Blood Magic (Blood Books Book 2)

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Blood Magic (Blood Books Book 2) Page 12

by Danielle Rose

  I pressed a kiss to the peak of his nose and pulled him into a tight hug. He nuzzled into my neck and inhaled deeply.

  “Sebastian told you…”

  He nodded.

  I shook my head. “I wanted to tell you. I told him not to say anything.”

  He pulled away and frowned. “He didn’t have a choice. It was obvious something had happened. You returned in his arms, unable to walk or wake, and your attire was different. We drew our own conclusions and gave him no choice but to explain himself.” I knew Jasik referred to both himself and the other Hunters when he said we. My heart leapt at the thought of their immediate defense of me. I was used to Jasik’s emotional connection, but not the others’.

  And then his words hit me. I gasped. “It was… He didn’t do this. He saved me. I—I would have died.” I swallowed, my throat dry.

  His jaw clenched. “I know,” he whispered. “He told me about the girl, the fire, how close it was.” He closed his eyes. “I should have been there…”

  “Jasik, no. Don’t do this. It’s not your fault, either. Two hybrids weren’t enough. It was just… a close call. One of many I’ll have in the expanse of forever, I’m sure.”

  He opened his eyes. “Too close.”

  “I know,” I admitted. “But I’m here now, and I’m okay. How long have I been out?”

  “Only a day. It’s time to wake.”

  I nodded and released him from my grasp. I stood on weak legs. “I need to feed.”

  “Again?” he asked, surprised.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You fed from Sebastian. Twice,” he looked down, crossing his arms, unable to meet my gaze.

  “Jasik—” I walked toward him, willing him to understand that it wasn’t a sexual experience. “It wasn’t like us. It was survival. That’s all I thought, felt. He didn’t feel anything, either.”

  He nodded his understanding. I was sure jealousy was a new emotion for him. “You also drank bagged blood, and you fed from me all night.”

  “I did?”

  “I’m not surprised that you don’t remember. You weren’t well. You were in a daze, in and out of consciousness. Whenever you woke, even if for the briefest of moments, I made sure I was there to give you whatever you needed.”

  “Jasik,” I whispered, “that was dangerous. I could’ve taken too much. You could’ve—”

  “It doesn’t matter. If you weren’t going to survive, I wasn’t, either.” His tone betrayed his pain and no-nonsense attitude.

  I pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you.” It was done, in the past. There was no reason to argue now. Besides, I would have done the same had the situation been reversed.

  “Have you not yet realized the power you have over me? For you, my love, I’d give my life,” he said.

  THE DINING AREA was eerily quiet as I walked in and took a seat at a table the Hunters and Sebastian occupied.

  “How are you feeling?” Malik asked. I was surprised he was the first to speak. I knew he cared for me, but only because I was with his brother. More times than not, he gave me the impression he’d have no care for me if Jasik and I weren’t together. Jasik held my hand under the table, his thumb lightly brushing over my skin.

  “Better, thanks.” I smiled to reassure the group. “And I’m ready to do the locater spell.” I looked at Sebastian.

  He opened his mouth but snapped it back again. He was going to argue, but my glare spoke volumes.

  “We don’t have time to mess around. I’ll refuel, and then we’re starting. Have you spoken with Sibyl?”

  He nodded. “They’re available if we need them, but she thinks we should try alone first.” He shrugged.

  “Works for me. I’d like to see if we can reach her alone, anyway.” A vampire dropped two full mugs of blood in front of me, and I looked up to thank her.

  She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and said, “I’m glad you’re okay, Avah.”

  “Umm, thanks,” I said as she turned to walk away. “Who was that?”

  “Girl, everyone knows what happened. Everyone. Pretty sure Kat will be down soon, too. When Sebastian showed up with you lookin’ the way you did…” Jeremiah shook his head, his knuckles turning white as he grasped his mug a little too hard. “He’s lucky all we did was make a scene. We take care of our own.” He glared at Sebastian, who was completely oblivious to Jeremiah’s mood change. I reached across the table, grasping Jeremiah’s hand in my own. His eyes met mine, and he gave me a wink. I pulled away, smiling.

