Backstage Dirty (The Savage Light Rockers #1)

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Backstage Dirty (The Savage Light Rockers #1) Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Mouth parting on its own when she felt his length slip through her slit, Tanner wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her breasts against the hardness of his chest, and was now the one kissing him brutally. It was like a floodgate was opened and all of her passion, desire, and need for Jacks came bursting through. Never breaking the kiss, Jacks grabbed his cock, placed the tip at her entrance, and with her back still to the wall pressed his erection all the way inside of her in one fluid move. Tanner had to stop the kiss and gasp at the feel of being stretched so fully by him. Big, long, and thick were all perfect words to describe Jacks, and when he started thrusting in powerful strokes, Tanner knew she would come within minutes.

  “Christ, Tanner.” Jacks panted against the side of her neck and never stopped pumping in and out of her. “Yeah. That’s it.” He grunted and groaned against her. Their flesh was already becoming slick with their combined perspiration, and she held onto his shoulders tighter as he became frantic in his motions. “You feel so fucking good.” He scraped his teeth along her neck, and a shiver worked its way through her whole body before taking root in her clit. Every time he thrust into her the base of his erection rubbed the hard bundle of nerves and had her silently crying out. “So good, baby. You’re so fucking tight and hot, and so damn wet for me.” He took control of her mouth with his once more, but this time it was a sloppy, heated, and almost angry kiss.

  She tugged at his hair, loved the dampness at his scalp because he was fucking her so hard. The textured damask wallpaper abraded her back as she was moved up and then slid back down on it with every violently delicious thrust. Jacks moved backward an inch, maybe to go to the bedroom, but what ended up happening was far from that. He continued to move backward, until his back was now pressed against the opposite wall. This was the most erotic experience she had ever had. Neither of them could control themselves, and as the temperature in the room rose, their bodies grew wetter from sweat, and their touches became painfully good, she knew she’d come harder than she ever had.

  With his cock still buried inside of her and his mouth on hers, he moved them away from the wall once more. Tanner knew she had to be hurting him by digging her nails into his back, but all he did was grunt against her mouth, tighten his hold on her ass, and fuck her harder. When the couch stopped his retreat he slid to the ground. With her legs on either side of him now, straddling his narrow hips and placing her hands flat on his chest, Tanner immediately started riding him. Up and down, faster and harder she bounced on him until her breasts were bouncing almost painfully, and all Jacks was doing was staring at them with this hooded expression.

  “You have the biggest, most mouthwatering tits I have ever seen.” He still had his hands on her ass, and when he spread the cheeks, slipped his fingers between them, and touched her anus, everything inside of her tightened. “That’s it, come, Tanner, because I want to see you so fucking unhinged you can’t even see straight, baby.”

  And just like that she was coming.

  Chapter Five

  Jacks was going to come really fucking hard. His gaze was first glued to the sight of Tanner’s breasts bouncing up and down as she rode the hell out of his cock, and then when he touched her asshole and saw her expression of ecstasy as she came…Yeah, he was trying hard not to get off just yet. He had waited a long time for this moment with her again, although it had mainly been images of her as he jacked off, or even as bad as this sounded, picturing her when he fucked another chick. The latter was wrong on many levels, and really lowdown, but he hadn’t been able to not think about Tanner.

  He inner muscles clenched rhythmically around his dick, and he had to grit his teeth so he didn’t come right then and there. He wanted her to come again, wanted to see the expression of euphoria cover her face just once more before he gave into his own pleasure. Wrapping his arm around her waist, and grabbing onto her ass with his other hand, he rose up just enough that he could shift so she was the one on her back now. Sliding all the way back into her had Jacks groaning and closing his eyes. Sweat lined his brow and dripped down his face to cover her belly. He leaned back on his haunches and looked down where their bodies connected.

  “Good God, Tanner.” Those words left him on a strangled groan as he saw the way her pussy stretched around his cock. She was all pink and soaked flesh, and stretched so fucking wide around the girth his dick that the member actually jerked on its own. His balls drew up tight with his imminent orgasm.

