the front and just as the preacher is about to begin his short sermon, Brody takes up the seat next to me in the pew. He takes my hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze. Something about my hand being placed in the cradle of his feels so safe and familiar, I feel an inner peace take over me. His gentle touch soothes me.

  I take a moment to study his features. He hasn’t changed much. His hair is still the same sandy brown waves, except they are shorter than I last remember. His green eyes still sparkle, but I notice a few lines that weren’t there before. His nose is still angular and when he gives me a reassuring smile it is lopsided just like Aiden’s.

  The preacher begins talking and I focus my attention on his every word.

  “Family, friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of a remarkable woman. Marla Stuart was a loving mother and friend. She was born in 1965 in the town of Huntington West Virginia on a warm summer’s day. She touched all who knew her with her warm friendly smile. She never met a stranger and always had a helping hand for those in need. So I ask you today friends to lift her family in your prayers as they lay her to rest.” The funeral concludes with everyone filing out row by row and paying their last respects at her coffin. Brody still clings to my side offering me his support as my knees give out when I look upon my mother’s face one final time.

  I am drowning in my emotions and feel like I will never swim my way back to the top. She looks so peaceful lying here. Her blonde hair lies across her shoulders. Her lips are tinted with nude gloss. She is wearing her favorite black pant suit. Around her neck is the heart locket I gave her with Aiden’s picture after I decided to keep him. She looks like she is taking the best nap of her life and it makes me feel better that she looks so at peace. It makes me feel like it is a sign that she approves of Brody being here and what I am about to tell him.

  Brody drives me to the cemetery so I can see her placed in her final resting place. I am not able to drive myself. I am crying so hard I can barely walk straight. I know I need to tell Brody the truth, the real reason why I asked him to be here.

  Chapter Eleven

  Watching the dirt be shoveled onto my mother’s coffin chills me to the bone. I have never had someone I love so much die before. I start to sweat, being here right now and seeing how precious and short life really is makes me see now more than ever that I need to tell Brody the truth. I say one more goodbye to Marla. I blow her a kiss and tell her I am about to make things right. I join Brody in his rental car. Leave it to him to get a flashy sports car. He is driving a yellow corvette. “Nice ride.”

  “Thanks I am thinking I may need to buy it.” He flashes his famous lopsided grin at me.

  “Hey I need to check in at my hotel and make a few phone calls. I figure we could swing by there before dinner.”

  “Sure,” is all I manage to choke out. My stomach is flip flopping. The valet takes Brody’s keys and I follow him into the lobby. I feel like ‘Julia Roberts’ in ‘Pretty Woman’ walking into this fancy hotel with a handsome rich man. I know my situation is completely different, but it’s the way I feel. I take a seat by the nearest elevator and steal a moment to send Caroline a text to check on Aiden.

  She tells me not to worry and to take my time. Brody gives me toothy grin, and leads me into the elevator. “I can’t believe I am really here with you right now.” He whispers against my neck. Being with him right now feels like we haven’t been apart for three years, it feels so natural.

  Walking into his suite is surreal. This room is gorgeous. I don’t know why a person would spend so much for a room for a few hours. “Make yourself comfortable, I will only be a few minutes. Fifteen at the most.” I walk around the room and take in the décor. It looks like a honeymoon suite. There has to be at least three or more different floral arrangements in here.

  He walks into what I assume is the bedroom and closes the door. I take a seat on the sofa and pick nonexistent lint from my dress. I can’t believe I am about to do this. I don’t know how to form the words. I play them over and over gain in my head. It is so much easier in theory.

  There is a knock on the door. Peeking through the peephole, I see it is only a bellhop. I open the door and he reaches me Brody’s suitcase. I knock on the bedroom door. “It’s open,” he calls from the other side. I open the door to find a shirtless Brody sitting on the bed talking on his cell phone. He holds his hand up signaling that he will be just a minute more. I set his suitcase on top of the dresser and wait.

  The past few years have been
good to him. His build is more defined than I remember. I know I so shouldn’t be checking him out right now, but I can’t help it he looks good. Damn good. He ends his call. “You look like you could use a drink.”

