Porn Star

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Porn Star Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re about to meet her. See for yourself.”


  Sydney was nervous. Should she light the candles, or was that too intimate? If it was just her and Jason, she wouldn’t have any problem, but for her, Jason, and Richard, it seemed too much.

  “No candles.”

  The lasagna was baking in the oven, and she’d tossed the salad already. She’d changed into a figure hugging black dress, which she kept smoothing down her large thighs.

  “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”

  She knew Jason, and Richard was like any other guy. She didn’t judge his work. Regardless of what other people would think, you had to earn money where you could. Her family had once owned a bakery, but she’d decided to work for someone else, even though she had the talent to open her own.

  Richard had talent in the adult industry.

  The doorbell sounded, and she decided it was too late to cancel any chance of canceling him.

  Removing her apron, she walked down the short corridor, and opened her door. Jason was there, looking damn fine in jeans and a crisp white shirt.

  “Hello,” she said.

  Jason wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close for a kiss. “Hey, beautiful,” he said.

  She loved it when he paid her compliments.

  “Be careful with the compliments, I could get used to them.” Her cheeks were on fire when she turned to Richard. He was a lighter blond with shorter hair than Jason. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “And you, Jason has told me so many good things about you.” Richard offered her some flowers, which she took, kissing his cheek.

  “I’m pleased. Come on in. We can’t eat dinner on the porch.” She closed the door behind them, leading the way to her dining room. “Crap, I’m not really great at this. Are you both hungry?” she asked.

  “Starved. I’ve not been allowed to eat,” Richard said, pointing at Jason. “He told me I wasn’t allowed.”

  “You shouldn’t have been so mean.” She went up on her toes, and pressed another kiss to his lips. “Sit, and eat. Would you like wine or beer?”

  “I’ll take a soda,” Richard said. “I’m not into drinking right now, and if I have to leave, I don’t want to be bundled into a cab.”

  She turned to Jason, waiting for him. “I’ll take a beer.”

  Nodding her head, she left them long enough to grab two cans of soda from the fridge, along with a beer. She wasn’t a big wine drinker, but she’d used some of the wine in the tomato sauce for the lasagna.

  Returning to the table, she handed each man his drink, before disappearing again to grab the salad.

  “I’m really bad at playing hostess,” she said. “I’m just grabbing the food.”

  She returned the final time with some lasagna.

  “This smells amazing, and don’t go worrying about your hostess skills,” Richard said.

  “I don’t really do any entertaining for anyone.” She took a seat after serving them all a large slice of lasagna. “I only cook for my sister, and she’s away for a couple more weeks.”

  “Have you heard from Dawn?” Jason asked.

  “Not today. She’ll call tomorrow. I’m hoping you’ll meet her when she gets back from her trip to Europe.”

  A look passed between the two men, and she looked from one to the other.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Jason said.

  “Am I missing something?” Sydney asked.

  “No.” Jason spoke harshly, glaring at Richard.

  “I thought you two were friends.”

  “We are,” Richard said. “We’re just having a little disagreement. It’s nothing we can’t handle.”

  “Good. I’d hate to see anything bad happening between friends.”

  “This food is delicious, Sydney,” Richard said. “The best I’ve ever eaten.”

  “Thank you.” Her cheeks heated at the compliment.

  “You’re not used to men paying you compliments, are you?” Richard asked.

  “I think I’m going to have to get used to it.” She quickly glanced at Jason, but he was glaring down at his food.

  Biting her lip, she stared down at her plate, trying to think of the best way to end the tension.

  “So, Richard, how is work?” She cringed at her own words. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think of what I was saying.”

  “Work is good. You don’t have any problems with me being a porn star do you?”


  “I was just making sure. I’d hate for you to be uncomfortable in your own room.”

  She frowned. Okay, something was really wrong. “Didn’t you tell him that I invited you both to come and eat with us?”

  “He told me,” Richard said.

  “I don’t have a problem with what you do for a career. I just don’t watch it. I did tell Jason about it.”

  “He knows,” Jason said, finally speaking up.

  “Can I talk to you in private?” Sydney asked, wiping her mouth on the napkin she’d provided.

  She didn’t wait for an answer and made her way into the kitchen.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing. What’s going on?” She folded her arms across her breasts, staring at him.

  “Nothing is going on.”

  “You could have fooled me.” She dropped her arms. “Your friend and boss is out there, and you’re behaving like you don’t want him here.”

  “I don’t want him here. I want you all to myself all the time.”

  She melted, and unable to contain her smile, she closed the distance between them, running her hands up his chest. “You want me?”

  He gripped her ass, pulling her in close. “I can’t stop thinking about you. It’s like a damn drug, wanting you, and not having you.” Jason slammed his lips down on hers, plunging his tongue within her mouth.

  Sydney opened up, moaning as he made love to her mouth with a simple kiss. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her body against his, needing him more than she’d ever needed anything in her life. He was an addiction to her. She craved his touch every second of every day.

