Marbella Cool

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Marbella Cool Page 25

by Oster, Camille

  “I can work,” he smiled. “Don’t I get some brownie points for winning you back?”

  “Uh,” she said non-commitally. “Nice sensual massage might contribute a point or two. For the record, I’m not moving in with you anytime soon.”

  “Really, ‘cause your toothbrush is sitting right next to mine. My laundry bag is full of your clothes.”

  “Means nothing,” she said.

  “Like hell it doesn’t. I guess you don’t want that raisin toast I bought you today. Or the cream cheese, because I’m never going to eat that shit.”

  Trish smiled as she got in the car. Maybe she would cut him some slack in the morning—depended on how hard he’d work tonight.

  Chapter 62

  It was dark when Shania made her way downstairs to the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. The whole house was dark, except the electronics that flashed lurid colours. She still had trouble sleeping through the night, but she just couldn’t stay awake the whole day. After lunch, tiredness would claim her and she had to sleep.

  Her days weren’t particularly active. Doctor’s orders, but she was getting stronger. The ribs still ached. Mostly it was the ribs causing her problems, and also tenderness around her left eye.

  Perhaps it was the task of moving on that weighed on her late at night when she would slowly wake up and was unable to sink back into sleep. She grabbed a laptop; she didn’t know who it belonged to, but it wasn’t password protected. As their security system was top rate, they probably didn’t have to worry about stuff like that.

  Taking a swig of her juice, she checked out the hostels in Amsterdam and settled on one she thought looked clean. Hostels weren’t bad. They were actually quite fun if you could handle drunk Australians. Although in Amsterdam, they would probably be stoned. It looked so foreign, Amsterdam. Everything was clean and neat, painted and quaint. Totally different from Marbella.

  Having somewhere to go, she felt better and closed the laptop, lying down on the couch and turning on the TV. Some stupid romantic comedy was on. Drew Barrymore being cute. She knew she’d seen it, but she couldn’t remember what happened. A creak sounded behind her and she heard footsteps.

  “We need to stop meeting like this,” Felix said, his voice gruff with sleep. He came around and sat down on the sofa, by her feet, which she had to move to make space for him. He wore a white t-shirt and stripy pyjamas. Rich people looked the same as regular people in sleep gear.

  “Why aren’t you asleep?”

  “I think it’s actually nicotine withdrawals that wake me up.”

  “And that is sad on so many levels.”

  “Not as sad as getting up and watching movies like these.”

  “I like movies like these. An illusion that portrays that there are actually nice guys in the world. Not just pretending to be nice, like most guys do to get what they want, but genuinely nice.”

  “I have no response to that.”

  “Didn’t think you would.”

  “Is that what you want? A nice guy?”

  She didn’t say anything. If fact, she had no idea. The nice, accounting type just wasn’t her deal. Tierry hadn’t been nice; he’d been hot, as had the boyfriend before that. The nice guys, the accounting types wearing chinos and clean cut hair were more often than not just as kinky; they just hid it. Felix was actually more honest. “I don’t know about nice—too often an illusion. Maybe some hot Dutch boy,” she said. “All blond and slim, wearing jeans. Cute as all hell.”

  “Boring,” Felix said with a half yawn. “You like a bit of danger.” She turned to look over at him. “Come on, drug dealers, and God knows what else.”

  So maybe a bit of Tierry’s cool, blasé attitude had been really attractive. “Learned that lesson.”

  Felix was running his hand across her foot. “Your legs are utterly amazing.”

  She ignored the statement and kept watching the movie. It didn’t exactly feel horrible. Maybe for the reason that she hadn’t got some for a while. She knew full well Felix had a raging hard-on for her. He’d been very honest about that.

  Prickles of rain started on the tiles outside, which built to a constant drone. The lit pool showed a pitted surface. It wasn’t often that it rained, but here it was.

  Picking her foot up, he put it in his lap, his thumb firmly running down the arch of her foot. Okay that felt good. “You have some skills there, skipper.”

