Beats of Life (Perception Book 5)

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Beats of Life (Perception Book 5) Page 26

by Shandi Boyes

  You thought I didn’t know about Slater until after you got back together, but you were very wrong. You have always been a loved up drunk and you may have mentioned him a few times the past two years. I knew it would only take him seeing your beautiful face one more time for him to fall head over heels in love with you again. Well that was my plan. I just didn’t realize that he was just as stubborn as you are. But with a little pushing, you both got there in the end and I am so incredibly happy for you. The joy on your face last week made me realize I had made the right choice in keeping this secret from you.

  A few times I wanted to tell you what was happening. I really wanted my best friend by my side, but just like Slater I knew you would have given it all away in an instant to be by my side, and I loved you too much to force you to do that. So just like you, I sacrificed my own happiness for the person I love. You are one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met in my life and it was my absolute pleasure to call you my best friend. I love you, I believe in you and I know you will one day find it in your heart to forgive me for my betrayal.

  I lived the fullest life I could live. I made sure my whole eighty years was jammed packed into twenty-four, and out of those twenty-four years my best years were the ones I spent with you. Please don’t cry for me. Please don’t grieve. Live! Live the best life you can live and live it for both of us.

  But more than anything, I want you to remember that everything I did, I did for you. I’ll be waiting for you in heaven in another eighty plus years. Just look for the sexy angel with two margaritas in her hands.

  I love you and I will miss you every single day.

  Your very best friend in the world.

  Melanie xx

  I know this is going to make me sound like the biggest fucking asshole in the world, but I sighed in relief while reading Melanie’s letter. I am devastated for Kylie, I truly am. But I had thought I was coming in her to console her over her own diagnosis. I thought I was losing her. So my first thought was relief, which is rapidly changing to guilt. Don’t act like you wouldn’t have done the same thing. If you were in my situation you would have reacted the exact same way.

  “She died last night,” Kylie whimpers into my chest, her voice coming out in the most painful whisper.

  “I am so sorry baby. I am so truly sorry,” I whisper into her ear.

  Fuck, now I feel even worse for my initial reaction.

  Chapter 36


  Melanie’s funeral is being held today in her home town of San Jose. The band cancelled the last two shows so I could continue to support Kylie through her grief. She is truly devastated over losing her friend. I know the process of grief, most of the guys in our band do as well, so we are all supporting her the best we can. The first day she spent the entire day in bed. I just held her and wiped away her tears while offering her silent support. The second day she was angry. Not just at the disease that stole her friend away from her, but she was also angry at Melanie. Angry that she never gave her the chance to say goodbye. I tried to force her to read Melanie’s letter again, when she refused, I read it to her, and I will continue to make her read it over and over again until she understands why Melanie did what she did. She did it because she loved Kylie. She did it because she was willing to sacrifice her own happiness for Kylie, just like Kylie did for me. Kylie can’t be mad at her for that. Melanie loved her enough to save her from months of pain.

  “Are you two ready to go?” Marcus questions quietly. I peer over at Kylie who is standing at the hotel window looking outside. She is wearing a mid-length black dress with black pumps. Her beautiful long hair has been pulled back in a braid.

  “Yeah, just give me a five minutes,” I reply. Marcus nods his head before moving into the hallway of our hotel.

  The whole band is in San Jose to attend Melanie’s funeral. Bar Marcus, the rest of the band didn’t really know her, but they are here supporting Kylie and I. They are my brothers and they will support me while I support Kylie.

  Kylie’s eyes lift to mine the instant I stand next to her. Her eyes are the clearest I have seen them the past three days. It is the first time I’ve seen them without tears. Her eyes slowly roam over my black suit before a small smile forms on her face. She places her open palm against my chest, right over the top of my heart.

  “Are you ready to go?” I question delicately.

  When she gently nods her head, I clasp my hand around hers and make our way to the town cars downstairs. The instant we exit our room, Jenni and Emily’s eyes lift to look at Kylie, relaying their sympathy to her through their eyes. Kylie remains quiet in the elevator and she doesn’t make a sound the entire trip to the funeral home.

  The only sound that escapes her lips is a little giggle when we walk into the funeral home. It was so quiet I barely heard it, but it forced the first smile on my face in the past three days. I lift my eyes and soon discover what Kylie is giggling at. The funeral parlour has been decked out like one of Melanie’s extravagant parties. There are streamers and helium balloons on every available surface, large poster sized photos of Melanie in various partying poses and several of the guests are decked out in bright fluorescent colors. Anyone would swear we have just turned up to a nightclub, instead of a funeral.

  “She always loved to party,” Kylie whispers softly.

  We make our way to the front of the pew and the rest of my band members sit in the back row. Kylie greets people I assume are Melanie’s parents. Melanie must have gotten her platinum blonde hair from her mom and her blues eyes from her dad. She was a mixture of them both. Kylie takes a seat next to Melanie’s mom and I sit next to her, gripping her hand tightly in mine.

