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Safe With You

Page 9

by Sharon Coady

  “I am glad you are here. I have someone I would like you to meet.” She motioned for him to come closer. “This is Beorn, son of Kerloch, your father.” Nalia stepped aside to allow the two men to greet each other.

  Easton eyed the man before he nodded. He didn’t trust his voice as unfamiliar emotions hit him hard. Easton could see a resemblance between them. He had Beorn's mouth and strong jaw, although Beorn was much taller in stature. This was the man his mother had loved, the man she couldn’t be with but loved enough to have his child and protect him.

  Beorn nodded. “I have waited a very long time to finally meet you.” His voice was deep and gruff. “I am sorry that my protection did not keep you safe from those who seek you. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to help keep you, Tegan, and your son safe.”

  Easton raked his fingers through his hair. “I’d appreciate all the help we can get.”

  “I have already protected you for many years. What father would not? Now that I am with you, we will unite our magic with that of the white realm, and it will make us more powerful.”

  “More powerful?” He turned on Nalia. “Did you not tell him I don’t know enough about this magic stuff?” His shoulders dropped, the feeling of being overwhelmed before he’d even really started almost overpowered him. “I hardly know anything yet.”

  “Easton. I am here to work with you, alongside Nalia and Tegan. You will learn enough of my magic to help you build on what she has already taught you.”

  “A short time ago, I was just a human bartender who inherited a stupid house from an uncle I didn’t even know. Everything is happening so quickly.”

  Nalia stepped forward and placed her hand on Easton’s arm. “Trust us. We want to teach you so you can protect the woman you love and the new ruler of our realm.”

  Easton laughed. “I’m going to rule the realm? I couldn’t even take care of myself, so how am I going to do that?”

  “You misunderstand. You will not be the new ruler, your son will. He will change the world when he takes his rightful place,” Beorn said gruffly.

  Easton spun when a gasp came from the doorway to find Tegan, her eyes filled with tears once again, and her hands splayed protectively over her stomach. “My son is to rule our realm?”

  “Yes, young witch. He will rule all the realms and help defeat the black realm forever. It is written and has been foreseen in our future, which is yet another reason why the dark forces are after Easton.” Beorn shrugged.

  “No one will harm the child. They do not know of his existence yet, and we plan on keeping it that way.” Beorn’s deep voice proved soothing as Easton felt his own panic starting to rise. “They search for you in the human realm still, but Nalia has reinforced the spells around the house. They will not be able to get in, and we’re sending witches to protect the house and the secrets within. You must trust us. We will do everything we can to protect all three of you.”

  “How can I trust you? I can feel your dark magic.” Tegan stood facing him, her shoulders back, her eyes narrowed as she placed herself in front of Easton.

  “Because I loved Arietta enough to leave them and keep them safe. It is what she asked of me.” Beorn leaned back against the table, crossed his arms over his chest, and waited.

  Nalia placed her hand on Tegan’s arm. “You know me better than that,” Nalia softly scolded her. “I would do nothing to endanger any of you. I asked Beorn to come here and help me train Easton. He needs to learn the ways of the druids as well. Ways that I know nothing of and cannot hope to be able to teach Easton. Things are happening faster than what we were hoping. Beorn is putting himself in danger just by being here with us.”

  “I am sorry, Witch Mother. I am just so worried.” Tegan leaned against Easton, sobbing softly.

  He pulled her closer, folding her into his arms. “It’ll be all right, my love. Everyone is doing everything they can to protect our family. I’ll do whatever it takes and work as hard as I can to help protect us.”

  Beorn chuckled. “Seems like we are not so different, son. I would have moved heaven and earth to protect you and your mother. I would have taken Arietta away with me, taken you both and asked for Nalia to allow us protection here, but your mother was afraid. I do not think she knew she was not going to be around to protect you, or I do not believe she would have left you in the human world. I could not defy her. I loved her too much to upset her.” He sighed and dropped his arms by his side. “It is the one thing I regret. Leaving her in the human realm was the worst thing I did. But I could not force her to come with me. Arietta was so stubborn.”

