Safe With You

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Safe With You Page 12

by Sharon Coady

  “It’s hard for both of us. She isn’t very excited about staying behind.” He hugged her close. “Keep them safe,” he whispered.

  “I will.” Nalia stepped back and nodded.

  Melissa nodded. “I will take care of them too. You focus on doing what you need to do, and we will take care of this end.”

  “Thank you,” Easton whispered before he stepped next to Beorn. “I’m ready whenever you are.” He took one last look at Melissa and Nalia.

  “Let us go. The others are waiting for us by the portal.” Beorn turned and strode to the steps with Easton on his heels.

  When they made their way into the lower room, he was surprised at the number of druids waiting for them. It looked like most of the druids they’d spoken with had decided to join the battle. It filled Easton’s heart with hope that the outcome would be good, and the people of this realm would live in peace and happiness.

  Beorn walked to the back of the room and raised his hands. “Fellow druids. My heart is full that so many of you have showed up today. The unknown waits for us on the other side of the portal. I promise to stand beside you and fight for the human realm as well as this one. Know today that we fight together as brothers.”

  Easton watched as cheers ran through the crowd. These magical creatures had more in common with the humans than they realized. He nodded and raised his hand in the air, joining the chant to protect the realm at all costs. Tegan, are you okay?

  I miss you already. Please come home swiftly.

  I will do my best. I love you. Stay strong.

  I love you too.

  Leaving her and their unborn son was the hardest thing he had ever done. He took a deep breath and waited for Beorn to lead them into the unknown. What would it feel like to be back in his old world now that he knew of this one?

  Beorn raised his hands and the chanting stopped. “It is almost time. I hope most of you have at least visited the human realm for a short time. It is different and we will need to be careful to not call attention to ourselves. I know we discussed things last night, I hope you all paid attention. I do not want to lose anyone to foolishness.”

  A young druid stepped forward, looking uncomfortable in the jeans and t-shirt he was wearing. “I am worried about interacting with the humans. If someone notices, what do we say?” He tugged at the t-shirt.

  “I pray we will not have any interactions with anyone in my world. But you look just like any other human. Have you not spent time in my world?”

  “No.” He shrugged, his cheeks actually turning red.

  Easton glanced over at his father. “Is there a chance we are going to? I thought we were going to try to contain this to a desolate area?”

  “We are, if we can. Your home has much land that surrounds it, but we might have to go into the human areas if any of the hunters are threatening them.” Beorn crossed is arms, planting his feet as if ready for a fight.

  Easton nodded before facing the young druid. “Trust me, most humans don’t interact with strangers. So if we have to venture out, just nod and keep walking. Most humans don’t like to make conversation with strangers,” Easton replied. He felt all eyes on him.

  He chuckled. “I’m not one to make small talk with strangers. When I was at work, I had to. Most of us are like that.” Easton glanced at their faces, some had their brows raised, and some of them were shaking their heads. “Humans have secrets and fears. Ones they do not want to speak about most of the time. If I was walking in public, I just didn’t make eye contact or speak to anyone.”

  “That is a strange thing to do, is it not?” asked an older druid with white hair and bright blue eyes as he stepped forward.

  “No, it is what most humans do. We learn to keep to ourselves.” He walked over to the druid and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I guess most humans are self-involved and don’t want to bother with others. You’ll do fine. Remember when we get there, you will be in my home with the other witches and druids who have been protecting it since Tegan and I came to you. They can help with any issues that come up concerning human interaction too.” Easton tried to give him a reassuring smile, but figured he fell short by the look on the druid’s face. “Thanks for joining us.” Raising a brow, he realized he didn’t even know the man’s name.

  As if he was reading Easton’s mind, the older druid spoke up. “Liam, sir. My name is Liam son of Iverson.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t remember.” I should have listened better when they were introducing themselves to my father.

