Bred by the Bushmen (Breeding Season Book 2)

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Bred by the Bushmen (Breeding Season Book 2) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Once again, Damon and his brother were on the exact same page.

  Chapter Six

  Opal couldn’t believe this was happening, that she’d had the nerve to give in to both brothers. It was impossible to say no to either of them. When they’d enveloped her by the fire, closing in on her with their rock-hard bodies, she was ready to commit—body and soul. She knew whatever they offered would be memorable, but not this damn good.

  Damon’s eager mouth had devoured her pussy, bringing her hurtling to the best orgasm of her life. When she’d pleasured herself in the past, it had always been a lackluster release of pressure, nothing more. With Damon suckling her clit and Caleb worshiping her tits, it had been too much. She exploded against Damon’s tongue, her orgasm rocking every cell in her body.

  Caleb looked down at her, his dark eyes hungry and intense. “I can’t do this,” he said. He stood up, then leaned down to effortlessly hoist her into his arms. His strength shocked her. “Your first time is going to be in a proper bed.”

  He carried her into his room. It was dim and smelled like his cologne. Damon followed behind them.

  Caleb laid her down on his quilt, standing at the side of the bed. He raked his gaze over her nude body, the light from the fire outside the room giving enough light to see even her most intimate parts. A wave of insecurity washed over her. As she attempted to cover herself with the corner of the blanket, Caleb shook his head.

  “I’m not sure why such a pretty thing like you is still a virgin, but I’m not complaining,” said Caleb. “I don’t take this honor lightly.”

  He braced one knee on the bed, the mattress creaking. When he ran the backs of his fingers along the outside edge of her breast, she shivered. Her pussy still tingled from Damon’s attention, but her nerves of going all the way—with two men—stole some of her inhibitions.

  “Relax, sweetheart.” Damon sat at the head of the bed. “Caleb will take good care of you.” It still shocked her that no jealousy existed between the two brothers. They must have a strong bond, something she knew nothing about. It relaxed her somewhat, gave her a sense of peace.

  “Nothing to be afraid of,” said Caleb. “Your body was made for fucking.” He crawled over her body, his hard muscles flexing as he positioned himself above her. Caleb leaned down and kissed her on the lips, a gentle brush.

  When he parted her thighs, his fingers circling her sensitive clit, she closed her eyes. These new experiences were addicting.

  “I just love her tits,” said Damon. “Big and juicy. I’ll never get enough.”

  “Well, she’s ours,” said Caleb.

  Opal may not admit it, but their possessiveness, their claim of ownership of her gave her a thrill every single time. Being wanted was a beautiful feeling, something she’d sought all her life. There was no way she’d walk away from this. She just hoped she hadn’t pegged the brothers wrong—her heart couldn’t take it.

  Damon gave her breast a squeeze. She’d always felt her huge chest was a hindrance, making her look fat and sloppy, but both men seemed enthralled by her plus-sized figure. It gave her confidence a much-needed spike. There really must be someone out there for everyone, as the old saying went.

  “I’m going to go real slow. For tonight,” said Caleb. His finger slipped inside her pussy. She was so slick, there was no resistance. Then he added another, finger fucking her with two fingers. He was rough and gentle at the same time. “She’s nice and tight, Damon. She’ll feel like heaven around my cock.”

  “I don’t think we’ve ever had a virgin, have we?”

  “She’ll be our first,” said Caleb.

  Heat built in her pussy, rising to fill her entire lower stomach. She felt so surrounded, so wanted.

  “How’s that feel, sweetheart?” asked Caleb.

  She licked her lips in order to speak. “I like it.”

  He frowned. “I’m not trying hard enough, then. I want you to love it, want you begging me not to stop.”

  Opal swore she’d orgasm again and they hadn’t really started. His shoulders were corded with muscle and she couldn’t keep her hands to herself. Every time she touched him, he reacted, giving her a sense of power. The same he wanted over her.

  He removed his fingers and replaced them with the smooth head of his cock. She gasped, uncertainty making her nerves flare. Damon made a hushing sound in her ear, before suckling her erogenous zone.