  Easton felt a sadness and love flow from Beorn that made his own heart ache. In that moment, he saw the light and goodness his mother must have felt. He was from the dark realm, but inside, he had white magic, hidden deep with in him. Easton sensed it. Glancing at Nalia, he wondered if she sensed it as well. He kissed Tegan’s cheek, dropped his arms, and walked slowly to Beorn. “I will be honored to have my father teach me what I need to learn to help protect not only my woman and son but to protect all that is right and good about the white realm.” He held out his hand.

  Beorn glanced down before looking up and locking eyes with him. He grasped Easton’s outstretched hand tightly in his. Easton saw his eyes widen, and he felt heat spread through his body. Images jolted through his mind of his mother, smiling and laughing with Beorn. More images followed of Beorn watching over them, protecting them while they slept. He tried to break his eyes away but couldn’t. He felt joy fill him as the image of Beorn, standing over his crib in the darkness, smiling down at him, flowed into his mind. At that moment, Easton knew everything this man said was true. Everything he’d done was to protect him. Even though the sadness of not being with his son was strong, his love for his son was stronger.

  Beorn dropped his hand. “Did you feel that?” he whispered, glancing down at his hand.

  “Yeah, I did. Did you know that was going to happen?” Easton watched his father’s face.

  Beorn shook his head. “I did not. It has never happened before when I have touched someone. Ever. Not even with your mother.”

  “I guess what Nalia said is true.” He felt a smile spread on his lips as the fear and doubt he’d felt moments ago receded.

  Beorn tilted his head. “Which is?”

  “A father’s love and bond is strong.” Easton stepped forward and embraced him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Beorn hugged him back for a moment before he dropped his arms, cleared his throat, and stepped to the side to stride quickly to Nalia. “He has much to learn but his magic is a strong as you claim.”

  Nalia laughed. “He does.” She glanced at Easton. “What happened with you two?”

  “When I grasped his hand, images and feelings flowed from him. I saw and felt the love he had for my mother and for me.” He turned to meet Beorn’s eyes. “How often did you come to see me?”

  “As much as I dared without putting you in danger. It was never enough. I always had to come at night when everyone was sleeping in that house you were in.”

  Nalia drew in a sharp breath. “You risked your life to visit your son?”

  Beorn nodded once.

  “I wish you had come to me for help sooner. But that is water under the bridge now. We will discuss everything later, but the need to work on his training is the most imperative thing at this moment. Come and let us get started.”

  Tegan touched Nalia’s arm. “Before you go I would like permission to do another protective spell on Easton.”

  Beorn stepped forward. “In the light of the evil that is searching for my son, I would like to ask both of you for permission to do a Dragon spell.”

  Nalia nodded and motioned for him to do as he asked. Turning to Easton, she smiled. “This spell is strong and when cast by a dark druid is one of the strongest I have encountered. I think getting Beorn here was one of my greatest decisions.”

  Beorn motioned for Easton to step back, and a circl
e magically appeared around him. Beorn raised his arms as his deep voice came out strong and loud to cast the spell. The language sounded strange to Easton’s ears. For a moment, he felt a great heaviness enter his body, so heavy he didn’t think he would be able to move his arms or legs if he tried. The singsong spell went on and on, making it harder for him to breathe.

  Just when he thought he might pass out from lack of air, a bright, mystic red light exploded from Beorn’s hands and filled the room for a few moments before blinking out.

  Beorn smiled and reached out his hand to Easton. “It is done. You will be well protected from this spell. The magic is strong as Nalia said. Step out of the circle now.”

  “Good, now that we have that out of the way, let us start working with the young druid. He needs to learn strong magic to help us with this battle.” Nalia glanced at Easton’s shocked expression and smiled gently. “Yes, it will be a battle. Do you think they will stop with a talk, to try and convince you to join their side? No, they will fight with everything they have.”

