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Heat Page 4

by K. T Fisher

  "Sorry bro." I look over to Mason who doesn't look very sorry. "I shown them my pics of Rox, I knew you had some of Lacey."

  Fucking little shit just wanted to show off. The pictures I had of Lacey aren't exactly porno style but I still don't want these fuckers to see them.

  "Fuck Cole, she's hot." Tate quickly chucks it over to Booker when I charge in his direction.

  Booker flicks through more pictures. "Holy shit, I'd definitely tap that ass."

  My fists clench, there is no way I would let Booker get his hands on Lacey. I snatch my phone back from Booker as he's staring at a picture of Lacey; the one with her posing in just her underwear. "Don't fucking think about it."

  Booker holds his hands up. "I get it, she's yours bro, chill."

  Mine? I fucking like the sound of that.


  I take off my glasses and rub my tired eyes, I've been working all day and the laptop has made my eyes ache. I love my job and being an editor has its advantages. I work for Poppy Publishing, one of the top book publishers. I'm one of the lucky editors who gets to work from home, instead of having to work in a stuffy office and wear smart clothes. I choose my own hours and wear what I want. I don't have to get up early and make sure I'm at the office on time. Take today for example, I've been in my baggy lounge clothes all day with my hair scrunched up on top of my head and no make-up on. I've spend all day nose deep editing a paranormal romance for a well known author. I edit a wide range of writing but most of my work comes from editing books.

  I hear my phone beep and smile to myself when I see it's from Cole. We have been texting for the past three days, since he left after the weekend. Every time I walk into my living room I can't help but have flash backs to that night. My vibrator has practically been my best friend for the past three nights and every night I think back to what Cole did to me when we were on our own. Yes the foursome was amazing but the highlight of that weekend was the moments Cole and I were alone together. That man sure knows how to pleasure a woman’s body. I've loved our back and forth texts along with late night phone calls. Just hearing his voice telling me what he wants to do to me affects me as much as him being with me. I'm so happy that he wants to see me again on Saturday. I text him back with a huge smile on my face.

  "Dinner's ready bitch!" I close my laptop and crawl off my bed. I moved into my bedroom to work because when Roxie began making dinner she had turned the radio louder and sang along. I have no clue how to cook and Roxie is amazing at it. I'm sure if she didn't love her job already, then she would be a chef. Our household deal is Roxie cooks and I clean, I hate mess anyway so it isn't a problem having to clean up after her untidy ass anyway.

  I put my glasses back on and go to sit at the table where my dinner is waiting with a large glass of wine. My best friend knows me so well. I take a big much needed gulp and dig right in, I haven't eaten since breakfast because I've been too busy editing about vampires and werewolves to eat. A really bad habit of mine that Roxie tells me off for as soon as I start to attack my dinner in an unladylike manner.

  My phone alerts me to a text message again and what I read makes me smile. "I'm guessing by the stupid look on your face, that is lover boy."

  I smile up at her. "Yep and he's not my lover boy."

  Roxie giggles. "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that Lace."

  I frown at her. "What about you and Mason?"

  She takes a big gulp from her own wine glass. "Nothing to tell."

  I shake my head at her denial. She has been different since the weekend and I don't know why she's not admitting to it. "You don't fool me Rox, your phone has been just as noisy as mine."

  Conveniently her phone alerts and I hide my smile as I watch Roxie fight herself to not snatch her phone up right away. She casually reaches for it and I watch her read her text and I see her slight smile. She's not fooling me; she likes Mason just as much as I like Cole. There's something addictive about the sexy tattooed brothers.

  I have a quick shower after dinner and when I step out of the bathroom wrapped only in my towel I run right into Roxie. She grips onto my wet shoulders to steady me as I calm my breathing. "Jesus! You scared the shit out of me."

  She laughs. "Take it easy there." Her fingers stroke my wet arms causing goosebumps. Roxie takes a step closer, her eyes glued to my cleavage. I know that look, Roxie is horny. Maybe last week I would have taken her up on this, but for some reason I don't want to have sex with Roxie. I don't want her petite pretty little body bringing me to climax. I want a certain strong tattooed man to make me scream and whimper. I walk around Roxie and disappear into my bedroom, hoping she will get the hint that I'm not in the mood. I grab my pyjamas out of my drawer, dry myself with my towel. When I drop the towel from my body I feel Roxie standing close behind me. She wraps her arms around my naked body from behind and places her hands over my breasts.


  "Shhh." She interrupts me and flicks my nipple. She kisses the back of my neck softly. Normally I would be going along with her now but not this time. I step away from her and put on my bright yellow pajama top.

  "I'm not in the mood Rox."

  She folds her arms over her chest as she watches me pull on my shorts. "This is because of Cole isn't it?"

  I frown. "No."

  Roxie huffs and turns around. "Yeah sure."

  "Rox?" Has she fallen out with me? I feel guilty for turning her down but I'm not going to say yes to her.

  She turns around before she leaves my room. "It's fine, I have my vibrator." She smiles as she walks away but I saw the hurt in her eyes. My phone rings as I hear Roxie slam her door and I smile when I hear Cole's voice.