  “Please do not worry. You are only one and there are many of us. We know you because you are our Witch Mother’s grandson and the father of the new ruler. We did not meet under the best of circumstances.” Liam placed a hand on Easton’s shoulder. “How did I do?” He cocked his head.

  Easton chuckled. “You did great. You’re already getting the hang of it.” He prayed yet again that these gentle souls would survive the unknown that they were walking into, and he would get to know all of them better. He hoped they could contain the fight to his property and the forest behind it.

  Beorn cleared his throat. “We will stick together and finish this battle quickly. The sooner we can make the realm and the humans safe, the sooner we can return.” He waved his hand and stood back for the druids to step through the portal.

  Easton paced, raking his fingers through his hair as his stomach clenched, causing bile to rise in his throat. He was scared of the unknown. Not for himself, but for Tegan, their son, and all these druids who were marching into battle along with him and Beorn. When the last man filed through portal, he glanced at his father. “I guess this is it.” He stepped through without looking back.

  He felt disoriented when he stepped into the basement of his home. Everyone stared at him as if waiting for him to give instructions. He glanced over his shoulder in time to see Beorn step through the mirror. Easton stepped to the side to allow him to take charge.

  “We will go upstairs and get the update from Sara and Allanon. They are the ones that have been keeping vigil for us. Sara said she would make sure we were brought up to date as soon as we arrived.” Beorn spun toward Easton. “Please, lead the way.” He waved his hand toward the stairs.

  Easton’s heart was heavy as he headed for the stairs. All his thoughts went to Tegan “Follow me.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Allanon clued everyone in on what they’d seen and heard from other druids and witches in the area as soon as they arrived. “The hunters arrived this morning. They have brought with them ten trackers and are now searching for you and Tegan. As far as we can tell, they are in an uproar over Beorn going missing too. So far, they do not know he has jumped from their side. The dark ones are going on the assumption that we have done something to him.” He pushed his thick, blond hair back. “We are hoping they keep thinking it. If they know you are helping us, I believe all bets are off for the humans as well.”

  “Do you know who they sent?” Beorn asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Yes, we do.” Allanon closed his eyes before continuing, “Cadman, Bredon, Dubv, Eghan, Hueil, Ione, Kirwyn, Naois, Owyn, and Sloane.”

  Beorn slammed his fists down on the table so hard that glasses fell over, spilling their drinks. “I did not expect this so soon.” He raked his hand down his face. “These are the best trackers we have in the dark realm.” He shook his head and took a deep breath before continuing. “If they are looking for me as well as you Easton, I need to send you to the other realm while we deal with this. You are not safe here.”

  Easton stood and paced the room. “What’s the difference between trackers and the hunters you thought they were sending?”

  “The hunters are good, but the trackers are lethal in every sense of the word. They are the best of the dark realm. Eghan is like the dogs you use in the human world for sniffing trails.”

  “He can follow a trail like a bloodhound?”

  “Yes. They are the most elite
of the elite they have in that realm. They will stop at nothing to find us.” Beorn pushed back from the table. “This will make it harder, I need all of you to understand this.” His knuckles were white as he gripped the back of the chair. “Any of you who wish to return to Ebon Forrest, speak now. I will understand if you wish to go.”

  A dark-haired druid with bright blue eyes stood and faced them. “I will stay with you. I will not abandon our king’s father. I am Keene, son of Tebion, and it is my wish to fight beside you, Easton son of Beorn.”

  “Aye. I will stay as well. I am Rune, son of Colistor.” A slight man with green eyes and almost white hair smiled with a nod of his head. “We will all stay. It is what our Witch Mother would want us to do. We would dishonor her and our future king if we left.”

  Easton looked from one druid to the next as each one stood and nodded their agreement. Easton stood. “My heart is full with the honor you bestow on myself, my grandmother, my wife, and our son.” He nodded to Beorn. “That includes you, Father.”

