Solid Ground: a Wounded Love novel

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Solid Ground: a Wounded Love novel Page 19

by Megan Green

  I innocently grin at her. “Hey, I said, trying. It would be a few months still until you finally let me get to second base. Now, stop interrupting me.”

  Nichole pulls back, crossing her arms over her chest as she skeptically watches me. But I can tell it’s all for show. The bright smile dancing in her eyes lets me know she’s enjoying this trip down memory lane just as much as I am.

  “During this said terrible movie—which was about beauty queens, to pile on the torture—one of the characters is asked to describe her perfect date. To which, she replies, ‘April 25. Since all you need is a light jacket.’”

  Nichole’s mouth falls open. “How do you remember that?”

  “What you said next permanently etched itself in my brain. You turned to me and asked if I knew what your perfect date would be. I jokingly asked if it was April 26. You laughed for a second and then proceeded to say…”

  “A backyard candlelit dinner, followed by a movie under the stars,” she finishes for me.

  I turn to the yard beside us, throwing my arm out in presentation. “Nichole Hadley, I present to you your perfect date.”

  She turns back to survey the scene again, seeing it through different eyes. When she turns back to me, her brown eyes glisten with tears. “Joey, I—”

  I cut her off, pressing my lips to hers. “The night you told me that, I was determined to make it a reality for you someday. I never forgot those words. Only problem was, back then, I was a broke teenager. I wouldn’t have been able to pull this off on the level you deserved. And, for so long, I thought I’d never have the chance to try. I’m so glad that didn’t turn out to be true. Thank you for giving me this chance, Nichole.”

  She presses her face into my chest, her arms circling my waist as she hugs me. I return the gesture, burying my face in her long dark hair, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. More than a decade later, and her hair smells just as sweet as it did when we were kids.

  Again, I’m tempted to just stay in this moment, standing under the stars, with Nichole wrapped in my arms. I could stay like this forever, never needing to move from this very spot, and I would die a happy man.

  But, after a few moments, she slightly pulls back, her face coming up to meet mine again. After giving me a soft kiss, she steps back. “C’mon, I need to get a better look at this.”

  I follow her across the yard to the table I set up, a dozen candles lit across the flat surface. In the center sits another bouquet of fresh flowers from my garden. Since this has sort of become our thing, I decided to forgo the big store-bought bouquet and stick with this because it seems to make her happy. I spared no expense with the food though.

  Next to this table is another smaller table, several warming dishes ready and waiting for us to dig in. I called Dean’s, the best and most expensive steak house in town, and had them prepare their finest cuts of beef, chicken, and fish. I wasn’t sure which Nichole would prefer tonight, so I got two of each. Fresh green beans covered in garlic sauce and mashed potatoes loaded with cheese, sour cream, and bacon sit next to the meats. And, for dessert, we have chocolate-covered strawberries and champagne. Cliché, I know. But, sometimes, clichés are for good reason. Name one woman who doesn’t swoon for chocolate strawberries and a bit of the bubbly.

  That’s what I thought.

  I dish up some food for Nichole, asking her what she would like. She tries to take the plate from me a few times, but I refuse, insisting her perfect date would surely include a handsome waiter. I hold the plate out of her reach, nodding toward the table as I tell her to take a seat. After a few seconds of pouting, she complies, slumping down in the chair with her adorable nose scrunched in displeasure.

  I laugh. “Maybe, if you’re a good girl, he’ll let you feed him a strawberry or two after dinner is through. But only if you promise to clean up the juices. With your tongue,” I add with a wink as I set her plate down before her.

  She blushes furiously from where she sits in her chair. She waits for me to dish up my own food and join her before she starts in on her own. We eat in silence, pausing from time to time to stare at each other from across the table, grinning like idiots.

  We’ve turned into one of her damn chick flicks.

  And I’m loving every minute of it.

  As soon as she’s taken her last bite, I toss my fork on my plate and stand. I tuck the bottle of champagne under one arm and grab the tray of strawberries. Holding my free hand out to Nichole, I help her from her seat before leading her over to where I set up the projector.