  “Oh God, Jacks.” Her eyes widened, and he knew she was close to getting off again. Cheeks painted pink, lips parted, glossy and red from their hard kissing, she was a sight that had every part of Jacks tensing to hold off on coming.

  He placed his thumb right on her clit and rubbed the hell out of that little bud. He couldn’t drag his eyes away from her face, and when she arched her back, thrusting her big breasts out, closed her eyes, and cried out, he finally let himself go. He leaned forward, bracing his hands on the floor beside her head, and grunted and groaned as he came harder than he ever had in the last five years. His muscles hurt from how hard he was jerking as he came, and when the pleasure receded and he was able to breathe again, he opened his eyes and saw Tanner staring up at him. Without thinking, because all he wanted to do was kiss her, Jacks did exactly that. With his cock softening inside of her, and their tongues pressing back and forth against each other, he let a contented sigh leave him.

  “God, that was…”

  When she didn’t finish her sentence he pulled back and looked into her grey eyes. “Yeah, that was pretty fuckin’ wild.”

  She nodded and licked her lips. Leaning down and kissing her once more, he pulled out of her with a grunt of disappointment, and stood. Holding his hand out for her he helped her stand, and immediately pulled her in so her chest was pressed to his. And as impossible as it was, his dick started getting semi-hard at the feel of her breasts moving against him. She was soft where he was hard, and that was the perfect combination for him. He liked her curves, loved that he could run his hands all over her body, because she allowed him that pleasure.

  “What does this mean, Jacks?” She pulled back only enough that she could look into his face.

  He knew what he wanted it to mean, but despite knowing each other their whole lives, too many years had passed for things to just be easily forgotten, no matter how much he wanted that. One night of incredible sex couldn’t just make it seem like they were back in high school. Jacks didn’t want to rush her into what he ultimately wanted: a relationship.

  “What do you want it to mean?” Waiting for her to answer was a new form of torture, but she didn’t shy away, didn’t avert her gaze, and for that he had a bit of hope that she wouldn’t tell him that this was a nice fuck but that it was nothing more than that.

  “I’d like it to mean that I won’t have to wait until you’re in Brookstone again.”

  Her words caught him off guard slightly, and he felt his heart start to beat hard and fast.

  She bit her lip, and he reached out and pulled the flesh out from under her straight white teeth. “But I am also realistic.” She didn’t allow him time to respond. “You’re this megastar, and I am this unemployed graphic artist living with my parents again.” She stepped away, and the few seconds of silence that filled the air had a plethora of emotion covering her face. “You’ll be leaving to go back on tour, Jacks. A long distance relationship—if that is even what we are talking about—wouldn’t work.”

  He didn’t need to hear the worry about the hundred other things that were moving through that pretty little head of hers: cheating, parties, and being forgotten. But Jacks would never betray her in any way, and he hoped she would have known that after growing up with him. Then again, he also reminded himself that they weren’t kids anymore, and that the lifestyle he now lived was not something everyone could get used to. He heard her swallow, but when she stepped away he didn’t try to keep her close. She didn’t say anything else, but he noticed she was searching the ground. When sh
e spotted her clothes she quickly put them on. Watching her dress, seeing her bend over to pull on her panties and pants should have had his cock at full attention, but the air around them was strange now, and any kind of arousal had vanished as soon as she had turned from him

  “Look at me, Tanner.” She had her pants and bra on now, and when she turned and faced him he could tell she was guarding her expression. “We were all good just a second ago when I was deep inside of you.” He loved that her cheeks turned pink once more, but he hadn’t said that to embarrass her. He had known that being with her sexually again wouldn’t have made everything all better, but he had hoped it would be the start to patching things up between them, and then, he hoped, moving onto something more. He wanted her, had wanted her for a long time. Jacks could forget about the past five years and just start over with her here. Yes, his lifestyle was vastly different than it had been, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t try. “Really look at me.” Obviously he didn’t mean in the literal sense, but she looked up and down his body, and it took a lot for him not to push everything else aside and show her with his cock, hands, and mouth that they needed to be together.