  She was in love with him, and was scared everything in their life was moving too fast. He was sweet, kind, considerate, passionate, and everything she’d ever wanted in a man.

  “I know you kids want to make out, but your lasagna’s getting cold,” Richard said, shouting out to each of them.

  Pulling away, she still held onto Jason.

  He smiled back at her with a wicked glint in his eye. “When he’s gone, we’re going to finish what we started right here.”

  “Do you promise?” she asked. Her pussy was slick with her cream she was so aroused.

  “Yes, it is,” he said, nipping at her lips a final time.

  She moaned, opening her mouth so that he could deepen the kiss.

  Finally, he pulled away first, giving them both enough space to breathe.

  When they walked back in, Richard gave them both a knowing smile. “Why do I feel that the lasagna would have gone to waste if I wasn’t here?” he asked.

  “It would have,” Jason said. “I’m sorry for being a bastard.”

  “We all know it’s hard for you to make real decisions,” Richard said.

  There went that undertone as if Richard was meaning something else.

  “I can make the decisions that are needed when the time is right.”

  Sydney looked from one man to the other, eating her lasagna. “Am I missing something?”

  “No.” Both men responded at once.

  Holding her hands up, she smiled. “Let’s talk about something else.”

  “When is your sister getting back from Europe?” Richard asked.

  “In a couple of weeks.”

  “I bet you miss her.”

  “Yes. I’m hoping when she gets back she’ll have time to meet Jason.” She smiled over at Jason, who smiled back at her.

bsp; The rest of the dinner went by without any event, and Sydney was pleased to see Richard go. He was a nice man, charming and sweet like Jason, but something was going on between the two friends that she didn’t even understand.

  She was doing the dishes when Jason came back to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and kissing her neck.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “Are you going to give me any clue as to what that was all about?” she asked, spinning around in his arms.

  “What was what about?” he asked.

  Giving him a pointed look, she still went on to explain it to him. “What was going on between you and Richard?”

  “Nothing. We’ve just had a little disagreement about something. It’s nothing you need to worry about.”

  “I hope it doesn’t cost you your job. Work these days is really hard to come by.”

  “I know. Richard wouldn’t fire me, baby. He loves me too damn much to risk that.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Don’t worry about me. Now, where were we?”

  Sydney was sure he was using sex to get her to stop talking, and she should be pissed about it, but she wasn’t. The moment his hands were on her, she stopped thinking about everything else.

  Chapter Seven

  Jason looked at the statue in the history museum. Sydney was reading the details of the statue, and he had his arm wrapped around her. They’d been together three weeks now, and he’d decided to take a trip out to the history museum, and treat her to a wonderful lunch and dinner. Richard kept warning him that he needed to come clean and tell her the truth, but each time he tried, he failed.

  What if she no longer wished to be with him once she found out the truth?

  He couldn’t keep lying about what he did for a living. Dawn was back in a week, and any chance he had with Sydney would be out of the question. Dawn knew who he was¸ and had talked about him with Sydney.

  “Are you okay?” Sydney asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You’re all quiet. This was your idea. I thought you were into history.”

  “I am.” He smiled, pretending to be interested for the rest of the afternoon. He did love history, only he had bigger problems than remembering his facts about each president or the wars they’d fought in.

  On the way out, Sydney gripped his arm, turning him to face her. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  He gritted his teeth, pulling her into his arms, and kissing her lips. “I’m fine, baby.” He cupped her cheek, stroking her smooth skin as he stared deep into her eyes. “I love you, Sydney.”

  She gasped, and her mouth opened just a little.

  “You love me?”

  “Yes. It scares the hell out of me. I’ve never been in love with anyone nor have I cared about a woman I’ve been with. You’re different from any other woman I’ve ever known. I love you.”

  “I’ve been so scared to admit the truth to you, but I love you, too, Jason. I know it was too soon to say anything.”

  “Richard said if God could make the world in seven days, then a man can fall in love in that time.”

  “What about a woman? Can she fall in love in that time?” she asked.

  “I believe so.”

  He pressed his lips against hers, moaning as she caressed her tongue over his. This was what Jason didn’t want to end, and yet he needed to tell her the truth. He’d walked out of a set last week because he couldn’t go through with it.

  The gang bang scene had been all set up ready to shoot, and he’d walked away. Richard had been on set along with ten other stars, not to mention everyone behind the scenes. They’d all witnessed him walking away.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” he said, wrapping his arm around her neck. They made their way back to their hotel. He’d been lucky the past couple of weeks with no one recognizing him. Jason didn’t want to push his luck. It had always been a surprise when men and women approached him, asking about his life and the business.

  When they were at the hotel, he gave Sydney the space to get ready for dinner while he called Richard. His friend had been covering for him more than ever before.

  “How is a trip down memory lane?” Richard asked.

  “Ha ha, I’m not that old.”

  “What? The history museum not doing it for you?”

  “How’s everything going?” Jason asked, glancing toward the door where Sydney was taking a shower.

