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Sensations Page 1

by Tessie Bradford

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  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  Copyright ©2011 by RP

  First published in November, 2011

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  About the Author

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  By Tessie Bradford

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  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349

  Daytona Beach, FL 32118


  Copyright (C) 2011 Tessie Bradford

  Edited by Corrie Blackmon and Venus Cahill

  Cover art by Kendra Egert,

  Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-428-4

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Electronic Release: November 2011

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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  This one's for me!

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  Chapter One

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  "I'm not going in there."

  "Oh, hell yes, you are."

  "I agreed to join you for a drink to toast your freakishly fast, impending nuptials, not to a night of God knows what in a place like this!” Vivian waved her arm in the general direction of the establishment they were now standing in front of. “Have you lost your mind, Carol?"

  "Lighten up, Viv, it's an adult club. A very exclusive one I might add, not Sodom, or Gomorra for that matter, and you've been out of touch for almost forever, plenty of time for me to fall hopelessly in love with the man of my dreams."

  "Does said dream man know where you are tonight?"

  "Most definitely, he's the owner of Sensations."

  Vivian's mouth dropped open in shock, and, for a moment, she thought she might pass out as she stared at her friend of almost twenty years. “I've been gone for barely six weeks, not six years! Last night, you announced to me you were getting married, and offered almost no details, which, I'm sorry, I'm still having a big problem dealing with. And now this, a strip club owner? Really?” Viv raked a hand through her wild, red curls. “Honey, let's go back to my place, we can talk this out. I'm thrilled you've met a man who apparently rings your bells, but marriage, so soon? If it's for real, what's the rush? Have you truly thought through all of the potential ramifications?” Vivian's mind raced. She loved Carol with all her heart, wished her every happiness, but obviously she wasn't thinking straight.

  "I promise we'll chat once we get inside, as long as you promise not to be Debby Downer. Tonight, we're going to celebrate.” Carol gave her a big hug before linking her arm through Viv's. “Come on, I can't wait for you to meet Colin."

  Vivian scanned the crowd lined up at the door. “I wish you'd been a bit more specific as to the dress code.” Most of the ladies, Carol included, were wearing cocktail dresses. There were lots of sparkles, stilettos, and cleavage. The men were in everything from business casual to tuxedos. “I stick out like a sore thumb."

  "You look gorgeous as usual."

  Vivian was surprised when Carol guided her past the people who waited, and walked straight to the door. Standing there with tree-trunk-sized arms crossed over his massive chest was the biggest, scariest looking man she'd ever seen. He had to be at least six five. All exposed arm and neck skin was covered with tattoos. He was bald, and multiple gold hoops decorated both ears. Carol stood on her tip toes and kissed his chin.

  "Hey, Len, how's it hangin'?"

  "Large and to the left, Miss Carol,” he replied with a grin, displaying a gold front tooth.

  "Good to know, big guy. This is Vivian Walcourt. She's on the list."

  "Pleased to meet you, ma'am.” She tried not to squirm as he studied her with obvious curiosity. “Enjoy your evening, ladies.” He unhooked the velvet rope and motioned them inside.

  Having never been to an adult club, Vivian had no point of reference, but the tastefully elegant decor, tables set with the finest china, and sultry jazz music wafting through the room sure as hell weren't what she expected. Where were the stripper poles, the cat walk? As they moved through the crowd, at least ten people greeted Carol by name. The bartender already had a drink ready for her when they walked up.

  "How many times have you been here, for God's sake?"

  "Almost every day since Colin hired me."

  "W-what?” Vivian sputtered.

  "Hold that thought for a sec, Viv. Thanks, Dan,” Carol said to the bartender as she accepted the glass he offered. “Okay, Viv, pick your poison. They have a fantastic wine selection, or do you need something stronger?"

  "Um, I'll be designated driver, so how about just a diet soda?"

  "Vodka and tonic it is then, Dan, oh and a big wedge of lime, too.” Dan nodded.

  "Carol, my head is spinning enough. I don't think I need alcohol."

  "No worries, Colin will make sure we both get home safe and sound.” Viv opened her mouth to issue another stunned “what", then closed it when Carol laughed and patted her arm. “Hang in there, I'll explain once we're settled."

  "Here you go, beautiful,” Dan said as he handed Vivian her cocktail.

  "Thank you,” she replied with a shy smile.

  "Colin's still behind closed doors, Carol, but I'll let him know you're here."

  "Thanks, and tell him no hurry. We're early, and have lots of catching up to do."

  Vivian followed her to a large round table on the far side of the room. Instead of having chairs, it was the only one with a semi-circle booth. As she slid onto the comfy leather seat, she noticed the curtained area slightly to her left. A stage, maybe? If so, Vivian was not at all certain she wanted to be sitting this close. She took a healthy swig of her beverage.

  "Okay, I'm listening."

