Marbella Cool

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Marbella Cool Page 6

by Oster, Camille

  Chapter 15

  José’s, the hidden beach bar they congregated in, was busy, run by the former hippy who refused to relent to the changing world around him. The place was now surrounded by multi-million pound manors, but José held on, the bar unchanged since the seventies.

  The open walls of the bar let the breeze flow and the sound of waves lapping created a relaxed atmosphere.

  “Trish,” Chrissy said in that annoying high voice she did when she’d had too much to drink. “You made it.”

  “I’m here,” Trish said, sitting down at the long wooden table. “Just finished work.”

  “We’re going into town. Come with.”

  “I can’t; I have to work tomorrow.”

  “Only in the evening. Come on, it’s Hannah’s birthday.”

  “Yes, my birthday,” Hannah slurred, clearly drunk. “And we’re dancing. I don’t care if you’ve danced all day. I want to dance, damn it.”

  “Fine,” Trish said with a smile. “You’re such a bad influence on me. I just crumble to peer pressure.” She couldn’t miss Hannah’s birthday. If she went for a run, she could hopefully dissipate the hangover before work. Or she could be smart and not get ridiculously drunk. Chrissy put down a shot glass in front of her. Maybe the second option wasn’t really on the cards.

  She felt a clap on her shoulder and turned to see Nathan. “Hey,” she said.

  “Good to see you.”

  He moved past, down the other side of the table and the boys followed, including fucking Cory. “Yay,” she said to herself, taking the shot, which burned down her throat and sent a shiver through her.

  “We’re actually going now,” Chrissy said, rising. “We were just waiting for you.”

  “Oh, okay.” She hadn’t known they’d been waiting, not that she could have gotten there any earlier as she’d come straight from work. Saying that, it would have been nice to sit for a moment.

  There were three taxis waiting when they got out to the carpark. Trish followed the crowd into one of them, finding herself next to Amber and Dion. Amber was giggling at something Dion whispered in her ear, his hand on her thigh.

  “Seriously,” Trish said to herself, “I am not drunk enough for this yet. Where are we going anyway?” she said a little louder.

  “Torch,” someone said behind her.

  “Oh.” Torch was a smaller club, all in neon blue which was a bit shocking when you first walked in, but you got used to it. It gave you brown skin and glowing teeth no matter what you looked like. Torch was okay, a little more expensive, but not ridiculously so like some of the beach resorts.

  They slowly walked into Torch and there was a drunk girl being led out by one of the bouncers, her skirt running up her thighs. That was going to be Hannah at the end of the night if she didn’t slow down. Did I just sound old? Trish wondered. Admittedly, she’d had a few shots by now.

  The bar was the first stop and Trish ordered a premix that tasted like melted lollies. It was gorgeous and it went down a little too easily.

  “Hey, Trish,” Cory said, his voice soft in her ear, leaning close to be heard over the music.

  “Cory,” she said. “How are you?” She could be civil.

  “Good,” he said. “You look awesome.”


  “The girls are on form tonight.”

  Trish looked around and saw Hannah dancing, laughing too hard to do it smoothly. There was actually an upside to partying with the boys: they got left alone by others, especially the sharks seeking drunk girls to prey on. Amber was in the corner kissing Dion. She’d regret that in the morning, Trish thought and took another sip of her drink, but then who hadn’t kissed a boy in a club? It was all part of the game, wasn’t it?

  “I like you’re hair,” Cory said.

  “Thanks.” What was with the compliments, because he tended to do it every time he saw her now. “Why are you complimenting me?”

  “Just calling it as I see it. You know I’ve always thought you were the hottest girl in this damn town.”

  “All out with the compliments now?”

  “Being honest.”

  “Honest, huh?”

  “I never lied to you.”

  “Just treated me like a total doormat.”

  “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “No choice?” she said incredulously. At times the male mind was an utter mystery. “How is ‘I’ll get with you, then turn around and get with someone else a minute later’ not a choice?”

