“A large sum of money?” Nate suggested. “We can go back for it. The President can get it out of the unallocated fund.”
“I’m given to understand that our money is useful here only in small amounts,” Ves said.
“Hmmm,” Nate said. Suddenly his face brightened. “We could invade!” he said.
“Invade?” Ves asked, alarmed.
“Oh, not a major invasion,” Nate said. “Not like D-day, or anything. Just a minor commando raid. A couple of dozen troops…”
“I’m sure the President wouldn’t approve,” Ves said. “Remember what happened over El Salvador. And we couldn’t keep a thing like that from Congress.”
“Even to retrieve the Constitution of the United States?” Nate asked. “No, I guess you’re right. Besides, President Gosport isn’t willing to admit that the thing’s missing in the first place, so he’d never authorize anything like that. But then what?”
“What we need…” Ves suddenly got a funny look on his face and stared off into space.
“Ves! Ves! What’s the matter? The lobster dinner? I told you…”
“We do have something he wants!”
“Come along,” Ves said, sitting up and putting his feet on the floor. “We’re going to get our Constitution back. Our very own!”
The Chitterly mansion was huge, spacious, and well guarded. They had to pass through three checkpoints before getting to the main house. “Tell Mr. Chitterly we have something he wants” proved to be the magic words that carried them through. They had to submit to a weapons frisk at the second checkpoint, but since neither of them was heeled, it didn’t matter.
“Well?” Chitterly said when they finally got through to him. “Well? My secretary says you won’t speak to anyone else. I warn you, you’d best not be wasting my time. Best not.” He was a tall, thin, angular man with glittering, bird-like eyes and a small mouth. What there was of his hair was shock-white and stood out from his head like a horseshoe-shaped halo.
“We had to see you, Mr. Chitterly, on a matter of some importance to both of us,” Ves said. “You will find it interesting.”
“You have something to sell?” Chitterly asked, his eyes darting from one to the other. “I might be interested if you have something to sell. I can’t afford much for my little hobby, but if it’s in my price range…”
“The Burr variation,” Ves said. “Heard of it?”
“What’s that? What’s that?” Chitterly looked annoyed. “Did Thomerson, Phipps or one of that crowd put you up to this? I don’t have the damned thing, and if I did, I certainly wouldn’t admit it to the likes of you.”
“You misunderstand, Mr. Chitterly,” Nate said softly. “We have it.”
“It sort of fell into our laps, you might say,” Ves said. “There we were with this simple, ordinary version of the Constitution—you know, the one Alexander Hamilton signed—when all of a sudden we noticed that he didn’t.”
“Hamilton, that is,” Ves offered. “Burr did.”
“Imagine our surprise,” Nate said.
Chitterly thought this over for a minute. “You boys want me to buy this Burr document from you,” he said. “But that would be receiving stolen property. I couldn’t do that.”
“Not when it’s stolen on this sector, anyway,” Ves said.
“You’re thinking,” Nate said, “that all you have to do is stick that common old Hamilton document back in your little machine and blip, you’ll have the Burr back, aren’t you?”
“But it’s not so,” Ves said.
“We’ve altered it, you see,” Nate said.
For the first time Chitterly looked startled.
“Wax,” Ves told him. “In the pores and everything. We picked wax because it can be removed. But until it is, the Constitution weighs about three times what it should.”
“Never transfer,” Nate said. “Not a chance.”
“I don’t believe you,” Chitterly said.
“Try it,” Ves said, waving an airy hand at the tabletop It in the corner. “There are no witnesses. You can deny anything we say. Who’d believe us?”
“Who indeed?” Chitterly said. “I certainly don’t.”
“We just thought you’d be interested,” Ves said, shrugging.
“There are others who would,” Nate said. “Sorry to have bothered you. We won’t be back.”
“Wait!” Chitterly said. “Wait a second. As you say, there’s no harm in testing your story.” He hurried into another room and presently they heard sounds that might have been a vault door, or possibly a refrigerator opening and closing. Then he emerged with a rolled-up document “If it is as you say,” Chitterly said, “this won’t work. Then we can negotiate.” He put the document in the basket of the It, set a dial, and flipped a switch.
The rolled-up document turned into a flat document. “Ha!” Chitterly said.
“Ho!” Nate said. “Is that the Burr Constitution?”
“Indeed, gentlemen,” Chitterly said, peering at it. He looked up to see Nate and Ves advancing toward him.
“So that’s it,” he cried, backing up rapidly. “Simple robbery! Well, you’ll never get out of here alive.”
“You misunderstand,” Ves said. “We wish nothing from you.”
“You have already given us what we came for,” Nate told him.
“What? What’s that?”
“The Constitution you just switched to get back the Burr Variant,” Ves said. “It’s ours. We wanted it back.”
“Now we have it back,” Nate said. “And we intend to keep it. He pushed the It off the table. It fell to the floor and shattered into fifty pieces.
Ves stomped on the pieces, feeling them turn to powder satisfyingly under his foot. “We’re done here now,” he said. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Chitterly. We must be off.”
Mrs. Montefugoni sniffed. “Wipe your feet, you come in here,” she said.
“Is that the first thing you say to me. I’ve been gone for almost two weeks,” Ves demanded, “wipe your feet?”
“You’d better do what she says,” Nate said, following Ves into the room. “You’re home now.”
Mrs. Montefugoni brightened. “Good a see you, Commissioner,” she said. “I go make coffee.”
“Make enough for three,” Ves said. “And some of your tarts, if available. We have a distinguished guest.” Smiling politically, the President of the United States came forward and extended his hand. “Mrs. Montefugoni,” he said. “I’ve heard so much about you. Your two friends are heroes, do you know that? Heroes. Secret heroes, as it happens, but nonetheless heroes.”
Mrs. Montefugoni sniffed. “Wipe your feet,” she told the President.
The Whenabouts of Burr Page 19