  When I was still a witch, I had regularly patrolled our property in search of lingering vampires. I usually didn’t have any trouble finding them, but one time, I nearly died in the fight. I was alone, stupidly, and it took all of my strength to reach home before succumbing to the blood loss. The vampire had impaled me with my own weapon. When I reached my house, my coven cleaned my wound and performed a healing spell. Afterward, my mother punished me by spelling the house so I couldn’t leave for weeks. Her only care was that I was endangering my chosen status. She called my behavior reckless, amateur, and unacceptable—even though she sent me on hunts and ordered me to slay vampires. Closing my eyes, I could still hear her screams. Not once did she ask if I was okay. Not once did she pull me into a hug and cry. I knew she was playing her role of our coven’s high priestess. She couldn’t show weakness—not even for her own daughter. It strained our relationship, but it also made me the fighter I was today.

  As I glanced around the table, I saw a vast array of emotions on the Hunters’ faces. I wasn’t used to displays of love or concern. My heart ached at the thought.

  “I think everyone’s just surprised you survived. Sebastian gave us the gory details thanks to Jasik’s persuasion.” Lillie glanced at the two vampires before returning her eyes to me. “I’m really happy you’re both okay.” She smiled. Rarely did I see this side of Lillie. We didn’t have the best start, because she had lingering feelings for Jasik that weren’t returned. But she was moving on, letting go, and accepting us as a couple. Slowly, she was opening up to me, and I was thrilled. If I was going to live an eternity, I’d need a girlfriend.

  “Thank you.” I reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a little squeeze. She flinched at the gesture but gave me a small smile before pulling away.

  “Avah,” a familiar voice said. I turned as Kat reached me and sat down beside me. Her beauty still stunned me. How could anyone be this elegant, this perfect?

  “Kat—umm, Milady, hello.”

  She brushed off my fumble. “Please, call me Kat. I’ve never been one for formalities.” She glanced from me to Malik and then back again so quickly I wondered if I’d just imagined it.

  “Thank you… Kat.” Her casualness was uncomfortable. When it was time to discuss business, we referred to Amicia with her title. The same happened with my former witch coven. I had never met someone who held so much power and didn’t want to remind you of said power every chance they got. I also found it incredibly amusing that Malik, of all vampires, was falling into the forbidden love. I smiled on the inside at the thought.

  “I’ve been very worried. Jasik wouldn’t let anyone see you. Not even me.” Her lips pursed.

  “He’s protective,” I said, and his hand squeezed my thigh under the table.

  “For good measure,” Sebastian said. “Or do I need to remind you that she nearly died.”

  Malik tensed, his fist slamming against the table in a moment of weakness. I don’t know what surprised me more: Sebastian’s blatant disrespect for an elder or Malik’s impulsive protectiveness for his lady friend.

  “Relax, big boy, you’re no match,” Sebastian said, brushing off Malik’s aggressive behavior. “I’ve seen death, more times than I can count. I’ve never seen someone survive on the brink like that. Without a doubt, Avah should have died yesterday. The fact that she’s here is a miracle.”

  I gasped and looked at Sebastian. “It was that bad?” I whispered.

  He nodded slowl
y and looked away. Jasik tensed beside me.

  “I knew it was bad, but… I didn’t realize… Do you think it was that witch? Maybe she did something?”

  Sebastian shrugged. “Doubtful. What is one fire witch going to do? She’d need a complete elemental set, and I doubt that happened.”

  I nodded. He was right. “I guess my destiny hasn’t been fulfilled yet. Someone up there needs me down here.” I tried to lighten the mood, but it didn’t work. We were too tense, too raw.

  “In any event, I’m happy you’re here. I want you to understand that. You are always welcome here.” Kat smiled brightly at me.

  “Oh, um, thanks. It’s been nice staying here. Albeit weird. But nice.”

  “Weird? How so?”

  “I just… I’m ready to be home.” I felt Jasik’s hand squeeze, and I looked up at him. He smiled at me, no doubt loving that I referred to the manor as home.

  “Of course. It’s only natural to be where your heart is. Perhaps, eventually, you’ll open your heart to us, too. We’d love for you to all visit again soon.”