  A blanket is spread out across the grass, dozens of plush pillows surrounding it.

  She smiles up at me. “This is really too much. I can’t believe you did all this.”

  I smile as I press another kiss to her lips. “Wait till you see what else I have in store.”

  She blushes, her mind going to places I didn’t intend with that statement, but I’m not going to complain. But, before we can get down to that, I do have one more thing to show her.

  Pulling her over to the side of the tree, I watch as she sees it.

  Our old swing.

  I had to replace the rope, of course. And I gave the wood a fresh coat of paint. But, as she steps closer to the tree, I see the recognition in her eyes when she sees our carved initials in the seat.

  “Where did you…” Her words trail off, her voice thick.

  “My dad. He said he drove past your parents’ place a few years after I left town and noticed it in a heap on the curb, waiting for the garbage man to come haul it away. He told me he wasn’t sure why at the time, but he just couldn’t bear to see it go like that. So, he stopped, pulled it out of the trash, and kept it in his shed all these years. I couldn’t believe it when he showed it to me a few weeks ago. As soon as I saw it, I knew it belonged here in my yard. It deserved a second chance.”

  Just like us, I add silently.

  She walks over to the swing, looking down at the candles I lit across the seat and the grass below. See? I told you I went a bit crazy with the candles.

  Then, she turns back to me. “Can I?”

  I join her at her side, leaning over and blowing the candles out in a huge breath. Once they’re all extinguished, I swipe my arm across the swing, clearing it. Nichole tentatively sits, as if worried her weight might break it.

  “It’s sturdy, trust me. Cade tested it out several times this afternoon. If it can hold his overzealous self, I’m sure it can hold your tiny ass.”

  She shoots me a pointed look, rolling her eyes at my remark. But it’s true. Nichole might’ve put on a little weight over the years, but it’s in all the right places. She’s fucking sexy as hell.

  I move behind her, giving her a gentle push as she lifts her feet off the ground. She giggles softly as she swings, leaning her head back as the breeze dances through her hair. After several minutes, she drags her feet into the dirt, causing the swing to still. She stands, turning and kneeling on the seat, and awkwardly pulls me into her as the swing spins beneath her. I steady her, my hands coming to rest on her waist. Her mouth finds mine, and she kisses me deeply, her hands coming up to cup my face as her tongue finds its way past my lips. I press myself against her, reveling in the feel of her body against mine, her breasts firm against my chest. Without breaking the kiss, I swing her up into my arms and walk her over to the blanket and pillows. As I settle her, the blinking of the camera I’d set up on the patio catches my attention, and I press a firm kiss against her lips before I stand. “Don’t move a muscle.”

  I dash across the yard, turning off the camera with a hurried click. Nichole is right where I left her when I return, staring up at me with raw desire in her eyes.

  We slowly make love under the stars, our heavy breaths and her soft moans joining in the chorus of the night air. My closest neighbor is a quarter mile down the road, so unless he’s out there with binoculars, we don’t have to worry about anybody seeing us. Not that I would care either way. Being here with Nichole, her soft skin flush agains
t mine, her full lips kissing me in all the right places, is the only thing that seems to matter.

  The two of us, in this moment, are the entire universe. Nobody else exists.

  When she calls out my name, her voice sharp in the quiet night, it sends me over the edge. I drive into her, needing to be closer, needing to feel every inch of her. I need to have her feel every inch of me, letting her know just how much I want her, need her. When I can’t hold back any longer, with one final thrust, I come fast and hard, wishing like hell we didn’t have the barrier of a condom between us. But the last thing she needs right now is to worry about an accidental pregnancy.

  I dream of the day when I can finally feel her with nothing between us but the love we have for each other.

  I quickly dispose of the condom and rejoin her on the blanket, curling her into my side. I press all the appropriate buttons in order to get the movie started. A little brown-haired girl with pigtails and glasses fills the screen.

  Nichole laughs. “You didn’t! Miss Congeniality? Really?”

