“Discomfort Index,” 221
Diseases, 233
of animals, 34, 86, 109
among English colonists, 25–26
impact of, on Indians, 3, 14, 15, 27–28, 33–34, 118
of plants, 46, 113, 115, 262
Disney, Walt, 246. See also Walt Disney Company
Dobyns, Henry, 14
Dogs, 126
Domenech, Emmanuel, 13–14
Dow Chemical, 249
Droughts, 247–248
early English settlers and, 21, 25
in the West, 118, 123, 127, 134, 136, 178, 186
Dryland farming, 134–136
Du Pont, Pierre, 209
Du Pont Chemical Company, 209, 278, 279
Dust Bowl, 134, 136
Dysentery, 25
Earth Day, 252–253
Earth First!, 257, 258–261
Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining, 256
Eaton, Robert, 276
“Ecology” (term), 247, 249
Ecuador, 271
Edison, Thomas, 183
Edisto River, 80
Eisenhower, Dwight, 216
Elk, 152–154
Elks Club, 152
Elliott, William, 106
Endangered Species Act (1973), 251, 259
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (1975), 251
Energy use, 200–201, 273–274
Enterprise, AL, 104
Environmental Defense Fund, 253
Environmentalism, 239–241
early focus of, on wilderness, 242–246
growth of, 246–250
mainstream, 250–253
neighborhood-based, 249, 253–257
partial successes of, 243–246, 250–251, 253, 254, 257
radical, 258–261
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 230, 251, 254, 258
Erie Canal, 48, 62, 163
Exxon Valdez incident, 204
Factories, 56–59, 79–80
Factories in the Field (McWilliams), 186
Famine, 25, 46, 67, 96, 134
Farming. See Agriculture
Fast food restaurants, 190, 197–200, 280–281
Fay, Thomas J., 208
Feather River, 119, 120
Federal Insecticide, Rodenticide, and Fungicide Act (1972), 251
Federal lands, 201–202. See also National forests; National parks
Federal policies
on agriculture, 59–60, 134, 136, 137, 187–188
on fire suppression, 142–143, 152
on logging, 65, 110, 142–143
on predator control, 145–47, 153–154
on transportation, 212–213, 216–217
on uses of national parks, 147–154
Federal Road Act (1916), 212–213
Feedlots, 190, 194–196, 200, 204
and water pollution, 190, 204–205
Feminism, 249
Fence laws, 106, 107–109
Fencing, 106, 107–109, 131–132
Fernow, Bernard, 141, 142, 143
Fertilizers, chemical, 102–103, 195, 200–201, 270
use of, on lawns, 222, 223
Fillmore, Millard, 86
Fires, 132, 143–144, 233–234
on the Cuyahoga River, 239, 240
federal policies toward, 143–144, 152
logging and, 65–67, 111
and suburban sprawl, 219–220
use of, by Indians, 3, 18–20
Firestone, Harvey, 271
Firestone Tire and Rubber, 212
Fish, 79–81, 120
impact of dams on, 56, 58, 79–80
as important food for small farmers, 46, 56, 80
and water pollution, 81, 167–168, 204–205
Flooding, 103, 119, 132–133
deforestation and, 36, 79, 115, 267
hydraulic mining and, 120–121
Florida, 18, 71, 181, 225, 274
Ford, Henry, 207, 262
Ford Foundation, 253
Ford Motor Company, 207, 208, 209, 213, 262, 276
Foreman, Dave, 258, 260
Forests, 142–143. See also Logging; National forests; U.S. Forest Service
old–growth, 142, 257–261
Fossil fuels, 220–222. See also Coal; Gasoline
Franklin, Benjamin, 36
Freeman, Douglas, 93
Freon, 206
Fresh Kills landfill, 234–235, 236
Fresno, CA, 177
Fresno County, CA, 178, 180
Fruit, 175, 177–179. See also specific fruits
field hands and, 185–186
and insect pests, 183–184
and irrigation, 186–188