  “I have this whole repertoire you don’t know about.”

  “Well, if you are going to rub my feet, I am not going to say no, but it’s not going to get you anywhere.”

  “So what’s it going to take to pry those thighs open?”

  “A complete personality transplant. If you can manage that, let me know.”

  He kept rubbing her feet—smooth, firm strokes, relaxing muscles she hadn’t known were tense. “I think you should take some pity on me, because I’m obviously never going to be a decent Dutch boy with blond locks and rosy cheeks.”

  “You’re certainly not that.”

  “So tell me about this boy.”

  “He’s young.”


  “He likes to just hang out and chill, watch movies.”

  “So boring.”

  “And when it’s cold outside, we snuggle. He might even cook for me.”

  “And how do you reward him?”


  Felix’s hand was running up her legs now and it felt better than it should. “And obviously he likes watching romantic comedies.”

  “He likes being with me.”

  “And then deals drugs on the side.”

  “I don’t care what he does. He could be a plumber’s apprentice for all I care.”

  “What about an heir to a vast empire?”

  “Eh, too entitled. Doesn’t see the reason to work hard for anything. What good is a boy like that? If you’re going to have a boy, he needs to know how to work for it.”

  Fingers were running down the back of her bare thighs and it was ratchetting up the tension that had been brewing for a few days. She’d be lying if she said she was entirely unaffected by Felix’s blatant desire. His hand slipped between her thighs, stroking down to her knee. Goose bumps rose along her skin. It really had been a while since anyone had touched her like that.

  Shifting, Felix moved behind her, lightly kissing the base of her spine above her shorts. “What are you doing, Felix?”

  “Trying this new work concept.”

  She smiled, knowing she should put a stop to this, but the hand skimming her ass felt good. Shifting again, he was spooning her, his breath on the sensitive skin of her neck. His kissed her shoulder as his hand snuck around and cupped her breast. “Like this? Is this what he would do?”

  Delicious sensations speared through her as his thumb stroked the stiffening nipple through the material of her tank top. He’d managed to access pure desire in her and she arched back slightly meeting his hard cock with the softness of her backside. His hand snuck under the tank top and his warm palm curved around the mound of her breast. Wetness was pooling at her entrance.

  She hadn’t expected this, but it was just hot—tension clenching her insides, even though the dull ache of his wrist lightly grazing her ribs. Hot kisses trailed down the nape of her neck and his hardness ground into her from behind, slight moans escaping his lips.

  The warm hand left her breast and shifted lower, into her shorts, sneaking into her wet folds. He certainly wasn’t giving her a chance to back out. Firm fingers pressed down on her clit and warmth unfurled up her entire body, his cock wedged between her cheeks.

  “Kiss me,” he said, his voice rough as gravel. Turning her head, she complied, meeting eager lips as a finger slipped inside her and he palmed her mound, making her shiver with desire. His finger worked in and out of her until she could hardly breathe. She spread her legs slightly, giving him better access, rewarding her with renewed flooding of delicious and heady sensation.
r />   Her core pulsed with desire and she groaned when he withdrew, leaving her with a painful ache, while his hand pushed down her little shorts. She felt the head of his cock at her entrance and arched to give him access. Glorious pleasure surged as he pushed in, his hand drawing her hip to him. Gently he pumped in and out, the heat building inside her.

  His arm around her head turned her head back into another kiss and his other hand sought out her clit again, pressing down as his surges into her grew more powerful. Okay, the boy knew what he was doing. Shania’s body tensed around him, his cock working in and out of her, building pleasure and tension with every stroke. The harsh breathing hurt her ribs, but she didn’t care at that moment.

  Her body tumbled into orgasm, the power of it taking her by surprise. The muscles of her core pulsed around him, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. He ground into her, holding her hips firmly as he came. She could feel him pulsing deep inside her, the sensation exquisite.