  Halfway through the service Kylie makes her way to the podium. Her strength surprises me when she manages to complete her whole eulogy without a single tear escaping her tear filled eyes.

  “You better make my margarita a double,” she says, lifting two fingers to her mouth and raising them to the sky. Several of the attendees decked out in fluorescent colors copy Kylie’s movements.

  As Kylie makes her way back to her seat, a large projection screen lowers down from the ceiling. Kylie smiles brightly and a small tear drips down her face when Melanie’s face lights up the screen. Melanie is sitting crossed legged on a bed that appears to be in her childhood bedroom. She must have recorded this message within the last week as she has the same pixie style haircut she was sporting at the gala and Marcus’s signed bass guitar she won in the auction is sitting behind her.

  “Hi guys!” she squeals in excitement. The noise from the speakers is that loud it causes Kylie to jump and giggle softly.

  “I know you are supposed to be grieving, but where is the fun in that?” Melanie questions sarcastically, her eyes rolling dramatically.

  “If there is one thing I did right in my life was partying. I was the queen! So my final gift to all you people down there.” She points her fingers in several directions like she is pointing to her little minions below. “Is an invitation to one of the most elaborate, eloquent, invigorating, oh hold on that starts with an I, whatever, all expenses paid party of your life. No crying or tears are allowed, so get them all out now,” she informs sternly, her eyes narrowing and darting around the screen in warning.

  My eyes turn to Kylie to see that she is smiling softly while peering up at Melanie. Her eyes have a slight sheen of gloss to them but she is managing to keep her tears at bay.

  “Raise you glasses and have a drink for me. I love you all, especially you,” she says, her eyes staring directly into the camera. She raises two fingers to her lips and holds them into the air like Kylie did earlier. Half of the room copies her movement.

  Melanie stands from her bed and moves towards the screen like she is about to turn off her video recorder. Suddenly, her head pops back into the picture.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything, but I can’t leave without telling someone. This is too huge not to be shared,” she squeals excitedly, causing Kylie
to giggle softly. She squats down in front of the camera so only her face is visible.

  “Marcus…..ohhh Marcus,” she moans. I turn my eyes to Marcus at the back of the funeral parlor as do several others. He has a small smile on his face and is shaking his head gently.

  “That kiss, oh my goodness… that kiss was.” She goes quiet, her face appearing the most serious I have ever seen it. “It was perfect. Everything I had ever dreamt off. You are perfect, a true gift from god,” she continues quietly.

  “Please remember the promise you made last week and I will be sure to remember mine,” she requests quietly, staring firmly into the camera. She quickly brushes away a tear that has fallen down her cheek, before her face morphs back to her normal cheeky demeanor.

  “Now let’s get out of this stuffy old boring funeral home and let’s go and party!” she says excitedly. She blows one final farewell kiss into the camera before the screen goes black.


  Melanie wasn’t joking when she said an elaborate all expenses paid party. Her wake is being held in a local nightclub and she has even organized a DJ. She knew she was dying and she wanted her friends to farewell her in style. An hour into the wake, I make my way to the bathroom. Upon exiting the stall, I spot Marcus standing in the middle of the bathroom. His eyes follow me as I make my way to the sink to wash my hands. Once I finish drying my hands with a paper towel he hands me a USB stick.

  “This is part of the promise I made with Melanie,” he informs hesitantly. “She doesn’t want Kylie to watch it until she is over her grief process and she believes you will be the best person to know when the timing is right,” he continues. I nod my head while placing the USB stick into my pocket. I think it is going to a be a good few weeks before Kylie will be ready to see whatever is on there.

  “This is the other half of my promise,” he advises, handing me his phone.

  It is playing a video of one of Melanie’s parties. Kylie appears in several scenes, moving around in the kitchen, replenishing the snacks and restacking the beer in the fridge. Occasionally the screen will turn to Melanie who would gag or stick her finger down her throat, appalled by Kylie’s attempts at partying.

  “Every party she does the same thing,” Melanie informs into the camera as she moves through the party. “This is Trent,” she introduces, turning the camera to face a guy standing next to her. “He has been eye fucking Kylie all night long.”

  “I totally have,” Trent interrupts.

  “But Kylie shoots down every single move he makes,” Melanie informs, before she continues walking through the party. “This is Paul, he has tried numerous times to get into Kylie’s panties,” Melanie informs, the camera turns to Paul who looks like a white version of Marcus. “But nope, no action for Paul either,” Melanie informs mortified and Paul’s face appears heart broken.

  “I don’t know how many guys I have tried to hook her up with the past year,” Melanie informs, causing my jaw to tick in anger. “But she hasn’t touched one single guy. So I have made it my mission to find out why.”

  A smile forms on my face when the video cuts to Kylie sitting in a small and poorly furnished living area. She has a large glass of pink colored liquid in her hand. You know those oversized wine glasses they make cocktails into? A small chuckle escapes my lips when the first few words that come out of Kylie’s mouth are that badly slurred I can hardly understand her.