  Easton nodded his head. He supposed he knew that it would come down to a fight in the end, but it was still a hard concept for him to wrap his mind around.

  “Soon, the others will be here to discuss our course, and I want him to have as much magic as possible.” She took Easton’s hand. “First, you must read and memorize everything I give you tonight. It will be my grimoire containing the strongest spells for what we face. Tomorrow night, you will read Beorn’s grimoire and memorize all he has in his. You will find the magic within you will help with these tasks, so don’t let this daunt you.”


  They spent the next few days working one spell after the other until he had them down. Easton found himself gaining confidence with each one he learned. He understood after the first fifteen minutes what she meant about the magic within. It was as if each proceeding spell he understood more and was able to grasp and perform it quicker. Before he knew it, Nalia declared them done.

  “That’s all we are doing?” He crossed his arms. “I’m okay to continue, if you want.”

  “No, it is late and we need to eat. You will read for a bit after dinner and early tomorrow. The three of us will head back out for more hands on training.”

  Before he could argue, his stomach growled loudly and everyone laughed. “I guess I am hungry.” He chuckled.

  Nalia made dinner quickly, using magic as Tegan and Easton set the table. Easton motioned for Beorn to sit down next to Melissa, who quickly started up a conversation with the older druid. “So, you are Easton’s father. I can see the resemblance.” She smiled easily.

  “I am. Have you known him long?” Beorn leaned his elbow on the table and propped it under his chin. Easton almost chuckled. It seemed such a natural, human thing to do.

  “For a few weeks now, but it seems much longer.” She leaned forward. “How is it that you are from the dark realm, but you seem to have white magic in you?”

  “There are many people who live in my realm who have white magic in them. They just do not know it. If they allowed themselves to look into their inner eye, they would see it, but it is not allowed. If anyone shows the least bit of interest and gets caught, they do not live to speak of it. So, keeping it hidden deep inside is what keeps one safe.” He chuckled. “There are some humans that have small bits of magic inside them, although they do not know this.”

  Easton looked at him. “Humans can possess magic?”

  Beorn nodded his head before continuing, “Although I must admit, I am glad that the fools who raised you did not have any magic in them.”

  Easton helped Tegan into her seat and took his across the table from Beorn. “So, none of them have magic?” He ran his hand through his hair, thankful they didn’t. He hated even thinking about that life that was starting to feel like a lifetime ago.

  “No, they did not.” He turned to glance at Nalia. “We all know the dark realm is seeking Easton. They noticed something in the physical realm around the time you met Tegan. No one knew what it was. It was like a small ripple in the matter that separates your world from ours, Easton. I knew and pretended to be as confused as they were, but when you and Tegan conceived your son, the ripple became larger. One of the master druids claimed it was the awakening of the white druid. Three of our most prolific hunters headed into your realm to seek you out.” He cleared his throat. “I could not leave for fear of them feeling my connection to you. When I felt you cross into the white realm, I was relieved. Just before Nalia came for me, a small army of hunters was sent to find you and destroy you.”

  Tegan gasped and reached for Easton’s hand.

  “Okay, why are telling us this now?” Easton gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

  “Because I need all of you to understand that these druids have been training in the art of battle for years in case the prophecy came true. There is a small group that has extraordinary magic. All these druids do is train. At this point, they do not know about the child, and he is well protected by Nalia and Tegan’s magic. Moreover, he crossed over into this realm before he was detected. We need to keep it that way. I made a promise to your mother to keep you safe and protect you with my life, if needed. I intend to keep that promise.”

  “No one is going to lose their life because of me. So we make a plan to attack them, but if they are so highly trained in combat and magic, how are we going to face them?”