  Caleb swirled his thick cockhead around her overflow of moisture, then pressed in an inch. Opal gasped, her nails raking his back.

  “Easy, baby. I’m not going to hurt you.” Caleb stopped dead, giving her a kiss to make her forget her worries. His short beard rubbed her cheek, reminding her of his virility. His dick throbbed inside her, hard and swollen, and she knew he was holding back for her sake. It felt amazing that he put her first, cared about her experience.

  “Keep going,” said Damon. “Just go slow.”

  She knew Damon was pent up and eager for his turn. It excited her, made her feel desirable. His older brother complied, pushing in bit by bit. She held her breath as her body adjusted to his size. She felt so full, so completely claimed.

  “Shit, you’re tight.” His cock was fully seated. Her heart raced, the initial fear turning into a new dirty desire. She wanted to be fucked, to experience everything they had to offer.


  She was only twenty-two. A virgin. And she was his.

  Caleb gritted his teeth as he sank in deep. Her virgin cunt was hot and tight, pure heaven. It had been years since he’d bedded a woman, but Opal was worth the wait. He wanted to go slow, to make her experience gentle and painless. But having the busty beauty under him, her receptive body squirming and throbbing, was putting his control to the test.

  Damon trusted him to lead, so he had to keep his head.

  “How’s that feel? Do you like my dick inside you, baby?”

  “Y-yes,” she stuttered. Her breathing was heavy, her eyes hooded. He had her just where he needed her, on the verge of begging.

  He pulled back slowly and eased back in, savoring the feel of her pussy hugging every inch of him. “This is yours now. Whenever you want it,” he said. “There’s no other woman for me now.”

  Damon whispered in her ear. “Ours.”

  It sounded good to hear such happiness in his brother’s voice. There was already life in their little cabin now that Opal was there. Things were changing for the better. Soon they’d have her ripe with their child. It wouldn’t matter which seed impregnated her because they would all love the baby unconditionally. The rest of society could go fuck itself. All they needed was Opal.

  Caleb began to work her, pumping his hips in a smooth rhythm, careful not to push too hard. She was hot and slick, driving him crazy. “Such a perfect little pussy,” he said. He picked up the pace, dropping his head to kiss her on the mouth. From the corner of his eye, he could see Damon fisting his cock, anxious for a turn with Opal.

  As much as he’d love to double-team her tonight, he’d save that for another day, but they wouldn’t be able to wait long. There was nothing better than filling a woman completely full of cock.

  “More,” she said between kisses.

  She’d be the death of him. “I’m trying to go easy for you, sweetheart.”

  Opal shook her head, thrusting her body up, trying to claim more of him. She was ripe and wanton, and he had no plans of letting her suffer. Caleb pushed up on his arms and got to his knees, tugged her up under the thighs. With his cock deep inside, her body arched up and on display, he got a good grip of her hips and gave her what she wanted.

  He watched his erection pull out and disappear over and over, glistening from Opal’s natural juices. Damon collected her arms above her head, holding her wrists in place with one hand. His brother engorged himself on her tits, moving up to her neck, loving every inch of her.

  As Caleb fucked her, he circled her clit with his thumb, eager to feel her milk his cock.

  “Caleb, I can’
t take any more.”

  “Let it all go. Don’t hold back,” he said. She was new to sex, and they had a lot more to show her. Opal needed to learn how to embrace her sexuality, to give in to the pleasure rather than fight it.

  Damon pinched her nipples, and within seconds, she called out, making the sexiest moans he’d ever heard. Her pussy clamped down hard, squeezing him mercilessly. Only once he’d emptied every last seed inside her did he pull out and move over for his brother.

  They swapped places, and Opal was in such a post-orgasmic daze she didn’t even seem to notice.

  “Can you handle yourself?” asked Caleb.

  “I’m good. So is she by the looks of it.”

  Opal twisted on the bed, her eyes closed, and her beautiful tits thrust up as she reached down to touch herself. “Ah, ah, ah. That’s mine,” said Damon.