  Cory had the decency to look sheepish. “Because I want you, but you’re more than I can handle.”

  Flattered or insulted, she didn’t know how to take the statement. There was also the involuntary goose bumps, tightening nipples and clenching thighs at the blatant ‘I want you’. “That is completely unfair.”

  “It’s still true. Was then and still is.”

  Things had gone from light banter into something much more charged. Fuck, they were here again. “What do you want, Cory?”

  “You know what I want.” His eyes looked dark and bottomless in the blue light, standing close but not touching. She wasn’t even drunk enough to fall for this, but he was just there, waiting, anticipating.

  “And you would just end up screwing me over again.”

  “I never meant to hurt you. I know I should go, should leave you the hell alone.”

  “Then do.” The hurt snuck in, along with the breathlessness that always came with Cory, because there was that unprecedented sweetness that came when he wrapped his arms around her, kissed her. The worst was that he made her want him so bad. He was still the best lay she’d ever had. Her body shook when he was inside her. Everything was so fucking perfect—except for him. “Please, just don’t.” Her vulnerability shone through her face now. She couldn’t do this again, because for some reason, it just cut through her every time he turned away from her again. There really was no reason for it. They weren’t an item and had never really been, but whenever she went home with him, she lost it.

  He chewed his lips for a moment as if he was indecisive, then walked away. Now her hands shook, along with the drink she was holding. Fuck him, she thought viciously. He’d done it again, turned her into a ball of pure anxiety that wanted nothing but him touching her. How the hell did he manage it time and again?

  She put the drink down on a ledge and took a deep breath. This was what she’d feared when she started going out again, and guess what, she’d been right. Tension burned along her insides. Taking the drink again, she took deep gulps until it was all gone.

  Closing her eyes, she forced herself to let it go. There was no danger. She was a strong girl and nothing had changed. Hannah was still dancing, doing these ridiculous backwards jumps with her bum out. She was having the time of her life. A smile crept along Trish’s lips at the sight. She loved these girls. They were the best. Obviously, Chrissy was a bit crazy sometimes, but that was all part of the territory.

  There was nothing for it but to dance. Being with the girls was what she needed and she joined in. Amber handed her a drink, something clear and less sweet. She took a deep sip and tried to clear her mind of the crap Cory had just shoved in there. The music soothed and seduced, making her close her eyes. She danced, let her body move with the beat.

  The problem was, even against her own will, she knew she was dancing for him, knew he was watching. She put her arm around Hannah. “I’m in fucking trouble,” she said.

  “The night is made for trouble,” Hannah said, raising her eyebrow wickedly. “We were always meant to cause trouble tonight.” Hannah laughed, a bit unstable on her feet and she crashed into Trish. “I can barely stand. Do you think Lachlan will take advantage of me? I think he’s into me. He keeps giving me those looks, you know?”

  “Are you into him?”

  Hannah shrugged. “It’s my fucking birthday. If that’s not the time to get laid, when is?”

  Trish felt the alcohol firing her blood, which wasn’t helped by Hannah�
��s constant swaying. “Fuck it, let’s dance.”

  “Excellent,” Hannah said, shooting two thumbs up. “I am such a geek.”

  “Totally adorable.”

  “Right?” Hannah said with a look of ‘hell yes’.

  “I love you,” Trish said with a beaming smile.

  “I love you, too.” Hannah drew her into a hug. “This is the best birthday. I’m getting another drink,” she said and walked off to the bar, pulling herself tall so the barman would serve her.

  An arm snuck around her waist and she felt herself lifted up and carried away from the dance floor. She almost spilled her drink. “What are you doing?”

  “Just protecting you. You looked like you were about to fall,” Cory said, turning her around.

  “I was not about to fall. And you’re the only one I need protection from.”

  “Can’t help you there.” He flashed that grin that was just so gorgeous. Damn him.