  “What about Tyler?” questions a voice behind the camera I instantly recognize as Melanie.

  “Nope,” Kylie replies slurring.

  “Umm, Paul! He so wanted to kiss you last week,” Melanie questions.

  “Nooooo,” Kylie replies dramatically. “Not Tyler, not Paul, not Jarrod, not anyone,” she continues, standing up from the sofa and placing her drink down on the coffee table. She stumbles her way to Melanie, causing Melanie to giggle softly.

  “There is nobody else but him. I will not touch another man that isn’t him,”

  “Who?” Melanie questions, interrupting Kylie.

  The screen goes blurry as Melanie needs to help Kylie back onto her feet since she tripped and fell over an ottoman on the ground. Once both of their giggles die down, Kylie raises her eyes and looks directly into the camera.

  “Slater Scott,” she whispers softly. “I love him more than I love myself,” she informs in barely a whisper.

  Melanie squeals loudly, forcing a large smile onto my face. Suddenly the camera shifts and Melanie peers down at the screen. Her hair is in the original bob she had when I first met her.

  “I’ve been trying to get a name out of her for years, and finally I got it. We are coming to get you Slater,” she advises staring directly into the camera before the video freezes.

  I hesitantly hand Marcus’s phone back to him which he places into his jeans pocket. I run my hand over the top of my head, feeling it slightly tremor as it runs over my clipped hair. Two years Kylie waited for me. Two whole fucking years. Now I feel like the world’s biggest fucking asshole. She sacrificed everything for me and I thanked her by being an idiot that ending up in rehab and fucked anything that had two legs. I know without a doubt in my mind that she deserves someone so much better than me, but I can’t give her up. I love her too much.

  Marcus squeezes my shoulder before handing me a small white piece of paper.

  Hey Drummer Boy,

  I didn’t show you that video to make you feel bad, I showed you that video to prove to you how much she loves you.

  I know at the moment you are probably feeling like the biggest ass in the world and rightfully so you should. I read every article about you I could get my hands on once Kylie spilled your name and I have to say your list of accomplishments was pretty impressive and you rightfully earnt the title of Rise Up bad boy.

  But do you know what? I have no doubt in my mind that even if Kylie knew everything that happened in the two-years you were separated she would still love you until her very last breath. She will love you even when you are no longer famous, she will love you even when you are old and grey and she will love you even when you piss her off and she refuses to talk to you for a week.

  She loves you Slater, warts and all. So my very final wish would be for you to love her back the exact same way. Fulfil her every wish and desire, make sure she finishes her bucket list and love her as much as she loves you.

  Until we meet again.

  Melanie xx

  P.S - If you maintain your side of the bargain, I promise I won’t come back and haunt you! I will also promise to only sneak the occasional peek of your drumstick while you are in the shower (wink wink.)

  My loud chuckle echoes around the small bathroom, knowing without a doubt that Melanie wouldn’t hesitate in haunting my ass if I ever stepped out of line with Kylie. But even before I read her letter, I already planned on doing what she requested.

  I will love and cherish Kylie until my very last breath.

  Chapter 37


  My eyes slowly take in my surroundings, forcing a small smile to form on my face. I should have known that Melanie would have thrown the most extravagant party you could possibly imagine for her wake. She would have never settled for anything less. Every weekend our small apartment was bursting at the seams with people attending her regular events. We never had much money, but it didn’t stop us from throwing the best parties Orange County had ever seen. Most of our friends would arrive with the alcohol and snacks and we supplied the venue and the music. Although I never participated in any of the games Melanie would organize at her parties, I still looked forward to them every week. Her parties kept our minds occupied on something other than the aggressive treatment we were both going through. It gave us something to look forward to during the shitty weekly hospital stays.

  I love Melanie, but god I was angry with her the day after I got her letter. I was so mad that she never gave me a chance to say goodbye. She could have told me that she was sick when she attended the gala last week, but she didn�
��t and I was furious with her for that. It was only when Slater read her letter out loud did I realize I had no right to be angry. I had done the exact same thing to him and I loved him more than anything in the world. So although I will never get over losing her, I have already found it in my heart to forgive her. What she did was one of the most selfless things she has ever done in her life and I can’t fault her for that. She chose to save me just like I chose to save Slater.

  I spot Slater the instant he steps out of the male bathroom. He stands frozen in the doorway, his eyes slowly roaming over my body, causing me to shiver softly. He hasn’t looked at me like that in nearly a week. Not since the day he discovered the bruise on my thigh. He swiftly makes his way across the crowded room, weaving in and out of the hundreds of people attending Melanie’s wake. Today is only the second time I have seen him in anything but jeans and boots. He is wearing a black suit with a dark grey dress shirt underneath. He looks incredibly alluring and if I wasn’t attending the funeral of my best friend I would not have been able to keep my hands off him.


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