Beats of Life (Perception Book 5)

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Beats of Life (Perception Book 5) Page 16

by Shandi Boyes

  “The first photo was taken the very first night they played at Mavericks and the last one was the first time they performed at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles,” Maggie informs. “I would love to take a photo of them at every arena they perform at, but they travel to far and wide for me to keep up with them now,” she continues, her eyes glistening as she looks proudly at the photos.

  “I offered for you to travel with us,” Slater says, pulling down some chairs that are sitting on top of a table, gesturing for us to sit down. “But for some reason, this was more appealing to you,” he continues, his hand gesturing to the café.

  Maggie smiles brightly as she moves towards a kitchen at the back of the café. When I sit down, Slater drags my chair over closer to his. The sound of the wooden chair scrapping along the polished floor screeches around the room. I lean in and place a quick kiss on his delicious lips just as Maggie walks back into the room with three bottles of beer. Her step slightly falters when she notices our kiss. She stands frozen halfway out of the kitchen, her confused eyes darting between us. When Slater casually drapes his arm across my shoulders, a small smile forms on her face before she commences walking again.

  “You got your heart back,” she whispers softly to Slater. She was so quiet I could barely hear her. He accepts the beer she is offering him, lightly nodding his head.

  For the next hour, we sit around the table talking. My heart melted when Maggie told me the boys from the band had brought her the café as retirement gift. She said she was reluctant in accepting it, but the boys soon made it apparent that they were not going to take no for an answer. She explained that Lola, Emily’s sister, had asked her about a large old poster of the San Francisco skyline she had hanging in her office at Mavericks one afternoon. Her dream had always been to open a B&B in Sausalito. But after encountering a few bumps in the road, her dreams never had a chance to be fulfilled and before she knew it, thirty years had flown by. The instant Lola told Jacob about Maggie’s dream, Jacob shared the news with Noah. Once Noah told the rest of the band members, they all chipped in to purchase the café for Maggie.

  “There are four small cabins attached to the back of the café and Maggie has plans to extend the floor space in here to add another three rooms,” Slater informs, the pride in his voice easily heard.

  “I tried to convince her to travel with us, you know, to ensure the beers where the coldest they could be, but for some reason the idea of the café sounded more appealing to her,” Slater continues, chuckling loudly when Maggie throws a red dish cloth at him.

  We continued talking until the wee hours of the morning. Maggie filled me in on everything that I had missed the past two years. I was surprised when she told me about Noah’s accident. By looking at him, you wouldn’t know that he had been so badly injured. She shared photos of Emily and Noah’s wedding she had clipped from some magazines and a few private ones she had taken herself, and gushed like a proud grandmother when she showed me photos of Maddie and Jasper as newborn babies.

  By the time Slater and I are heading back to his bike, the sun is beginning to rise. He places my helmet on my head and assists me onto the back of his bike. I wave goodbye to Maggie, before wrapping my hands tightly around his waist and leaning my cheek against his back. His heart is thumping so hard it is easily audible over the rumbling of his bike. Even though it is summer, a heavy layer of fog covers the bay, giving it an eerie aspect. Due to the early morning hour, we manage to miss the paparazzi that were at the carpark when we exited last night.

  Slater kicks his leg over his bike and helps me off, before gently removing the helmet from my head. My eyes leisurely run over his gorgeous face as he places my helmet back into his saddlebag. I couldn’t believe it when he first pulled my helmet out of his saddlebag. I tried to brush it away quickly, but I’m fairly certain he saw the tear that fell from my eye when I noticed it. I have never stopped loving him and considering that he still carries my helmet with him shows he still cares for me too. So that is why I have decided I need to tell him why I left. He deserves to know that it wasn’t anything he did that made me leave. I need to make sure he fully understands that. It’s time for me to be honest. Then hopefully he can forgive me and we can move forward from it.

  He clasps his hand around mine and attempts to walk towards the elevators. I plant my feet firmly on the ground, halting his hasty retreat.

  “Can we talk?” I request quietly. His eyes slowly lift to face mine, his face marred with worry. He nods his head softly and leans against his bike, pulling me in close to his side. I lean my head against his chest and take in a large inhale of his manly scent.

  “What did you want to talk about?” he questions quietly, his concern easily heard in his voice.

  I turn to face him, leaning my body against his, looking directly into his eyes. “I want to tell you what happened,” I whisper softly. A small gathering of tears rapidly forms in my eyes.

  “I want to tell you why I left,” I continue. His body stiffens and his grip around my waist tightens, his nervous eyes flick between mine.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, it was because--” I attempt to say, before I feel the warmth of his lips against mine.

  I try to pull away, but his lips are too skilful. Even though my brain is telling me to pull away, my heart encourages me to return his kiss. By the time he pulls away from our embrace, my brain is mush and I no longer have the ability to form words. He smiles, loving the effect he has on my body.

  “Don’t….you….ummm,” I mumble, causing him to smile even larger. Even though my brain knows what it is trying to say, my mouth won’t cooperate. I slap him playfully on his chest, shaking my head lightly.