marketing of, 179–183
Fungal diseases of plants, 43, 96, 262
Fur trade, 32–34
Game animals, 16, 97–98, 118–119. See also Hunting; Pleistocene extinctions
class conflict over, 97–98, 105–107, 152–153
logging and, 111
management of, 106, 145–147
in national parks, 152–153
Garbage, 168–171. See also Landfills
electric disposers for, 229–230
and municipal reform, 170
pigs and, 168, 171, 230
“swill children” and, 168, 170, 171
Garrison, J. D., 157
Gasoline, 208, 275–277
leaded, 209–210
Gates, James Leslie “Stump Land,” 65
General Electric, 229
General Motors (GM), 206, 208–210, 212, 216, 217, 226
Genetic engineering, 203
George III, 42
Georgia, 18, 92, 101, 103, 105, 106. See also Atlanta
cotton production in, 81, 83, 85, 97, 101, 102, 103
Ghana, 273
Ghost towns, 113
Gibbs, Lois, 254, 257
Gilmore, James S., 226
Giuliani, Rudolph W., 226
Glacier National Park, 155
Glaciers, 6
Glen Canyon Dam, 244, 245–246
Global warming, 273–277
Gold rushes
California, 118–122, 185
Colorado, 6, 123
Golf, 222
Goodnight, Charles, 155
Gorsuch, Anne, 258
Gottlieb, Alan, 259
Grain, 61. See also Corn; Rice; Rye; Wheat
Grain alcohol, 208
Grain elevators, 61
Grand Canyon, 244–245
Grand Canyon National Game Preserve, 146
Grand Rapids, MI, 171
Grant, Ulysses S., 89, 92
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 186
Grasses, imported, 49–50, 202, 206, 222, 223
Grasses, native
destruction of, 6, 60–61, 122–123, 135, 136, 138, 183
on the Great Plains, 6, 16, 122, 126, 135, 136, 138
in New England meadows, 42, 44–45
Grasshoppers, 43
Graves, Henry, 142
Grazing, 42, 49–50, 129–134, 194, 201–202
on public lands, 201–202
Great Lakes, 167. See also Lake Erie; Lake Michigan
Great Lakes region, 62–67
Great Plains, 4–5, 6
and beef industry, 128, 129–134, 191, 193, 195, 196, 201
impact of gold rushes on, 4–5, 122–123
Indians on, 16, 18, 122–123
wheat on, 134–136, 177
Greeley, Horace, 167
Greenhouse effect, 273–277
“Green Revolution,” the, 268–271, 279
“Grid” (U.S. Rectangular Land Survey), x, 60, 116–18
Guano, Peruvian, 86
Guatemala, 271
Gulf of Mexico, 21
Hale, Edward Everett, 227
Hamburgers, 190, 197–200
Hamilton, Alice, 210
Hanford Atomic Reservation, 263, 264
nbsp; Hansen, James, 274
Harris, Moses, 150, 151
Hawaii, 236, 271
Hay, 42
Heilbroner, Robert, 249
Henderson, Yandell, 210
Herring, 80
Hessian flies, 46
Hetch Hetchy valley, 139, 243
Hewit, Alexander, 22, 78
Hidatsa Indians, 133–134
Higginson, Rev. Francis, 18
Highways. See Roads
Highway Trust Fund, 217
Hill, Louis, 155
Hinds, Cathy, 254–256
Hogs. See Pigs
Holcomb, KS, 196, 201
Homestead Act (1862), 134
Honduras, 271
Hooker, Gen. Joseph “Fighting Joe,” 91–92
Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation, 254
Hoover Dam, 243, 244
Hornaday, William, 151, 152
Horse cars, 162
Horses, 13, 29
in cities, 159, 161–162, 168, 170
in the Civil War, 90, 93
Plains Indians and, 19, 122–123, 125–126
Housatonic River, 32
Houston, TX, 219
Human waste, 163–165
Hunting, 34, 144, 151
by Indians, 13, 16, 17–19, 125–126
in national parks, 152–153
in the South, 97–98, 105–107
for sport, 107, 151
Huron Indians, 28
Hutchinson, Thomas, 42
Hybrids, 268–269
Hydraulic mining, 119–122
Ice Age, 6–7, 278
Idaho, 143, 183