  “Brody, that probably isn’t a good idea.” I follow him into the kitchen area and he pours himself a glass of wine. I notice his hands are trembling.

  “Are you nervous or something, your hands are shaking.”

  “You being here in front of me, yeah it has me worried that I am going to say something stupid to fuck this up.”

  “I see that you still like to drink.”

  “Don’t worry I can handle myself now. I just have an occasional drink.” I give in and take him up on his over for a glass.

  “Your mom, she had cancer?”

  “Yeah, she was terminal but that’s not what killed her. She had a stroke.” Talking about it makes me start to cry again.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Just relax.” He places his hands on my arms. I can see his heart beating through his chest. Dang he needs to put a shirt on. Him standing this close to me half naked is not good when my emotions are all out of whack.

  “I have been waiting for this for so long Darby,” he takes a step closer. I place my hand on his chest to put distance between us, but he mistakes my gesture for an invitation. Placing his lips to mine, he murmurs, “better than I remember.”

  I know better, but I can’t stop when my body responds to his. I clasp my arms around his neck. His kisses are so gentle, so tentative. He picks me up from the ground, pushing my dress up around my waist as my legs hook around his waist. So much for talking. He continues to place his tortuous kisses down my throat. He gently lays me on the bed. I feel so safe here with him, like nothing bad can touch me. Brody knows me, inside and out. He knows how to pleasure me. He has done it so many times before. Taking his time he kisses his way up to my center. Hooking a finger around my pink lace panties, he pulls the material to the side. He gives me a knowing smirk. I watch him, placing his lips to my folds, his warm tongue darts out and he licks me one single time.

  “Still taste sweeter than sugar.” He removes my panties. “Careful I might melt.” I retort. My mind is telling me I should stop him, but my body is screaming more! I give into temptation and desire takes over. I grab the top of his head pressing his mouth to my sex. His tongue delves inside me. I pull his hair hard and buck my hips in response. He slides my dress down my body exposing my dainty peek-a-boo pink lace bra.

  “So beautiful, how is it possible that you are better than I remember? My dreams haven’t done you justice.”

  “You dream about me?”

  “Every night of my life I go to bed thinking of your face. And wake disappointed that you’re not lying in my bed.”

  “Hmm,” is all I can respond with as he flicks my nipple with his tongue.

  Brody positions himself over my wet slit while he rolls a condom onto himself. Gently he eases inside of me. He takes a moment to enjoy the feel of me. “Baby, you have no idea how good you feel.”

  “Shhh, less talking more action.”

  I awake hours later alone in Brody’s hotel room. I wipe the sleep from my eyes. I look over at the clock, it’s one am. Shit! I hope Caroline isn’t freaking out. I should have been home hours ago. I flip the lamp on. There is a note on the nightstand.


  Tonight was amazing. I didn’t want to wake you, you were sleeping so peacefully. I had to catch my flight. Feel free to spend the night, checkout isn’t until 11 am. I hope to see you soon. I hope to see you in the stands at my next game. You have no idea of the power you still hold over me.


  There are two passes to his next game peeking out from under the note. Fuck! I didn’t even get to tell him about Aiden. I call Caroline and apologize to her a million times. She tells me not to worry that Aiden has been in bed for hours. I let her know that I will be there soon. I can’t believe I was so irresponsible! I checkout at the front desk, and flag a cab to take me to my car.

  I can’t believe I just had sex with Brody after my mother’s funeral. What kind of person does that? Apparently a fucked up selfish one like me! I bang my head against my steering wheel as I sit in my car and cry. Yeah, I am having a pity party for myself. Finally making it home I crash on my couch.

  I wake up the next morning to the sound of bacon being fried in my kitchen. Aiden is sitting in the floor watching cartoons. I give him a quick kiss on the head and let Caroline know I’m going to take a quick shower. As the water beats down over me, I let my tears fall. I have made such a mess of things. How did I let the night spiral so out of control?

  I dress and join Aiden and Caroline at the table for breakfast. She slides a cup of coffee across the table to me. “Now dish!” She gives me an excited look.

  “You don’t want to know!”

  “The h-e- double l, I don’t now spill.” She taps her impatient fingers on the table.