  “I have witches and druids on their way here so we can speak of what will be done. We cannot just walk into your realm and battle, young druid. The battle between the white realm and the dark realm would destroy most of what was around us. In order to protect your world, we need to plan and find a way to lure them into an area that is not densely populated. Once magic is released, it is dangerous.” Nalia touched his shoulder softly.

  Easton dropped his head, put his hands on his knees, and sighed loudly. “This just keeps getting worse and worse.” He stood from his chair and started pacing the kitchen.

  “I am very sorry this has come to you and your family. I tried to prevent it.” Beorn leaned back and crossed his arms.

  “You kept it from happening for many years. At least now, I’ll be able to help once we get some more training under my belt.”

  “Finish eating, all of us need our energy for tomorrow. Tegan, I need you to make sure to let us know if you feel anyone getting near the entrance of Easton’s old home in the human world. Harry is still there and in touch with you, so you would feel it first even though I have witches living in the house to keep watch over the mirror. I think their combined magic should be able to keep them safe from the dark magic.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  That night, when they went to bed, Tegan climbed into his arms. Easton pulled her close, sensing her need was as great as his. He tugged her nightgown over her head as he laid her on her back. His breath caught at the sight of her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed as his hands roamed over her silky skin. He kissed her mouth, nipping at her bottom lip before moving to the sensitive spot on her neck that rewarded him with a soft moan. His cock hardened even more as she slid her hand down his pants, slowly stroking him. “My god, what you do to me woman. No one has ever made me feel the way you do.”

  “Good. I want to be the last woman who ever makes you feel this way,” she whispered in his ear, her sweet breath sending shivers down his spine.

  “Hold that thought. I have entirely too many clothes on.” He rolled off the bed and stripped quickly. He spread her legs and kissed her calf, slowly he kissed his way up her leg. He glanced up to see her watching him, a smile on her beautiful lips. When he blew over her sensitive spot, her eyes closed for a moment and a sigh escaped her lips. “You like that?”

  “Uh huh,” she whispered. “I do.”

  Easton smiled and did it again before flicking her with his tongue. She gasped as he did it again before softly sucking her most sensitive spot into his mouth then popping it out. “What about tha

  “Yes, please.” Tegan tried to squirm as he held her hips still.

  “Lay still, my love. Let me please you.” He swirled his tongue softly around the sensitive bundle before moving down to her lips, dipping his tongue inside to taste her sweet honey. “You taste so good.” He moved back up, flicking and sucking until she was moaning loudly, her head thrown back against the pillow.

  Smiling, he kissed his way up her body, stopping at each nipple to suck them into his mouth before popping them back out as she whimpered for more. “Patience, beautiful. We’ll get there.” Kissing his way to her neck, he kissed and nibbled just below her ear as he placed his throbbing cock at her opening. She whimpered as he slid slowly inside of her, catching her gasp with his mouth. When he felt her tighten around him, he pulled almost out.

  Her eyes flew open. “What are you doing?” she whimpered.

  He put his hands under her ass, tilting her so he could thrust fully into her over and over. As she tightened around him again, he increased his thrusts as they both went over the edge together. They lay for a long time wrapped in each other’s arms, trying to catch their breath.

  “Thank you, my love,” she breathed against his chest. “Thank you for loving me.”

  “You’re my entire world. Now and forever.”


  The next morning, Easton, Nalia, and Beorn headed into the woods, the only sound was the whisper of their feet through the grass as they walked in silence. Easton had taken to going barefoot as Nalia did in order to feel the earth’s energy easier. Even the birds were silent, as if they could sense the impending battle brewing. When they stepped into the clearing, Easton noticed the grayness that surrounded them. It was a far cry from the bright sunshine the morning before, and he wondered if it was due to Beorn’s presence.

  “It seems today is going to be a gloomy one.” He sighed. “You don’t think this is an omen do you?”

  “We do get days like this from time to time. Do not read anything into it and let it worry you.” Nalia laughed. “Trust me, if this was an omen, I would be the first one running for the safety of our tree.”


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