  I shrug, pressing my lips to her bare shoulder. “Hey, it’s only fitting we watch what inspired this whole evening.”

  She snuggles into me, and we watch the movie, giggling and kissing, feeding each other strawberries and toasting each time Gracie Hart kicks somebody’s ass, our naked bodies pressed together under a thin sheet.

  It is, without a doubt, the best night of my entire life.

  How is this my life right now?

  Four months ago, I was sure I’d live the rest of my life tied to a man who hated me, who’d continue to hurt me and belittle me until, one day, he’d finally take it too far. I’d come to terms with the fact that I’d never really be happy again, but I was willing to make that sacrifice if it meant my son would have a better life than I could have given him on my own.

  And, now, in what was no time at all in the grand scheme of things, I’ve discovered all my past fears were unwarranted. Cade is thriving, happier than I’ve ever seen him. I have the support of the most amazing people in my life. And I’m not only happy, but I’m also in love. In love with the most wonderful man in the world.

  As the final credits roll, I sigh contentedly, nuzzling my face into Joey’s side, inhaling the scent of him—soap, cologne, a slight hint of sweat from our earlier activities. He’s the best thing I’ve ever smelled.

  I’m about to ask him if he’s ready for round two when his hand finds my chin, lifting my eyes to his.

  “I love you, Nichole. You have to know that. I don’t think I ever stopped.”

  I blink back the tears that instantly form in my eyes. I feel exactly the same way. Falling back in love with Joey is as easy as breathing. That’s exactly what it is to me. Joey is my life source. My love for him and his love for me is one of the only things that has helped me survive all these years. Without that strength, without knowing that, at one point, I had been enough for someone, I doubt I would’ve survived James. While I never imagined I’d end up here again, Joey’s love never really left my bones. It’s been there inside me, helping me get back up whenever James knocked me down.

  But hearing Joey say the words that are echoing in my own head gives me pause. I hurt him. Maybe not physically. But I took his love and crushed it. And, sometimes, that kind of emotional damage can hurt so much more than the physical.

  Not wanting to spoil our amazing evening but needing to get this off my chest, I push myself up, so I’m looking down over him, hoping he can see my face clearly enough through the dark night to know the sincerity of my following words. “Joey, I’m so sorry.” My voice cracks on the last word, the tears I tried to hold back giving way and falling down my cheeks.

  Immediately, he sits up, pulling me into his arms, and he strokes my hair. I cry into his chest for a moment, needing just a second to compose myself before I can continue. When I finally feel ready, like I’ll be able to get through this without another sobfest, I pull back, finding his eyes with my own.

  He quizzically watches me, his brows pulled down in confusion as his eyes scan my face.

  “I’m sorry for what I did to you,” I begin again. And, when I see him open his mouth to interject, I cut him off, “No, I need to say this. Please let me finish.”

  He looks conflicted, as if he wants to argue but isn’t sure he should. I give him a stern look, and in the end, he gives in, leaning back against the pillows and waiting for me to proceed.

  Clearing my throat, I think maybe it would’ve been better to have this discussion later. Sometime when I’ve had a little while to prepare what I’m going to say. And sometime when I’m not naked. It’s hard to be serious when your breasts are on full display.

  Tugging the sheet up around me, I muster as much courage as I can and let go. “I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I couldn’t see past my own selfishness to support you in following your dreams. I’m sorry I walked out on you that night. I’m sorry I didn’t stay and listen, stay and talk things out. And, above all, I’m so sorry I went to that party. Even though it might not have been my intention when I got there, I did something that altered both of our lives forever. With one stupid decision and way too many beers, I caused not only myself years and years of grief, but I also hurt you. That is something I don’t think I can forgive myself for. And I’m not sure you should either.”

  My eyes fell to my hands during my speech, and I’m almost frightened to raise them. I don’t want to see the look of anger on Joey’s face. Or even worse, his hurt. I’ve dredged up years and years of bad memories. And I’m not sure I want to see his reaction.