  “You should put some clothes on. It’s distracting having you stand there naked.” For a second they just stared at each other, and then a smile spread across her face. “Yeah, you really should, because I can’t think, let alone try and answer your question.”

  Okay, this was good, because at least she was smiling and joking with him, and his being naked was obviously affecting her. He grabbed his jeans, which were on the floor, and once they were on he looked back at her. Of course he wanted to ask her again where she saw this going, and in fact wanted to tell her where he saw them after this, but she was edgy, for whatever reason, and so he knew when to back off.

  “It isn’t that I don’t want to be with you.” She looked down, must have realized she only had her bra on, and grabbed her shirt off the floor. Once it was on and they were staring at each other she continued speaking. “It’s just that the way I left…” She shook her head, but at least kept her eyes on him. “I feel really shitty about it, and then we jumped right into bed, well, the wall and floor, too.” She chuckled, and Jacks couldn’t help himself from doing the same. “I just don’t want either of us to get hurt, Jacks.”

  He couldn’t help himself. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. Fortunately, she rested her head on his chest, and right now wasn’t about the explosive sexual chemistry they had. Right now was about a friendship that spanned their entire lives, and that had never been broken. “So what if I’m a musician now? Who gives a fuck if our lives are not the same?” She didn’t say anything, but he kept talking anyway. “We are still the same where it counts.” He leaned down, closed his eyes, and inhaled the floral scent of her hair. But it wasn’t just the aroma of flowers now, but smelled like him and the sex they had just had, too. Jacks loved it, and the fact this territorial and proprietary side filled him made him kind of feel like a caveman. “You want me, Tanner?” he said softly.

  “You know I do,” she said just as softly as he had.

  The fact she answered right away pleased him. Yeah, maybe he should still be pissed and hurt at the way she had just taken off, but fuck, he loved this girl. So she had been scared. He had been terrified, too. He meant it when he said he wanted to move forward. A crazy idea slammed into his head, and he was seconds away from just saying what was on his mind. He clenched his jaw and pulled her back so she was an arm’s length away from him. “Good, because I want you even more than I wanted you five years ago.” He smiled, and when she reciprocated the act his heart fucking did something strange in his chest. If the other Savage Light members—childhood friends or not—and the roadies and other crew of the band saw how totally head over heels he was concerning Tanner, they’d give him a lot of shit. But he didn’t care, and would get pleasure in kicking each one of their asses for giving him a hard time. When it came to Tanner, he’d do anything to make sure she stayed by his side and that she was happy. And yeah, it had only taken this one moment for him to forget about everything else that didn’t have to do with having her in his arms.

  “You’re still smiling,” she said through her own smile.

  “Because I’m happy.”

  That had her smiling even wider, and glancing down.

  “I like having you here, even though it’s been not even a half day since we saw each other again.”

  She groaned and let go of his hands to cover her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” Had he said something?

  “Nothing, well, I just can’t believe I had sex with you so easily.” She looked up at him through the veil of her lashes, but gave him this sweet smile. “It must be this effect you have on me, because I don’t just hop in bed like that.”

  “Good.” He all but growled out the word. He didn’t want her doing that with anyone else. Jacks didn’t want another douche touching her how he just had. Pushing those thoughts away because he was actually getting pissed over them, Jacks reached out for one of her hands again. “Call your folks and tell them you’re staying here tonight, if you haven’t already.” He grinned, needing desperately to just hold her, preferably with no clothes on. “Because I’m not ready to let you go.” He’d never be ready to do that, but he wasn’t going to say anything about that right now. They just needed to be next to each other, and she’d see how much they were perfect for one another.

  “Yeah?” The way she said it had this little mischievous tilt in her words.