  “Don’t be such an arsehole, Cory,” she said, poking into his chest. He was just so solid and her belly was burning with tension. She still wanted him, after everything that had happened.

  He stepped closer, leaning down to claim her lips. She knew this was a bad idea, even as she kissed him back. That taste of him just took over. It was irresistible. Firm hands travelled down her back, pressing her to him. He broke the kiss with heavy breaths. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

  “No, you haven’t.”

  “Unbelievable. And I fucked it all up. You know how bad I’ve felt about that.”

  “Cory,” she said, trying to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her. Instead, he reached his hand around her neck and pulled her into another kiss—the kind that fogged her mind completely, made her an aching mess wanting nothing but soft lips and the gut clenching taste of him. The tips of her breasts rubbed against his chest and wetness pooled in her underwear. A firm hand settled on her hip and long, lean muscle pressed into her as the tip of his tongue stroked along her lower lips. Her mind froze over with pleasure.

  “Come,” he said and her mind was beyond listening to reason. This was familiar ground. The touch promised pure pleasure and she wanted him so much, always had. He pulled her along by the hand, out through the entrance, straight into a cab someone else was getting out of.

  After giving the address, he was kissing her again, pressing into her until her leg drew up around him. They really shouldn’t be kissing like this in a taxi, but she was beyond caring. Her mind was drugged with pleasure and forbidden touches.

  The taxi stopped and Cory handed some notes to the man before flinging the door open. They were standing under a streetlight in an otherwise dark area. The outline of his house was behind her. And here she was again. His tongue dived deep into her mouth as if he wanted to consume every part of her. Hardness pressed into her belly, making her insides melt even further.

  They took a step down into the section around the house, but instead of taking her to the door, he took her around the house to the barbeque area in the back to a cushioned bench. Letting go of his hand, he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his glorious chest. Physically, Trish had never seen anyone as hot as Cory and she couldn’t help running her hand over the bulging pecs that contracted under her fingers.

  Fingers ran up under her skirt, pulling the top edge of her underwear down. Hot fingers snuck inside, pressing against her clit so she gasped. He pulled her to him as he sat down on the bench, his lips seeking the skin on her shoulder where the shoulder strap had fallen away. A zipper ran down the side and Trish felt it give.

  Her body was on fire, her entrance clenched for him and his fingers snuck into her wetness. Waves of pleasure sang through her as a firm finger dove into her. She clenched her legs together to stop herself from falling as her hands rested on his shoulders.

  The dress fell away and she stood in front of him, him reaching into her underwear, massaging her insides.

  “You don’t know how you torture me,” he said, his voice strained. “It’s not the same with anyone else. His finger pressed into her again and she gasped. This certainly wasn’t something anyone else could do to her either.

  Bringing his hand away, he unzipped, his cock springing free. It was perhaps the most erotic sight she’d ever seen. He pulled her underwear down as she moved forward, straddling him. The tip lined up perfectly and she pressed down on him, her body yielding to its firm strength. Glorious goodness shimmered through her. Her legs were quivering with effort and want as she slowly lowered herself, hearing the strained groan caught in his throat.

  Perfectly, he filled her and she ground her hips to his; him impaled deep inside her. He tensed as she rose above him, to slowly sink down again, her insides clenching desperately. It felt so good. His arms were loosely around her as she rode him, more strangled groans each time she circled her hips, taking him again.

  Soft hands teased her nipples and her head sunk back, his lips seeking her throat. She wasn’t in control of this, just needed him inside her, his hands now on her hips, pressing her down on his hard length. Her insides pulsed impossibly and she felt every inch of him caught inside her, the tension building unbearably. “Cory,” she called.

  “Ride me, baby,” he said, his arms now firmly around her. She sped up and every part of him tightened and firmed. She couldn’t take anymore, her orgasm building hard until it overtook, stealing her breath from her. Forceful waves of pure pleasure ripped through her as he pressed her down on him. Urgent lips sought hers, but his breaths were too heavy to kiss as he groaned deeply, a guttural sound from deep in his throat.