  I couldn’t deny her hidden meaning. She wanted me to feel comfortable here, because Jasik followed wherever I went, and Malik followed him. We were a team, and she wanted this team to return often.

  “Definitely. Maybe we could even have our own bedrooms,” I said with a wink.

  “Yes, of course! If that would make you more comfortable, I’ll see to that.” She beamed, and I felt bad, as if I was leading her on to believe we’d stay here permanently. I wasn’t sure how this worked, but Jasik and Malik were sired by Amicia. I was sure they needed to stay as her Hunters.

  “Oh, I didn’t mean that seriously. I was kidding. The guest rooms are fine.”

  She nodded, looking lost for words.

  “We were actually going to start a locater spell before we head out,” I said, hoping to relieve the awkwardness of Malik shifting around, Kat staring at the table, and Sebastian giving his alpha glares at the vampires around the room.

  “Very good. You’ll let me know if you need anything from me, yes?” I nodded. “Well, then. Until we meet again, Avah.” She grasped my free hand, and a look of longing flashed before her eyes. She dropped my hand and faced Malik. “I need to speak with you before you go.” And with that, she left us in silence.

  I slurped down my mugs of blood.

  “Well, this is awkward,” Jeremiah said, looking from vampire to vampire.

  Malik stood abruptly, his chair scratching against the floor in an ear-piercing cry. “Do you need me for the spell?”

  “Nope,” I said with a grin.

  “Avah, please.” He shook his head as he left us and reunited with his lover.

  “Am I really the only one who’s going to acknowledge this?” I asked. Lillie immediately began playing with her mug, sliding it from hand to hand. Jeremiah’s eyebrows waggled, and I groaned in response. Jasik squeezed my hand and shook his head. Sebastian arched an eyebrow and bit his lower lip. “They’re clearly sleeping together. What’s so bad about that?”

  “This isn’t up for discussion,” Jasik said sharply. His harsh tone made me jerk as if he’d just lashed me. He’d never spoken to me with his authoritative voice, and I wasn’t sure I liked it… at all.

  “Always so eager to protect your brother?” Sebastian asked.

  “Always eager to protect what’s mine.”

  I gawked as anger seemed to seep from Jasik’s pores. “Okay, what happened while I was knocked out?”

  “You mean while you were dying?” Jasik asked, and I cowered. His tone was bitter, though I knew he didn’t mean it to be.

  “Ouch.” I pried my hand from his grip. “Harsh much?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—” He ran a hand through his messy hair.

  “Forget it. I just don’t see the issue here,” I said.

  “Too much has happened. We’re all on edge.”

  I nodded, waiting for him to continue as I watched his eyes cloud over.

  “You almost died, Amicia is missing, and Kat…” He shook his head.

  “What about Kat?”

  “She wants us to relinquish our duties to Amicia and join her coven.” He spoke softly, as if it hurt him to say the words aloud.

  “What? Are you kidding? Can that even happen?”

  “We’re bound to Amicia in more ways than one,” he said simply.

  “Okay? Meaning?”

  “Malik will not leave unless I leave, and it’s not as simple for me. Amicia is our sire. I’ve never imagined walking away from her.”

  “But the woman he loves is here, so he has to choose between her and you.” I said what he wouldn’t.

  “Yes,” he whispered. “My bond to my brother is stronger than my bond to Amicia, and if it were you, I’d leave without a second thought. But… it’s just not that simple.” His eyes were painful, murky puddles of blue. Their usual life, their usual flare, was gone. It pained him to make this decision, and he knew he’d have to. Malik wouldn’t leave him, but would he resent him?

  “I’ll go wherever you go, Jasik. I need you to know that.” I rested my hand against his thigh.

  He smiled, trailing his fingers against my cheek before tucking my hair behind my ear. I love you so much, Avah.

  I bit my lip. “I love you, too.”

  He tensed beside me. “What?”

  I frowned. What was the issue? We’d admitted our love for each other in front of others more times than I could count.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said I love you, too…” I glanced at the others, who shared equally puzzled looks as they met my eyes. Except for Sebastian and Lillie. They gave me knowing glances.