  "Colin contacted me through my website. He and his partner are opening two more clubs and needed an interior designer. We met, he loved my work, hired me on the spot, made love to me on that very same spot, and we've been inseparable ever since. Wedding is next Saturday at two. Of course, you're my maid of honor. Can you take another few days off? We need to power shop for dresses."

  "That's it? Interview, sex, wedding, shopping; end of story? I get the fact that you're way more of a free spirit than I am, Carol, but this seems pretty out there, even for you!"

  "I know it sounds crazy, Viv, and nice look of horror by the way, but I'm happier than I've ever been. I never realized where I went wrong in the relationship department until I met Colin. He's exactly the type of man I need. He's shown me things about myself I had no idea I was missing, or wanted."

  "Wow, you're being uncharacteristically vague. I want to hear about him, who is he, how is he different from other guys? At the risk of opening the flood gates of too much info, talk to me, Carol.” Her ten-thousand-watt s
mile spoke volumes to Viv before she opened her mouth.

  "Okay, let's do stats first. He's four years older than me, six feet something tall, weight proportionate to height."

  "You are such a smart ass,” Viv laughed, shaking her head.

  "He's never been married, has no kids, lives in a mansion, drives a killer convertible, is college educated, and loves to garden.” Carol made a production of using her fingers to count her points. “He's attentive, considerate, passionate, and, oh yeah, intense, and demanding in the most delicious ways imaginable. The first time he whipped out his...” Carol held up her hand and waved it in front of her friend.

  "Filter, please! Intimate details are so not necessary, but are you sure what's going on between you two isn't, well, revolving around the physical? It's been quite a while since you dated."

  "Not as long as it has been for you, sister,” Carol reminded her with a smirk. “And yes, our relationship is based on far more than sex, although it is really, really hot sex.” Vivian rolled her eyes and groaned at Carol's suggestive leer. “I have no doubt that he is the one I'll spend the rest of my life with. Won't you please try to withhold judgment until you get to know him?"

  Vivian's heart melted at her friend's pleading tone. She took a good look at her. Something was definitely different. There was a confidence and a glow about her that she'd never had. “Of course I can, honey,” she said.

  "Carol's here, Colin, with a guest,” Brad announced through the intercom.

  "Thanks, Brad, I'll be there in a minute."

  "She said to tell you no rush."

  "Got it.” Colin switched off the audio.

  "Tough break, dude, not even married yet and she's giving you the cold shoulder."

  "Not hardly,” he said with a smile to his partner who lounged casually in the chair on the other side of the desk. “Her friend just got back into town yesterday, been gone since right before Carol and I met. I'm sure they want some time to talk. She's nervous about her reaction to our relationship. Tells me she's a bit conservative."

  "If that's the case, why'd she bring her here?"

  "I asked her that very question. She said they've stayed friends since high school because of their differences, not in spite of them, and she wanted to show off me and the club."

  "Isn't that cute?"

  "I find the fact that my future wife is proud of me and my business far more than cute, Paul."

  "Our business,” Paul corrected in a light tone. “And don't get me wrong, Carol's fantastic. I'm happy for you, man. You know as well as I do though, a girlfriend that doesn't approve of her pal's boyfriend has the ability to cause serious problems for the relationship."

  "I'm well aware of that. Let's at least get a visual of what I'm dealing with.” Colin swiveled his chair to face the row of security monitors on the table behind his desk. Paul moved to stand at his side. The women were walking away from the camera, heading toward the booth that was always reserved for management.

  "Her friend's a librarian?” Paul asked, checking out the woman's sweater, knee-length skirt, and sensibly low-heeled shoes.

  "Accountant,” Colin corrected, fiddling with the zoom just as both women turned to slide into the booth.

  "No fucking way."

  "What, what is it?"

  Excitement slammed into Paul with such force, his breathing became shallow. “TCI Industries, office manager..."

  "Are you sure?” Colin leaned closer to the screen.

  "Vivian Walcourt is the only woman I've ever known who tempted me enough to seriously consider breaking my rule of not pursuing a married lady, and yep, I'm positive."

  His pulse pounded in his ears, and blood rushed to his cock. Was her loser husband out of the picture? He'd hated the guy from the first time he'd seen him at an office party. Not only had Viv's entire demeanor changed in his presence, but after a few drinks, the bastard had been hitting on anything in a skirt.

  It had been years since he'd worked at TCI while getting his MBA. During the two years he worked there, he'd lusted hard for his sexy as hell officemate. She radiated natural beauty from her curly red hair, to her rounded cheeks and plump lips, to her womanly curves. Her huge, hazel eyes were always alight with intelligence and whatever emotion affected her at the time. She ran the office with precision, and he'd learned a great deal from her.

  "You were a fucking love-sick puppy over her back then,” Colin laughed.

  "This isn't funny. Why in the fuck didn't you tell me?” Paul stared down at him, angry and confused. Colin could definitely be a smart ass sometimes, but this bordered on mean.