Illinois, 61, 194. See also Chicago
Illinois-Michigan Canal, 62
Incinerators, 234
India, 269, 271, 279–280
Indiana, 7, 61, 194
Indians. See also Paleoindians; specific nations
in California, 118, 122–123
farming by, 15–16
and the fur trade, 32–34
on the Great Plains, 16, 18–19, 122–123, 124–128
hunting by, 13, 16, 17–19, 125–126
and modern environmentalism, 11, 12, 20, 256
and national parks, 150–152, 155–156
pre-Columbian population of, 13–15
and property rights, 31–32
removal of, from the South, 85, 136–137
Industrial revolution, 55–59. See also Factories
Insects, 18, 143
as agricultural pests, 43, 46, 103–104, 183–184
and diseases, 78, 109, 223
Intermountain West, 201–202
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 264–265, 272
Interstate Highway Act (1956), 216–217
Iowa, 7, 61, 194, 196
Iowa Beef company (IBP), 196–197, 201
Iroquois Indians, 28
Irrigation, 178, 186–188
tidal, 76, 78–79
Jackson, Andrew, 85
James River, 22, 25, 74
Jamestown settlement, 22–25, 30
Japanese beetles, 224
Japanese immigrants, 185
Jasper, IN, 229
Jefferson, Thomas, x, 59–60, 175
Johnson, Edward, 18, 41
Jones, Charles “Buffalo,” 155
Jones, E. L., 37
Jungle, The (Sinclair), 157, 192–193, 194, 197
Kaibab Plateau, 146–147
Kane, Martin, 170
Kansas, 7, 16, 116
and beef industry, 130, 196, 201
wheat in, 61, 134, 135, 137
Kansas City, MO, 192, 193, 196
Kelley, Florence, 157
Kentucky, 96
Kern County, CA, 188
Kiowa Indians, 123
Krech, Shepard, 15
Kroc, Ray, 190, 197–198
Kuwait, 280, 281
Lake Erie, 166, 167, 247–248
Lake Michigan, 62, 170
Landfills, 226–227, 234–238
toxic, 254–257
Lane, Franklin, 155
Laramide Orogeny, 6
Larkin, Thomas, 118
Lawns, 206–207, 221–225
use of chemicals on, 222, 223–224
“weeds” and, 223, 225
Lawrence, MA, 58
Lawsuits, 253
Leachate, 235
in gasoline, 209–210, 211
in ink, 228
Ledbetter, Huddie (“Leadbelly”), 104
Lee, Robert E., 89, 92, 93, 94
Leopold, Aldo, 242
Leopold, Luna, 188
Levittown, NY, 217–219
Liberia, 271
Lieber, Oscar, 86
Life magazine, 224
Lincoln, Abraham, 91, 92
Little Big Horn, 150
Little Ice Age, 26–27, 46, 71
Little Missouri River, 132–133
Little Rock, AR, 160
Livestock. See also Cattle; Chickens; Meatpacking industry; Pigs
factory–style raising of, 190, 194–196, 202–205
and federal policies, 145–146
introduction of, by Europeans, 29
in New England, 42, 49
overseas, 267
and predators, 43, 145–146
in the South, 97–98, 101, 105
Locke, John, 14
Logging, 35–36, 227–228. See also Lumber industry
Long Island, 215, 217–219
Long Island Expressway (LIE), 215–216
Longstreet, Gen. James, 93
Los Angeles, CA, 166, 171, 213, 217, 219, 254
Louisiana, 18, 83–86
Love Canal, 254, 255
Lowell, MA, 57, 58
Lumber industry, 257–260
federal policies and, 142–144, 257–258
in the Great Lakes region, 62–67
in the Pacific Northwest, 65, 142, 143, 242–243, 257–260
in the South, 35–36, 109–111, 113
Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 176
Lunenburg, MA, 67
Luter, Joseph, 204
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 223
Macauley, Thomas, 28
Mack Manufacturing, 212
MacLeish, Archibald, 250
Mad Dog, 34
Maine, 26, 46. See also New England
Maize. See Corn
Malaria, 25, 78, 223–224, 233
Malaysia, 270, 271
Malthus, Thomas, 43