  He dropped down over her, supporting all his weight on his forearms. With one positioning thrust, he was fully inside her. She gasped and then squealed, wrapping her arms around Damon’s shoulders. “Oh God, Damon…”

  “Fuck, you feel like heaven.”

  Caleb crashed down beside them, watching his brother pound her lush body. The springs protested and the headboard pounded against the wooden planks. She was perfect for them. Their woman, their sex toy, the mother of their children.


  Damon had been waiting for this moment. He’d had countless women in the past, but they’d meant nothing. What he needed and wanted was a woman to love, not just fuck. Opal was that woman.

  Her pussy was nice and tight, Caleb’s semen leaking out as he pistoned in and out of her cunt. He trusted his older brother to prime her right, and Caleb hadn’t disappointed. Opal was eager for his cock, nipping and sucking his shoulder, prodding him with her heels. Both he and Caleb were well hung, and their little wild cat took both of them with no problem.

  “I’m going to come again,” she whispered next to his ear.

  “I could keep going all night long,” he said. It was the truth. His body was at its prime, and after what felt like a lifetime alone with Caleb, he appreciated having a woman in his life. “But you go ahead and let go, baby. Come all over my cock.”


  Her body stiffened, then she exploded. She convulsed, her pussy squeezing him. Her feminine panting was music to his ears. He combed his hand into her long, dark hair as his own orgasm barreled to the surface. Damon tugged her head back, wanted to see her face as he flooded her with his release.

  “Fuck.” The power of his orgasm surprised him. He was thirty-eight, not eighteen, but sex had never been like this.

  She was such a beauty, her big green eyes glazed over, her pink lips swollen.

  He knew all about lust.

  Damon was in love.


  The next morning, Damon woke up to unusual sounds. Living this deep in the wilderness for so many years made him sensitive to noises that were out of place. There was a trespasser.

  He looked down on the floor. Bear was still asleep, but he was getting old, not as alert as he was years ago. At least the old dog had brought Opal to them. Caleb and Opal were still asleep on the bed, a comfortable warmth enveloping them. Damon reluctantly snuck out of the quilt, his feet hitting the cold wooden floor. He’d have to toss some logs into the fireplace to get the house warmed up before Opal woke up.

  Damon already loved his new life. They’d make breakfast, learn more about their woman, and teach her about life in the wilderness. It was the lifestyle they learned from their parents, and nothing was more peaceful or rewarding.

  He grabbed some socks and tugged on his jeans and flannel. Before leaving the house, he had a padded jacket, toque, and his rifle. The morning air was bitterly cold, a spray of snow falling down from the roof as he stepped on the porch. For a moment, he savored the silence and sight of the fresh snow on the evergreens. Then he heard the noise again.

  He ventured off the steps, the deeper snow nearly reaching the rim of his boots. Damon followed the sound of hammering, and he knew damn well it wasn’t animals. They owned the land far beyond what the eye could see, so people were on their land. Having Opal in their home made him more territorial than normal. He wouldn’t tolerate drifters who could potentially be a danger to his woman. The type of men they’d caught before had been unsavory, the kind lacking any morals, hygiene, or human decency. The city wasn’t the only place with a dark side. If they wanted to live their dream, they had to defend their land and their values.

  He eventually saw color between the trees in the distance. Damon had his rifle cocked and ready as he closed in. He counted two, so he wasn’t too outnumbered. It was stupid to come out this far without backup from his brother.

  “Can I help you?” he said. Damon always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt, but he didn’t give his trust easily.

  The older man stood up straight and just stared.

  Damon’s peripheral vision caught the younger blond reach for something under a tarp. He turned and pointed his rifle. “Keep your hands where I can see them,” he warned.

  “I ain’t doing anything wrong,” said the blond, holding up his arms at the elbows. He had a missing front tooth and greasy hair. Damon had a bad vibe from both of them.

  “That’s real good,” said Damon. “Why you both way out here in this weather?”