  "Whoa, hold up there. I've never met this woman, and Carol never used her last name when talking about her. You know I would have told you."

  He did, but just like all those years ago, where Vivian was concerned, he lost the ability to think with anything but his dick. He raked a hand through his hair, and moved around the desk, dropping down into one of the leather arm chairs.

  "Sorry, Col. Damn, this is an interesting turn of events. Small world, eh? Oh, shit, is she still married? Has Carol said anything? She must have said something?"

  "I actually know the answer to this one."

  "I haven't had to beat your ass for a lot of years, but I swear to God."

  "Oh, like I'd fuck with you if the news were bad, give me some credit. She's been divorced for a while.” Relief flooded Paul first, instantly followed by a level of horny he hadn't experienced in forever. “She doesn't date at all, that's one of the reasons Carol worried about her reaction to us."

  "She will now. Vivian was nothing if not perfectly behaved when we worked together, but I used to get this vibe that she was more than aware of me on a non-professional level."

  "We need to figure out how we're going to handle this, Paul."

  "You handle your woman, and leave Vivian to me. She may appear all prim and proper on the outside, but I'll bet my bottom dollar that underneath, there's a hell-cat just waiting to be let out of her cage."

  "This isn't a damn game. Carol means the world to me, Vivian is important to her, you and I are partners, and Carol is the best damn designer we've had the good fortune to employ. Fuck, this has potential disaster written all over it."

  "Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence."

  "Seriously, your track record with long-term relationships is...oh yeah, you don't have one."

  "I feel as if that's about to change."

  "Look, there's Colin, oh and Paul, too.” Vivian tried to follow the direction of Carol's flailing arm, but a large group of people chose that moment to walk in front of her. “I didn't even get a chance to tell you about him yet, he's Colin's business partner."

  The crowd thinned, giving Viv a perfect view of the bar and the two men. She was glad she was sitting down because her shaking legs didn't stand a chance of holding her up. “Oh, my God, Carol,” she whispered while attempting to lift her glass. Her hands were trembling so badly, she gave up and just wrapped her fingers around it while leaving it on the table.

  "What in the world is wrong?” her friend asked.

  "That's Paul,” she emphasized his name.

  "I don't, no, holy shit, are you kidding? The Paul of ‘if I wasn't married, what wouldn't I do with that man’ fame?"

  "How could you not tell me about this, about him,” she practically screeched.

  "Wait a minute. You used to get embarrassed telling me the tiniest little bits of your lustful thoughts. You definitely never told me his last name. How in the hell would I know that this Paul is your Paul?"

  "He was never my Paul.” Except in my dreams, she added silently.

  When they'd worked together, Vivian's marriage had been unraveling. Her ex's cheating had reached epic proportions, and he made no bones about how unappealing he found his wife. Paul was a real charmer, but also a genuinely nice guy. For whatever reason, he'd seemed to enjoy her company more than that of other female co-workers, and that had been very good for Vivian's battered self-es
teem. He'd been the star of her fantasies ever since.

  "Could things get any more perfect?” Carol's question snapped her out of her thoughts.

  "Are you kidding me?” She scooted closer to Carol and rested her elbow on the table so she could shield her mouth while whispering. “I'm uncomfortable enough just being here."

  Carol mimicked her posture before whispering back. “Why? We're just having drinks."

  "Is that not a stage?” she asked, tipping her head slightly.

  "Yes, and in about half an hour, we will enjoy a beautiful, sensual performance."

  "You, me, and your husband-to-be?"

  "And hopefully, now Paul."

  "I want to go home."

  "Do you two have any idea how curious I am as to what is being discussed so secretively?” Vivian jerked her head up, feeling as if she were a child caught with her fingers in the cookie jar. Carol did the same, almost knocking over her glass when she flung her hand away from her mouth.

  "Damn it, Colin, it's not polite to sneak up on people,” Carol admonished while sliding out of the booth, and straight into his open arms.

  "Honey, a bulldozer could have driven by this table unnoticed. We did no sneaking.” He kissed her on the forehead. “Vivian, it's a pleasure to meet you.” She shook his proffered hand, taking note of how his other arm cradled Carol against his side, and how she appeared beyond happy to be there.

  "It's very nice to meet you, too,” she replied, struggling to focus her attention on him while keenly aware of the other man standing at the table.

  "And there's no need for intros between you and Paul, right?” Carol interjected with her characteristic directness.

  "Nope, there sure isn't. Vivian, it's fantastic to see you again.” His slightly lopsided grin, along with the intensity reflected in his eyes, sent heat straight to her core. She never would have imagined it possible, but Paul Landis was actually more gorgeous than when they'd worked together. His chestnut brown hair was now accentuated by a dusting of grey at the temples. His upper body appeared more muscular. He was dressed completely in black. The button-down shirt was exquisitely tailored, accentuating his broad shoulders and chest, and the slacks, shit; he was sex on a stick.


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