  He lay back on the bench and drew her with him until she rested on his shoulder. The heat between them would probably steam windows. His skin tasted so damned good, a sheen of moisture over every part of him as they lay there, him still buried inside her. Neither seemed to want to separate again.

  Chapter 16

  Trish shifted in his bed and groaned. They were both naked and she pulled herself up to sitting. “Fuck,” she said, dropping her face in her hands.

  “You don’t have to sound so disappointed,” he said and tucked his wrist behind his head. Clearly she wasn’t overjoyed to wake up in his bed. They had been spectacular together. It was true: together they were something special—at least physically. Everything was brighter, harder and more urgent with her. And they were both in the grip of it.

  She rose, kicking stuff around looking for her underwear and he hoped she didn’t find them, because he could look at her naked all day long. Her legs were lean and sculpted, the arse perfect in his hands. Just seeing her muscles flex, her boobs jiggle as she moved made him hard, aching to sink into her warm depths. It was sheer beauty when they were joined.

  “One more time,” he said, his voice rough and beseeching.

  “No,” she said firmly. “It shouldn’t have happened in the first place.”

  “Come on, it was bound to happen. Neither of us can resist the other.”

  “Just stay away from me, Cory.”

  He could hear tears in her voice and reached for her, quickly pulling her into his lap. “Hey,” he said calmly, soothingly. “It’s just a thing. We both have a thing for each other. It’s not the end of the world. So we occasionally fall into bed naked. No one’s died.” She sat in his lap, looking lost and forlorn. Her lips were pink and lush, and soon his attention couldn’t budge from them and the slight touch of her boob on his chest. His hard-on was raging now. All he could think about was being nestled in her thighs.

  “Argh,” she vented and pushed away from him. “Don’t you ever stop?”

  “You were naked in my lap. How do you expect me not to react to that? You opening a chip packet gives me a hard-on. I thought we had established that.”

  Rummaging through the room, she found her dress and pulled it on and Cory was sorry. He didn’t want this to be over. Leaning back again, he watched her as she continued, finding her shoes, then her underwear, which she stepped into and pulled up. Okay, that made
him hard too. Her hair was a mess and mascara had run down her eyes. She tried to wipe it away, but it didn’t quite work. She was almost sexier like this anyway.

  “I’ll drive you home,” he said.

  “Can’t do so if you’re naked.” She finally stopped and looked at him, a stubborn expression in her eyes. He clearly wasn’t getting laid this morning. Pity, because tension had its grip on him and it wasn’t going to relent in a hurry.

  He rose and pulled on a pair of jeans, then found a t-shirt which smelled clean enough. Trish stepped out of his room before him and he quickly followed, grabbing his wallet and keys. Dion was in the kitchen, pouring cereal into a bowl. “Trish,” he said appreciatively.

  “Fuck off, Dion,” she said sharply and kept going to the door.

  Dion raised his eyebrows at Cory, acknowledging that he’d pulled Trish last night. And had he what. Outside, inside, in bed. Every position imaginable. Neither of them could get enough.

  She stood by the car when he got downstairs.

  “Bike,” he said.

  “What’s wrong with the car?” she challenged.

  “This computer chip thing.” It was a complete lie. He wanted to take the bike, wanted her snuggled up at his back. Maybe because when they were close, she couldn’t keep her hands off him and he was still hopeful. “Get on,” he said, holding the helmet out for her. He would go without as there was only one.

  Giving him a stern look, she relented and took the helmet, pulling it on. He swung his leg over and righted the bike, waiting for her to join him. The springs gave slightly when she did, placing her knees by her thighs. He started the engine and the bike roared to life.

  It was a lovely feeling when she wrapped her arms around him. In the throes of passion, these little things got lost—touches, caresses and just being near each other.

  He drove down the street and took the road west. “Where are we going?” she shouted in his ear, barely heard over the roar of the wind.


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