  “Don’t you want to know?” I question, once I have regained the ability to talk. His eyes dart between mine before he softly shakes his head, triggering my eyebrows to pull together tightly. I hadn’t expected him to say no.

  “Why?” I question. My eyes stare at his t-shirt covered chest, my confusion is marked all over my face, suddenly panicked that maybe he doesn’t want me anymore.

  He places his hand under my chin and gently lifts my head. “It’s in the past, can’t we just leave it there?” he questions, his voice sounding throaty.

  My eyes stare into his that are showing how vulnerable he is feeling. Slater appears to have a tough and hard exterior, but if you look close enough, you soon realize he wears his heart on his sleeve and it is one gigantically massive heart. That heart was one of the reasons I left him.

  “But I need you to promise me something Kylie,” he requests firmly. I instantly nod my head. I would promise him anything if it means I get to have him in my life again.

  “Promise me that you will never leave again without saying goodbye. No matter what happens, no matter how bad it seems, I need you to promise me that you will never leave again without saying goodbye,” he requests, staring firmly into my eyes.

  “I barely survived it the first time, I don’t think I could survive it a second time,” he continues, his voice barely a whisper.

  My eyes burn from the sudden rush of moisture forming in them when I see the hurt all over his beautiful face. Hurt that I had placed there. Hurt that is going to take me years to repair. Hurt that I promise will never be marked on his face again.

  “I promise,” I reply, staring directly into his eyes.

  Chapter 23


  Instant relief. That is what I felt when Kylie promised that she wouldn’t leave again without saying goodbye, because I know she never makes a promise she can’t keep. I wasn’t joking when I said I barely survived it the first time. When she left, she took my heart with her and you can’t function without your heart. I’m not saying that’s my excuse for the poor choices I’ve made the past few years, but have you ever tried to live without your heart? Trust me, it’s pretty fucking hard to live morally without having a heart. I officially became heartless without her.

  I also didn’t want to bring up the
past as I’ve done some pretty bad shit the past two years that I am not proud of. And although I know Kylie would never hold it against me, I don’t want her to look at me any differently than how she is looking at me right now. Her eyes aren’t beaming with just lust, but also love. Nothing she could say would change how I feel about her, so why bring all that anger back to the surface?

  Even without her telling me, I’m fairly certain I know the reason she left……..

  I warned Jenni, over and over again to stay away from Nick. The instant he took my baseball bat out of the saddlebag of my bike and started smashing Jenni’s car with it, I knew what I had suspected the past few months were true. Jenni and Nick were a couple. Noah motioned his head, requesting my assistance with Nick. I shook my head and turned my gaze back to Kylie. Her eyes narrowed and her head also nodded towards Nick. When I shook my head again, her eyes narrowed even more.

  “She needs to see him for who he really is,” I replied, hoping that Nick’s destructive outburst would be the final push Jenni needed to stay away from him.

  “What about Nick?” Kylie replied. “Isn’t he your friend? Shouldn’t you want to help him too?” she continued, her confused eyes flicking between mine. I angrily shook my head. Nick wasn’t my friend. Back then, I couldn’t stand the fucking guy. But I had never told Kylie what had happened between us, so she was unaware of the fact that I had caught him sleeping with my fiancé in my own fucking bed.

  “You’re better than that,” Kylie said quietly, standing from the picnic table and moving over towards Nick and Noah who were lying on the ground.

  I was surprised when Nick stood up and the moonlight made the tears on his cheeks glisten. I had never seen Nick cry, not even when I knocked him out cold after the whole Nikki incident. I was having doubts about Nikki for a few months, but I had promised her my hand in marriage and I had planned on keeping my promise. My parents were together from such a young age and I wanted to have the same type of relationship they had. I tried to convince myself that every relationship, even the best ones, have rough patches and bumps. But the instant I walked in on her with Nick, I knew that was one bump that was never going to be smoothed out.

  Cutting Nikki out of my life was easy, Nick was a lot fucking harder. Noah was adamant that we needed him in our group. He believed he was the final piece of the puzzle that made our group whole. I fought tooth and nail to have him kicked out of the band. I even quit at one stage. Noah said, he would do anything to make me stay, anything at all. That night an agreement was made. Ten percent of all of ‘Rise Up’s’ profits for the rest of our lives was going to be donated to the Serena Scott Foundation and I was allowed to punch Nick once. Marcus instantly agreed to the charity donation, but refused my second request. After a few beers and a slight bit of convincing, he finally agreed to my request, on one condition, I wasn’t allowed to knock Nick out.

  Marcus was pissed when Nick laid unconscious on his grandma’s garage floor for twenty minutes after I hit him. It wasn’t my fucking fault though, I thought Nick would have been able to take a little more than he did. His skills in the fighting department were certainly lacking at that time. But with how hard he was swinging that bat, I would say he has rectified that the past few years.

  “Noah is going to take Nick to a hotel,” Kylie informed, moving back to sit next to me. She leaned in closer and rested her head on my shoulder before softly suggesting, “Maybe you should go with them?”