  Chapter Twelve


  I look at the picture of Lacey on my phone, the only clothing she has on is my black shirt, it’s open down the middle showing her amazing cleavage and her smooth flat stomach; she looks so sexy. She's smiling, one of her legs is positioned so you can't see her pussy, a shame but I still love this picture. All week Lacey has been the main focus of my thoughts. If I didn't have the texts and phone calls from her I don't know what I would've done. I won't lie, I've used my hand to get myself off, while looking at the pictures I have of her; maybe that’s a bit creepy but I'll take what I can to keep my sanity, without those beautiful pictures of Lacey I know that by now, I'd be going insane. I have no idea what's going on with me, Lacey is doing something to me. I'm going to see her tomorrow and I can't fucking wait. I'm tempted to leave tonight; right after our show. Her apartment is only an hour away and if I wanted to see her I could just leave immediately when the show is over.

  I put my phone away and notice Mason, he’s got a smile on his face as he’s tapping away on his phone. My little brother is as hooked as I am. I feel a slap on my back. "If you two are done, we have a show to do."

  I laugh and push Booker away, who then stumbles into Mason who still has his head in his phone. "What the fuck!"

  "Temper temper Mason." Booker wiggles his finger in Mason's face but Mason ignores him and looks back down at his phone. Booker huffs loudly and then snatches the phone out of Mason's hand; when Booker sees what Mason was looking at his eyes go wide. "Well, shit! No wonder you can't look away from your phone."

  Mason grabs his phone back. "Keep your fucking eyes off!"

  "Too late now bro." Booker grins as he grabs onto his dick over his leathers. "It's stored away for later."

  Before Mason can do anything, Tate comes between them. When Booker walks back up to me I'm curious. "What was on the phone?"

  Booker grins. "That Roxie chick sent him a picture completely naked. She fucking had her tits and pussy out bro."

  I laugh at Booker's wishful gaze, no wonder Mason hadn't taken his eyes from his phone. Now I know why he had such a huge smile on his face!

  Ten minutes later our supporting band walks off stage and heads backstage to the waiting groupies. The crowd begins to chant. "Black Inferno! Black Inferno!" I turn to face my brother and
best friends; we do this before every show. I'm handed my microphone, Booker's handed his drum sticks and Mason and Tate are given their guitars. We turn to face in a circle, stretch our arms over each other’s shoulders and touch foreheads in the middle. We don't say anything, the atmosphere and the chanting from the crowd is enough. The stage goes black and the crowd screams, it's time. Mason turns and saunters onto the stage solo, playing the opening chords and the screams get louder. Next Booker walks on with his sticks raised in the air and he starts the beat, Tate is next his guitar nearly drowning out the screams. I sing a few words into the mic and the screams become even louder. My laugh echoing throughout the stadium. "If you wanna see me, you have to scream louder." The screams become deafening and Tate leans into his mic stand.

  "Get your fucking ass out here Cole!" I run out, singing to our first hit and we give the crowd exactly what they want.


  I'm sat on the sofa next to Roxie, we have a bowl of popcorn in between us and two bottles of wine. Tonight is movie night for the girls, unfortunately two of them; Ria and Paige canceled on us and instead decided to go a rock concert that they were invited to. I don't even think they like rock music! Oh well, more wine for Roxie and I.

  My eyes are on the TV while the film plays but I'm not watching it, whatever is happening on screen isn't sinking into my head because my thoughts are busy thinking about Cole. I'm wound tight and I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I will probably attack the poor man as soon as I see him. I've been fantasizing what it will be like when we're together again and he's been in all my dreams, I can't escape him.

  After I had turned Roxie down on Wednesday, I was pleased that she didn't try again. I didn't want to hurt her feelings but it isn't my fault that I'm not interested anymore. I do sometimes catch her looking at me and I know what she wants, but it’s not what I want any more. Cole has done something to me, he has ruined me for everyone else and it scares the shit out of me. I’m in trouble and hopefully whatever this is that is going on between us, after this weekend it will be out of my system and I can move on. But then I wonder; do I want it to end and Cole to be out of my system?

  After the film has finished Roxie and I start on the second bottle of wine. It's now midnight but we're wide awake dancing and singing around our apartment in just our pajamas. Roxie stops and looks down at her phone. "Shit!" She looks at me with wide eyes. "It's Mason, he said they're on their way."

  I freeze on the spot and look down at my pink pajamas. "Fuck!"

  Without another word we both run into our bedrooms. I apply some basic make-up as quick as I can, but before I have a chance to change out of my pajamas the sound of the intercom buzzes. I hear Roxie curse loudly, speaking my exact same thoughts out loud. I answer the phone beside the door and Roxie comes to stand by me. She is still in her pajamas too, glad I'm not alone ."Hello?"

  "Hey Lacey." It's Cole and just the sound of his voice is affecting me. I buzz them into the building.