  They stayed up until the wee hours of the morning formulating their plan of attack to destroy the trackers, hitting them fast and hard before the dark realm was alerted.

  “We need to do this as quickly as we can. Hopefully, without too many human casualties.”

  Rune stood. “What weapons will we need to fight here in this realm besides our magic?”

  “Each of you brought with you your weapon of choice. That is good. Your swords and hammers will do well in close up combat.” Allanon pushed his hair back. “There are rumors that three of the trackers carry bows and arrows, so we have a supply of shields to help protect us from them.”

  “Shields?” Rune laughed. “When have any of us needed shields during battle? My magic and staff have always served me just fine.”

  Beorn slapped is hand on the wooden table. “This will not be a battle like you are used to, Rune. A shield and helm may well save your life. Do not take lightly what Allanon says here tonight.” He placed a hand on Rune’s shoulder. “I do not doubt your battle skills but let us use caution.”

  Easton glanced at Beorn. Father?

  Beorn looked up, meeting his eyes. Yes?

  I’m worried I will not hold up my part of this battle.

  He kept his eyes locked with Easton’s. You will do fine tomorrow. I have no doubts. My concern earlier was not from your lack of skill, but that of a father not wanting to lose his son. “Does anyone else have any concerns about the battle?” Beorn stood tall and proud, but Easton saw the slight furrow of his brow. Something he’d learned over the last few weeks Beorn did when he was indeed worried.

  “We need to go ahead and turn in now.” Beorn turned to the other druids. “Tomorrow will be a long day. Goodnight, and thank you again for staying with us to fight this battle. Sara will show you where you can bed down tonight.”

  The druids stood and wished everyone goodnight before following her. “You can sleep in my room if you like Beorn. I’ll take Tegan’s room.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. You would not be comfortable in her room. Her bed is so small I may not fit.” He motioned for Beorn to follow him. “We should get to it. Morning will be here quickly.”

  “Yes it will.”

  Once Easton showed Beorn to his old accommodations, he made his way to Tegan’s room. Kneeling by the side of her bed, he folded his hands and prayed silently. God, please help me to find the strength and magic to fight the evil that threatens my friends and our very existence. Help me protect them and keep them, my wife, and my son safe. Amen.

  He took a deep breath and let it go slowly, kicked off his shoes and climbed into bed, pulling the covers up to his chin.

  The next morning, he woke early not sure what had stirred him. He tossed the covers back, stood, and walked to the window. The morning sun was just peeking over the trees. Just as he was about to look away, something caught his attention at the tree line. Movement in the shadows! He took a step back and kept watching. No one should be on his property. There, another movement just to the right. He turned and bolted out the door, running full force into his room. “Father, they’re here!”

  Beorn’s jumped off the bed, pulled his jeans on, grabbed his shoes and socks, and ran for the door. “Come on. We must warn the others. The battle has come to us!”

  Easton ran for the stairs behind him, pounding on the bedroom doors as they passed. “Get up! The trackers are here!” He hollered as he ran behind his father. He heard doors flying open and the sound of feet hitting the floor behind him. All these druids following him and his father into the unknown with no hesitation.

  He slid to a stop in the main foyer to find Allanon prowling near the door, eyes wide and beads of sweat pooling on his forehead. As soon as the last of the druids stood in the foyer, he stopped and faced them. “As you have figured out by now, the trackers have managed to breach the outer spells and are on the property just beyond the line of trees. I have reached out to the witches and druids in the community to put a cloaking spell around the property, so the humans will not hear or see what is soon to happen.”

  Rune pushed is hair back and slid on the helm Sara handed to him. “Is there a way to block the trackers from leaving the property?”

  Allanon started pacing again. “I do not know for sure.” Shaking his head, he sighed. “I have asked for help from the outside. There are ten trackers as we suspected. But I sense a larger group of druids with them. I fear they may feel the energy from the portal. As near as I can tell, they do not know Beorn and Easton are here.”