  With heavy breaths her body started to relax, feeling languid and warm. He stayed behind her, stayed inside her, his chest moving with his breaths. The ache in her ribs returned now and she tried not to breathe so hard. Mentally, she calculated the number of days she’d been on the pill since leaving hospital. She should be okay. He might not believe it, but the last thing she wanted was a little version of him growing inside her. Lips still nuzzled the back of her neck.

  It was quite lovely lying there in the post fucking bliss. She did kind of miss having a boyfriend. Life was better with a good fuck every day.

  Chapter 63

  Once he had cracked the ice with her, it wasn’t hard to get Shania to spread her legs for him. In fact, she was near insatiable. Not that he complained, he thought, as he grabbed the metal railing of her head board to give him leverage to pound into her utterly delicious body. She lay beneath him, with him working his way deep inside her naked body. Her breasts were perfect, round and wobbly, the peaks winking at him. She was Jessica Rabbit on steroids, by far the best body he’d had the honour of violating.

  Her hands grabbed him around his bum, begging him for more, harder, and he was happy to comply. Shania arched uncontrollably underneath him, grinding her hips to his, her legs that bit wider. He loved that, feeling her body milk him. He groaned loudly through his hurtling orgasm, spending himself in her before sinking down into her sweat-slicked body.

  He kissed her neck, loving the taste of her, along with the saltiness. He never wanted to leave, happy to exist inside her. There was that bit of grubbiness about her that he absolutely adored. Also the fact that she was still an utter bitch to him. “Work it, boy,” she’d yell at him and he could do nothing but happily comply.

  She pushed him off her and got up, walking to the bathroom and closing the door without a word. Leaning over, he lit a cigarette and lay back with his arm under his head, happily nude, his cock still softening after sheer abuse.

  “I could get used to you riding me like that every day,” he said, still feeling breathy as she walked out of the bathroom.

  “Oh really.”

  “And what makes you think I’m not going to go chasing that Dutch boy.”

  “Because he can’t do to you the things I do.”

  She looked down her nose at him, that challenging look and he moved, grabbing her around her legs and pulling her back, drawing her underneath him. “I think you like me more than you let on. You certainly like the way I touch you.”

  She remained stubbornly silent.

  “I’m pretty sure I can convince you to stay.”

  “Pretty cocky, aren’t you?”

  “One of my many interesting qualities.” He leaned down and kissed her, sweetness suffusing his mind. Was he in love with this girl?

  “I’m going downstairs,” she said haughtily and pushed him off her. Felix smiled and rolled onto his back again, looking around her room. Clothes lay on the sofa on the other side and there was makeup strewn across the dressing table. Other than that, there was little there. Not a lot of personality, as if this was a hotel room for her.

  He knew she was set to leave, but he wasn’t going to let that happen. There was no way he was ready to give this up. As much as she insisted she wasn’t a gold digger, he had it all and she had nothing in the world. Enticing her to stay wouldn’t be difficult; he’d just have to navigate that considerable pride she carried around with her.

  The truth was that he felt alive and it had been a while since he’d been excited to wake up in the morning. Yes, the insane sex was a large part of that. On some level, despite their differences, he felt like he had met an equal. Maybe he’d been waiting on this all along, someone who could stand up to him, and even slap him down when she wanted to. Esme had been quiet about this little development.

  Dressing, he went downstairs, finding the girls sitting around the table in the covered outside area. The sun was beaming, the sea glittering in the distance. Shania was sitting with her knee up, eating a bit of cheese. She gave him a look as if asking how he dared come disturb them. Esme was apparently very confused by it all, but perhaps not displeased. She’d wanted to see him with a girlfriend for a while. Was that what she was, his girlfriend? It certainly wasn’t something they’d talk about and she really would tell him to fuck off if he so much as broached the subject.

  A person appeared and Felix turned, seeing his father step out from the house, wearing a dark suit, looking as unruffled as he’d ever seen him.