  "What the fuck?" Why are they here? They shouldn't be here until tomorrow!" Roxie hisses. Two loud knocks on our front door makes us both jump. Roxie opens the door and I have to hold myself back from jumping into Cole's arms. He looks fucking amazing! Tight black jeans and a fitting black shirt with short sleeves that reveal his tattoos, he's my Mr dark and dangerous all over again.

  I watch as Cole takes in my pajamas and feel myself blush. Cole smiles. "Bedtime already Lace?"

  "We were having a movie night." I shrug as though his eyes aren't sending me into a frenzy. They both walk into the apartment and I see Mason is looking at Roxie just like Cole is looking at me. Then I notice that they both have a bag each with them. "What's in the bags?"

  Mason puts down near the door. "Clothes." He hasn't even looked at me; he only has eyes for my best friend.

  "I decided to come prepared this time." Cole put his bag next to Mason's and I can't help but smile at him. He's staying and that makes me so happy.

  Roxie and I lead them into the living room. "Ahh, I remember this room." Mason chuckles as he sits next to Roxie on the opposite sofa to Cole and I. Roxie shuffles closer to him, eyeing Mason like he's her favourite dessert. Yeah, you're not fooling anyone Roxie.

  Cole places his hand on my thigh. "I love what you're wearing." I glance down at my girly pajamas with raised eyebrows and laugh. Cole places his finger under my chin to make me look back up at him. "You look sexy." Oh my, his voice is deep and husky. He touches my glasses and my smile drops. Shit, I forgot I still had my glasses on. Apart from my family and friends I don't like people seeing me in my glasses. "You're a fantasy come true babe." I can't help but laugh. Cole makes me feel so good about myself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After Cole has only been here for half an hour we're all over each other, Roxie and Mason are the same over on the opposite sofa. I was so shocked when Cole arrived tonight, he wasn't supposed to be here until tomorrow, but I'm so happy he's here. I moan into Cole's mouth as he grips the back of my neck hard, I've missed him more than I'd like to admit. He suddenly stands and pulls me up with him, when I'm stood against him I look into his eyes, they're almost black in colour. I've noticed they do this when he's horny and the way he grips my cheek and looks down at me makes me shudder.

  "Your room." He growls before kissing me again. Without another word I follow him into my bedroom and close the door behind us. He presses his body against mine so hard that I lean with my back on the door. As he kisses me he grabs onto the tops of my thighs and lifts me off my feet, wrapping my legs around his hard body, as I raise up against the door I wrap my arms around his neck. He continues to kiss me wickedly until I'm begging him for more.

  "Cole please." He carries me towards the bed and when he lays me down I automatically go to lift my top off but he stops me.

  "Let me." I watch him undress and sulk.

  "I wanted to do that." He playfully flicks my bottom lip and continues to undress himself. I take in a deep breath as he's standing naked in front of me. Cole has an amazing body that I can't take my eyes from. I think I actually drool a little when I stare at his tattooed chest. I've looked at his pictures on my phone every day but they're nothing compared to having the real thing right here in front of me. He slowly undresses me, planting soft and teasing kisses as he goes. This is feeling more intense and intimate than before. When he has me naked under him I take my glasses off but he slides them back on.

  "I wanna fuck you while you wear these." His words make me squirm about on the bed and I can feel my pussy pulsing.

  "Is that a fantasy of yours or something? To fuck a girl with glasses on?" I laugh.

  Cole looks me straight in the eye from above me. "I want to fuck you with your glasses on."

  Fuck me! I want to claw at his back and demand that he take me right now but I control myself and bite my lip instead which makes him growl and bring his mouth to mine hungrily. Cole reaches down in between us and circles his thumb on my clit and then if he isn't teasing me enough, he grabs onto his hard cock and rubs it up and down over my slit, making me even more wet. God he's such a fucking tease. "You want me?"


  "God I've been dying to fuck you all week."

  "Me too." My voice sounds desperate but I don't give a shit.

  "I'm not gonna be able to hold back Lace, I'm gonna fuck you hard." I whimper with need. I wish he would stop talking and teasing me, I need him now. As if hearing my thoughts he sinks further into my open legs and kisses me again, I wrap my legs around him and push him down even lower by pushing my feet onto his firm ass, I want to feel his cock deep in me. Suddenly Cole tears away from me and runs out the bedroom without a word. What's happened?

  Has he suddenly realized that he can do a lot better than me and decided I'm not worth his time? He certainly can get a hotter girl than me because Cole is by far the sexiest man I've ever met. I feel tears starting to gather, God I'm pathetic. Then I see Cole return to my room, he's still naked and is now holding a bag. He
takes one look at me and quickly comes to sit on the bed next to me; he holds my face in his hands. "What's wrong?"

  I look towards the door. "You went away." I say quietly, I can't hide the sadness in my tone and I cringe. He's going to think I'm clingy.

  He frowns and brings his face closer to mine. "I went to get my condoms Lace." I feel like such an idiot! He only went to fetch his bag and I nearly started crying on the bed. I'm such a looser. "Why would you think I would leave you like that?" I shrug my shoulders but he gives me a look that tells me that I'd better get talking.


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