Manure, animal, 284
in cities, 159, 163
and soil fertility, 42, 69, 86, 223
and water pollution, 190, 204–205
Marine Mammals Protection Act (1972), 251
Market hunting, 68, 107, 126–128, 152–153, 155
Marshall, James, 118
Marshall, Robert, 242
Marx, Karl, 4, 284–285
Maryland, 22, 74, 96
Marysville, CA, 121
Massachusetts, 44, 48, 171. See also Boston; New England; Plymouth colony
Mass production, 175
Mass transit, 212–213, 216, 217
Mather, Stephen, 242
Matteson, Edward, 119
McCarty, John, 136
McCormick, Cyrus, 7
McDonald’s, 190, 197–198, 280–281
McGovern, George, 200
McNeill, J. R., 206
McWilliams, Carey, 186
Meadows, 42, 44–45
artificial, 49–50
Meat Inspection Act (1906), 193
Meatpacking industry
industrialization of, 190, 192–197
workers in, 194, 197
Merchant, Carolyn, 44
Merrimack River, 56, 57–59
Mexicans, 119, 185
Mexico, 267, 269, 280
Meyer, Frank, 136
Mice, 146–147
Michigan, 62–65
p; Midgley, Thomas, 206, 209, 210
Milankovitch cycle, 6
Mills, 56, 63, 79–80
Milwaukee, WI, 162, 168, 170
Minnesota, 62–66, 196, 207
Mississippi, 18, 83–86, 96, 103
Mississippi River, 96, 103, 170
Missouri, 96. See also Kansas City; St. Louis
Mobil Chemical Corporation, 231–232
Molinari, Guy, 235
Monoculture, 270
in California, 188–189
in the Cotton Belt, 97, 99–104, 110, 188
Monsanto, 278, 280
Montana, 143
Mooney, James, 14
“Moral economy,” 80–81
Moran, Thomas, 148
Morgenthau, Henry, 265
Moses, Robert, 215, 216, 217, 234
Mosquitoes, 26, 78, 223, 233
Mother’s Air Watch (Texarkana, AR), 254
Mothers of East Los Angeles, 254
Mud, 90–91, 92
Muir, John, 139, 140, 152, 243, 246
Mulcahy, Bernard, 239
Municipal Order League (Chicago, IL), 170
Murphy, Wendell, 203
Naess, Arne, 257
Nash, Roderick, 248
National Biscuit Company, 228
National Bison Range, 144
National Cattlemen’s Association, 200
National City Lines, 212
National Environmental Policy Act (1970), 250
National forests, 144. See also U.S. Forest Service
and logging policies, 142–143, 257–260
National parks, 147–154, 241–242
hunting in, 152–153
Indians and, 150–152, 155–156
and tourism, 148, 150, 155–156, 241–242
National Reclamation Act (1902), 187
Native Americans. See Indians
Natural gas, 221, 273
Natural Resources Defense Council, 253
“Naval stores,” 35–36
Nebraska, 7, 16, 130, 132, 135, 196
Neem trees, 279
Neighborhood activists, 249, 253–257
Neighborhood Union (Atlanta, GA), 170
Nelson, Gaylord, 252–253
Nevada Test Site, 264
Newark Bay, 168
New Deal
and agriculture, 136, 187–188
and roads, 212–213, 242
New England, 35, 67, 171. See also specific states
agriculture in, 15, 16, 26–27, 39–51
climate of, 15, 26–27, 171
Indians in, 15, 17, 18, 20, 28
industrialization in, 56–59, 81
migration from, 48
New Hampshire, 47, 58. See also New England
New Haven, CT, 43
New Jersey, 171, 236, 237
New Orleans, LA, 170
New River, 204
Newsprint, 227–228
Newsweek, 221
New York City, 36, 62, 157, 165, 194
animals in, 160–161, 162–163
farms on outskirts of, 163, 175, 178–179, 189
transportation in, 162, 167, 212, 213, 214–215
waste disposal by, 170, 226, 229, 234, 236–237
New York colony, 32, 36
New York state, 48, 236. See also Buffalo, NY; New York City; New York colony
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