  “How is that possible?” Easton chose a mid-size shield embellished with a Celtic cross.

  “I have a concealment spell on everyone but Sara and I. That should give us a bit of an advantage as they seem to think it is just the two of us here.” A smirk appeared on his face. “The trackers are approaching together, not spread out. They think they have us outnumbered and are going to catch us by surprise.” He chuckled.

  Rune slapped his knee and guffawed. “Well now. It seems that it will be them that will get the surprise today.” He turned to Keene. “Looks like this is something we can handle just fine.”

  “Do not get too complacent my friends,” Beorn’s voice boomed. “These druids are the best of the dark realm. More evil than you can imagine! It may look to you like they are walking into an ambush, but more certainly, it is us who need to take heed and be careful.”

  Rune’s jaw dropped. “Forgive me if I ask a stupid question. There are ten of them plus a few others. Did you not count that we are fifty-five of us gathered here?”

  Beorn nodded his head. “I have eyes and I know how to count. But I also know these ten trackers. This will not be an easy battle for us. Even without any others with them, if we can come out of this with only losing a few, we will be lucky.”

  “We can defeat these trackers. My father is sure of it. He only asks that you do not get too cocky or over-sure of yourself so we don’t make any mistakes. I want to return to Ebon Forrest with every one of you still by my side.” Easton looked each one of the druids in the eye, hoping to reassure them before he turned to face Beorn. “What spells do we need before we open that door and walk into hell?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Once every druid had spoken their specific spell of protection, Easton and Beorn took the front position at the door, ready to walk into battle. The trackers that had been hanging back at the edge of the forest had begun to move slowly forward.

  “Eghan is in the front just as I expected. Hopefully, the spells will hold and he will not realize it’s me before we get within striking distance,” Beorn whispered. “Watch Cadman, Duby, and Ione. They will use bow and arrows. The others will use magic and steel. May the gods be with us!” He threw the door open and ran through, Easton close on his heels.

  Easton ran as fast as he could, attempting to keep up with Beorn. They were about halfway to the forest when he watched in horror as Eghan’s head snapped to the side,
looking in the direction they were coming from. What could only be described as an evil grin, spread over his face.

  He knows we are here! Beorn’s voice boomed through his mind, and seconds later, Easton heard a crack of sound that visibly split the air around them. He realized a second later that Eghan had broken through the cloaking spell they’d woven around themselves. Bright flashes of magic flew toward them, destroying everything in its path as the explosions shook the ground around them.

  Easton dove behind a garden statue in time to see the ground disintegrate where he’d been moments before. He ducked, covering his head as the top of the statue blew into shards, throwing pieces of concrete everywhere.

  Jumping to his feet, he took off running and started throwing fireballs at Eghan in an attempt to distract him from going after Beorn. His father turned and slammed Eghan with a magic spell that lifted him off his feet and threw him backwards into a tree. Even from where Easton was, he could hear the sound of bones breaking. The druid went limp and slid to the ground before Easton turned back to see another dark druid drawing an arrow taut in his bow.

  “No,” he yelled as he raised both hands. He sent a spell that blocked the arrow from finding its way into Allanon. The archer turned, drawing another arrow from his quill. He notched it and drew it back, ready to release it. Easton closed the ground between them, pulling his long sword from the scabbard behind his back; he parted the druid’s head in one deft movement. The head hit the earth with a thud while the body stood for a moment before slumping to the ground.

  Easton saw Allanon glance over his shoulder and nod once before going back to fighting one of the trackers in the clearing. He and the other druids were trying to surround the tracker and take him down. The ring of steel upon steel from the long blades rang through the air.

  Easton raced toward another druid battling two dark druids when a horrible scream permeated the air. Spinning around, Easton saw Rune go down. Running to him, he watched in horror as one of the dark trackers stilled Rune with a spell and turned to stalk another unsuspecting Ebon Forrest druid.


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