  A small gasp escaped her lips the instant I shook my head. I pulled her close to me and sat her in my lap. Her pretty hazel eyes darted between mine. I was about to head on the road for three weeks and I didn’t want to spend my final weekend with her worrying about Nick. Another gasp escaped her lips when she felt my stiffened cock rubbing against her curvy backside. Her eyes quickly darted over to Marcus and Nicole who were sitting across from us. Once she was satisfied that they were not paying us any attention, her lust filled gaze returned to mine.

  “Pool in ten minutes,” she whispered, before she quickly stood and made her way to the infinity pool at the front of the property.

  I waited approximately five seconds before I took off after her. I had to muffle her excited squeals with my hand when I caught up with her. The instant she reached the edge of the pool she pulled her cotton dress over her head. The full moon made her pale beige skin illuminate in the dark. Her eyes quickly peered around the space behind me before she unclasped her bra and slide her panties down her legs. Fuck, she was gorgeous, her body was pure perfection and my dick ached for her. She cheekily winked before she dove into the pool without even a small sound of a splash. By the time her head surfaced out of the water, I had removed my boots and shirt and was in the process of removing my jeans. My entrance into the pool wasn’t quite as elegant as Kylie’s. I ran up to the edge and bomb dived into the water. Her loud giggles, that were echoing around the pool area, only lessened when I swam towards her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and lowered her mouth down to mine. I was glad the pool was heated, but even if it wasn’t, nothing would have dampened the hotness in the pool that night. I have never seen a more beautiful sight than Kylie’s face in ecstasy in front of a moonlit ocean.

  “I love you,” she whispered breathlessly, her lips moving towards mine. Her soft pants of ecstasy made her breast move up and down against my chest. I held her in close and returned her kiss before the sounds of murmured voices moved closer to us.

  We both hastily jumped out and dried ourselves with the towels supplied, hiding in the shadows of the pool room. I don’t know how many times I had to muffle Kylie’s giggles with my mouth. Even whipping her with the towel didn’t stop her happy chuckles. We slipped out the back entrance of the pool just as Marcus and Nicole entered the front gate. I don’t think they saw us, but I am pretty sure they would have heard our heavy footsteps on the wooden deck as we bolted back towards the cabin.

  Kylie’s excited giggles lessened the instant we walked into the cabin. Jenni was sitting on the sofa, her face covered with large streaks of tears. The instant her tear filled eyes looked up at me, I knew I couldn’t leave her sitting there alone and upset.

  “I’ll be a minute,” I advised Kylie. Her eyes flicked between Jenni and I, before she softly nodded her head.

  It took nearly thirty minutes for Jenni’s tears to eventually lessen. When she told me she was pregnant, I wanted to fucking kill Nick. He had successfully tied himself to her for life and there was nothing I could have done to change that. Jenni was beyond devastated when she explained everything that has been happening the past few weeks with her family. I didn’t know what I could have said to make anything better, so I just comforted her the best I could. I told her that she would always have Emily and I there to support her and the baby. That she isn’t alone and that we love her and will take care of her.

  Once I had settled her into her room for the night, nearly two hours had ticked by. I headed to the room I was sharing with Kylie and was surprised to find her still awake. Her beautiful face was marked with small tears and her bag had been packed and was sitting on the floor.

  My eyebrows pulled together tight and my heart plunged into my stomach as I moved towards her. Her tear filled eyes lifted the instant I walked into the room. “I’m going to call a taxi,” she advised, her unshed tears falling from her eyes. “I want to go home,” she continued, standing from the bed and picking her bag up off the floor.

  “Why?” I questioned concerned. Everything the whole weekend had been perfect and I was at a complete fucking loss at what had suddenly changed.

  Her eyes instantly darted to mine; the pain she was feeling clearly shown on her face. “Do you love me Slater?” she questioned quietly. I instantly nodded my head and moved to stand in front of her. “Say it,” she requested, her tear filled eyes staring firmly into mine. “Tell me you love me,” she requested again, only louder that time.

  “You don’t need to hear---”

  “Yes I do,” she interrupt
ed angrily, her tears once again streaming down her face. “Say it,” she requested firmly, her angry eyes darting between mine.

  I was too shocked to form any words. She had never been worried about me saying it back for months, so I didn’t understand why now she suddenly wanted me to tell her that I loved her. I showed her what she meant to me, I expressed it every fucking day, I didn’t need to tell her. When I failed to reply, she shook her head angrily before she whispered, “Goodbye Slater,” so quietly I could barely hear her. When she rushed towards the door, I moved quicker, slamming it before she had a chance to exit. I lent my back against the door, effectively blocking her only exit from the room. She harshly grabbed my arm, her nails dug in deep as she tried to drag me away from the door.

  “What the fuck, Kylie,” I yelled angrily, prying her fingernails off my arm. She had grabbed me so hard she had drawn blood.

  “You won’t tell me you love me, but you will tell her!” She yelled that loud I am sure the whole house heard her.


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