  “I didn’t say that aloud. I thought that.”

  “You did? I didn’t—I didn’t even notice. It was so loud, so clear. I thought you just… said it.” I glanced at Sebastian.

  “That’s how it is,” Lillie said. I met her gaze. “When you’ve gotten control, it’s like that. It’s actually kinda hard to intentionally separate the two. It took me years to stop answering someone’s thoughts.”

  I smiled and shrieked in delight. “Finally!” I screamed. We weren’t alone in the dining hall. I could feel eyes on my back, but I didn’t care. “Finally! I’ve been dying to get some control! I thought I’d only get control of healing, which I can’t even really take credit for. It just happens.”

  “Your abilities should be mindless, Avah. That’s the point. In the beginning, you’ll work for them, but eventually, they’ll happen as naturally as blinking. Your powers are you, not an extension of you.”

  I nodded with a cheeky grin. “I’ll admit, I didn’t really hear everything you just said, because I can’t stop listening to your inner thoughts!” I shrieked, unable to control my laughter. “This is going to be great!”

  Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Relax, killer, or I’ll block you.”

  “I’ve never heard your thoughts,” Lillie said with a pout, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “That’s a good thing, pet. You wouldn’t want to hear the dirty things I think about.” His gaze darkened as he leaned toward her. He licked his lips, and she shuddered under his gaze.

  “This will be interesting,” Jasik said. “I’ve never had relations with a reader.”

  “Guess now’s the time to let me know all those secrets you’ve been keeping.” I winked.

  “From you, I keep nothing.” He placed a kiss on the top of my head as he stood. “We should get started.”

  My excitement quickly dwindled as I thought about the task at hand. With the help of the hybrids, the locater spell would be easy work. I had no doubt that we’d find Amicia’s location today. I was more concerned about tapping into the vision I’d had with Sebastian. I’d have to tell them what I’d seen, but first, I needed to know more.

  SEBASTIAN AND I sat alone in the woods, though the others were lurking nearby. They’d come running to both protect and lend us power. We had alread
y used the sage stick to smudge our impurities away before entering the crystal circle. We were facing each other, cross-legged. The familiar tug of magic warmed me, and I wondered if Sebastian felt the same pull. I knew he missed this. He’d admitted that the first time we’d done magic together.

  “Ready, sugar?” he asked breathlessly.

  I nodded, the weight of magic already sitting heavily upon me.

  Together, we bit into our wrists, and before our magic could heal the wound, we slapped them together. I gripped his hand as his blood coursed through me. The crystals surrounding our circle glowed brightly—a sign that we were tapped into our magic. I swayed back and forth, relishing the feeling of Sebastian’s power as it seeped into me. He was so strong, so undeniably strong. Underneath his sweet-talking ways, a dangerous, powerful predator lurked. The air tingled around us, and our surroundings began to fade away as our blood magic once again took control.

  I no longer felt the cool, brisk air dance across my skin. I no longer saw the trees or looming manor. I no longer heard the snap of twigs under a hybrid’s feet. I no longer felt Jasik’s lurking essence.

  There was only Sebastian, and there was only me.

  A light mist coated our skin and dripped down the curve of my bare back. I wore my signature hunting outfit: sports bra and shorts. This was the first outfit I was given when Amicia took me in, and it felt right to find her while wearing it.

  “Spiritum Spiritu voccat te. Spiritu Spiritus indicaret mihi,” I whispered, calling to the spirit power within Sebastian and me and begging it to connect with Amicia’s essence. “Spiritum Spiritu voccat te. Spiritu Spiritus indicaret mihi,” I said again, this time more forcefully.

  A wave of magic hit me, nearly separating my connection to Sebastian as I connected with Amicia.

  My body swayed as I fought to stop myself from toppling over. Sebastian’s hand reached out, steadying me.

  Once again, I saw only the flash of images Amicia had seen.

  “Stay focused,” he said. “Ignore the past. Find the present.” Sebastian’s voice was calm, soft. He radiated around me.

  I nodded, my head heavy. I fought the urge to rest against Sebastian.


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