  “Yeah.” He noticed the way she glanced at the door, and he was sure she was thinking of Zoe. “Don’t worry. There is a spare room down the hall. It’s all hers. No one will bother her. Believe me when I say the rest of the band would kick anyone’s ass that tried to mess with her.” He brushed a lock of hair off of her cheek. “But call her so you don’t worry. I’m sure she is still with Beats. He won’t let anything happen to her.”

  She nodded. “I know he wouldn’t, but I’ll call her just to make sure she is okay and knows that I’m staying over.”

  The fact she was staying had a smile covering his face. He probably looked like an idiot, but once again he didn’t give a fuck. “We can we just sleep, Tanner. I promise all I want to do is hold you, and in the morning we can try and figure all of this out.” He needed to run his idea by the rest of the band, because although he was pretty sure they would be cool with it, what he wanted was a big decision and they needed to be okay with it, too. He stayed back while she called Zoe, talked with her for a minute or so, and then disconnected the call.

  “She’s talking with Beats in one of the other rooms.”

  He nodded, and Tanner was the one to lead them to the back master bedroom. Once inside, she walked into the center of the room while he stayed by the door. After five years of living this life he was used to the lavish and posh surroundings that came with being in Savage Light. Seeing the wonder in her face as she looked around at the rustic, yet lavish accommodations made him feel like it was all those years ago when the band had just gotten signed. The money, fame, and everything that came with that life surrounded them to an almost drowning level. It was an almost high feeling that filled him as he continued to watch her, and when she turned around, and they stared at each other once more, he knew that he fucking loved this girl, and would until he took his last breath. He may be young, but it was the kind of soul searing, air being sucked out of his lungs kind of love. It was just that chemistry someone felt instantly when they found The One.

  “I’ve really missed you, Tanner.”

  She took off her shirt once more and let it fall to the ground. “And leaving like I did was the worst mistake I have ever done.” Next to go was her bra, and when those large mounds became free of their restraints, they jiggled and shook until his cock started to harden again painfully. “And I wish I could take it back, because I was young and stupid, and missed out on telling you that I loved you.” She slipped her pants off. �
�I still love you, Jacks.”

  She could tell him that over and over again, and it would still feel like the first time hearing it. “No more talking about what we should or shouldn’t have done back then, at least not now, Tanner.” When her panties were off and she stood there naked once again, his mouth dried and his dick punched forward the rest of the way. “God, Tanner, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of fucking you, and that might lead to my cock falling off.” He hadn’t meant to be so coarse with his language, but it wasn’t because he didn’t respect her. He did, more than anyone else in his life.

  They were both naked, their bodies now pressed tightly together, and their mouths on each other. He had his hand in her hair, tangled the strands tightly in his grasp, and devoured her mouth with his like he was starving and she was the only thing that could sate him. Then for the rest of the night he slept beside her, and memorized every inch of her body with his mouth and tongue until her flavor and scent were ingrained in his brain. He wasn’t going to walk away, and he wasn’t going to let her walk away again. No fucking way.


  Beats sat on the bed, his drumsticks in his hand as he brought them down on the mattress in a rhythmic beat. He was a drummer, and his sticks were like another body part to him, but right now it wasn’t about creating a new rhythm. He was nervous as hell being with her alone in his room.

  “I haven’t told you, but you look really well, Beats.”

  He liked hearing her say the name the group had given him years ago. “You look great, too, Zoe.” He lifted his gaze from where he was drumming on the bed and looked into her face. Christ, she was so fucking beautiful with her long blonde hair, and those natural waves. He wanted to run his fingers through them, and in fact had wanted to do that so many damn times in his life it was a joke. He was a wimp, a fucking pussy for not just saying what he felt, and for telling her that he didn’t say anything this whole time because he was afraid of ruining their friendship and of the one he had with Lane. Her cheeks turned red from his compliment, and although he knew she cared for him he was a fucking bastard for not saying he cared for her, too.


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