  “Are you the law?” The old bastard was pushing his luck. “I thought this was a free country.”

  “You haven’t heard of the stand your ground law? I find that real hard to believe,” he said. “Considering this is my fucking land, and my gun is loaded, that’s not looking good in your favor.”

  “We didn’t know anyone owned this,” said the blond.

  He pointed to the quickest direction off his land. “As long as you move along, we won’t have a problem.”

  Damon had evaluated everything in those few minutes. They were setting up a rudimentary campsite, and he wasn’t sure why. He didn’t like it. Blue tarps, propane heaters, a snowmobile with sled and supplies. He’d ask what they were up to, but they’d only give him lies.

  He waited as they packed up their gear, leaning against one of the trees. They didn’t mind the odd extreme camper or hiker traveling through. Even the backpacking groups like Opal had joined were tolerable. These lowlifes were up to no good, and he wanted them gone. If Caleb had been there, he wouldn’t have been so gracious.

  Almost an hour later, he was hiking back to the cabin. This time, he took the opportunity to enjoy the beauty—the birds singing, and sunrays trying to peek through the clouds. He hoped Opal could learn to love this land the same as him. It would take a while before his insecurities would die down. He was terrified she’d tire of their lifestyle, eager to get back to the thrill ride of living in the city. After having a sample of life with a woman, he couldn’t go back to just living with his brother. It would destroy him.

  Before his hand touched the doorknob, Caleb wrenched open the door. “I heard an engine. Where the fuck have you been?”

  He knew Caleb wasn’t pissed, just worried. They’d had run-ins with drifters, squatters, and loggers over the years. Sometimes things got ugly. Damon’s greatest fear had always been losing his brother, and the fear went both ways.

  “Some piece-of-shit squatters,” he said. “I scared them off.”

  Caleb frowned, taking the rifle from him and clearing the chamber. He set it on the rack by the door. “You shouldn’t have gone out alone.”

  “I know. There were just two of them, though.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You know better,” said Caleb.

  Opal padded into the living room in just one of their oversized John Deere t-shirts. Her hair was lightly disheveled, but she looked like an angel.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing, baby. You sleep okay?” Caleb diverted to a new topic. They were on the exact same page—they didn’t want to scare her off. This was the honeymoon period, and she
could either fall in love with living off the grid, or learn to resent it. It was important to make her experience a positive one.

  Caleb already had the fire roaring, and Damon smelled oatmeal and the sweetness of brown sugar. He hung up his coat and set his boots on the tray.

  “You’re all wet,” Opal said, reaching up to brush the moisture out of his hair. “You should get dry before you catch a cold.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off her feet, giving her a little whirl around. She giggled, and the sound filled the room. “Yes, ma’am.” It felt good to be cared for by a woman. Addicting, even.

  Soon they’d claim her together, marking every inch of her as theirs. Now he just wanted to enjoy her, love her, protect her.

  Chapter Seven

  Opal had never been addicted to sex. Why would she? For so long she’d always been overlooked. No one wanted her. The fat girl. Pushing those thoughts aside, she watched as Damon and Caleb went about their business around the cabin. They were fixing things, preparing everything for the next lot of bad weather, and she sat down with a warm cocoa, watching quietly.

  Not only that, she was desperate for them. Watching them was not helping her at all. In fact, her pussy was slick, and she hoped one of them initiated sex soon. She didn’t want to come across as the woman so desperate she’d do anything for their attention. Biting her lip, she couldn’t keep her gaze away for too long. As they mulled around the cabin, she wasn’t even paying attention to what they were doing. They were both so in charge, so masculine.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?” Damon asked, coming to stand in front of her. He’d already dried off from his trek outside.

  She’d also noticed his apprehension, and the fact they were securing more bolts to the doors, and locking up the window shutters. Something didn’t feel right, but she wasn’t about to ask them what.

  “I’m doing good. Are you better?”

  “Never been better before.” He took a seat beside her, placing an arm across the back cushion. Leaning against him, she smelled the great outdoors, the freshness that always made her feel so good being around him.


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