  But if there’s one thing these past few months have taught me, it’s that being a coward will get me nowhere. It’ll get me facedown on the living room rug, but it won’t allow me happiness. And, even if I look up and find out Joey never wants to speak to me again, at least I’ll know I was able to say my piece. I’ve said what has been weighing on my mind so heavily since he walked back into my life. And, now, the ball is in his court.

  Letting out a deep breath, I lift my head, the trail of my eyes beginning at his chin and slowly rising until they find his. When our eyes meet, I’m not sure what to make of his expression. He doesn’t look angry. He doesn’t look hurt. He looks almost…amused?

  When I don’t speak for a moment, he raises an eyebrow and asks, “Are you done?”

  Momentarily stunned by his nonchalance, I nod.

  He moves quickly, his body pinning mine to the ground, before I even realize what is happening. And, if it were anyone but Joey, it would’ve set me off into a frenzy of panic and fear. But, instead, being caged in by his body like this—his large arms on either side of mine and his torso guarding me from the cool night air—I feel safe. I feel protected. It’s something I haven’t felt with a man in a long, long time.

  Joey’s mouth closes over mine, his tongue hungry as it searches out my own. His erection digs into my thigh, and when I open my legs for him, he pulls back just long enough to slip on a condom before pushing back inside me.

  The feel of him filling every inch of me has my eyes rolling back in my head. When he pulls his hips back and surges forward once more, I see stars, my eyes squeezing tight as I revel in the sweet ache he’s causing between my legs.

  “Look at me,” he says gruffly, his voice thick and gravelly with lust.

  My eyes flit open, and his gaze burns into me.

  “I love you, Nichole Hadley. Whatever happened in the past is exactly that—in the past,” he says with another thrust.

  His lips move to my neck, peppering kisses along the sensitive flesh. My entire body ignites, goose bumps forming on every inch of my skin.

  He stills, his head rising back up to look at me as his hands cup my face. “I knew I hurt you that night. I could’ve come after you. I should’ve never done what I did behind your back like that. And, because of my stupid, selfish decision, I set off a chain of events that led to you going through years and years of abuse.”

  I open my m
outh to tell him that nothing that happened to me was his fault, but he presses a finger against my lips.

  “We could disagree on this for days—whose fault what is. But I’d much rather spend that time loving you. Cherishing you. I meant what I said earlier. I’ve wasted too much damn time when it comes to you, Nichole Hadley, and I don’t intend to waste any more.” He punctuates those words with a thrust—this time, giving in to abandon as he relentlessly moves against me.

  Within seconds, I’m gasping for breath, so close to toppling over the edge.

  “You’re mine, Nichole. Mine. I’m not letting you go ever again.”

  His words send me soaring, electricity spreading through every inch of my body. My toes curl, and I buck against him, needing this sweet torture to both end and go on forever. Joey groans loudly into my neck before collapsing against me.

  I can feel his heart racing in time with my own. Trailing my fingernails up his back, I take ahold of his head and pull it up, so he’s facing me.

  “Did you mean that?” I ask, tracing my thumb over his cheekbone.

  He smiles. “The part about you being mine? Hell yes, I did.”

  I shake my head. “No, that part is a given. I’ve always been yours, Joey Roberts. That’s never changed,” I say with a smile. “Did you mean what you said about the past being the past?”

  He nods. “We both made mistakes, Nichole. But they led us to this moment. It kills me, knowing what you had to go through to get here. But we’re here now. And I’m going to make sure nobody ever hurts you again.”

  “So…what? We just start over?” I ask dumbly.

  Joey shakes his head with a laugh. “There’s no starting over when it comes to you and me, Nichole. I can never not love you. I can’t go back to being friends and seeing where this takes us. You’re it for me. But we can forgive. I forgave you a long time ago for what happened that night. Now, I just need to work on forgiving myself. And, from the sounds of it, you need to work on that, too.”

  “I never blamed you, Joey. Not after I realized what I had done. I’d been so selfish, so incredibly stupid, and—”


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