  “Marla talked of this baby meeting his daddy for the past year, it was her dying wish!”

  “What she never told me that.”

  “Here I was supposed to wait before giving you this but here take it.”

  She hands me a letter.

  My hands start to tremble as I read my mothers final words to me.


  My beautiful girl, if you are reading this then I have succumbed to my illness. I don’t want you to mourn for me, rejoice in the fact that I lived a happy life. Being your mother and Aiden’s grandmother was the greatest accomplishment of my life. I wouldn’t take any of my mistakes back. They brought me to your father and led you and Aiden to me. Life has a funny way of bringing you the people you need most at certain times throughout your life. When people leave your life sometimes it only means that they have served the purpose they were meant to. And if a time comes that you need them again. God will put them in your path once more. So my sweet girl love hard and live even harder. There are no set promises, just promise me you will follow your heart. I only ask one thing, please tell Brody about Aiden. It is my last request of you. I know your intentions are true, but you and Brody aren’t your father and me. You have to live life and make mistakes so you can learn from them and grow. I know you will raise Aiden to be a fine young man. Tell him his Mam Mam loved him with all she had.

  With all my love,


  Chapter Twelve

  I get up from the table and take out the tickets Brody left for me from my clutch. They are season passes meaning I can go at anytime. I get online to look up the schedule for the Red Jackets. They have a game tomorrow. I’m not scheduled to work again for another two days. Looks like I have a flight to book. I can do this. I will do this.

  Caroline is watching me as I start frantically pacing the floor while making calls to book a flight for Aiden and myself. I plan to show up for Brody’s next game with Aiden and fulfill my mother’s final wish. I explain to Caroline that I didn’t get the chance to tell Brody about Aiden last night and how I plan to just show up and surprise him. “You think I’m crazy, right?”

  “No, I think it is quite romantic.”

  I am in a rush to get to the airport. I managed to book the last two seats available on the last flight to Cincinnati for the night. I pack a carryon bag for Aiden and I, we will only be spending the night in Cincy tonight. We have to fly back late tomorrow evening. I decide against telling Brody we-I, well that we are coming.

  Aiden and I barely make our flight. I am so nervous and excited. I don’t know what to do with myself. By this time tomorrow Brody will know the truth. I won’t be able to sleep a wink tonight. We get checked into our room, Aiden is fast asleep, but my mind is racing through my thoughts a thousand miles a minute. I am really going through with this crazy plan! Aiden is going to meet his father. I feel Marla is smiling down on me.

  I wake the next day after a few hours of sleep. I am running on adrenaline and energy drinks. We have a few hours to kill before the game starts so I
decide to take Aiden to the zoo. His face lights up so bright with each new animal we see. I get so tickled as he tries to mimic the different animal sounds. We take a cab to the stadium. I am so nervous! I have to fight the bile that keeps climbing its way up my throat. I buy Aiden some memorabilia to remember this day by. They are selling small jerseys and how perfect is it that they have one with the name Case on the back of it. I just have to put it on Aiden.

  The guy who checks our passes tells me we have private box seats. This is Aiden’s first real game and he is going to be watching his daddy play. I wish he could understand how big this day is. We are seated by an usher next to an older gentleman. He does a double take at Aiden. “My goodness he is the spitting image of Brody Case. I didn’t know he had a son.”

  “I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude, but who are you?” I give the man a sideways glance.

  “Marty Walsh, I own the team.”

  “Oh, my apologies sir. I had no idea.”

  “It’s a shame the little fellow won’t get to see his dad play today.”

  “Oh why is that?”

  He leans over close to me, and whispers. “So you haven’t heard? It’s all over the news. That jackass went and got himself arrested for a DUI last night. We had to suspend him from playing in today’s game.”

  “Oh,” I let the mans words sink in. Coming here was a mistake, Brody obviously hasn’t changed. In fact he must be drinking more now than ever. I should have known when he was so eager to down that bottle of wine.

  “Is he here today, at the game?” He shakes his head. “Please don’t tell him we were here.”

  “Well it’s none of my business.”

  We are already here so I guess there is no harm in letting Aiden stay and watch the game, well most of it anyways. He is so cute. He points and says, “Dat ball ma.”


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