  “Father,” Esme said with surprise, getting up to embrace him. Embraces weren’t exactly comfortable in his family. “Does this mean it’s all over with?”

  “It does,” Dominic said.

  Felix felt a rush of curiosity and relief, and something else. Maybe even concern. He looked over at Shania who was also watching Dominic. If what she’d said about her reasons for her brief relationship with his father was true, then this would mean little for their dealings. Shania’s eyes switched to him as she grabbed her can of coke. She still couldn’t be bothered pouring the stuff into a glass—saw little point in it.

  “I better check in with work,” Dominic said. “But I’ll look forward to us all having dinner here tonight.” Dominic turned and walked back into the house, cool as he always was. Maybe Shania had been the only one who’d ever seen him less than cool.

  Felix leaned back into his chair. A nervousness still set in. He did believe her, but she been susceptible to Dominic’s charms once, and when it came down to it, there were many levels Felix could not compete with him. If that was what she was into.

  Esme and Shania had gone out that afternoon, off somewhere Esme wanted to go. He had not been invited. No doubt Esme had already grilled Shania about this latest development and he was dying to know her response.

  Father disappeared into his office, having a few months of work to catch up on. Felix decided to take off to the Athletics Club to work out, then returning to shower before making an effort to dress for dinner. He rarely did so, but it was a special occasion, and part of him wanted to show her that he could be serious, too.

  The girls came down and they all sat down outside, Maria having prepared the table.

  “Have you heard from mother?” Esme asked when Dominic joined them.

  “She mentioned something about spending time on the Riviera,” he said. “No doubt she will pop over at some point.”

  “So everything is going ahead with the divorce?”

  “It is,” he said, calmly spearing the bread roll with his knife. “From what I’ve been told, she has company already.”

  “She did mention something about a man,” Esme said to Felix’s surprise.

  “I didn’t know you’ve been speaking with her.”

  “She is our mother, Felix. You’re the only one who doesn’t seem to bother with family stuff.”

  “I was sorry to hear you have experienced some difficult times,” Dominic said to Shania, a frown of concern on his face.

  “Healing well,” she said.

>   “And the authorities are dealing with them?”

  “Authorities tend not to deal with people like these when it comes down to it, and I’m probably better off leaving it alone.”

  Dominic considered her. “If they constitute an ongoing threat.”

  Shania shrugged. “It might be over now. I don’t know and I don’t really care. I’m not sticking around to find out. It’s time for me to move on anyway.”

  A flash of distress worked through Felix and he nervously chewed the tip of his tongue.

  “Why did this happen?”

  “I refused to be meek and compliant, and they didn’t like it. There are just some things I won’t compromise on, and this was one of them.”

  “You paid a heavy price,” Dominic said.

  “I knew I would. The price would have been heavier the other way.”

  “She has been talking about going to Amsterdam,” Esme said, “but I think we should convince her to stay.” Esme’s eyes roamed to Felix. She wanted this relationship between them. That was interesting. Normally he baulked at complying with anyone—perhaps something they had in common. Shania actually blushed.

  “I appreciate your generosity, but I’ve got to get on with things, find my next thing. Can’t spend my life living in someone’s guest room.”

  “Such as?” Dominic said.

  Shania shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I’ll see what I find. Maybe it’s time to head back to the States. I haven’t really got the grades to get into college, but I figure maybe with some interesting experiences to discuss, I could swing an enrolment somewhere. Can’t get even an entry level job without a degree these days. I think I needed to come here to sort out what I want.”

  “Which is?”

  “I don’t know, a start. Get something better than where I came from. I don’t think it would surprise anyone at this point, but my beginnings are quite humble. Getting out of my town is harder than you would expect, but I’ve gotta try.”

  “But you could stay here,” Felix said.

  “And do what?” she said, looking at him. “There’s nothing for me here, and dancing doesn’t have much of a career path. I’m done with being a dancer in a club.”


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