  “Everything here is great, Jason, but there’s a lot of talk at the moment.”

  “What kind of talk?” Jason didn’t doubt that there would be some backlash for him not working.

  It wasn’t his fault his dick only worked for one woman.

  “The kind of talk that you’ve not got what it takes,” Richard said.

  Part of him was happy, and another part was worried. If everything backfired with Sydney, what did he have in his life? Nothing.

  “You’ve got a make a decision about this life, Jason. You can’t keep doing half measures. I’m telling everyone you’ve come down with a bug, but I don’t think Sydney’s going to like being referred to as a bug.”

  Jason didn’t like her being referred to as a bug. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Richard sighed. “You do know what to do, but as usual you’re afraid. What are you afraid of?”

  He kept his gaze on the door. The sound of Sydney’s out of key singing was so incredibly cute.

  “If I tell her the truth and she wants nothing to do with me, then I’ll be alone without the job.”

  “Listen to me, Jason. Even with this job, and if Sydney walks away, could you go on doing it again? Sydney’s not an actress. You now know what it’s like to have a woman in your life who does moan with pleasure, who craves your touch. Can you even come back from something like that?”

  The question was a good one.

  Jason couldn’t answer it. Sydney had given him more in the past three weeks than all of the women he’d fucked in the past ten years.

  Fuck, when had his life gotten so complicated?

  “It’s something you really need to think about,” Richard said. “I’m all for you and Sydney. Give her a chance, Jason. She doesn’t strike me as the kind of woman to cut you out of her heart just because of what you did with your life. Walk away or stick with it. It’s really up to you.”

  “I’ll call you later.”

  “You still don’t know what to do.”

  “I do. I just hate that I’ve done this to myself. I love her, Richard. I love her with all my heart, and I can’t lose her.”

  “Then don’t give her the chance to get away,” Richard said, ringing off.

  He closed his phone and let out a sigh.

  “Is everything okay?” Sydney asked, startling him.

  Turning toward her, he nodded. “Yes, everything is okay.” It was on the tip of his tongue to tell the truth, but he held back. She was in a bathrobe, and he moved to her side, rubbing her arms. “I’ll take a shower, and we’ll head out.”

  She caught his wrist before he got chance to completely leave. “You’d tell me if there was anything bothering you?” she asked.

  Cupping her cheek, he nodded. “Of course.”

  The lies just kept on coming. He didn’t know what was worse anymore. Pressing another kiss to her lips, he made his way into the bathroom. He didn’t lock the door, and he climbed into the shower. The cold water hit his skin, making him hiss the moment it fell onto him.

  Resting his head against the tile wall, he took several deep breaths.

  “Jason?” Sydney asked, coming into the bathroom.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

  She climbed into the shower, running her hand down his back. “Something is bothering you, and you’re keeping me in the dark. I don’t know why you’re keeping me in the dark.”

  “There’s nothing you can do about.” He faced her in the shower, groaning as she was completely naked.

  Sydney cupped his cheek, closing the short distance betwe
en them, and pressing her body against his. “Talk to me, Jason.”

  “There’s something you don’t know about me. I’m not ready for you to know the truth just yet.”

  “It’s nothing dangerous, is it?” she asked.

  “No, it’s not dangerous. I just can’t tell you right now.”

  She bit her lip, and he pressed his thumb beneath her lip, tugging it out of her mouth.

  “Don’t bite your lip.”

  “I trust you, Jason. Tell me when you’re ready. I’m not going to rush your or force you to tell me something you really don’t want to.” Her hand moved from his cheek down to his heart. “I’m in here, and for me, that’s more than enough right now. I can handle just being here.”

  She smiled up at him, and Jason felt like a bastard.

  Capturing her wrist, he pressed her against the wall, trapping her in with his body.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’ve come into my shower, and you’re all nice and wet. You don’t think I’m going to let you go, do you?” he asked.

  He slid a hand between her thighs, moaning as her heat surrounded his fingers. She was wet, warm, and so damn inviting. Sydney made him ache and yearn for her body.

  Kneeling before her, he opened up the lips of her pussy and found the sweet little bud he was looking for. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he moaned as her juice slid into his mouth. He lapped up her juice.

  “Yes, Jason,” she said, sinking her fingers into his hair. She tugged on the length of his hair, and he relished the bite as he brought her closer to orgasm.

  Plunging three fingers inside her pussy, he stared up the length of her full body, watching her come apart. Her cunt tightened around his fingers, and only when she came down from her release did he stand, sliding between her legs. Jason pressed the tip of his cock against her entrance and slid inside her. Lifting her up in his arms, he pumped his dick inside her, relishing her warm, wet heat gliding over me.

  “Do you feel how deep I am, baby?”

  “Yes, please, Jason, fuck me.”

  He fucked into her, over, and over again, staring into her eyes. This was what he loved, being inside her, and with Sydney looking at him as if he was the only fucking man in the world. Everything else would eventually fall into place.


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